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        「재건축초과이익 환수에 관한 법률」의 법적 쟁점과 과제

        수갑(Kim Su-Kab),여경수(Yoe Gyoeng-Su) 한국비교공법학회 2006 공법학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        8ㆍ31 부동산종합정책의 후속정책으로 발표된 「서민주거복지 증진과 주택시장 합리화 방안」(이른바 3ㆍ30부동산대책)의 실천을 담보하기 위한 목적으로 제정된 「재건축 초과이익 환수에 관한 법률」과 「도시 및 주거환경정비법」의 개정이 2006년 5월 2일 국회를 통과했다. 이들 법령에 따르면 앞으로 재건축 단지들은 임대주 택의 의무건설(25%), 소형주택 의무화 비율(60%) 적용에 이어, 최고 50%에 달하는 개발부담금을 부담하게 되었다. 재건축 개발부담금제도의 도입으로 집값 불안의 진원지 구실을 해 온 재건축 시장 안정이라는 사회적 요구와 토지의 공공성 증대에 따른 경제정의 제고라는 측면에서 본다면 입법의 정당성은 일단 긍정적으로 판단된다. 이제 남은 관건은 정책에 대한 신뢰와 일관성, 그리고 위헌시비에 대한 점검이다. 부동산 시장이 침체하거나 정권이 바뀌면 정책도 되돌릴 것이라는 기대가 높으면 효과는 반감된다. 이 점에 관하여 관련 학문의 활발한 논의와 이를 통한 인식 공유가 시급하다. 이에 이 논문은 3?30 대책의 핵심인 재건축 초과이익 환수에 관한 법률의 법적 쟁점과 과제를 다루었다. 제2장(Ⅱ. 부동산정책과 법령의 헌법적 기초)에서는 부동산정책과 법제의 헌법적 기초로 ① 사회국가원리, ② 사회적 시장경제질서, ③ 토지공개념 및 주택공개념, ④ 부동산법제의 한계를 살펴보았다. 제3장(Ⅲ. 「재건축초과이익 환수에 관한 법률」의 내용)에서는 「재건축초과이익 환수에 관한 법률」이 제정된 배경이 된 「서민주거복지 증진과 주택시장 합리화 방안」(이른바 3?30 부동산 대책의 배경과 내용을 살펴보고, 재건축 초과이익 환수에 관한 법률의 내용과 「도시 및 주거환경정비법」 개정 내용을 기술하였다. 제4장(Ⅳ. 「재건축초과이익 환수에 관한 법률」의 법적 쟁점)에서는 ① 미실현 이득에 대한 부담금 부과의 문제, ② 소급입법 문제(「착수시점」을 추진위원회 승인 일로 하는 문제), ③ 재건축사업단지내 상가와의 형평성 문제, ④ 중복규제로 인한 과잉금지 원칙 위배 여부, ⑤ 부담금을 납부한 후 가격이 하락한 경우에 대한 문제로 나누어 각각 문제의 소재, 위헌론, 합헌론, 소결로 정리하였다. 제5장(Ⅴ. 「재건축초과이익 환수에 관한 법률」의 과제)에서는 재건축 초과이익 환수에 관한 법률이 성공하기 위한 전제조건으로 ① 위임입법의 충실성과 합헌성 담보, ② 효율적이고 형평성 있는 개발부담금 활용, ③ 선의의 피해자 구제방안 제도화, ④ 도시 및 주거환경정비법과의 정합성 확보, ⑤ 비례원칙 위반 여부에 관한 재점검 등을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the 「Reconstruction Excess-Profits Act」. Reclaiming development profits from reconstruction is clearly progress, in that it formalizes the principle that it cannot pocket the returns from land development. These plans come as follow-up measures to the August 31 Real Estate Measures. Key to their success will be consistency and public confidence. If the real estate market becomes stagnate, or if there is a change in government, people expect policy to change and that by itself makes measures such as these half as effective. Reconstruction development charge means that a part of development gain reverted to the project executor in excess of normal apart prise is assessed by ?Reconstruction Excess-Profits Act? and it is the system to realize the economic justice and foster the effective use of land. Reconstruction Development charge system has not achieved the economic justice to the unfair charge from the loss of objectivity of the price of land valuation, the pressure of financial resource paid from intense rate of taxation of unrealized profit, a possibility of infringing on private property rights, limitation of mandate legislation of business regulation of assessment object of development charge, etc. We desire that the 「Reconstruction Excess-Profits Act」 realize to comfortable housing for all citizens through possible means in the bounds of constitutional policies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        인간배아복제의 허용여부에 관한 법적 쟁점과 과제

