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        Characterization of Chitinase from Bacillus thuringiensis Isolated from the Dynastid Beetle, Allomyrina dichotoma L.

        조용훈,송용수,Tariku Tesfaye Edosa,서동준,원란,방인석,한연수,정우진 한국키틴키토산학회 2017 한국키틴키토산학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        Chitin is a linear polysaccharide that consists of β-1,4-linked N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc) and it forms the carbohydrate backbone of crustacean and insect exoskeletons. Chitinase has the ability to degrade these chitins to its product chitin oligosaccharides which are used in potential applications of biomedicine, nutrition and bio-technology. Bacillus thuringiensis is one of the well-known bacteria producing chitinase. In present study, we identified and purified the chitinase from B. thuringiensis PRCII. Chitinase activity assay using crap shell chitin and T. molitor chitin indicates that three chitinases approximately 37, 42, and 71 kDa were detected from B. thuringiensis PRCII. In addition, we cloned and expressed the 71 kDa chitinase from B. thuringiensis PRCII. These chitinases exhibited two chitinase protein activity 71 and 50 kDa in both native and rBtchitinase using crap shell and T. molitor chitin. On the basis of the in silco analysis of Btchitinase, Btchitinase lacks chitin binding domain. However, it exhibited the active chitinase activity, suggesting that chitin binding domain is not necessary for chitin hydrolysis.

      • 1980年度 痢疾樣 大便을 가진 患兒들에 對한 臨床的 細菌學的 觀察

        趙龍勳,南聖枝,具滋薰,安斗洪,薛盛用 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1980 慶北醫大誌 Vol.21 No.2

        1980年 1月부터 1980年 8月까지 滿 8個月間 痢疾樣 大便을 主訴로 本 小兒科에서 入院및 來院한 患兒 75名을 對象으로 臨床的, 細菌學的 觀察을 하여 다음과 같은 咸績을 얻었다. 年齡別 分布는 1歲에서 5歲 사이가 35例(47%)로 가장 높았으며 이들中 Shigella는 23例(30%), Entameba histolytica는 13例(17%)였고 Vibrio parahaemolyticus는 한 例도 檢出되지 않았다. 檢出된 Shigella 23菌株는 모두 Shigella flexneri 였다. 月別分布는 6月 16例(20%), 7月 30例(40%)로서 最多數를 占하였으나 細菌性 痢疾의 경우 月別에 관계없이 均等하게 分布하고 있었다. 臨床症狀및 理學的 所見으로는 細菌性痢疾의 경우 38℃ 以上의 發熱 19例(83%), 嘔吐 6例(26%), 腹痛 8例(35%), 痙攣 5例(22%)였으며, 아메바性 痢疾에서는 發熱 4例(31%), 痙攣 1例(8%)로서 細菌性 痢疾에서 아메바性 痢疾보다 發熱과 痙攣이 빈번히 나타났다. 泄瀉의 性狀에서는 細菌性 痢疾 23例中 血粘液性이 19例(83%)였는데 비해 아메바性 痢疾 13例에서는 粘液性이 8例(62%)였다. 泄瀉의 回數에서도 細菌性 痢疾에서는 대부분이 11回以上이었는데 比해 아메바性 痢疾에서는 대부분이 10回未滿이었다. 末梢血液에서의 白血球數는 全例의 35%에서 白血球 增多症을 보였다. 分離된 Shigella 23菌株에 對한 抗生劑 感受性 檢査를 平板混合포稀釋法에 依해 調査해 본 結果 kanamycin, gentamicin, amikacin, cephaloridine, rifampin이 100%의 感受性을 나타내어 가장 높았고, nalidixic acid에서도 87%의 感愛性을 나타냈으며, sulfonamide, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, tetracycline, ampicillin, bactrim 에서는 한 菌株를 제외한 모든 菌株에서 耐性을 나타냈다. 그리고 이들 Shigella 23菌株中 1菌株를 제외한 나머지 모든 菌株에서 6種 以上의 抗生物質에 對해 多抗生物質耐性을 보여 주었다. A clinical and laboratory study was conducted on 75 children with dysentery-like stool, who were admitted or visited to our pediatric department during 8 months period from January to August 1980. The following results were obtained: One to five years of age group was affected most frequently (47%). Shigella flexneri was identified by stool culture in 23 cases (30%) and Entameba hitolytica in 13 cases (17%). In bacillary dysentery group, fever was the most common symptom occuring in 83%, followed by abdominal pain in 35%, vomiting in 26% and convulsion in 22%. In amoebic dysentery group, fever was noted in 31% and convulsion in 8%, showing some contrast to the frequency of fever and CNS manifestation. About the character of diarrheal stools, 83% of bacillary dysentery group showed bloody, mucoid stool and 62% of amoebic dysentery group mucoid ones. Frequency of diarrhea was 11 times per day or more in 73% of bacillary dysentery patients, and 10 times per day or less in 92% of amoebic dysentery patients. The result of sensitivity test of isolated Shigella to various antibiotics were as follow: 100% sensitive to kanamicin, gentamicin, amikacin, cephaloridine and rifampin. 87% to nalidixic acid, and 4.3% to sulfonamide, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, tetracyclin, ampicillin and bactrim. And 22 out of 23 isolated Shigella strains revealed multiplydrug-resistance patterns to 6 or more antibiotics.

