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      • 여성 건설근로자 취업현황과 정책방안

        김경희,김둘순,남궁윤영,임유미,전명숙 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2021 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2021 No.-

        Ⅰ. 서론 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 □건설직은 대표적인 남성 직종으로 여성들이 취업하기 어렵고 취업한 이후에도 고용을 지속하기 어려운 분야임. 남성 근로자가 집중되어 있는 건설업에 여성들이 진입하기가 어려움에도 불구하고 건설기능직으로 일하는 임시 및 일용직 여성 근로자의 비율은 지속적으로 증가하고 있음. ○여성들은 진입 당시부터 낮은 숙련이 요구되는 일에 배정됨에 따라 동일한 조공이라도 남성에 비해 임금이 낮으며 이후에 남성이 전문기능인력으로 상향 이동하는데 비해 여성들은 시간이 지나도 조력공에 머물러 있는(김경희 외, 2018: 73-74) 경우가 빈번함. ○건설현장에서 여성 근로자들은 다수의 남성 근로자들과 함께 혹은 남성 전문기능인력의 보조자로 일하면서 상시적인 성희롱 및 성폭력에 노출되어 있음. 또한, 건설현장 가설계획 수립 시 여성의 불편사항에 대한 인식이 부족하여 여자 탈의실과 여자 화장실이 구비되어 있지 않은 곳이 많다는(박성신, 2018: 63; 신창근?이상학, 2016: 448) 지적이 있음. ○이와 같이 건설현장에는 기능직으로 일하는 여성이 적지 않고, 건설현장에서의 성차별이 존재하는데도 불구하고 여성은 정책 결정과정에서 철저하게 소외되어 있는 실정임. □본 연구는 건설직에 종사하는 여성 근로자의 고용현황 및 근로환경을 파악하고 남성 중심 작업장에서 여성 건설근로자가 경험하는 성차별 실태를 분석하고자 함. 또한, 건설직에 여성들이 진입해서 숙련을 형성하고 고용을 유지하는 과정을 분석하여 남성집중 직종에 여성이 진출하도록 지원하는 정책방안을 모색하는 한편, 여성 건설근로자를 위한 고용환경 개선방안을 제시하고자 함. □이 연구에서 제기하는 몇 가지 문제 제기는 다음과 같음. ○첫째, 대표적인 남성중심 직종(건설기능직)에 여성들이 어떤 과정을 거쳐서 진입하는가? 또한 어떤 동기를 갖고 여성들이 건설기능 분야에 진입하는가? ○둘째, 건설기능 분야에 진입한 여성들은 임금과 근로시간, 직업훈련, 승진기회, 작업환경, 경력단절 등에서 어떠한 성차별을 겪고 있는가? ○셋째, 건설기능 분야에 진입한 여성들의 정책 요구사항은 무엇인가? 여성들은 어떠한 취업 기회 확보, 숙련향상, 근로환경 개선 등에 관한 요구(임금과 근로시간, 직업훈련, 개인보호장비, 편의시설, 육아 등)를 갖고 있는가?

      • KCI등재

        Acute Energy Expenditure to Concurrent Aerobic and Hydraulic Resistance Exercise in Obese Women

        김경희,전박근,노호성,김경희,김종경,박찬호,최현민 한국운동영양학회 2010 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.14 No.4

        It has been reported that combining both hydraulic resistance exercise and aerobic exercise (PACE) improves cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength in non‐obese individuals. This study examined the effect of PACE training in obese women on energy expenditure during moderate self‐selected intensity exercise. We tested the hypothesis that PACE training would elicit greater energy expenditure than stationary cycle exercise. Ten obese women completed a maximal exercise test. On separate days, all participants performed a submaximal PACE and a stationary cycle exercise trial. Submaximal energy expenditure (6.2±0.4 vs. 5.5±0.4 kcal/min), oxygen uptake (20.3±0.75 vs. 18.1±0.57 ml/kg/min), heart rate (142±5 vs. 136±6 bpm), percentage of oxygen uptake reserve (64.5±5 vs. 55.4±3 %), and percentage of maximal heart rate 79±4 vs. 76±4 %) were significantly higher during PACE compared to cycling exercise. Results suggest that self‐selected PACE training optimizes energy expenditure during submaximal intensity exercise in obese individuals.

