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      • KCI등재
      • 師範大學 學生과 現職 中等學校 敎師의 敎職態度 比較 分析

        郭大燮 공주대학교 학생생활연구소 1984 學生生活硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        This study attempted to compare the attitude of students enrolled in Teachers' College with that of secondary school teachers in service toward the teaching profession, through analyzing semantic differentially he perceptions of them two, pertaining to the fundamental five concepts - 'school', 'student', 'teacher' and 'educational administration'- associated with the attitude of the teaching profession, This study made use of Semantic Differential developed enrolled in Teachers' College and 775 secoundary school teachers in service in Korea. The results were as follows. 1) It was found that, as a whole, the students enrolled in Teachers' College were negative to the attitude of teaching profession, while the teachers in service were positive. 2) The male students were more negative than the female ones to their attitude of teaching profession. But there was no semantic difference with regard to the attitude between the first-grade students and the fourth-grade ones. 3) Among the teachers, the Non-Teachers' College-teachers were more positive than the Teachers' College-teachers, and the longer the teachers' career, the more positive their attitude of teaching profession. But between the male and the female, there was no semantic difference. 4) Both the students and the teachers were notably the most negative with regard to the concept 'educational administration' of the others. 5) The students were more negative than the teachers in terms of the three dimentions of semantic differential to the five concepts of teaching profession.

      • 學校組織의 開放性 水準과 教師燒盡感의 關係

        Kwak Dae Sop(郭大燮) 공주대학교 교육연구소 1991 교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        This study was aimed at identifying the relationship between the level of organizational openness and the perceived teacher-burnout of secondary schools, and at analyzing the relationships according to the background variables selected. Two kinds of questionnaires were administered to a sample of 1,046 teachers of 70 secondary schools in Dae-Jeon City and Chung-Nam Province. The statistical methods used were M, SD, F-ratio, and t-test. The main results were as follows: 1) It was found that the lower the level of organizational openness, the higher the level of teacher-burnout. 2) In analyzing the relationship between the organizational openness and teacher-burnout according to the background variables of school organizations and teachers, the significant relationship was found in five variables - the location of schools, teacher career, teacher sexes, teacher s positions, and teacher s alma mater. 3) In analyzing the relation of the organizational openness to the three subfactors of teacher-burnout, the significant relationship was found in two of them - feelings of emotional exhaustion and feelings of a lack of personal accomplishment.

      • 學校組織의 官僚化 程度와 教師의 欲求性向과의 關係

        Kwak Dae sop(郭大燮) 공주대학교 교육연구소 1990 교육연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was started in an attempt to identify the relationship between the school bureaucratization and the need-dispositions of teachers in secondary schools in Chung-nam Province. Two kinds of questionnaires were administered to a sample of 295 teachers. One was for measuring the degree of school bureaucratization - “Forced Choice Measure of Bureaucratization of school System” by G.H. Moller and W. Charters, and the other was for measuring the need-dispositions of teachers “The Motivation- Hygiene Inventory” framed by F.Herzberg and revised by T.J.Sergiovanni. The results were as follows: 1) The higher the degree of bureaucratization was, the lower of the need-dispositions of teachers. 2) The relations were significant in male teachers, teachers of 40 years of age and up, rural schools, under 24 class-schools, and common teacher, but not in the other variables.

      • 學校長의 變革的 指導性과 敎師의 職務滿足度의 關係

        Kwak Dae Sub(郭大燮) 공주대학교 교육연구소 1998 교육연구 Vol.14 No.-

        This study was started for the purpose of identifying the relationship between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ job-satisfaction in primary schools. As a result, it was found that the higher the level of transformational leadership of principals, the stronger the teachers’ job-satisfaction, and that the ‘human respect’ factor of the three sub-factors of transformational leadership was the most predictable one to the level of teachers’ job-satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        외신이 재현하는 한국의 자화상: 이명박 정부 5년에 대한 외신홍보 실적 자료를 중심으로

