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      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • 生薑(Zingiberi officinal Roscoe)중 Methanol 抽出物의 抗酸化活性

        金鏞揮,文永熙,崔東星,申鉉永,劉昶星 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1989 農大論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The antioxidative eompotenta from ginger were extracted with organic solvents, identified and calculated the antioxidative activity and the synergistic offset in linoleic acid-aqueoua system. The antioxidative activity of 80% methanol extract was strong compared to the activity of 80 % ethanol-or hexane-extract. The antioridative activity of 0.2ml of methanol extract and the 0.02% of butylated hydroxyaniline was sama Major phenolic compounds identified from the methanol extract were DL-3, 4-di hrdroxyphenylalanina protoeatechuie acid. gallic acid. cinnamic acid, pyrocatechol, caffeic acid and synapic acid The antioxidative activity of these compounds determined was high the order of DL-3, 4-dihfdronrphenylalanine > protocatechuic acid > gallic acid. The antioxidative activity of phenolic compound was remarkably increased by the synergistic effect of free amino acid, but not free sugar and ascorbic acid.

      • 동학·천도교의 ‘모심’의 영성과 사회복지

        김용휘 영성과 사회복지학회 2017 영성과 보건복지 Vol.4 No.1

        이 논문은 사회복지에 대한 영성적인 접근에 있어서 서구적인 사고체계를 무비판적으로 따르기보다는 한국사회의 고유한 자연의 원리에 입각한 생태적이고 영성적 차원에서 사회복 지실천이 이루어질 수 있음을 보여준다. 동학·천도교의 영성적 가르침에 의하면 내 안에 있 는 신성을 깨치고, 모든 존재가 하나로 연결되어 있다는 통찰에 입각해서 우주와 인간을 새 롭게 바라보는 것이 중요하다. 또한 동학·천도교의 보편적인 영성적 원리를 따르자면, 삶의 모든 영역에서 생명의 전일적 관점에 입각한 일상적인 실천이 중요하다. 특히 모심의 영성 과 생명의 원리에 기반할 때, 다양한 사회복지 실천영역이 개별분야로 나눠지기보다 하나로 통합되어, 한 공간 안에서 먹거리와 에너지도 자립되는, ‘생태적 종합 복지’의 영성 공동체를 지향할 수 있다. 주체적 개인의 존엄성과 모든 생명의 연대성에 대한 자각, 그리고 깊은 마 음의 회복이 새로운 삶의 존재론적 기초가 되어야 한다는 것이 수운의 동학이기 때문이다. 이러한 관점에서 동학·천도교의 영성이야말로 한국의 사회복지현장에서 온갖 난관을 극복하 면서 마음의 평화와 나눔을 실천해야 하는 사회복지사에게 가장 필요한 ‘깊은 마음의 생태 학’이 될 수 있다.

      • 밤의 澁皮除去에 대한 酸,알카리 및 攪拌磨擦 處理效果

        金鏞揮,申鉉永 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1989 農大論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        This study was conducted to investigate effect of acids or alkalies or both on inner-peel removal of cheatnuta (Castaneae crenata Sieb. et Zucc. ). The treatments were done with different concentrations under various temperature conditions. During the treatments, effect of frictional shaking was also determined The sequentiH3 treatment of 4% sodium hydroxide for 5min. followed by 3% hydrochloric acid for 3 min. at 50℃ under the frictional shaking condition resulted in the complete removal of inner· peel With this treatment. good color and quality were obtained. In treatment of 4% sodium hydroxide, or 4% potassium hydroxide solution at 50℃, inner-peel removal time was showed 10 min. shorter under the frictional shaking condition than under the non-frictional shaking condition.