      • KCI등재

        한 문학상담 전공생의 예술가-되기에 대한 예술기반 자문화기술지

        김경희,김경희 한국문화교육학회 2023 문화예술교육연구 Vol.18 No.2

        This study aims to examine how a participant in literature counseling could become an artist by revealing my experience as a middle-aged Korean female who grew up in a competitive educational environment, and that of becoming-artist while pursuing my master’s degree in literature counseling. For this art-based autoethnography, I studied my experience of becoming-artist through literature counseling after my dream of being a violinist got derailed under the influence of education for the sake of arts. It is necessary to examine the individual experience of culture and arts education at the microscopic level in order to overcome the limitations of education for the sake of arts and to develop culture and arts education programs that can turn the audience into artists themselves. The result of the study shows my journey in pursuit of art. I almost gave up my dreams to become an artist ‘getting violin lessons in the dock’ and placed myself on the periphery of the art world, ‘the furthest place from the stage,’ which separated me further from the core of art itself. However, I was able to become an artist who ‘constructs my own world with free hands’ through participation in literature counseling group programs and studying humanities. The collected data was further coded to produce a polyphonic poem called Atonal Concerto. 이 연구는 입시 위주의 경쟁적인 교육 환경에서 성장한 40대 후반 중년 여성으로서 연구자가 대학원 문학상담 전공 과정 및 문학상담 참여를 통해 예술가-되기를 한 경험을 다룸으로써 문화예술교육의 형식으로 실행되고 있는 문학상담의 미적 교육이 어떻게 한 개인을 예술적 주체로 탄생시킬 수 있는지 고찰하는 데 목적을 둔다. 기능주의적 예술교육의 한계에서 벗어나 문화예술교육을 통해 대중을 스스로 예술을 생산하는 주체로 거듭나게 하기 위해 개개인이 미시적 차원에서 어떠한 문화예술교육을 경험하고 갈등을 극복하면서 삶의 변화를 경험하는지를 연구해볼 필요가 있다. 이 연구에서는 기능주의적 예술교육의 영향 아래에서 예술가가 되고 싶었던 꿈은 좌절되었지만 문학상담 집단 프로그램 참여를 통해 예술가-되기를 한 나의 경험을 예술기반 자문화기술지로 연구하였다. 연구결과, 나는 ‘피고석에 서서 받는 바이올린 레슨’을 경험하고 바이올리니스트가 되고 싶은 꿈을 포기한 이후 나 자신을 예술계의 주변부인 ‘무대로부터 가장 먼 곳’에 위치시켰다. 예술에 다가서고 싶었으나 오히려 더 멀어진 경험을 한 이후에도 예술가가 되고 싶은 욕구를 지니고 있던 나는 문학상담 집단 프로그램 참여와 인문학적 텍스트와의 대화를 통해 ‘자유로운 손으로 세상을 구성하는 예술가-되기’를 할 수 있었다. 나는 예술을 향한 이러한 여정을 「무조성의 협주곡」이라는 ‘다성적 시(polyphonic poetry)’로 재현하였다.

