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      • 韓國 Recreation의 運營과 現況

        鄭義權 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 1988 體育硏究 Vol.- No.1

        Ⅰ. Purpose This study sttempted to investigate the present states and functions of th recreational activities operated by the organization concerned to a body corporation, and to provide the valuable sourses for the sound popularization and the socialization of recreation. Ⅱ. Methods This study examined all sorts of data provided by the Leisure and Recreation Association in Korea, and analyzed the general survey responded by the second-class leaders of recreation. Ⅲ. Reaults A. The official approval for a body corporation has been transfered into the ministry of physical Education on 1982 after receiving a established permit (registration # : 96) as a cultural group by the Education ministry on 1961. The recreational activities under the support of goverment vecome vigorous through the following developmental stages : "the inchoateo stage", "the developmental stage", and "the reconstructive stage". B. Without the controlling system of the private of individual research office, the organization concerned to a body corporation found the branches at the cities and provinces over the nation. This organization depended upon only goverment support actually have maintained the business with being paltry situation. C. Total 3,422 persons completed the whole courses of the training programs for recreation leaders from 1979 to Aug 1988, and among them 2,336 persons aquired the official certification. Total 60 hours were provided in the training programs for the second-class leaders of recreation, howeyer, so far, no training program was provided for the first-class leaders. D. The major activities of the recreation, organization were involving the leader training, lectures, campings, circuit instructions, publications of instruction books, and productions of musical phonograph records etc. Various programs were also operation according to the international interaction and kinds of the jobs.

      • 身體의 禪, 不動, 相對性과 美學的 接近

        鄭義權,尹基榮 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 1993 體育硏究 Vol.- No.6

        In the process of physical activity, the Meditation and the Immovability are said to be tranquil elements that create artistic effect, but they can be considered as an Aethetics in playing sport as well. 1. As an artistic ideal, the aethetics of the Immovability has an economic concept, for it helps produce the best efficiency of sports and arts when man does economic efforts on them. 2. The Aetheticss of the Immovability means that both of the mind and the body have great implications in acquiring the world of knowledge around. this is a sort of total-Apprroaching way wheen wearching for knowledge 3. The Aethetics of the Immovability makes it possible to overcome the pressure upon on us, developing our mind necessary to abtain realization, after all, allowing us to create and form something new. 4. Because the Aethetics of the Immovability rests on the expressive symbolism on a body, so this is an obviously non-linguistics method that recognize the importance on understanding of the reality ultimately beyond that on language. 5. The Meditatin and the Immovability are a new form of creative non-linguistics. It believes in the physical-philosophic stand point, which can be termed as a sphere of morality in the field of sports or arts.

      • 茶山 丁若鏞의 體育思想에 관한 考察

        鄭義權 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2000 體育硏究 Vol.- No.13

        The purpose of this study is to present Dasan Chung, Yak-youg's physical thoughts which are included in his view of human being and the thoughts of education can be summarized as the following by the result of deductive studying. 1. Chung, Yak-yong's rhetorics of ruling others ourselves by cultivating ourselves stressed physical activities as practical and pragmatic learning through which the purpose pursued by current physical education. 2. Chung, Yak-youg's point of view about the content and method of physical education was based on practical and activity. By this view he thought that even the warrior should be wise as well as brave as an individual of learning and chivalry. Therefore in order to active this purpose he mentioned principle and the method of physical activity in detail. 3. Chung, Yak-yong's view about the relationship between the teacher and the student, it is required that the wise man who is respected by every Han can teach students. He believed that the effect of education can he accomplished by such a requirement. Especially he stressed true human education based upon the harmonious development of body and mind, not by physical training through activities.

      • 현대사회와 스포츠 문화의 구성체계에 관한 고찰

        정의권,구본행 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2003 體育硏究 Vol.- No.19

        Modern society, which is based on industrial structure, should establish a constitutional system that keeps pace with sport culture that improves the quality of life which is appropriate to the change of times, in order to enhance the value of social structure and sport culture. 1. The modern society is increasingly interested in the quantity of sports. The constitutional element of sport culture heavily shows dysfunctional aspects, and realizes the value and significance of sport through various norms simultaneously. 2. The value culture of sport is to understand and rationalize the reality of behavioral process of community members. And the society realizes the cultural constitutional system of the stable behaviors, and self-control and compromise of personal relations through the normative culture of sport. 3. The instrumental culture of sport is a physical instrument, and totally refers to a sort of expediency and use technology. The cultural constitutional system can be generally defined as instruments, machines, and technology. 4. The relationship of the sport culture system is a mutually-relating organic constitutional system in the form of value culture(outlook on sport), normative culture(mode of behaviors), and instrumental culture(sport facilities).

      • 스포츠산업의 분야와 발전구조에 관한 고찰

        정의권,김용주,송대섭 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 體育硏究 Vol.- No.16

        As the development of sport industry is absolutely necessary in the information age, the field and development structure of sport industry have been studied to make the basis for developing sport industry. 1. Sport industry is to deal with consumers in a broad area of life mainly on sport, and it offers every kind of service, and develops sport industry, 2. The sport industry can be divided into expanding the area enterprise based on GDP, sample business, and sport Industry that complex boundary proceeds. 3. The suggestion of structural development model means that various kinds of service are provided to people, and it signifies a model of professional sport role that can lead daily sports. 4. The market change In sport industry is changing into the market for as prosperous business as high valued item of sport related items that sport industry bring.

