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        부신피질선암 1예

        김향,이상종,정을순,김명숙,백문철,전승준 대한내분비학회 1990 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.5 No.3

        Adrenal cortical carcinoma is a rare malignancy occuring at a rate of only two cases per million population per years, accounting for 0.02% of all cancers. Although the tumor can occur at any age, adrenal cortical carcinoma is most frequently seen in patients older than 40 years of age. The presenting symptoms of this tumor are abdominal pain, mass, loss of weight or fever of unknown origin. Several diagnostic modalities including computerized tomography, sonography, MRI scanning and aortogram are widely being used. A 51-year-old farmer was admitted to this hospital in December, 1989, because of epigastric pain and palpable mass in the upper abdomen with duration of 3years. He had not received any special study or treatment for the presenting symptoms except intermittent administration of oral digestives at drugstore. Physical examination was essentially normal except mass in the upper abdomen with unremarkable border, smooth surface. It was slightly tender and not movable. At the outpatient department, he had received gastrofiberscopy and it showed a small ulcer on the pyloric antrum. Routine laboratory examination including blood chemistry gave no abnormalities. An ultrasonographic examination showed two cystic mass in the body and tail of the pancrease. Computerized tomographic finding of the abdoman suggested the diagnosis of pancreatic pseudocyst. However, the possibility of adrenal tumor could not be ruled out. On the surgical approach, the systic lesion was found to be a mass of the adrenal gland and its cavity was consisted of blood clot and necrotic tissue. The adrenal gland with cystic mass was removed without any difficulty and pathological examination disclosed an adrenal cortical carcinoma with capsular invasion. Convalescene was not eventful and she had discharged 2 weeks after surgery and she was discharged 2 weeks after surgery and has been given anticancer chemotherapy periodically. (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 5:220~225, 1990)

      • 영도지역의 청소년복지 서비스 : 공적 기관의 청소년복지 프로그램을 중심으로

        김향 고신대학교 영도발전연구소 2001 영도연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to find out the appropriate conditions and programs of community-based public welfare services for the youth of Youngdo-Gu. A structured questionnaire was used for 1013 teenagers. A semi-structured questionnaire was used and data were obtained from 3 ward officials and 6 social workers of public social welfare centers in this area. The representative programs of the public centers are counseling, education, volunteer work, leisure, and festival programs. There was also a financial support program for a ward office for financially disadvantaged teenagers. Only a few adolescents participated in the programs of the public centers, and they were hardly satisfied with the programs. Many adolescents want cultural events, divergent educations, and leisure programs. For the enhancement of these social welfare services for the youth of the Youngdo community, the needs of divergent subjects especially from the lower and neglected class should be considered, a systematic evaluation process for the present programs should be developed, and the collaborative approaches to the integration of services and community resources are required.

      • KCI등재

        여성 예술인들의 노동에 대한 정치적 사유- 연극 <폐지의 역사>(2019)와 <김수정입니다>(2021)를 중심으로

        김향 한국예술종합학교 한국예술연구소 2022 한국예술연구 Vol.- No.36

        This study was designed to examine the types of activities by theatrical performers in a difficult situation, specifically, issues of compensation for artistic activities and divided opinions regarding their artistic activities. We take History of Waste Papers (2019) and I’m Kim Soo-jeong (2021) the subjects of this study, as new documentary theaters where female artists have documented their thoughts on their labor, and allow us a glimpse into the lives of artistic workers. We discussed the labor expressed in the works as ‘affective labor’ as discussed by Antonio Negri, and through it, give further consideration to the fact that female artists are either projecting the left-out laborers who cannot have a voice as a ‘multitude’ or are resisting the recognition of the value of artistic labor works. It is possible to argue that theatrical workers are actualizing their politics through their artistic activities. 이 논문은 연극인들이 열악한 상황 속에서, 구체적으로는 예술 활동에 대한 보상 문제와 예술행동에 대한 분분한 견해 속에서 어떠한 활동을 하고 있는지를 살피기 위해 기획되었다. 다수의 작품들 중 <폐지의 역사>(2019)와 <김수정입니다>(2021)를 연구 대상으로 삼았는데, 이 작품들은 예술인들이 자신의 노동에 대한 사유를 기록하는 뉴다큐멘터리 방식의 연극들로, 특히 ‘여성’ 예술 노동자들의 삶을 들여다볼 수 있는 작품들이었다. 이 논문은 작품들에서 구현되는 노동을 네그리(Antonio Negri)가 논한 ‘정동적 노동’으로 논했으며 이를 통해 여성 예술인들이 목소리를 낼 수 없는 소외된 노동자들을 ‘다중’으로 기획하거나 예술 노동의 가치를 인정받기 위한 투쟁을 하고 있음을 고찰했다. 연극노동자들이 예술행동을 통한 정치성을 실현하고 있음을 논할 수 있었다.

      • 우리나라 지역사회복지의 현황과 과제 : Present and Future Tasks

        김향 고신대학교 자연과학연구소 2002 고신대학교 자연과학연구소 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 본격적인 지역사회중심의 복지서비스 시대를 맞이하여 지역사회복지의 개념과 의의를 살펴보고, 지역사회복지의 대표적인 실천 유형과 구체적인 프로그램의 예를 검토해 보며, 보다 바람직한 지역사회복지를 지향함에 있어서 해결해야 할 당면과제와 발전 방안에 대해 논의하는 것이다. 지역사회복지의 적용분야로는 지역사회가 가족의 기능을 보완해주는 재가복지서비스, 환경개선을 통해 개인이 사회의 일원으로서 사회생활을 영위할 수 있게 하는 환경개선 서비스, 지역사회의 존재방식이 되는 지역의 조직화와 통합화를 이루며 복지공동체를 통해 바람직한 지역사회를 형성하는 지역조직화가 있다. 한편 재가복지 서비스는 다시 예방적 서비스, 전문적 보호 서비스, 복지증진 서비스, 재가 보호 서비스로, 환경개선 서비스는 생활기반의 정비, 지역사회 복지시설의 정비, 생활환경의 정비, 제도의 정비로, 그리고 지역 조직화는 복지자원에 따른 조직화모델과 주민참여에 의한 조직화모델로 세분화되어 실천에 이른다. 이와 같은 지역사회복지에 많은 관심이 집중되고 있지만, 아직까지 체계적인 실제가 크게 미흡한 형편이다. 따라서 복지시설의 내실화, 해당 분야의 전문인력 양성, 사회복지행정의 개편, 민간단체의 육성 및 활성화를 통해 지역사회복지가 당면하고 있는 과제를 해결하고 보다 발전적인 방향을 적극 모색하는 노력이 요청된다.

      • 영도지역의 장애인 복지서비스

        김향 고신대학교 영도발전연구소 2002 영도연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the actual states of the handicapped people living in Yeongdo and to investigate the present conditions and future tasks of public welfare services or progroams of the Yeongdo ward office, an asylum(Chonsung), and five community welfare centers(Yeongdo, Snaglee, Dongsam, Watchee, Jeolyoung) for the handicapped people in this community. The representative services of the ward office are supplement of the artificial instruments for the handicapped people, payment of the costs of living and medical care, and the school expenses for their children. The ward office also supports a medical center in the asylum financially. The programs of the asylum and community centers for the handicapped are classified as physical, emotional, educational, social, occupational restoration programs. For the enhancement of public social welfare services for the handicapped people, more various services or programs based upon the needs of divergent subjects should be executed, and financial support from the local government should be increased. Systematic evaluation processes for the present programs should be developed, and collaborative approaches to the integration of services and community resources including volunteers are required.

      • KCI등재후보

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