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        TV방송에 의한 초등 영어수업이 듣기,말하기 능력에 미치는 효과

        진위교,이지은,강이철 한국교육정보미디어학회 1999 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.5 No.2

        초등학교 영어 교육의 내용은 의사소통에 바탕이 되는 언어기능 교육, 그 가운데에서도 음성언어 교육이 주가 되며 문자언어 교육은 음성언어 교육에 부수되어 의미와 이해를 점진적으로 발전시키는 내용으로 구성되어 있다. 본 연구는 1997년부터 초등학교 정규교과로 지정된 영어과목의 중요한 학습목표인 듣기와 말히기 능력의 신장을 위하여 기존의 EBS 영어방송 프로그램의 시청 전·중·후 학습과정을 통합한 형태의 영어수업을 실시하여 그 효과를 검증하였다. 연구 결과, 모델형과 자료형의 방송수업 모형을 혼합한 형태의 수업을 받은 집단이 듣기(t=6.98, p<.05)dhk akfgkrl (t=5.09, p<.05)에서 유의미하게 높은 성취를 보였다. 본 연구를 통하여 언어가 사용되는 실제 상황을 제시해 주는 시각 자료와, 영어 모국어 화자의 정확한 발음을 들려주는 청각 자료를 통합한 TV 교육방송을 매개체로 하여 사전에 철저히 계획된 다양한 언어 활동들을 연계시켜 TV 교육방송을 통해 획득된 이미지와 이해를 구체화, 내면화시켜 줄 때 초등학교 영어 수업에서 TV 교육방송의 활용 의의는 커다고 하겠다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of TV broadcasting instruction on the achievement of listening and speakmg in Elementary English. The specific research question of this study was as follows: Does the instruction using TV broadcasting for Elementary English improve listening and speaking achievement respechvely? The main hypothesis was as follows: There will be a significant difference between a TV broadcasting group and a traditional group in listening and speaking achievement respechvely. The students participating in this study were 76 3rd-grade Elementary students. After verifying the homogeneity of variance for two groups on the ability of listening and speakmg, they were separated into an experimental group and a control group. The instruction lasted for 6 weeks. The independent variable was the type of instruction(instruction using the TV broadcasting group vs. the traditional group). The dependent variables were achievement scores on listening and speaking respectively. Based on the scores, a t-test was applied to verify the hypothesis. The result of this study was as follows: There was a significant difference between the TV broadcasting group and traditional group in listening and speaking achievement respectively. According th the result, the instruction using TV broadcasting in Elementary English is more effective on improving the achievement of listening and speaking than traditional instruction. This paper suggests that various pre-training programs on how to watch TV programs critically develop by considering the learner s characteristics and content properties, Above all, financial and technical support should be invested to utilize TV broadcasting programs in classrooms as well as to develop teachers competency on using broadcasting hardware systems and integrating TV programs into instruction.

      • 大學授業效果의 最大化를 위한 前·後 授業 方略

        陳渭敎,李熙道,李明子 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1979 學生指導硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        The present study was designed to investigate the facilitative effects of pre-postinstructional strategies and to compare the relative effects of preinstructional and postinstructional strategies (pre-IS and Post-IS) in the college Learning. Specifically, the research questions of interest in this study were: (a) Does the use of Pre-IS (overview and behavioral ojectives) and Post-IS (summary) at the start of instruction facilitate learning? (b) Is learning better with Pre-IS or with Post-IS? Due to the inconsistency and inconclusiveness in prior research, four research hypotheses to be tested were stated in a null, non-directional form. The subjects were assigned in a systematic manner to one of four groups: (1) overview (OV), (2) behavioral objectives (BO), (3) summary (SU), and control (non-pre and postinstructional strategies). The treatment groups received the Pre-post-IS(OV, BO, SU) and read prose materials regarding "Education Really Adjusted to Individual Differences." The control group received no Pre-post-IS before or after reading the prose materials. The experiment involved one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The dependent variable was the score on the posttest administered immediately after the instruction. The results show the following: 1. No significant difference between the pre-postinstructional and control groups was found. 2. There was no significant difference between preinstructional and postinstructional strategies in the facilitation of learning. 3. No significant differnce among two types of preinstructional strategies (overview and behavioral objectives) was found.

