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      • KCI등재


        裵晋影 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.51

        Recently, loanwords are permeating daily life deeply in the Korean and Japanese languages. As cultural exchanges between both countries have become popular, the uses of loanwords between the two languages have become high as well. This study examines the use of loanwords between the Korean and Japanese languages in their most recent 10 years, and focuses on the titles of the popular songs between the two languages that make use of the aspect of loanwords and foreign words. As a result loanword use by the popular song title is used much more in Japanese than in Korean. Korean loanword uses are below half, percentage wise, except for the year 2009, and Japanese loanword use have consistently been over half throughout the years. Secondly, by looking at the popular song titles of the two countries, it was found that Japanese titles tend to have more “wriiting”, “coined words” and “etymology.” Much more than when compared to the popular song titles of Korea. Through this study it can be seen that the use of loanwords between the Korean and Japanese language have increased and confirms that loanwords have permeated deeply into the daily lives of the countries’ citizens.

      • KCI등재

        하이에키언 삼각형(HT)의 의미와 한계: 재평가

        배진영 한국제도∙경제학회 2017 제도와 경제 Vol.11 No.3

        The global financial crisis occurred in the early 2000s made many people divert much attention to the business cycle theory based on the economics of Austrian school. Not a few Austrian economists use an analytical tool called the ‘Hayekian Triangle’(HT) to develop their business cycle theory. It would not be denied that HT has played a pivot role in constructing ‘Austrian business cycle theory’(ABCT). This paper examines the meaning of HT, summarizes the criticisms of Barnett and Block who pointed out the problems in HT, and tries to reappraise their criticisms on HT. HT is a geometrical figure introduced to describe the production structure of a country at a certain point in time. It is not a flow variable but a stock one. It has many problems due to oversimplifying the production structure of a country, but HT has contributed many things academically and politically as follows: First, it allowed the ‘Austrian business cycle theory’ to compete with mainstream economists. Secondly, it shows clearly that the business cycle can be induced by the artificial injection or withdrawal of money into circulation. Thirdly, it makes one easier to understand a business cycles, comparing with other theories. Fourth, it realizes that saving is more important than consumption in order to achieve economic growth. Fifth, GDP and input-output tables are commonly used to determine the economic performance of a whole country. However, these indicators which are flow variable can not show the detailed production structure of a country at a moment. In this regard, HT reminds us that it is important to develop indicators for business cycle that reflect the concept of HT. It seems like MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain at a certain point in time to identify brain lesions. 2000년대 초 일어난 세계금융위기는 오스트리아 학파의 경기변동 이론에 많은 관심을 기울이게 했다. 적지 않은 오스트리안 경제학자들은 그들의 경기변동 이론을 전개하기 위하여 소위 ‘하이에키언 삼각형’(이하 HT)이라는 분석도구를 사용한다. 이 글은 HT의 의미를 검토하고 HT의 문제점을 지적한 바네트·블라크(Barnett & Block)의 글을 비판적으로 정리하면서 HT에 대한 재평가를 시도한다. HT는 어느 한 시점에 한 나라의 생산구조를 묘사하기 위하여 도입한 저량(stock)의 기하학적인 개념이다. 그것은 한 나라의 생산구조를 지나치게 단순화한 데 따른 여러 문제점을 내포하고 있지만 그 단순함 때문에 오히려 HT는 학문적으로 그리고 정책적으로 다음과 같은 기여를 했다. 첫째, ‘오스트리안 경기변동 이론’을 주류 경제학자들과 대등한 수준에서 경쟁하도록 했다. 둘째, 경기변동의 원인이 인위적인 통화량 변동에 있음을 각인시켜주었다. 셋째, 교육적인 측면에서 경기변동의 원인을 다른 이론들과 비교하면서 보다 쉽게 이해하게 해주었다. 넷째, 경제성장에서 소비보다 저축의 중요성을 일깨워 주었다. 다섯째, GDP나 산업연관표는 거시경제지표의 핵심이다. 그러나 이들 ‘유량’ 지표만으로는 어느 한 시점에서의 한 나라 생산구조를 세세히 보여줄 수 없다. 이런 점에서 ‘저량’으로서 HT의 개념을 반영하는 지표 개발이 중요함을 일깨워준다. 그것은 마치 뇌 병변을 규명하기 위하여 자기공명영상(MRI)으로 어느 한 시점에서의 뇌를 단층 촬영하는 것과 같다.

