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      • 리더쉽에 관한 理論的 考察

        金昌浩 부산대학교 사회과학대학 1981 社會科學論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Poor management and internal weaknesses are a greater threat to organizational survival than the highly publicized external threats. Statistics from recent years make this point more evident : "of every one hundred new business establishments started, approximately fifty, or one half, go out of business within two years. By end of five years, only one third of the original one hundred will still be in business." Most of the failures can be attributed to ineffective leadership. This paper is designed to review the theories of leadership : (1) the traits theory-Chester I. Barnard and Ralph M. Stogdill ; (2) the acceptance theory-the zone of acceptance and Characteristics of a good instruction ; (3) the behavioral theory the Ohio State Studies, the Michigan Studies, and the managerial grid ; (4) the situational theory Fiedler's contingency model and path-goal leadership model (Martin Evans and Robert House). The leadership process (LP) is a function of the traits(t), the acceptance(a), the behavior(b), and other situational variables(s), that is , LP=f(t, a, b, s). It is important to note that this equation make no mention of any particular type of organization.

      • KCI등재

        일과 가정의 관계에 관한 연구 : 企業文化論으로서의 小考 as Corporate Culture

        金昌浩 부산대학교 사범대학 1990 교사교육연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Recently, many researchers tries to explain relations between work and family, especially, the appearance of these articles in an influential like the Harvard Business Review strongly reinforces the status quo. Du Pont has already built Corporte Work and Family Comittee in July 1987 and so Levi Strauss does, in order to study and make recommendations on work and family issues, with emphasis on child care. Because work/family conflicts were thought to be having a major effect on affirmative action results. In short, we value both business and family. So, the forms of everyday work flexibility are much more important than more publicized forms such as mommy tracks and daddy tracks, the most important need for many employees is not to get away from work, through providing flexibilities such as ① work restructuring, ② the freedom to take time off, ③ part-time work, and ④ job sharing. Corporate mission has also been changed : Johnson & Johnson, which see its 40-year-old corporate credo as central to its culture, recently added the statement, "We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfill their family obligation." Du Pont has developed a mission statement that commits it, in part, to "making changes in the workplace and fostering changes in the community that a sensitive to the changing family unit and the increasingly diverse work force." There are tendencies to show these issues in Korea. For examples, 'Another Culture' published 「Housewife, her Deadlock and Open」, Shinsegae Department Store starts a movement with the slogan of "the praise of Family", and Hyundai Department Store -"the praise of Housewife." And United Technology in Korea-the praise of 'Husband' (as the head of a family) with the title of that 'Perhaps, Do you know anyone like this man?' Relations between Work and Family are as follows; ① one of welfare programs, ② corporate value change, ③ on the women's side, or man's side. Work and Family issues will make the corporate mission and corporate culture to be changed. Also, the issues don't set limits to Women any more, furthermore not to men, and include both sides. So solving the problems of the issues is up to how to extend role of men and role of women.

      • 전자화폐의 발전방향과 각국 동향

        김창호,강흥식 인제대학교 1999 仁濟論叢 Vol.15 No.1

        컴퓨터와 통신기술의 발달은 인류사회의 삶의 질과 생활양식의 전반에 걸쳐 급격한 변화를 초래하고 있다. 또한 정보사회의 전개와 더불어 출현하고 있는 전자화폐는 그 변화의 중요한 중심점이 되고 있다. 화폐제도는 사회발전의 산물인 동시에 매개체로서 중요한 의의를 지닌다. 이러한 점에서 본 논문은 현재 각국에서 사용하고 있는 전자화폐의 발전방향과 현황에 대해서 알아보고 국내의 전자화폐 현황에 대해서도 알아본다. The development of computer and communication technique results in rapid change in the whole life quality and pattern if human society. Also, electronic cash appeared with development of information society is key point of that change. Money system have important meaning as product of social development and mediation. In this point. we propose developing direction and situation of electronic cash used in many country, also study domestic electronic cash condition