      • KCI등재

        천도교의 운동노선과 동도주의

        김용휘 한신대학교 종교와문화연구소 2016 종교문화연구 Vol.- No.27

        Donghak means ‘Learning of Joseon’. Therefore, ‘Dongdo’(東道) of Donghak does not imply the eastern civilization, but our ‘Way of Joseon’. The division of Cheondogyo in the 1920s stemmed from the difference of movement approach lines already dormant at the time of its reform. The Reformist group(革新派) has succeeded to the Donghak Peasant Revolution as the root of the national revolution, emphasizing the main principles of Donghak on the revolutionism advocating absolute freedom and universal equality which was formed in this land. The new group(新派) of Cheondogyo has reformed Dongdo by selectively accommodating Western ways based on Suwoonism (the doctrine of Innaecheon, i.e. “humans are Heaven”), different from the intellectuals of reformists and liberalists who came up with the ideas of civilization enlightenment and capacity building. It appeared as evolutionary Suwoonism and a social reconstruction theory of ‘new post-cosmic creation’ of Donghak. In addition, the new group of Cheondogyo has sought the Third Way in the position of the middle between socialism and nationalism or between materialism and idealism. Cheondogyo (a new group) did not side with either the left or the right while was not inclined to nationalism or socialism. It was only associated with Suwoonism and the doctorin of Innaecheon(人乃天). The position of the old group(舊派) of Cheondogyo toward Dongdo is not much difference from that of a new group. After liberation from the Japanese occupation, the Cheongwoodang tried to establish a fully self-reliant nationalistic government. In addition, this party also led to form the Right and Left Wing Coalition Movemnt to rally the middle-power based on majority ordinary people transcending the right and the left as well as launching a unification campaign to establish a fully independent nation. Also the Cheongwoodang came up with ‘a new democracy for Joseon’ as an alternative model of a nation which was based on co-existance and co-prosperity for all nations, transcending the liberal democracy of America and the social democracy of the Soviet Union. The initiative of the Joseon-type democracy was motivated from the doctrin of Our Ways, but it turned out a failure both in South and North Koreas because of the lack of managing leadership capacity and its specification. 동학을 ‘동도주의’(東道主義)라고 할 때의 ‘동도’(東道)는 동양 문명, 전통적으로 동아시아 유교적 도덕 문명을 의미하는 것이 아니라, 동국의 도, 즉 우리의 길(吾道)을 의미한다. ‘동도’에 대한 견해의 차이는 1920년대 들어 천도교의 분화의 한 원인이 되기도 하였다. 혁신파는 동학의 핵심을 우리 땅에서 나타난 절대자유, 절대평등을 지향하는 혁명주의라고 인식하고, 민족혁명의 뿌리로서 동학농민운동을 직접 계승하였다. 천도교 신파(新派)는 기존의 문명개화나 실력양성론과는 달리 수운주의(인내천주의)라는 중심을 가지고 서도의 선별적 수용을 통해 동도를 변혁하였다. 신파는 사회주의와 민족주의 사이에서 또는 유물과 유심 사이에서 우리식의 길을 모색하려고 했다. 그 고민의 일환이 ‘범인간적 민족주의’로 표명되기도 하였다. 구파의 동도주의에 대한 입장은 신파와 크게 다르지 않다. 해방 후 청우당이 추구하고자 했던 ‘조선식 신민주주의’는 미국식 자유민주주의와 소련식 프로민주주의를 넘어서서 민족 성원 모두가 공존공영할 수 있는 우리식의 국가모델을 제시하려고 한 운동으로, 이 역시 동도주의의 발로라고 할 수 있다.

      • 저 Calorie 감미료를 이용한 Non Fat Plain Liquid Yoghurt 의 제품 특성에 관한 연구

        김용휘,유제현,백승천,안종훈 한국낙농학회 1994 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.16 No.4

