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      • KCI등재


        贾宝书 ( Jia,Baoshu ) 한국중국언어학회 2021 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.96

        The word “Changchang (often)” is generally regarded as a time adverb or a frequency adverb. Most dictionaries lay emphasis on its meanings of “large number of actions,” “short unit time” and “short time interval.” That is why the meanings of “Changchang (often)” include both factors of time quantity and motion quantity. Its motion quantity factor lies in the number of actions. Its time quantity factor is reflected in two ways: the length of “unit time” involved in frequency and the length of “time interval” of actions. The findings of this research paper suggest that in sentences that express the frequency of actions, there exists limit of “quantity value” in the meanings of “number of actions,” “no long unit time” and “short time interval” of “Changchang (often).” “Number of actions” is limited by maximum value and minimum value while “unit time” and “time interval” are limited by maximum value. The limit of maximum and minimum values is the logical basis the validity of “Changchang” clauses. Being out of the range of their quantity value would invalidate “Changchang (often).” The limit of quantity value of “Changchang (often)” should be paid special attention to when acquiring and applying “Changchang (often)” sentences.

      • KCI등재


        贾宝书 ( Jia Baoshu ) 한국중국언어학회 2021 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.92

        Modern Chinese Dictionary, as a medium-sized Chinese language reference book, plays an important role in Chinese language learning and researching. As it has a broad influence, the potential flaws in annotation would bring out negative impact on readers. Take the 7<sup>th</sup> edition of Modern Chinese Dictionary for example. The writer finds out some mistakes in it through careful study. In annotation, there are mistakes such as “incorrect and inappropriate definitions, over-extended as well as under-extended denotation of the definitions, and missing as well as redundant senses of the entries, for every of which, a certain number of individual examples are included. The problems in annotation should especially draw attention of the lexicographers and the language learners. Pointing out and correcting the mistakes is obligatory both for upholding the authority of Modern Chinese Dictionary and for restoring the real sense of Chinese lexicon and the definitions of specific words. It is also of great realistic guiding significance for language learning and researching.

      • KCI등재

        试论“很”作为形容词义项鉴定字的现实意义 - 从能受“很”修饰的一般动词谈起

        贾宝书 ( Jia Baoshu ) 한국중국언어학회 2019 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.85

        본문은 “很”의 일반적인 동사를 수식하는 것에 대해 고찰해 보고자 한다. “很”는 원래는 형용사의 품사를 판정하는 기능을 가지고 있었는데, 그 예외가 매우 적다. 하지만, 언어에 있어서 “很”의 일반동사를 수식하는 경우가 점차 많아짐에 따라서 이것은“很”의 문법적 기능 변화를 설명할 수 있는가? <현대중국어사전>에 있는 많은 동사들이 “很”의 수식을 받을 수 있으며, 이러한 동사는 정말로 모두 동사인지 의문을 던진다. <현대중국어사전> 단어의 표현에 많은 표준 불일치의 문제가 있으며, 특히 “很” 수식을 받는 단어가 형용사인지 동사인지에 대한 것에 많은 모순이 있어 동사와 형용사의 경계가 모호하게 되었다. 그리고, 동사가 “很”수식을 받을 수 있다는 것을 인정하면 동사와 형용사의 병합어에 대한 부정으로 이어질 수 있다. 현행 한자의 해석적 의미에 있는 문제는 동사의 해석적 의미가 “很”라는 글자라는 것이 인간의 개념의 산물일 뿐이며, 문법적 기능이 변하지 않는다는 것을 의미하며, 이 개념을 바꾸면 “很”라는 글자라는 단어가 동사와 형용사를 기존의 문법적 규칙을 따르게 할 수 있는 “很”라는 글자라는 단어에 의해 분리될 수 있다. 존재, 언어 이론 및 언어교수 및 연구 모두에 중요한 실용적 의미를 부여한다. The paper starts from cases of “很 (very)” modifying plain verbs. Essentially, “很 (very)”is an identifier of adjectives with very few exceptions. However, as language changes, there appear more and more cases in which “很 (very)” modifies plain verbs. Does it mean that the grammatical function of “很 (very)” has changed? In the Modern Chinese Dictionary, there are many verbs modified by “很”. Are these verbs real verbs? One problem of the Modern Chinese Dictionary is the inconsistency of the standards of POS (part of speech) tagging. There are many contradictions in identifying whether some words modified by “很” are verbs or adjectives, which leads to a blur boundary of verbs and adjective. What’s more, admitting verbs can be modified by “很” will result in negating the existing of verb-adjective multi-class words. However, if “很” is consistently taken as the identifier of adjectives, there would be no existence of cases in which “很” modifies verbs. The problem with the annotation of the Modern Chinese Dictionary suggests that “很” modifying verbs is subjective rather that a change in the grammatical function of “很”. If words that can be modified by “很” are tagged a separately adjective item, the ambiguity of adjectives and verbs would be canceled and the existing grammar rules can be complied, which is of practical significance to language theory and language teaching.

      • KCI등재

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