      • KCI등재
      • 기존의 객체 지향 모델링 방법론과 실시간 객체 지향 모델링 방법론의 비교 및 분석

        김창호,서재현,강흥식 인제대학교 1998 仁濟論叢 Vol.14 No.1

        OMT(Object-Oriented Modeling Technique)는 모든 소프트웨어 시스템, 특히 실시간 시스템을 위한 객체 지향 모델링 방법론이다. 그러나, OMT는 실시간 시스템을 표현하는데 충분하지 못하다. ROOM(Real-time Object-Oriented Modeling)은 실시간 시스템을 개발하기 위한 실시간 객체지향 방법론이다. ROOM 모델링의 개념은 실시간 시스템의 특별하고 직관적인 영역이다. 또한 ROOM은 개념적인 프레임워크이고 개발 진행 과정에서 비연속성을 제거한 추상 모델링을 모델링으로 선택한다. 그리고 ROOM 개발 과정은 높은 상호작용적인 컴퓨터 기반과 빠른 실행을 지원한다. 본 연구에서는 두 모델링 방법론, 즉 OMT와 ROOM을 비교, 설명한다. 그리고 각 모델링으로 실시간 소프트웨어 개발을 할 때, 장ㆍ단점을 설명한다. All data in real world have time-dependent features being changing following temporal flow from creation in specific temporal point. The study of storing these real world data into a database and administering them have been accomplished in temporal database field. In this paper, we analyze the meaning of time in database and temporal aspects that universal relational database don't include, being subdivided into temporal system, historical system, temporal expression in a system, temporal dimension, temporal operation, temporal variables, indeterminacy and temporal indices, etc. Also, we explain several problems that are able to be solved by introduction of temporal conception in universal database

      • KCI등재

        慶州출토 朝鮮初 銘文瓦에 대하여

        金昌鎬 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2001 민족문화논총 Vol.23 No.-

        There has been a general tendency to regard roof tiles discovered in Kyongju as those of Sillas. Some of the roof tiles like ones on which Chinese characters of Dong Yo(東窯) were inscribed have been used as a material evidence to support the presence of roof tile kilns operated by Unified Silla central government. However, this Dong Yo(東窯) might have been produced during the Yi Dynasty when we are considering roof tile production activities appeared in the official historical record of Yi Dynasty (朝鮮王朝實錄)and the roof tile themselves in terms of clay and temper, there is a high possibility that these Dong Yo must have been produced during the Yi Dynasty. On the other hand, Woo Gwan (右官) roof tiles might have been produced both during the Unified Silla Dynasty and the Yi Dynasty respectively. According to Donggyung Jabgi(東京雜記), I believe that Joua Do(左道) roof tiles, might indicate one of six names of administrative sectors(i.e., 6坊) in Kyongju during the beginning of the Yi Dynasty. So, I argued that archaeologists need to pay attention to the fact that all roof tiles discovered in Kyongju might not those of Sillas.

      • KCI등재

        한국에서의 독일학연구 : 새로운 방향 모색을 위한 小考

        김창호 계명대학교 국제학연구소 2002 국제학논총 Vol.7 No.-

        Having the subject of establishing a new course of German Studies in Korea, this research has considered what part German Studies could and should plays as a cultural science in Korea. With a recent overall crisis of the cultural sciences, since the field of German Language and Literature is searching for an extension to its cultural science in many ways, I retraced the concept of German Studies in the opening part of this research. At that time, I realized the fact that German Studies, which was considered as just a language and literature study, is recovering its multi-academic, cultural scientific characters. It is also an unavoidable movement of the time. In the next part of this research, using keimyung University, as the example, I pointed out the problems German Studies meets in the field of education?the limited language skills of the students, undeveloped teaching methods, a tendency to neglect the cultural sciences, which was to reflect on the phenomenon that German Studies was losing its realism, while it became larger with various fields subdivided as an object of study. On the basis of understanding the current situation in German Studies, during the latter part of the research, I examined the economic globalism and the issues of multi-cultural trends it caused as a stage of searching for a new role for German Studyies. This was based on the assumption that social conditions had a tremendous influence on the sciences in the present, that of rapid change. As a result, visible discord and crisis can fundamentally be considered as ‘a crisis of cognition.’ Therefore, the mechanical view of values of Western society, ‘development by means of confrontation,’ should be overcome to recover the harmonious relationship between technology and human beings. This relationship can only be realized by the general unifined outlook on the universe of the Orient. Accordingly, German Studies should take part in the matters of common interest of human beings, ‘conversion of cognition’, reveal the problems of the current competition-centered societies and resuscitate as a science that presents a solution to the problem. Based on such background, in the last part of the research, I examined the market economic structure of Germany, Which tended to emphasize a warning against the market economic system of (American) Capitalism that occupies a dominant position in the world, being supported by globalism. Additionally, the role that the economic part of German Studies should play is one of support, so that the new generation can independently realize its dream of ‘a desirable society’ without submitting to the determinism of technology, by showing through historical and demonstrative examples that institution and technology, seeming to have decisive power, are actually created from values and volition of a large majority of the members of a society.

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