      • 安城市 都市·建築 保全方案

        趙庸薰,金大翼 안성산업대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.30 No.2

        During high speed economic growth period, our society has focused it's energy on the demolition and destruction of all our natural and man-made environment. In progress with that trend, our small cities a1so have just followed the metropolitan physical change and considered that imitation be the same meaning as "modernization". Therefore, our valuable urban and architectural heritages have been constantly destructed and that situation has been same in this small city, ANSUNG. But in spite of many environmental destruction and new development, ANSUNG has still more historic architectures and urban districts than other cities, i.e. PYONGTAEK or CHEONAN, because of comparatively low speed growth. By using this comparatively good condition, the execution of gradual development strategy with conservation method of urbanity and architecture should be carried immediately, and that strategy should be accompanied with the participation of citizens, local authority, and expert groups.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        기독교대학의 수월성에 대한 사회윤리적 연구

        조용훈 한국기독교사회윤리학회 2007 기독교사회윤리 Vol.14 No.-

        This article aims to investigate the relationship between the excellence of the Christian colleges and socio-political leadership in Korea. In the past the Christian colleges played a major role in the development of the Korean society and churches. This comes from the excellence of the Christian colleges. The excellence of the Christian colleges in Korea consisted of four elements: uniqueness of Christian educational ideology, excellence of scholarship, excellence of morality, and difference from secular culture. The Christian colleges early stage in their history maintained strongly their Christian educational idea. If it seemed to impossible to hold this idea against the Japanese colonial government, they decided to close the colleges, as shown in the case of Soongsil college in 1938. However, in these days, the Christian educational idea replaced with the unreflected educational idea like as globalization and information literacy. Secondly, The Christian colleges in the past showed their academic excellence in the introduction of the western modern academic discipline to the Korean society. However, the Christian colleges in the present has been lost their academic excellence except some distinguished colleges. Many of them are called as 'second-class' or 'third-class' colleges. Thirdly, the Christian colleges in the past demonstrated their moral excellence in the extra curricular activities in the field of rural and suburb of urban community. This made them to take the good reputation from the outside of campus. Lastly, the Christian colleges in the past showed their difference in the new Christian way of life from secular colleges. They were heralds of the Good News as well as bringer of the civilized way of life. However, in the present, it is very hard to find the cultural difference between Christian colleges and secular ones. This gloomy realities challenge the Christian colleges to reflect themselves to retake their leadership in the society through recovering the excellence of scholarship, morality and culture.

      • KCI등재

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