      • 學習者의 感覺樣式과 授業實行方略이 學習에 미치는 效果

        陳渭敎,崔圭麟 慶北大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.49 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of instructional delivery strategies, that is , program control, learner control, audio-tutorial instruction, according to the types of sensory modality, that is, auditory versus visual modality, on learning. The specific research problems of this study were: (1) Is there any significant difference between preferred sensory modality groups? (2) Is there any significant difference betwwen CAI and A-TI groups? (3) Is there any significant interactive effects between preferred sensory modality and instructional delivery strategies? The three hypotheses tested were: (1) There is no difference between visual modality preferred group and auditory modality preferred group on academic achievement. (2) There is no difference among instructional delivery strategies on academic achievement. (3) There is no interactive effect between the types of preferred sensory modality and instructional delivery strategies. The subjects in this study were 120 juniors selected by sensory modality checklist. They were randomly assigned to one of six groups: (1) Program control group with visual modality: (2) Program control group with auditory modality: (3) Learner control group with visual modality; (4) Learner control group with auditory modality; (5) Audio-tutorial instruction group with visual modality; and (6) Audio-tutorial instruction group with auditory modality. The independent variables were types of sensory modality and instructional strategies. The dependent variable was the academic achievement scores on the posttest. Based on the achievement scores, 3×2 ANCOVA(covariate: English grades of the first semester) technique was applied. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. There was no difference between visual modality preferred group and auditory modality preferred group in academic achievement scores. 2. There was no difference among learner control, program control, and audio-tutorial instruction group in academic achievement scores. 3. There was no interactive effects between types of preferred sensory modality and instructional delivery strategies.

      • KCI우수등재

        교수공학적 접근에 기초한 대학수업 개선 방략

        진위교,조용남 한국교육학회 2000 敎育學硏究 Vol.38 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to diagnose the present state of college teaching and investigate the innovation strategy based on the instruction technology approach in the information era. As a result of questionnaire survey, the negative views on the college teaching represented by lecturing were scored high. And it was indicated that the effort to improve the college teaching was relatively behind. In the information era, the new paradigm of education is needed. So, to enhance the efficiency of college teaching, it is discussed that the innovative strategies such as the systematic design of instruction, instructional technology, and constructivism should be used. To make rich environments for active learning based on constructivism, zeitgeist at present, is needed. The generative learning in the meaningful contexts and social interaction through cooperative learning should be emphasized. Finally, it is suggested that the web, the star of information era, should be applied to the educational practice, especially to the teaching--learning process widely.

      • MMPI 다면적 인성검사의 임상진단적 효능에 관한 연구

        진위교 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1969 學生指導硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        임상진단적 입장에서 제작,표준화된 성격검사(personality inventory)는 여러 측면에서 그 효능 또는 유효성이 검증될 수 있겠으나 그 한 측면으로서 정신병리의 여러 징후 내지 증후군(症候群)을 여하히 효과적으로 변별진단해주느냐를 따지는 경우를 들수 있을 것이다. 본 연구는 MMPI 다면적 인성검사(한국판 MMPI)의 진단적 효능을 검증하여 예비적 자료를 모우기 위하여,정신과의 외래환자 및 입원환자 269사례 (모두남자)의 검사결과를 자료로해서 그 인성 비교표(profile)를 분석하여 정신과 전문의사의 진단결과와 비교했다.프로파일 분석의 절차는 대상 임상진단의 임상기록을 비롯한 일체의 자료를 참조,조회하지 않고 단지 검사프로파일만을 토대로 해서 분석 진단하는 방법 (Meehl,P.E이 제안한 이른바 Blind diagnosis의 한 방법)-비정상적으로 판정 했으며, 그리고는 비정상프로파일을 세가지 정신병리범주 (정신병,신경증 및 행동장애)로 변별 진단했다. 결과는 첫째, ?,L,F등 타당성지표에 의하여 약 10%는 무효 프로파일로 나타났고, 둘째, 244사례의 유효프로파일중 비정상프로파일이 약 51%를 보였으며, 세째 각 정신병리범주별 진단결과와 프로파일분석결과는 행동장애를 제외하고는 약 3분의2가 일치했고 이 일치도에 대한 X^2치는 P<.001에서 아주 의의가 있었으며, 유관계수(C)는.44(3×3유관표의 극대치는.816)로서 확실히 상관이 있음을 나타내 주었다. The valieity or efficacy of a personality inventory which has been standardized on the standpoint of clinical diagnosis can be verified from various approaches. The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate the Korean version of the MMPI as used in the differential diagnosis of three main categories of hospitalized psychiatric patients: psychosis, psychoneurosis, and conduct disorder(psychopathic personality or antisocial disorder). Meehl, P.E. had investigated the efficacy of the MMPI in the clinical diagnosis at the clinical setting through so called blind diagnosis procedure some twenty years ago. Therefore the second purpose of the present study was to compare his results and the diagnostic efficacy of Korean version of the MMPI that was administered to Korean psychiatric patients through Meehl's blind diagnosis procedure. The instrument used was the Korean version of the MMPI profiles of the above patients. The subjects of this study were 269 male cases consisted of psychotics,psychoneurotics. and conduct disorder patients who were differentially diagnosed by psychiatrist independent from the MMPI results. The main findings of the present study were as follows; a.Of the total subjects groups profiles about 10 percents were invalid on the basis of the validity indicators?, L, and f scores. b.Adapting Meehl's criteria, approoximately one half (about 51%) were correctly identified as actual abnormals. c.Of the abnormal cases identified as abnormal, about two thirds were placed in the appropriate category of the two employed (except conduct disorder cases). d.Setting up a contingency table for the 124 cases correctly classified as abnormal, we obtained a chi square (x^2) of 29.33, which with 4 df is highly significant(P<·001). This corresponds to a contingency coefficient of .44, with the upper limit possible for a 3×3 table being.816.