        수갑(Kim, Su-Kab) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2009 法學硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        The development of life science technologies have created the potential for an entirely different set of legal issues. At the same time the public debate over embryos that has recently arisen in context of stem cell research has revealed deeply divided political, religious, ethical and policy differences. This article deals with legal issues on the acception and rejection of human embryo cloning and suggest the improvement plans of 'the Law on Bioethics and Biosafety' in Korea. This is the right approach for us to allow human embryo cloning under very strict conditions with the exceptional case in terms of a human dignity and embryo' right to life. Therefore the current policy which do not allow in principle and allow the exceptional case only should be maintained. With this approach, it’s required for us to pay more attention to the research on adult stem cell which is less debatable.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        독일의 `예술가사회보험법`에 관한 소고

        수갑(KIM, Su Kab) 유럽헌법학회 2013 유럽헌법연구 Vol.14 No.-

        다수의 예술가들은 그 활동에 걸 맞는 사회적 지위나 수입이 없는 것이 현실이다. 독일의 경우 `예술가사회보험법`을 제정하여 예술가의 복지정책에 모범을 보이고 있다. 예술가에게 `노동자성`이 있는가 여부라는 관점에서 접근하기 보다는, 예술가의 작품을 사용하고 시장에 매개하여 소득을 얻는 자에게 예술가사회세(부담금)을 인정하면서 예술가의 사회보험 적용을 인정하고 있는 독일의 예가 현재 시행되고 있는 한국의 예술인복지법 운용과 개선에도 좋은 시사점을 줄 것으로 생각된다. `Artist` is taken to mean any person who creates or gives creative expression to, or recreates works of art, who considers his artistic creation to be an essential part of his life, who contributes in this way to the development of art and culture and who is or asks to be recognized as an artist, whether or not he is bound by any relations of employment or association. UNESCO defined `status of artists` in `Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist` as follows: on the one hand, the regard accorded to artists, defined as above, in a society, on the basis of the importance attributed to the part they are called upon to play therein and, on the other hand, recognition of the liberties and rights, including moral, economic and social rights, with particular reference to income and social security, which artists should enjoy. European countries ensure the welfare of the artists with laws and policies. Especially, the case of Germany which established the `Artists Social Insurance Act`(Künstlersozialversicherungsgesetz-KSVG) is good model for the welfare of the artists. The Artists Social Insurance Act in Germany was enacted by legislator in order to remedy defects which were not guaranteed by social insurance because of unclear and unstable employment status of an independent artists, The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the `Artists Social Insurance Act` was a landmark. That is, decision was done from the approach on the responsibility of people who use the works produced by the artist in the market, not on the worker status of artists. Artists protected by `Artists Social Insurance Act` in Germany are ones who engage in livelihood activities, and its activities are not similar to the employees. Artists in this act is defined as people who create, conduct, or educate music, dance arts or visual arts, In addition, publisher in this act means writer, journalist, or doers of publishing activities in different ways. Insurance Obligation is exempt to artists who does not exceed ?? 3,900 in the year`s labor income(Arbeitenkommen). Finances of Artists Social Insurance are consist of premiums paid by the insured (50%), taxes(Künstler-sozialabgabe) which is paid by companies and operators that use artists(30%), federal subsidy(20%). Artist Social Institute(Kunstlersozialklasse) is enforcement organ of the Artists Soial Isurance and determine eligibility of dependent(self) artists, obligations of artists. `Artists Welfare Act` in South Korea was enacted with extremely abstract form according to opposition of government department and Federation of Korean Industries. Pension Insurance and Health Insurance coverage were excluded, Artists only may be subject to receive compensation in accordance with the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act. I think, we should approach from the point of responsibility of people who use the work produced by the artist in the market, not from the worker status of artists. That is effective measures to protect the status of artists, And the establishment of professional organizations which determine the Insurance Eligibility and Obligation of artists is urgent task.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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