        본 실험은 저 calorie yoghurt의 개발을 위한 기초자료로서, sucrose를 대체하여 사용할 수 있는 저 calorie 감미료(fructose, aspartame, fructooligosaccharide 55%, isomaltooligosaccharide)의 첨가가 non fat plain liquid yoghurt의 조직과 풍미에 미치는 영향을 비교 검토함으로서 저 calorie yoghurt의 개발을 위한 대체 감미료의 사용 가능성을 알아보고자 수행하였으며, 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 감미료를 첨가하여 제조된 yoghurt의 유산생성능(340∼385분)은 감미료를 첨가하지 않은 대조구의 유산생성능(330분)보다 약간 낮았으며, 감미료를 첨가하여 제조된 모든 yoghurt 중 fructose와 fructooligosaccharide 55%로 제조된 시료의 유산생성능(350분과 340분)이 다른 감미료로 제조된 시료의 유산생성능(370분∼385분)보다 약간 높았다. 2. 감미료를 첨가하여 제조된 yoghurt(isomaltooligisaccharide를 첨가하여 제조된 시료제외)의 점도(3.0∼4.5 M cps)가 감미료를 첨가하지 않은 대조구의 점도(3.0 M cps)보다 약간 높았으며, 감미료를 첨가하여 제조된 모든 yoghurt중 fructose와 fructooligosaccharide 55%로 제조된 시료의 점도가 가장 높았다. 3. 모든 yoghurt중 fructooligosaccharide 55%와 isomaltooligosaccharide로 제조된 yoghurt의 calorie가 가장 낮았다. 4. 외관과 조직은 모든 yoghurt에서 비교적 양호하였으나 풍미는 감미료를 첨가하여 제조된 yoghurt가 감미료를 첨가하지 않은 대조구보다 상당히 높았으며, 모든 yoghurt중 fructooligosaccharide 55%와 isomaltooligosaccharide로 제조된 yoghurt의 풍미가 가장 높았다. This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of different low calorie sweetners(aspartame, fructose, fructooligosaccharide 55%, isomaltooligosaccharide) on flavour and texture of non fat plain liquid yoghurt. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Lactic acid producing capacity of samples containing sweetners(340∼385 min.) were lower than that of control(330 min. ). Lactic acid producing capacity of samples made with fructose and fructooligosaccharide 55% (350 and 340 min. ) were higher than any other sweetened samples(370∼385 min. ). 2. Viscosity of samples containing sweetners(except for isomaltooligosaccharide) (3.0∼4.5M cps) were higher than that of control(3.0 M cps). Yoghurt made with fructose and fructooligosaccharide 55% showed much higher viscosity than other sweetened samples. 3. Yoghurt made with fructooligosaccharide 55% and isomaltooligosaccharide resulted in lower calories than other sweetened samples. 4. Appearance and texture of all samples were relatively good scores, but flavour scores of samples containing sweetner were significantly higher than that of control. Yoghurt made with fructooligosaccharide 55% and isomaltooligosaccharide had higher flavour scores than other samples.

      • KCI등재후보

        Selection Surgical Approaches for Cervical Fracture-Dislocation

        김용휘,정천기,조근태,김현집 대한신경외과학회 2004 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.36 No.5

        Objective : In this study, we retrospectively evaluate the surgical outcome of the cervical fracture-dislocation in order to define the criteria for the operative approach selection based on fracture characteristics. Methods : Thirty one consecutive patients (29 males and 2 females) who underwent operation for the cervical fracture-dislocation between 1997 and 2001 at a single institute were included in this study. Plain X-ray, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging studies were performed in all patients. Injuries were characterized using Denis’s three-column plain X-ray model, Daffer’s computed tomography, and Oner’s magnetic resonance imaging classifications. The Frankel classification was used for neurological deficits. The mean postoperative followup period was 11.93 months (range 1 - 61 months). Results : The anterior approach was performed in 14 and the posterior approach in 10 of the 31 patients, respectively. Both anterior and posterior fixation was performed electively in 7 of the 31 patients. Daffer and Oner’s classification was found to be able to predict surgical failures by either the anterior or the posterior approach. Threecolumn injury was misinterpreted as two-column injury only by plain radiography. No differences in neurological outcome, pain relief, or bone fusion rate were observed between the anterior approach and the posterior approach. However, the posterior approach was associated more frequently with postoperative kyphosis and instability. Conclusion : Surgical approach is usually determined on the basis of whether the compression is ventral or dorsal. Anterior fixation only may be an alternative to both anterior and posterior fixation in three-column injury, but posterior fixation alone is not.

      • 능이[Sarcodon aspratus(Berk.)S.I to]中의 Polyphenol Oxidase의 精製 및 特性에 關한 硏究

        金鏞揮,奉相均,張在哲,吳錫興,李瑞娜 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1987 農大論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Polyphenol oxidase in Neungee[Sarcondon aspratus (Berk .) 5, Ito]was purified and its some properties were studied . The enzyme was purified through ammonium sulfate precipitation and DEAE-cellulose column chro-matography. The activity of the purified enzyme was 1,484.3 units/mg.protein and final purification and yield were 30.0 fold and 23 %, respectively. The optimum pH and temperature were 4.0 and 55'C, respectively. The enzyme activity was completely inhibited by 95℃ heat treatment for 1 min. The enzyme showed highest affinity toward pyrogallol among trihydroxyphenols, although it showed affinity toward o-diphenoilc compounds, but inactive toward p-diphenol and monophenols. The enzyme Km values were 6.66mM with pyrogallol and 11.1 mM with catechol as substrate Inhibitor studies indicated that 0.5 mM L -ascorbic acid and 0.5mM sodium L-ascorbate were most potent .

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