      • 敎室授業 改善을 위한 授業時間 活用의 方略

        陳渭敎,金鎭奎 慶北大學校 師範大學 1986 敎育硏究誌 Vol.28 No.-

        The purposes of the present investigation were: (1) to testify the basic assumption that instructional time variables take an important part in classroom instruction from many instructional models regarding time as an instructional variable; (2) to analyze related researches on allocated time in classroom instruction; and (3) to review other researches on time-on-task in classroom instruction. In many instructional models, such as Carroll (1963), Bloom (1968, 1976), Wiley & Harnischfeger (1974, 1976, 1978), Cooley & Lohnes (1976), Bennett (1978), Leihardt (1980), Fisher, et al. (1980), Centra & Potter (1980), Cooley & Leinhardt (1980), and Walberg (1981, 1984), we found that they regarded time as an instructional process variables or a tool of instructional evaluation. We examined that allocated time a relatively fixed or stable variable, but the variability in allocated time was very large for all studies. We also found that the amount of time allocated by teachers to instruction in a particular content area was positively connected with achievement in that content area. Studies of time-on-task showed that the percentage of time engaged was highly related to achevement, and that time-on-task could be altered positively (or negatively) by the instructional process Therefore, the conclusion is that time-on-task could be used as a useful variable for learning. We are concluding that this paper is presented especially for researcher, school administrators, and teachers with a few comments about implications of the instructional time variable. First, researchers should develop the optimal models for the instructional time management and the reliable instruments for the systematic observation and measurement on instructional time. Second, school administrators should establish and implement the efficient instructional time management at a school unit. Third, classroom teachers should recognize the importance of instructional time management process, and improve quality of their instrction by their own observation, analysis, and feedback about their instructional time.

      • 자기규제 기능수준에 따른 ARCS 전략 하이퍼미디어의 유형과 구조가 학업성취에 미치는 효과

        진위교,나종식 한국교육학회 대구·경북지회 2000 교육학논총 Vol.21 No.1

        The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of the types and structures of ARCS strategies hypermedia according to the level of self-regulatory skills on academic achievement and learning motivation. The hypotheses were: (1) There would be significant difference between ARCS hypermedia group and Non-ARCS hypermedia group in academic achievement scores. (2) There would be significant difference between the structured hypermedia group and unstructured hypermedia group in academic achievement scores. (3) There would be significant interaction effects among the level of self-regulatory skills, the types of ARCS strategies hypermedia, and the structures of hypermedia in academic achievement scores. The subjects in this study were 168(the number of experimental group was 12, and each group was composed of 14 students) sixth-grade elementary school students. The experimental materials used in this study were four different versions of hypermedia programs(structured ARCS hypermedia, unstructured ARCS hypermedia, structured Non-ARCS hypermedia, unstructured Non-ARCS hypermedia) developed. The experimental design of the present study was 3×2×2 factorial design, fixed model which was completely randomized three-way design. The main findings of the present study were as follows: (1) There was significant difference between ARCS hypermedia group and Non-ARCS hypermedia group in academic achievement scores. (2) There was significant difference between the structured hypermedia group and unstructured hypermedia group in academic achievement scores. (3) There were no significant interaction effects among the level of self-regulatory skills, the types of ARCS strategies hypermedia, and the structures of hypermedia in academic achievement scores. (7) The high level group of self-regulatory skills were higher than the middle or low level in academic achievement and learning motivation. These findings and results were discussed in relation to existing literatures and various implications were suggested for further researchers. Finally, the study suggested that instructional designers consider the results of this study to develop an effective adaptive hypermedia that is reflecting on learners individual differences and task characteristics.

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