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        양무파(洋務派)와 유신파(維新派)의 중체서용(中體西用)

        임춘성,馬小朝 한국중국학회 2002 중국학보 Vol.46 No.-

        'Chinese substance and Western function' has been firstly proposed by Zhang, Zhi-Dong(張之洞) who was subordinate 'Yang-wu' group. In this paper, I take his view as a deformation of Sino-centric theory. From the viewpoint of the relations between Chinese learning and Western learning, Min, Du-Gi(閔斗基) put forward an excellent opinion that 'Chinese Substance and Western Function' is "a theoretic structure which is generally happened when one culture accepts a different culture." In this meaning, it can be interpreted as 'a epochal paradigm of the modernization and the nationalization'. In opposition to Min, Du-Gi, Li, Ze-Hou(李澤厚) evaluated it negatively. Because he knew that Chinese traditional learning has had a strong power enough to overwhelm Western modern learning. So he holds a firm belief in 'Western substance and Chinese function' instead of 'Chinese substance and Western function'.

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