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        Moll As a Masculine Woman: A Reading of Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders

        강문순 한국현대영어영문학회 2015 현대영어영문학 Vol.59 No.1

        This paper studies the role, imposed by society, of Moll Flanders, the heroine in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders. She is unusual in that she escapes from the conventionally imposed role as a woman and proceeds to become a woman, more specifically, a masculine woman, who adopts so-called masculine features to survive in a male-dominated society. In order to obtain the means to sustain, she deserts her own children, take advantage of men, steals, and deceives, using her courage, slyness, intelligence, or business strategy. While pursuing her ways to survive, she gets hardened to her guilt, through showing off her pride in or proving her ability, even when she has obtained enough fund to live. Finally she gets caught and incarcerated. In jail, she alters and repents on what she has done. She reassumes her feminine values and becomes a new person who can feel and love. Through the process of her repentance Defoe reveals his belief in the balance of the masculine and the feminine in making this world livable. Defoe demanded society be reformed so that woman did not have to be a masculine woman to survive in society.

      • KCI등재후보

        Power and Relationships in Oroonoko

        강문순 한국18세기영문학회 2008 18세기영문학 Vol.5 No.2

        Since Oroonoko was first published in 1688, critics have tried to tie down the thematic of the narrative. It is often viewed as the first abolitionist text, political allegory, or feminist manifesto. In this polemic, Behn's narrative voice is the often focus of discussion. It would appear that often times the role that the female narrator plays in Oroonoko, overlooking the tension that is created by Behn's choice of narrative voice. This article argues that the narrator plays a crucial role in how we view the relationship between the two main characters in the novel. Moreover, the relationship between Oroonoko and Imoinda is much more subtle and complex than may first be guessed at by the representation in Coramantien; in fact it is only through the mediation of the narrator and the intrusion of mercantile slavery that readers can get a glimpse of the profoundly troubled relationship between this man and woman, which is based upon power and gender structure in society.

      • KCI등재

        Concealing or Revealing?: A Study of the Speaker in Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of a Tub and Several Odes

        강문순 대한영어영문학회 2020 영어영문학연구 Vol.46 No.1

        Kang, Moonsoon. “Concealing or Revealing?: A Study of the Speaker in Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of a Tub and Several Odes.” Studies in English Language & Literature 46.1 (2020): 1-22. This paper studies the most controversial question the critics of Swift have long disagreed about: who is the speaker in Swift’s A Tale of a Tub and some odes, and argues that the question both gives all the complexities and subtleties of Swift’s satiric outlook and has a pivotal importance for readers to understand his satires. To answer the question this paper examines first the speaker of Swift’s early odes and then their relation to the satiric persona of A Tale of a Tub, because the early transition period from the writer of the early odes to the period of the prose satirist is believed to reveal the process in which the question forms itself in Swift’s mind and begins to become a creative foundation of his satire. (Hannam University)

      • KCI등재후보

        왕정복고 시대와 18세기의 시와 소설 속의 성직자

        강문순 21세기영어영문학회 2009 영어영문학21 Vol.22 No.1

        This article examines the relationship between clerical portraits in some works from the Restoration period to the eighteenth century and the artists' changing perceptions of their roles as social reformers. The ancient literary tradition of portraiture of clergymen, “balanced portrait,” in which both the negative and negative are juxtaposed, remained an integral part of the writers' technique and suggested their relationship to the clerical figures. In the works the writers employed the balanced portrait. After the Restoration, writers began destroying the conventional antithesis. Though the balance still existed, the references to good clergymen are politically charged and begin to question the clergy's role as moral reformer.

      • KCI등재

        Madness and Literature in the Eighteenth-Century England

        강문순 한국현대영어영문학회 2014 현대영어영문학 Vol.58 No.1

        This article analyzes the meaning of madness for the eighteenth century, showing how the eighteenth-century English literature reflects the broader social, political, and philosophical context. Because of the anxiety left by the civil disruptions of the preceding century, the madman’s very unreason was considered a threat to national unity, endangering the maintenance of uniformity, order, and established principles. Madness was equated with disruptive idleness; the mad, excluded from healthy, orderly society were brutally punished for their irrationality.

      • 조지 허버트의 종교시 연구

        강문순 서강영문학회 1990 서강영문학 Vol.2 No.-

        지금까지 필자는 주제, 이미저리, 스타일 상의 기교 등의 조지 허버트 시가 갖고 있는 일반적 특징을 17세기에 활약했던 대표적 시인들인 단과 보언과의 비교연구를 통하여 살펴 보았다. 17세기 당시의 평가처럼 허버트는 적어도 종교시의 맥락에서 볼 때는 단보다는 예술적으로 우수한 시인이다. 허버트의 시는 그의 독실한 종교적 신앙의 사적인 기록이지만 고도의 절제된 감정표출과 잘 다듬어진 시의 구조로 인해 개인적인 영역을 뛰어넘어 인간이 갖고 있는 하느님과 하느님의 의미에 대한 보편적인 고도의 예술작품이다. 시인의 의무가 하느님의 형상을 전파하는 것이라고 허버트는 생각하였기 때문에 그는 "산뜻한 표현"의 "긴 허식"을 비웃고 아무런 가식없는 진솔한 마음을 평이하고 소박하게 표현하였다. 그러므로 허버트에게는 그가 전달하려고 하는 것이 그의 시의 형식이 되었다고 말하여질 수 있다. 그리하여 허버트의 시의 소박함, 평이함은 에술적 요소들이 결여되었다는 것을 의미하는 것이 아니라, 오히려 그의 고도의 치밀한 예술성을 반영하고 있는 것이다. 이 점이 허버트의 시가 다른 어느 종교시인들보다 더 높게 평가받고 있는 점이다.

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