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      • KCI등재


        조립신(Zhao Li Xin)(赵立新) , 김창경(Kim Chang Gyeong)(金昌庆) 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.57 No.-

        After DPRK s fourth nuclear test and the launch of the satellite, China and the United States stand on the opposite for the concrete measures of imposing sanctions on DPRK. Through repeated consultations, these two countries reached a limited “agreement” and the UN Security Council finally passed the resolution 2270 which expended sanctions against DPRK. The relations between China and DPRK raised concerns once again. As is known to all, China and DPRK established alliance relations in the form of treaty in the early 60s of last century. After the end of the cold war, the relationship between them began to fluctuate with ups and downs. And due to the continuous upgrading of the DPRK’s nuclear issue and the improvement of China-ROK relations, the China-DPRK alliance relations become “ambiguous”. In the future, under the circumstances of the game between superpowers is becoming increasingly fierce , the prospect of the unification of the Korean Peninsula is still not clear and DPRK’s nuclear program has not been stopped, China and DPRK should maintain the alliance relationship or turn to the normal state relations? The decisive factor depends on the nature of state interests and the essential requirement of geopolitical competition. China-DPRK ambiguous alliance is still likely to continue. 朝鲜第四次核试验并发射卫星后, 围绕进一步制裁朝鲜的具体措施问题, 中美立场凸显对立。经过反复磋商, 中美达成有限的“一致”, 安理会最终通过扩大制裁朝鲜的2270号决议, 中朝关系再度引发关注。众所周知, 中朝两国在上个世纪60年代初以条约形式确定了同盟关系。冷战结束后, 中朝关系出现波动和起伏。随着朝核问题的升级和中韩关系的提升, 中朝关系的现实基础受到冲击并呈现出“背离”倾向。面向未来, 在大国博弈日趋激烈、朝鲜半岛统一前景仍不明朗以及朝鲜核计划未见止步的情况下, 中朝之间是维持“同盟”关系?还是转向正常国家关系?决定性的因素取决于国家利益和地缘政治竞争的本质要求, 中朝“暧昧同盟”仍有可能延续下去。

      • 흰쥐에 있어서 Sparganum의 移行과 發育에 관한 硏究

        金昌煥,徐淑才,崔朱卿 慶尙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the migration and development of the Sparganum in rats and the changes of haematological values in the hosts infected with Sparganum. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The recovery rate of the Sparganum in the infected rats was 57 per cent on the autopical findings of the infected individual rats during observations from 2 hours to 32 days after infection with Sparganum. 2. The larval Sparganum was found in the digestive tract within two hours after administration with oral route and then, the worms began to penetrate and migrate via the abdominal cavity within 4 to 6 hours and the worms were found in the muscular tissues 2 days onwards after infections. 3. The infected Sparganum began to deveolp the size of the body from 4 day after infection and then, the size of the Sparganum was measured by 52.9mm long and 3.2mm broad on 32 days after infection . 4. In the haematological observation of the host the red blood cell values changed little, while the white blood cells were increased significantly during 2 days after infection and thereafter they were recovered to the normal values.

      • KCI등재


        호재영(Hu Zai Ying,胡再影),김창경(Kim Chang Gyeong,金昌庆) 대한중국학회 2015 중국학 Vol.51 No.-

        In China, a person's name usually implies many different meaning. It develops in tandem with the advancement of human civilization. This paper is devoted to analyze the cultural implication of Chinese names. It concentrates on finding the cultural factors that influence people' s naming process in different social and political settings. The paper provides some insight related to the naming conventions developed in recent years.