      • 비 체육전공학과 학생들의 교양체육 수업에 따른 의식 연구

        정의권,이성국 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.2

        This paper studies students' preference of and satisfaction with the physical education done in college as part of liberal arts classes. The result of the study will not only improve the quality of the physical education class, but also pull out the positive attitude of the students toward the class. This will eventually contribute to popularization of the life-long physical education. Students of our time, who understand the importance of leisure and health, ask for more and more physical education. They also want to enjoy the diversity in their classes. Colleges should thus prepare more adventurous sports classes for boys and more body-centered sports classes for girls. Only when the schools answer to such need of their students can they make their classes a true life-long physical education. A systematic support in administration and finance for the sports facilities is very important because they themselves are strong enough to attract students and arouse their desire for physical exercises. The teaching of seasonal sports during vacations could be a good solution if you can't have enough time for an efficient education during semesters.

      • 餘暇에 對한 解釋과 方向

        鄭義權 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 1990 體育硏究 Vol.- No.3

        In these modern days, the meaning of leisure is bised in the viewpoint of spending. This is caused by the lack of proper interpretation. This article's propose is in presenting scientific materials of making good use of leisure creats living value by finding out the true interpretation of lesiure. 1. The interpretation of leisure can be divided into the classical view of leisure, a form of activity, symbol of social class, and free time etc. 2. The classical view of leisure is valuable in life because it is regarded as a state of being through a certain activity, or as the change of mind. 3. The classical attitude of leisure was not everyonels possession, but class consciousness was a noble privilege and dualistic thought divided into work and leisure. 4. The interpretation of modern leisure is free time and unobligated time etc., and it is the most universal method of leisure rules. 5. The excessive spending of modern can be indicated one of problems is created by economy and leisure. 6. The making good use of leisure will have to be not economics of spending and possession, but free time leading to the personal cultivation of mind and the creation of life.

      • KCI등재

        체육이 유아의 인지·정서·사회성 발달에 미치는 영향

        정의권 중앙대학교 한국교육문제연구소 2005 한국교육문제연구 Vol.- No.22

        본 연구는 유아체육이 유아의 인지․정서․사회성 발달에 미치는 영향에 대한 학부모들의 인식을 조사하여 유아교육에 있어 체육을 보다 활성화시키기 위한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 있다. 연구참여자는 5-7세 학부모 629명을 대상으로 하였고, 자료처리는 유아의 배경과 학부모의 배경(유아의 성별, 연령 학부모의 성별, 연령, 월소득, 학력수준)에 따른 인식도(인지․정서․사회성)요인에 대한 다변량분석(MANOVA)을 하였다. 연구결과 유아체육이 인지발달과 정서, 사회성 3개영역 모두에서 배경변인 유아의 성별, 연령 학부모의 학력과 월소득 수준에서 유의한 차이가 나타났고, 나머지 배경변인에 따른 차이는 발견되지 않았다. 이러한 인식의 차이결과는 유아체육교육에 대한 학부모들의 인식의 중요성과 더불어 다양한 유아체육 프로그램 개발이 유아교육 현장에서 이루어져야 함을 제언하였다 The purpose of this study is to research and analyze parents' perception on the effect of children's physical education on children's cognitive, emotional, and social development. It seeks to provide basic data for more active children's physical education in children's educational environment. Data and the study results for this study have been obtained through survey on 629 parent's with 5-7 years old children. the surveys have been carried out on 12 private kindergartens, registered at Nlambeth borough council of Seoul, Which conduct children's physical education programs. For data analysis, statistical methods, Manova were used, operated on SPSS Window version 11.0 program. The result of this study is as followed. Different parents' perception has been confirmed for children's gender, years and parent's career, a monthly income, whereas no discrepancy has been found for parent's  gender and years.

      • 禪修行이 科育敎育領域에 미치는 可能性

        鄭義權 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 1995 體育硏究 Vol.- No.8

        The purpose of this study is to present rationale for rationale for understanding and development of physical education by re-examining the foundation of motor experience from the contents of Zen Discipline as general Eastern view. Under this goal, the self-awareness; the nature of the discipline; the Zen and body-mind training; and the motor skill acquisition were set forth by approaching the contents of physical education for this study to accomplish. As one of the many thoughts of Buddhism, the Zen thoughts most emphatically insists on one's inner spiritual enlightenment, and there are no rational metaphysics and no absolute dogma. Instead, the focus is on a method by which the individual many achieve religious enlightenment and self-awareness. While Zen has no thought system of its own and refuses to commit itself to any specified pattern of thinking, it does employ a unique method of body-mind training. Part of the Zen discipline involves meditation and focusing the mind on the body. Zen discipline is based on intuition rather than analysis, that is ascetic excercise and practice rather than theory. The body is given great attention in the Zen discipline because it is the source of experience and subsequent self-awareness. It is also important because the body can provide the discipline for a transformation of character. Zen Discipline is based on intuition rather than analysis, that is ascetic excercise and practice rather than theory. Therefore the human and world is considered from the organic and unificative view, and is said that body and mind is the same. In relation to this, the Zen discipline studying human movement has solved the problems in superficial studies of physical education which has done by the encasement of technological of human movement. It will also provide the possibility of physical education that is related to human movement and life. It is not in basic concept that physical education should be update. Innovations should be introduced to all components of physical education goals should be redefined ; contents should be reorganized ; and new methods should be explored in teaching.

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