        김성해 ( Sung Hae Kim ),곽대섭 ( Dae Sup Kwak ),유정재 ( Jung Jae Yoo ),조민규 ( Min Gyu Jo ) 한국지역언론학회 2013 언론과학연구 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 이명박 정부 5년 동안 이루어진 외신의 한국 관련 보도양상을 임기 기간별 및 외신의 소속 국가별로 분석함으로써 향후 효과적인 외신 홍보 전략에 대한 함의를 찾는 것을 목적으로 했다. 정부 각 부처에서 자체적으로 외신보도 실적으로 분류한 홍보성 기사 166개를 분석대상으로 삼았으며 분석항목으로는 보도주체, 기사작성자, 핵심정보원, 보도주제, 뉴스가치 및 한국의 과제 등을 포함했다. 분석결과, 한국에 대한 기사는 미국, 중국, 일본 순으로 많이 보도한 것으로 나타났다. 국가별 매체에서 미국은 월스트리트저널, 일본은 마이니치, 중국은 환구시보의 보도 빈도가 높았다. 기사작성자의 경우 시기별·국가별 모두 자사기자(해외파견 특파원)를 통한 보도가 가장 많았다. 핵심정보원 중에서 가장 높은 비율을 차지한 것은 대통령이었고 정부 관료가 그 다음으로 많았다. 그러나 임기 말에는 정부 관료가 대통령보다 더 많이 인용되고 있었다. 보도주제에서 외신은 대통령 관련, 대외정책관련, 금융시장동향을 주로 다루었다. 대통령 재임 기간에 따른 차이도 있었다. 임기 초에는 대통령 관련 주제와 대외 정책 관련 주제가 많았고 임기 말로 갈수록 한국의 금융시장동향 등에 대한 관심이 높았다. 한국의 국가신용등급 상승과 같은 외부 재료가 보도에 반영되었기 때문으로 파악되었다. 마지막으로 외신은 한국의 향후 과제로 국제관계개선의 필요성을 가장 빈번하게 언급한 것으로 나타났고 그 다음으로는 대통령과 정부의 리더십 발휘였다. 연구자들은 이를 기반으로 해외 언론에 대한 이해 노력, 특파원 관리의 강화와 더불어 대통령, 대외정책과 금융시장 등에 대한 일상적인 정보제공을 통한 발신기회 확대 등을 홍보 전략으로 제시하였다. To win international ``hearts and minds`` is crucial in the current global society. Also is it believed that global news media play an important role not only in reconstructing national image but in shaping global public opinion. However little attention has been paid to understanding the practices of foreign media in a way of comparing national and historical differences. This paper in this regard attempts to examine how those foreign media around the globe actually covered korea related issues. Total 166 articles chosen carefully by Korean government officials both in domestic and abroad were analyzed in terms of producers, subjects, news value and national agenda. Research results show that the majority of Korea related news were come from highly prestigious news media including Wall Street Journal, Broomberg, Ashahi and Xinhua agency. While U.S., China and Japan paid more attention than others, foreign correspondents residing at Seoul were the primary producers in general. News topics as well as news value was also differed by nationalities and time lines. While the majority of the media delievering more articles about the President and foreign policy issues, initial emphasis on human stories about the President went down in the end of the regime. In addition, those foreign media were common in urging Korean society to improve international relationship and showing political leadership. The authors put forward the following suggestion for improving national image and soft power in final: First of all, the Korean government needs to pay additional heeds to making use of the President in way of improving national image; Secondly, it is necessary to project strategical approach to fit with target audience and the media in need; While endeavoring to identifying proper items for news, it is advisable to engage in elaborating discourse for the benefit of winning public attention.

      • KCI등재후보

        북핵 위기의 미디어 담론 분석

        최종환(Jong-Hwan Choi),곽대섭(Dae-Sup Kwak),김성욱(Sung-Wook Kim) 부산울산경남언론학회 2014 지역과 커뮤니케이션 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 북한의 핵실험과 미사일 발사로 촉발된 한반도 위기상황을 한국 언론은 어떻게 파악하고 있으며 어떠한 해결책을 제시하고 있는지 알아보기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 보수 성향의 <동아일보>와 진보 성향의 <경향신문>, 그리고 중도 성향의 <서울신문> 등 3개 신문을 선정하고 이들 매체의 북핵 관련 사설 및 칼럼 201개를 분석했다. 그 결과, ‘북핵 위기에 대한 원인 프레임’에서 <동아일보>는 ‘협상수단’, ‘불량국가’ 및 ‘군사대국화’ 순으로 인식했고, <경향신문>은 ‘협상수단’, ‘대결부산물’, ‘방어전략’ 및 ‘내부결속’순으로 인식했다. <서울신문>의 경우 ‘협상수단’, ‘불량국가’, ‘군사대국화’ 순으로 인식했다. ‘북핵 위기에 대한 해결방안 프레임’에서 <동아일보>는 ‘연대강화’와 ‘고립전략’ 순으로 많이 인식했고, <경향신문>은 ‘연대강화’와 ‘포용전략’이 필요하다고 인식했다. 그리고 <서울신문>은 ‘연대강화’, ‘고립전략’, ‘내부결속’ 순으로 해결방안을 제시했다. 본 연구는 진보와 보수, 그리고 중도성향 신문들의 사설 및 칼럼 분석을 통해 북핵 위기의 원인 및 해결방안에 대한 프레임이 각 언론사의 입장과 정파성에 따라 서로 다르게 제시되고 있음을 확인하고 이 같은 문제를 해결하기 위한 방안을 모색했다. The primary purpose of this study is to unveil the similarities and differences of domestic media’s understanding of the nuclear crises of the Korean Peninsula caused and escalated by North Korea’s nuclear tests and missile launches since 1990s. To do so, three major domestic newspapers such as Dong-A Ilbo, The Kyunghyang Shinmun, and The Seoul Shinmun are selected in order to investigate the points of view and approaches of conservative, progressive, and neutral newpapers on the nuclear crises of the Korean Peninsula. Particularly their editorial opinions and columns are closely investigated by discourse analysis and content analysis because they clearly and manifestly present each newspaper’s understanding of the cause of the nuclear crises of the Korean Peninsula. Also, they present counter-measures and solutions to resolve the nuclear crisis of the Korean Peninsula that are perceived as the most effective and realistic ways by each newspaper. By comparing each newspaper’s editorial opinions and columns covering the nuclear crises of the Korean Peninsula, this research finds that there are wide and significant gaps in understandings and approaches of domestic newspapers on the issue which are largely depending on each newspaper’s point of view.

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