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        일과 가정의 관계에 관한 연구 : 企業文化論으로서의 小考 as Corporate Culture

        金昌浩 부산대학교 사범대학 1990 교사교육연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Recently, many researchers tries to explain relations between work and family, especially, the appearance of these articles in an influential like the Harvard Business Review strongly reinforces the status quo. Du Pont has already built Corporte Work and Family Comittee in July 1987 and so Levi Strauss does, in order to study and make recommendations on work and family issues, with emphasis on child care. Because work/family conflicts were thought to be having a major effect on affirmative action results. In short, we value both business and family. So, the forms of everyday work flexibility are much more important than more publicized forms such as mommy tracks and daddy tracks, the most important need for many employees is not to get away from work, through providing flexibilities such as ① work restructuring, ② the freedom to take time off, ③ part-time work, and ④ job sharing. Corporate mission has also been changed : Johnson & Johnson, which see its 40-year-old corporate credo as central to its culture, recently added the statement, "We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfill their family obligation." Du Pont has developed a mission statement that commits it, in part, to "making changes in the workplace and fostering changes in the community that a sensitive to the changing family unit and the increasingly diverse work force." There are tendencies to show these issues in Korea. For examples, 'Another Culture' published 「Housewife, her Deadlock and Open」, Shinsegae Department Store starts a movement with the slogan of "the praise of Family", and Hyundai Department Store -"the praise of Housewife." And United Technology in Korea-the praise of 'Husband' (as the head of a family) with the title of that 'Perhaps, Do you know anyone like this man?' Relations between Work and Family are as follows; ① one of welfare programs, ② corporate value change, ③ on the women's side, or man's side. Work and Family issues will make the corporate mission and corporate culture to be changed. Also, the issues don't set limits to Women any more, furthermore not to men, and include both sides. So solving the problems of the issues is up to how to extend role of men and role of women.

      • 리더쉽에 관한 理論的 考察

        金昌浩 부산대학교 사회과학대학 1981 社會科學論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Poor management and internal weaknesses are a greater threat to organizational survival than the highly publicized external threats. Statistics from recent years make this point more evident : "of every one hundred new business establishments started, approximately fifty, or one half, go out of business within two years. By end of five years, only one third of the original one hundred will still be in business." Most of the failures can be attributed to ineffective leadership. This paper is designed to review the theories of leadership : (1) the traits theory-Chester I. Barnard and Ralph M. Stogdill ; (2) the acceptance theory-the zone of acceptance and Characteristics of a good instruction ; (3) the behavioral theory the Ohio State Studies, the Michigan Studies, and the managerial grid ; (4) the situational theory Fiedler's contingency model and path-goal leadership model (Martin Evans and Robert House). The leadership process (LP) is a function of the traits(t), the acceptance(a), the behavior(b), and other situational variables(s), that is , LP=f(t, a, b, s). It is important to note that this equation make no mention of any particular type of organization.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        李再榮과 『秇苑詩話』

