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        일과 가정의 관계에 관한 연구 : 企業文化論으로서의 小考 as Corporate Culture

        金昌浩 부산대학교 사범대학 1990 교사교육연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Recently, many researchers tries to explain relations between work and family, especially, the appearance of these articles in an influential like the Harvard Business Review strongly reinforces the status quo. Du Pont has already built Corporte Work and Family Comittee in July 1987 and so Levi Strauss does, in order to study and make recommendations on work and family issues, with emphasis on child care. Because work/family conflicts were thought to be having a major effect on affirmative action results. In short, we value both business and family. So, the forms of everyday work flexibility are much more important than more publicized forms such as mommy tracks and daddy tracks, the most important need for many employees is not to get away from work, through providing flexibilities such as ① work restructuring, ② the freedom to take time off, ③ part-time work, and ④ job sharing. Corporate mission has also been changed : Johnson & Johnson, which see its 40-year-old corporate credo as central to its culture, recently added the statement, "We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfill their family obligation." Du Pont has developed a mission statement that commits it, in part, to "making changes in the workplace and fostering changes in the community that a sensitive to the changing family unit and the increasingly diverse work force." There are tendencies to show these issues in Korea. For examples, 'Another Culture' published 「Housewife, her Deadlock and Open」, Shinsegae Department Store starts a movement with the slogan of "the praise of Family", and Hyundai Department Store -"the praise of Housewife." And United Technology in Korea-the praise of 'Husband' (as the head of a family) with the title of that 'Perhaps, Do you know anyone like this man?' Relations between Work and Family are as follows; ① one of welfare programs, ② corporate value change, ③ on the women's side, or man's side. Work and Family issues will make the corporate mission and corporate culture to be changed. Also, the issues don't set limits to Women any more, furthermore not to men, and include both sides. So solving the problems of the issues is up to how to extend role of men and role of women.

      • 리더쉽에 관한 理論的 考察

        金昌浩 부산대학교 사회과학대학 1981 社會科學論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Poor management and internal weaknesses are a greater threat to organizational survival than the highly publicized external threats. Statistics from recent years make this point more evident : "of every one hundred new business establishments started, approximately fifty, or one half, go out of business within two years. By end of five years, only one third of the original one hundred will still be in business." Most of the failures can be attributed to ineffective leadership. This paper is designed to review the theories of leadership : (1) the traits theory-Chester I. Barnard and Ralph M. Stogdill ; (2) the acceptance theory-the zone of acceptance and Characteristics of a good instruction ; (3) the behavioral theory the Ohio State Studies, the Michigan Studies, and the managerial grid ; (4) the situational theory Fiedler's contingency model and path-goal leadership model (Martin Evans and Robert House). The leadership process (LP) is a function of the traits(t), the acceptance(a), the behavior(b), and other situational variables(s), that is , LP=f(t, a, b, s). It is important to note that this equation make no mention of any particular type of organization.

      • 중원 봉황리 마애불상군의 재검토

        김창호 위덕대학교 박물관 2006 佛敎考古學 Vol.- No.6

        한국 고대~고려까지의 미술사 연구대상은 불교 미술이 그 주류를 이루고 있다. 필자는 이전부터 불교 미술사 또는 불교 고고학에 대한 올바른 접근을 위해서는 불교사·기와·토기·도자기 등에 대한 기초공부가 가장 중요하다고 생각하여 왔다. 그리나 실제로는 위와 같은 기본적인 훈련을 도외시하고 석사과정에서부터 조각·공예·건축·회화사로 나누어 연구하는 것은 득보다 실이 많다고 본다. 본고도 위와 같은 견지에서 중원 봉황리 마애불상군을 재검토한 것이며, 연구과정에서 다음과 같은 결론에 이르게 되었다. 이제까지 봉황리 마애불상군은 고구려불상으로 알려져 왔으나, 이는 어디에서도 근거를 찾을 수 없는 견해이다. 왜냐하면 현재까지 고구려의 마애불상이라고 하는 것을 이곳 봉황리 마애불상군을 제외하면 그 어디에서도 찾아 볼 수 없기 때문이다. 또한 화강암에 정으로 쪼아 마애불을 조성한 기술의 시작은 서산마애불에서 비롯된 것이기 때문에 봉황리 마애불싱군을 고구려에 귀속시키기 어렵다. 이에 따라 봉황리 마애불상군을 서산마애불의 조성시기로 추정되는 서기 600년 이 후에 두게 되면 그 위치로 볼 때 당연히 신라에 의해 조성된 것으로 보아야 할 것이다. 필자는 이러한 연구결과에 의거하여 필자는 봉황리 마애불상군은 어디까지나 7세기 중엽경에 신라의 중앙정부가 중원지역의 이데올로기 지배를 위하여 제작한 것으로 해석하였다. The Study of Buddhist art has been played as an important role for the study of the history of ancient Korean art. I think the history of Buddhism, roof tiles, earthenware and china are more important than the history of art, sculpture, craft and construction in the history of Buddhist art or Buddhist archaeology. The aim of this study is to review Buddha images carved on rock surface of Bonghwangri, Jungwon from these points. In conclusion, Buddha images carved on rock surface of Bonghwangri, Jungwon were constructed by not Goguryeo but Silla in the middle of the 7th century. A Study of the Introduction of Buddhist Sarira into Korea.