      • KCI등재

        위험의 탈중심화와 다맥락화

        김경희 한국헤세학회 2014 헤세연구 Vol.32 No.-

        Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet eine interdisziplinierte Analyse der Risiken. Die wissenschaftlichen Rezeptionen von Risiko sind historisch sehr heterogen und zeichnen sich durch große Komplexität aus. Das Verständnis von Risiko steht mit der modernen Welterfassung in einer analogen Beziehung und von daher mit einer Welt in seiner Widersprüchlichkeit und faszinierenden Vielfalt. Die Objekte der ästhetischen Welt zielen von daher nicht auf Repräsentation, sondern auf die diskontinuierliche Modifikation ihrer Erfahrbarkeit in einer Welt des Aufbaus und Zerfalls zugleich. Eine Auseinandersetzung damit erfolgt in der zeitlichen Struktur. An dieser philosophischen, literarischen und soziologischen Kontingenzerfahrung sind wir beteiligt. Ein Hauptelement dieses Kontingenzphänomens bildet der Begriff Risiko, denn das Prinzip einer kausalen Textverkettung für eine Abbildung der modernen Welterfahrung ist nicht mehr akzeptabel. Um das Risiko zu bannen, brauchte man in der Vormoderne zur Beschwörung der Natur das Opfer, das in der Moderne eine neue Bedeutung erhält. Die Risiko-Erfahrung wird auch als Verlust metaphysischer Gewissheit bezeichnet. Naturkatastrophen und persönliche Unglücksfälle galten in den vormodernen Zeiten als Folgen göttlichen Willens oder des Schicksals. Die Moderne suchte aber alle Gründe im Diesseits, im Menschen. Diesseitige Phänomene wie Technik, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung treten an die Stelle Gottes in der modernen Gesellschaft. Das Nicht-Wissen und die Unkalkulierbarkeit der Entscheidungsfolgen werden zum Bestandteil der Entscheidung. Mit anderen Worten liegt die Risikoproblematik in der Selbstreferenz des Risiko. Das Phänomen Risiko kann aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven betrachtet werden, so dass eine stringente Abgrenzung zwischen den einzelnen disziplinären Zugängen nicht erfolen kann. Die bisherige historische und interdisziplinäre Betrachtung von Risiko zeigt die Dezentralisierung und Polykontextualisierung des Risikos.

      • KCI등재

        Regeneration Potential of Immature Embryos during Seed Development in Spring and Winter Wheat Genotypes

        김경희,이병무,박지숙 한국작물학회 2011 Korean journal of crop science Vol.56 No.3

        The immature embryos during seed development were examined to predict the suitable embryos for an efficient regeneration system. Five spring wheat genotypes and five winter wheat genotypes were tested using immature embryos as explants. Spring wheat genotypes showed much higher levels of plant regeneration than those of winter wheat genotypes. The highest frequencies of embryogenesis and regeneration were obtained when embryos at 13-14 days after anthesis (DAA) were used as explant and decreased using embryos at 21-22 DAA during seed development. Significant differences were also found for callus induction and regeneration as affected by immature embryo size. The regeneration efficiency was drastically decreased in spring and winter wheat genotypes when embryos larger than 2.0mm of length were used. The optimum developmental stage and embryo length for regeneration efficiency were at 13-14 DAA and 1.0-1.5 mm, respectively. The selection of suitable embryos for the high frequencies of embryogenesis and regeneration leads us to efficient genetic improvement of wheat.

      • KCI등재

        공간의 시학 - 후버르트 피히테의 『교수형 받은 자들의 광장』과 파울 뷔어의 『잘못된 책』을 중심으로

        김경희 한국헤세학회 2011 헤세연구 Vol.25 No.-

        Die Frage nach der Bedeutung des Raumes in der Literatur reicht in der Literaturwissenschaft weit zurück. Kulturelle Prozesse werden immer auch durch die Zeit-Räume bestimmt, die sie begleiten und das was wir als Kultur und Geschichte verstehen, erscheint in diesen Möglichkeitswelten oft als erfundene Welt oder als Entwurf. Wie sich gezeigt hat, werden politische und ökonomische Veränderungen oft von Veränderungen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien begleitet, in deren Kontext sich Wissensformationen herausgebildet hatten. In der jüngeren Geisteswissenschaft hat man sich über die eigenen Fachgrenzen hinaus mit seismografischem Gespür auf die Suche nach solchen Veränderungen gemacht. Inter- und Transdisziplinarität sind in diesem Sinne nicht nur modische Strömungen, sondern sie sind vielmehr die Paradigmen, die diese Epoche erfordert. Andererseits “bemächtigen” sich die Raumkonzepte, wie sie in den unterschiedlichen Disziplinen und darin durchaus auch interdisziplinär z. B. in Mathematik, Philosophie, Geografie, Ethnologie, Literaturwissenschaft, Soziologie usw. vertreten werden, auf verschiedene Weise der Räume und entfalten dabei auch kreatives Potenzial. Beispielhaft soll diese Poetisierung des Raumes anhand der Interpretation von zwei Romanen, dem Platz des Gehenkten von Hubert Fichte und Das falsche Buch von Paul Wühr erläutert werden. Der Platz des Gehenkten von Hubert Fichte ist ein Roman aus der Reihe “Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit”, dessen Schauplatz der Marktplatz in Marrakesch ist. Die Exotik der Geschichte wird durch die emotionslose Wortwahl und die distanzierte Perspektive gesteigert. Formal präsentiert der Roman das Geschehen als Momentaufnahme und Reportage, ohne logische Sequenzialität und ohne die Identität des Erzählers preiszugeben. Der Roman beschreibt die Oberfläche des Beobachtbaren als poetische Ethnologie. Es handelt sich um eine entdramatisierte Erfahrung des Fremden. Dem gegenüber behält Das falsche Buch von Paul Wühr die Trennung zwischen Realem und Fiktionalem aufrecht, was sich jedoch durch die Verschachtelung der Lebensverhältnissen zunehmend verkompliziert. Der Romanraum bezeichnet in diesem Sinne einen “real-fiktiven” Raum. In Duane Michals Foto Things are queer (1973) findet die Prozesshaftigkeit, mit der die Schwellen der Räume überschritten werden, eine diesem unendlichen Spiel aus Fiktion und Realität entsprechende Analogie. Durch die Gegenüberstellung dieser kontrastierenden Raumdarstellungen bei Fichte und Wühr wird auch auf die prinzipiell unendliche Referenzialität in literarischen Räumen Bezug genommen.