        김창호 한국한자한문교육학회 2010 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate Jae-young Lee's life and his literacy work. Especially, this study focuses on introducing his unknown critical essay on poetry Yewonsihwa(秇苑詩話). Jae-young Lee from a child by a concubine was a writer who work a period of King Seonjo(宣祖)-Kwanghaegun(光海君). He failed to enter to nobility(士大夫) society so his works were headed to abnormal. He was regarded as one of the best poets of the day but his literary ability degenerated as the means of unjustice and plot in struggled times. Yewonsihwa(秇苑詩話) is a good material to investigate about Jae-young Lee's literary world. But his literature has a weak point because not only just 20 works are remained but also most of works are included within the Siinoksul(詩人玉屑). But his literature treats the general problems of Sino-Korean poetry such as the nature and composition of poem. It is very special that he explained about the history of poetry of the Song Dynasty period as citing the Yewonchieun(藝苑卮言) which is a Se-jeong Wang's work. This is the evidence that Jae-young Lee had read the works of advocate of reaction of Myoung Dinasty. This fact is different from Pil Kwon, who carried out mutual exchange of opinions about literature with Kyun Hur, didn't write the works related on advocate of reaction. There is possibility that Kyun Hur discussed with not Pil Kwon but Jae-young Lee about literature of Myung Dynasty period. 본 논문은 宣祖∼光海君 연간에 활동했던 서얼 문인 李再榮(?∼1623)의 삶과 문학 활동을 해명하는 데에 목표를 둔다. 특히 이 과정에서 그간 알려지지 않았던 그의 詩話集 秇苑詩話의 내용을 소개하고 그 성격을 밝힘으로써 당대 문학사의 실상에 다가설 하나의 입지점을 마련하고자 한다. 이재영은 뛰어난 文章 能力에도 불구하고 신분적 한계로 인해 사대부 사회의 일원이 될 수 없었다. 다만 漢吏學官의 職을 수행하면서 문장 능력을 인정받았고, 또 발휘할 기회를 가지면서 점차 자신의 입지를 다져나갔다. 그는 어린 시절부터 許筠과 절친한 사이였다. 광해군 집권 이후에는 당시 권력의 핵심으로 부상하던 李爾瞻과 밀접한 관계를 맺는다. 이 무렵 廢母 論議에 동조하고 이를 확산시키 위한 여론 형성에 노력하는가 하면, 이이첨 아들들의 과거 답안을 代述하기도 한다. 이러한 행적은 당시 士類의 지탄으로 이어졌고, 癸亥反正이 일어나면서 체포되어 죽음을 당한다. 사대부 사회의 진입에 실패하면서, 그는 자신의 문학 능력을 비정상적인 방향에서 펼쳤다. 李達 문집의 편찬을 담당했으며, 「前五子詩」의 대상 인물로 당대에 으뜸가는 시인으로 언급되기도 했지만, 자신을 받아들이지 않는 세상에서 그의 문장 능력은 不正과 謀議의 道具로 전락하게 된다. 대표적인 예가 許蘭雪軒 문집에 있는 「白玉樓上樑文」의 위작에 관여한 일이다. 이재영의 ꡔ예원시화ꡕ는 그의 문학 견해에 대해 살필 수 있는 좋은 자료다. 다만 20개의 항목이라는 적은 분량에다 대부분의 자료가 詩人玉屑의 범위 내에 있다는 한계가 있다. 그렇지만 전체적으로 詩體로부터 시작하여 실제 작품의 예시를 통해 종결되는 구조를 갖추고 있으며, 시의 본질, 창작과 비평상의 고려점 등 한시 일반의 주요 문제를 두루 포괄하고 있다. 양적인 면에서 宋代 자료가 상당 부분을 차지하지만, 창작과 비평상 송시를 典範이나 기준점으로 설정하고 있지는 않다. 한편 明末 王世貞의 藝苑卮言에 수록된 내용을 인용하여 宋代의 詩史를 설명한 부분에 주목할 필요가 있다. 이것은 이재영이 明末 復古派의 저작을 독서 범위 안에 두고 있었음을 보여주는 근거로, 허균과 문학 교유를 나누었던 권필이 復古派 관련 내용을 남기지 않은 사실과 대비되는 부분이다. 복고파와 관련한 방대한 작업이 개인적인 애호와 정리 차원을 넘어서는 것이라 할 때, 이에 수반되는 의견 교환이나 토론 등에 있어서의 누군가의 역할이 있었을 것으로 생각된다. 말하자면 허균이 명말 문단에 대한 관심이나 수용과 관련한 문제에 있어서, 권필과 공유할 수 없었던 부분을, 이재영과 함께 했을 가능성에 대해 생각할 수 있을 듯하다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대혈관전위증에 대한 동맥전환술 1례 치험

        김창호 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1986 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.19 No.1

        A 11 month old child with transposition of the great arteries and a large ventricular septal defect [VSD] underwent repair by VSD closure and arterial switching with translocation of the coronary ostia. Cardiopulmonary bypass was established along with core cooling to between 18 degree C and low flow was employed. By LeCompte maneuver, we avoided the use of a tubular prosthesis in the repair of pulmonary outflow tract. The post-operative course was uneventful.

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