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      • KCI등재

        試論兒童靑少年『史記』譯本中存在的相關問題 ― 以飜譯目的、注釋、誤譯爲中心

        陳秀偉 ( Chen Xiuwei ) 한국중국학회 2023 중국학보 Vol.106 No.-

        學界雖對『史記』進行了一系列的硏究, 但對於探討有關旣有的『史記』譯本中存在的相關問題之課題, 確沒受到相當程度的關注。因此本文在冀望學界能夠回顧與審視現階段韓國『史記』譯本的飜譯成果與存在的相關問題的最終目的下, 以兒童、靑少年『史記』譯本爲例, 首先探討了其出版槪況, 其次以『史記列傳』中飜譯比重最高的前七篇文章爲中心, 著重從飜譯目的、注釋、誤譯等三個層面, 通過具體的實例, 對其中出現的問題點, 進行了分析硏究。在結論部分提出了幾點改善建議的同時, 幷指出了在今後硏究兒童、靑少年『史記』譯本時, 需要格外關注的其他重要課題。 Although academic communities have conducted a series of studies on “Shiji(史記)”, they have not received considerable attention on the issues related to the existing translations of “Shiji(史記)”. Therefore, with the ultimate purpose of hoping that the academic community can review and examine the translation achievements and existing problems of the Korean version of “Shiji(史記)” at this stage, this article first discusses its publication status, taking the translation of “Shiji(史記)” for children and teenagers as an example. Secondly, focusing on the first seven articles with the highest proportion of translations in “Shiji(史記)”, the analysis focuses on the three levels, i.e., translation purpose, annotation, and mistranslation, and analyzes the problems that arise through specific examples. Finally, several suggestions for improvement are put forward, and other vital issues that require special attention are pointed out when studying the translation of “Shiji(史記)” for children and young people in the future.

      • KCI등재

        試論兒童靑少年『史記』譯本中存在的相關問題 ― 以形式構成、註解、不適切的語言選擇爲中心

        陳秀偉 ( Chen Xiuwei ) 한국중국학회 2024 중국학보 Vol.108 No.0

        本文爲了進一步促進學界探討與研究現階段韓國『史記』譯本的飜譯成果與其中存在的相關問題, 以旣有的兒童、靑少年『史記』譯本爲例, 以「商君列傳」、「蘇秦列傳」、「張儀列傳」、「樗里子甘茂列傳」、「穰侯列傳」、「白起王翦列傳」等飜譯較多的作品爲研究對象, 探討了出現於形式構成、註解、不適切的語言選擇等層面上的問題。爲了討論上述諸問題, 首先, 在問題提起部分對兒童、靑少年文學飜譯的一般飜譯理論做了論述, 同時對於探討此類問題的重要性也做了一定強調。其次, 在形式構成方面探討了選、完譯與題目兩個方面中存在的上下文內容不連貫或題目與內容、作品核心人物之間關聯性未洽的問題。再次, 註解部分從文學常識與漢字幷記兩個層面, 探討了譯文中存在的註解錯誤等情況。然後, 通過對語彙與文脈兩個層面的討論, 分析了其中出現的飜譯錯誤與不準確的問題。最後, 在結論部分提出了對於改善上述問題的相關補完建議, 同時也指出了向後發展之重要課題。 This paper aims to further promote academic discussion and research on the current stage of Korean translations of ‘Shiji(史記)’ by examining the existing children’s and adolescent translations. Focusing on frequently translated works such as ‘Biography of ShangJun(商君列傳)’, ‘Biography of SuQin(蘇秦列傳)’, ‘Biography of ZhangYi(張儀列傳)’, ‘Biography of ChuLiziGanMao(樗里子甘茂列傳)’, ‘Biography of RangHou(穰侯列傳)’ and ‘Biography of BaiQiWangJian(白起王翦列傳)’ the study explores issues related to format structure, annotations, and inappropriate language choices. To address these issues, the paper first discusses general translation theories relevant to children’s and adolescent literature, emphasizing the importance of investigating these problems. Secondly, it examines format structure issues, such as contextual content incoherence and the misalignment between titles, content, and core characters. Thirdly, it explores annotation errors from the perspectives of literary common sense and the inclusion of Chinese characters. Furthermore, it analyzes translation errors and inaccuracies through discussions on vocabulary and literary context. Finally, the conclusion offers suggestions for improving these issues and highlights significant topics for future development.

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