      • KCI등재후보

        해체주의 탈현상을 응용한 니트웨어 디자인 연구(제1보)

        김경희,윤숙원 한국니트디자인학회 2009 패션과 니트 Vol.7 No.2

        As our contemporary social structure becomes diversified owing to advanced industrialization and information technology, consumers' values and lifestyle constantly undergo considerable changes. In this historical context, it is required that fashion pursue originality and creativity accentuating each individuals by providing luxury, individuality, and differentiation while satisfying consumer needs with functionality and practicality. In order to develop fashion design to meet these consumer needs, it is urgently demanded to devise original design elements beyond preexisting traditional formulae and also to develop appropriate, corresponding textile materials. The purpose of this study is to 1) identify the historical backgrounds of deconstruction and understand its Zeitgeist and concept in sociocultural context, 2) analyze the trends of deconstructive fashion and thereby develop original and creative designs that can lead fashion, based primarily on characteristics of knitted work, and 3) perform a further study for developing high end costume designs and culture reflecting the contemporary times. There is no case in which any style keeps its position permanently in an ever-changing social structure. Hence, it will be required to make an ongoing study on the development of original and creative costume design in the interest of developing costume culture to reflect the regnant trends. As our contemporary social structure becomes diversified owing to advanced industrialization and information technology, consumers' values and lifestyle constantly undergo considerable changes. In this historical context, it is required that fashion pursue originality and creativity accentuating each individuals by providing luxury, individuality, and differentiation while satisfying consumer needs with functionality and practicality. In order to develop fashion design to meet these consumer needs, it is urgently demanded to devise original design elements beyond preexisting traditional formulae and also to develop appropriate, corresponding textile materials. The purpose of this study is to 1) identify the historical backgrounds of deconstruction and understand its Zeitgeist and concept in sociocultural context, 2) analyze the trends of deconstructive fashion and thereby develop original and creative designs that can lead fashion, based primarily on characteristics of knitted work, and 3) perform a further study for developing high end costume designs and culture reflecting the contemporary times. There is no case in which any style keeps its position permanently in an ever-changing social structure. Hence, it will be required to make an ongoing study on the development of original and creative costume design in the interest of developing costume culture to reflect the regnant trends.

      • KCI등재

        학습주도성 향상을 위한 자기주도학습 프로그램이 학업적 자기효능감과 자기주도학습 능력에 미치는 효과

        김경희,Kim, Kyeong-Hee 한국콘텐츠학회 2022 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.22 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of improving academic self-efficacy and self-directed learning ability by conducting a self-directed learning program for college students. To this end, a program was conducted for 28 college students. In order to examine the effectiveness of the program, a single-group pre-post design method was used, which compared the pre-score before the program and the post-score after the program. The program was conducted during the 8 session. The research results are as follows. First, the pre-post scores of the academic self-efficacy of the students who participated in the program increased, but it was not statistically significant. Second, the pre-post score of the self-directed learning ability of students who participated in the self-directed learning program increased significantly. Through these results, the implications of the self-directed learning program for college students and suggestions for follow-up research were presented.

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