      • KCI등재


        황월명(Huang, Yue-Ming)(黄,玥,明),김창경(Kim, Chang-Gyeong)(金昌庆,) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.73 No.-

        李白笔下诗歌1054首,出现“海”字词汇有292次。其《古风五十九首》中有20首使用海意象。其诗歌中的海意象大多借海的外在物象与其内在情感意象想构建,展现“言在意外”之美。李白笔下的“海”有一部分是临海而作,有感而发,但大部分多“虚拟的海”,借助典故加以大胆的想象与夸张幻化出来的自己心中的海。或宣泄个人胸中之块垒,或是对人生际遇发出感慨,亦或是借典借神仙大海来表达自我情感。其笔下的大海的形象,正如其自己,诗人在描述海,表达海的同时,更像是在表达自我,抒发自我。在风格与创作的原则上,李白继承了《离骚》中的“自我”与《诗经》的“风雅”、“美刺”、及“现实”精神。此篇以《古风五十九首》为研究对象,分析其海意象的生成、组合和表达,透过诗人对海意象的构建分析其审美特色以及承载的诗人内在情感、内心世界。 The image of “Ocean” in Li Bai’s poems is mostly constructed from the external images of the ocean and his inner emotional images to show the beauty of “words beyond the meaning”. Some of Li Bai’s poems about “ocean” were written near the ocean based on his feeling, but most of them were about “virtual ocean”, which was the illusory ocean in his mind through bold imagination and exaggeration based on the allusions. Some of them expressed his depression or his perception about life, or expressed his feelings through allusions and the ocean of immortals. The image of the ocean in his works was just like himself. From this point of view, the image of the ocean is more like “materialized poet himself”. While describing and expressing the ocean, the poet was more like expressing himself. Li Bai sighed in his The 35th Ancient Style Poem that “Thinking of Emperor Wen of Zhou Dynasty in reading Taiga, and the influence of Song have collapsed for a long time. On the principle of style and creation, Li Bai inherited the “self” in Li Sao and the “elegance”, “beauty” and “reality” spirits of the Book of Songs. Therefore, this paper takes the text of Fifty-nine Ancient Style Poems as the subject, and starting from the “image of the ocean” involved in it, analyzes the poet’s inner feelings and inner mind through the “image of the ocean”.

      • KCI등재

        论古文革新对晚唐咏史诗人的影响 : 以杜牧ㆍ李商隐为主

        金昌慶(Kim Chang-Gyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2004 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.7

        “The reform of ancient Chinese prose(古文革新)” advocated by Han Yu(?愈)and Liu Zongyuan(柳宗元) is in opposition to ornate style of writing by Six dynasties of ancient China(六朝). The main contents were committed to the restoration of traditional literature of Qin Han(秦?). The prose range from thoughts and content to the form of language and reflect the restoration of Confucianism sociologically. Therefore, this article had focused on the influence of “The reform of ancient Chinese prose” on “Historical poetry(?史?)by Du Mu(杜牧) and Li Shang yin(李商?)” in Late Tang(?唐). Du Mu inherited the spirit of “The reform of ancient Chinese prose” from Han Yu and developed literary thought. He also laid stress on the social function of literature. But he not only inherited the spirit of “The reform of ancient Chinese prose” but also focused on the social function of literature in terms of creation and practice of literature. Regarding creation and practice of literature, he emphasized on the style of sentences and asserted that the unification of “Meaning (意)”, “Spirit(?)” and “Words(?)”. Moreover, he read extensively and took advantage of the time past and present with regard to the form of art. From this perspective, the thought and creation of literatureis closely related to the literary thought shown in “The reform of ancient Chinese prose”. Li Shang yin emphasized on literary form and learned the prose style of Han Yu deliberately. But he free himself from traditional thought of Confucianism. Therefore, he asserted that creation of poetry should embody the beauty of form and thought and contents. Especially, a satire on society is expressed in his historical poetry. This kind of facts had direct impact on literary perspective of Du-Mu and Li Shang yin.

      • 고대 중국인의 해양 인식바다

        金昌慶(Kim, Chang-Gyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2015 No.8

        This Study’s starting point focused on twofold. First, how are the Chinese with an reality directivity approach the meaning of “Sea”. Second, how to implement many records relating to the “Sea” in the Chinese classical literature. As a result, the recognition of “Sea” of the ancient Chinese began to depart in a imagined Sea. Since the imagination and the reality of The sea, that is, the development towards forming a combination that guarantees the specificity of the human imagination and the sea.

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