      • KCI등재

        분만취약지역 대책: 성과 및 평가기준

        배진영,홍성연 대한의사협회 2016 대한의사협회지 Vol.59 No.6

        In 2011, the government of South Korea established a support program for obstetric care for underserved geographical areas to address the serious problem of the low birth rate. The birth rate of some underserved areas has since been increasing, and several indexes of mother and child health have since improved. However, various problems have also been noted in the evaluation of the policy for this support program. The birth rate of some rural areas remains low, and the inadequacy of professional health care providers has not been resolved. The medical fee for delivery should be rationalized, and countermeasures for medical litigation should be established. Furthermore, better communication between local residents and healthcare providers are necessary to improve maternal and child health. For effective long-term provision of obstetric care through this support program for underserved areas, new outcome and evaluation standards are necessary. Critical requirements for launching an initial support program and outcomes including the birth rate and indices of maternal and child health should be itemized and assessed. Support for health care providers requires expansion including support personnel, the establishment of a transfer system, and measures to address legal problems. A multifaceted approach including regular maternal education and an information network system for local residents is necessary. Future support programs should include total care for maternal and child health, so cooperation of the government offices and health care centers is essential. At the same time, new standards of evaluation of obstetric care support programs for underserved areas need to be established for appropriate evaluation of comprehensive family health.

      • KCI등재

        「河渠書」를 통해 본 司馬遷의 水利思想 ―帝國의 維持와 統合 機制로써―

        배진영 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2010 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        This research investigates the irrigation theory of Simaqian(司馬遷) in Hequshu(「河渠書」). Simaqian regarded rivers being threatening and the cause of flood. Therefore, he considered them as objects to be controlled by people, since they became causes of human and social disasters if they were remained intact. He considered that flood disasters had to be changed to water utilization by irrigation projects. The main goals of Simaqian's irrigation were: ① the irrigation for increase in agricultural production, ② prevention of flood, and ③ shipping products to the central government. The reason for the goals was that the ultimate purpose of the irrigation was to obtain revenue for maintenance and integration of an empire. Therefore, it can be considered that the emphasis of the irrigation of the time was to guarantee smooth shipping of products and taxes and to increase agricultural production for more taxes. In other words, Simaqian completed a theory of irrigation by utilizing rivers in the perspective of accomplishing and maintaining a unified centralized empire more concretely, oriented to an emperor. In this perspective, it can be known that Simaqian's irrigation theory reflected the political circumstance of the centralized empire of the time. In addition, it can be considered that the theory not only played a consistent role of maintaining the imperial order of the time, but also represented the viewpoint of an emperor to rule the empire of the time.

      • KCI등재

        Molecular Characteristics and Exotoxins of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

        배진영,진현우,김정호,박민,이지영,김성현 대한의생명과학회 2021 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.27 No.4

        Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterial pathogen capable of causing human diseases, such as soft tissue infection, bacteremia, endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome, pneumonia, and sepsis. Although the incidence rate of diseases caused by MRSA has declined in recent years, these diseases still pose a clinical threat due to their consistently high morbidity and mortality rates. However, the role of virulence factors in staphylococcal infections remains incompletely understood. Methicillin resistance, which confers resistance to all β-lactam antibiotics in cellular islets, is mediated by the mecA gene in the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec). Differences in SCCmec types and differences in their sizes and structures serve epidemiological purposes and are used to differentiate between hospital-associated (HA)-MRSA and community-associated (CA)-MRSA. Some virulence factors of S. aureus are also providing a distinction between HA-MRSA and CA-MRSA. These factors vary depending on the presence of toxins, adhesion, immune evasion, and other virulence determinants. In this review, we summarized an overview of MRSA such as resistance mechanisms, SCCmec types, HA- and CA-MRSA, and virulence factors that enhance pathogenicity or MRSA epidemiology, transmission, and genetic diversity.

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