      • KCI우수등재

        젠트리피케이션의 지역적 특성과 경제적 영향의 상관관계에 대한 연구

        김창호,김환용,서동연 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.36 No.8

        본 연구는 젠트리피케이션의 원인을 파악하고, 지역에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 분석을 통해 젠트리피케이션이 발생하는 장소에서 공통적으로 발견될 수 있는 입지·환경적 특성을 파악하고, 경제·사회적 영향을 단계적으로 검토하였다. 젠트리피케이션이 발생되는 원인을 파악하고, 젠트리피케이션이 해당 지역에 미치는 결과를 밝혀내기 위해서 다중회귀분석을 진행하였다. 유동인구, 직장인구, 영화관, 백화점, 은행, 병원, 지하철, 주차장과는 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 가지며 주거인구와는 음(-)의 영향을 가진다. This research seeks to understand the cause of the Gentrification and to analyze the effect which the Gentrification causes to the region. Through the analysis, the research aims to identify the regional and environmental characteristics that can be found commonly in placeswhere Gentrification occur; the research will then examine the economic and social effect step-by-step. The multiple regression analysis wasconducted to understand the cause of Gentrification and to analyze the effect which Gentrification causes to the region. The result of thecausation analysis between regional characteristics and Gentrification shows that Floating Population, Working Population, Movie Theater,Department Store, Bank, Hospital, Subway Station, and Parking Lot have a significant and positive effect, and living population has anegative effect. Additionally, the result of the causation analysis between Gentrification and economic impact shows that Total Store, OpenStore, Closure Store, Total Worker, and Official Land Price have a significant and positive effect.

      • KCI등재

        Shakespeare’s Drama in View of the Indian Aesthetic Theory of Rasa

        김창호 한국셰익스피어학회 2014 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.50 No.4

        Human feelings have been categorized into several kinds of emotions according to their cultural traditions. Indian aesthetic theory of rasa divides emotional states up into eight rasas common to human beings: Sringara Rasa (pleasure or love), Hasya Rasa (laughter or humor), Karuna Rasa (sorrow or compassion), Raudra Rasa (anger), Vira Rasa (heroism or courage), Bhayanaka Rasa (terror), Bibhatsa Rasa (disgust), and Adbhuta Rasa(wonder or awesome). We could have some experiences like these in Shakespeare’s plays with all the complex human emotions shown in his dramatic world. Rasa theory deals with entire literary process: from the artist through the work of art to the reader or audience. Thus, Shakespeare’s tragedies could be read or watched in view of the theory, so that we could find the similarities and differences between ‘catharsis’ in Shakespeare and ‘santa rasa’ in Indian arts. Santa rasa is enlightenment like silence, peace or bliss: all rasas of eight emotions rise from and fall into santa rasa. As Shakespeare creates and destroys the world of his own dream in his drama, his tragedies go beyond the effect of catharsis and come near santa rasa. When Shakespeare creates dramatic illusions and he himself destroys them, he has at once the subjective and objective vision of the world. This is breaking the spell of our lives full of various kinds of emotions like eight rasas. Through the process of aesthetic experiences in Shakespeare’s drama, we could attain to enlightenment like santa rasa.

      • KCI등재
      • 신라수창군호국성팔각등루기의 분석

        김창호 한국대학박물관협회 2001 고문화 Vol.57 No.-

        《동문선》 권 64에는 신라말 최치원이 지은 「신라수창군호국성8각등루기」가 실려 있다. 이에 대한 선학들의 연구에서는 등루기의 주인공인 이재를 대구지역의 호국으로 보아 왔다. 여기에서는 선학들의 연구성과, 역사지리적인 접근, 불교사에 대한 기본상식 등을 근거로 전문의 제시와 함께 이를 해석하였다. 등루기에 나타난 지명 등의 위치를 고고학적 측면에서 현지 답사를 근거로 새로 비정하였다. 그것은 호국성의 위치가 대덕산성이고, 8각등루는 대덕산성의 안지랭이 골에서 출발한 대덕산성의 산정 근처에 위치하며, 坤維를 땅으로 해석하여 달불성의 위치가 달성공원이고, 마정계사는 현재의 송림사임을 밝혔다. 등루기에 나타난 불교에 대해서는 간단히 검토하였다. 등루기에 나오는 승려들의 대부분은 동화사 출신이고, 법상종 계열의 승려로 보았다. 9세기말에 대구 지역에 법상종의 사찰들이 있었음은 새롭게 확인한 부분이다. 이재의 역사적인 위에서 최치원이 최후까지 신라에 충성을 다하는 지식인이었고, 이재 또한 그러한 유형의 관리이므로 최치원은 이재를 통해 자신의 신라를 향한 애국심을 쓴 것이 본 등루기라고 해석하였다. The Volume 64 of Dongmunsun (東文選) compiled at the beginning of Yi Dynasty carries the document of the octagonal lantern shaped pavilion compiled by Chi-won Choi, a great scholar in the late Silla Kingdom. In this paper, I showed the entire document of the octagonal lantern shaped pavilion translated and interpreted by many Korean senior scholars. There have been many different opinions about the geographic location of the building. For instance, some have argued the this building was located somewhere around Daegu and unfortunately they were not able to specified the exact location of the building. Considering the geographical location appeared in the document and the present geographic name and the overall topographical appearance of the Hoguk Fortification, the building must have been located specifically in the Daeduk Fortification on top of the Apsan, in Daegu. It is also argued that some monks who took part in the opening ceremony of the building came from Bubsangjong (法相宗), in North Gyungsang Province.This inference was made on the basis of the names and positions of monks appeared in the document and this is particularly important because this means that Bubsangjong already present in Daegu area around the end of the 9th century A.D. In the past, the majority of Korean historians have argued that Je Lee who was the governmental official responsible for the Soochang County was anti-government oriented person. However, if we are taking into consideration both the context of the historical document and the basic personality of Chi-won Choi who was close to Je Lee, it is evident that Je Lee was not anti-Silla but he, like Chi-won Choi, was royal to the Silla Kingdom.

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