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      • KCI등재

        丁茶山의 人性論

        蔡振豊 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2008 한국문화 Vol.43 No.-

        An understanding of human nature plays a critical role in the thought of the Korean scholar Jeong Tasan (丁茶山, 1762-1836). Whether it be in terms of his contribution to the development of Confucianism or his relation to Western scholarship, it is necessary to reference his view of human nature before drawing any conclusions. What is unique about Jeong’s view of human nature was his idea of seom-gi-ho (性嗜好, nature as preference). Although this innovation on his part was commended by a wide range of scholars, it is still an open question whether this view stems from the Confucian tradition or a Western tradition. This paper will attempt to clarify that issue. We will argue that from atheoretical perspective, Jeong’s view of human nature is distinct both from the one found in Matteo Ricci’s Tianzhu shiyi (天主實義) and the one put forward by DaiZhen (戴震, 1723-1777). From this we can see that the philosophy of sirhak (實學) advocated by Jeong based on his view of human nature represents a native Korean Confucianism different from that found in China. At the same time, though, Jeong viewed his thought as a return to “susa learning”(洙泗之學), an indication that he saw his views as being in line with the thought of Confucius and Mencius. In fact, a comparison of Jeong’s thought with Mencius’ views of the heart-mind (心) and nature shows that in terms of there theoretical positions, the two men belong to the same school of thought. As such, Jeong’s view of human nature is, in a sense, an attempt to bypass Zhu Zi (朱子) to get back to the original teachings of Mencius. An understanding of human nature plays a critical role in the thought of the Korean scholar Jeong Tasan (丁茶山, 1762-1836). Whether it be in terms of his contribution to the development of Confucianism or his relation to Western scholarship, it is necessary to reference his view of human nature before drawing any conclusions. What is unique about Jeong’s view of human nature was his idea of seom-gi-ho (性嗜好, nature as preference). Although this innovation on his part was commended by a wide range of scholars, it is still an open question whether this view stems from the Confucian tradition or a Western tradition. This paper will attempt to clarify that issue. We will argue that from atheoretical perspective, Jeong’s view of human nature is distinct both from the one found in Matteo Ricci’s Tianzhu shiyi (天主實義) and the one put forward by DaiZhen (戴震, 1723-1777). From this we can see that the philosophy of sirhak (實學) advocated by Jeong based on his view of human nature represents a native Korean Confucianism different from that found in China. At the same time, though, Jeong viewed his thought as a return to “susa learning”(洙泗之學), an indication that he saw his views as being in line with the thought of Confucius and Mencius. In fact, a comparison of Jeong’s thought with Mencius’ views of the heart-mind (心) and nature shows that in terms of there theoretical positions, the two men belong to the same school of thought. As such, Jeong’s view of human nature is, in a sense, an attempt to bypass Zhu Zi (朱子) to get back to the original teachings of Mencius.

      • KCI등재


        蔡振豊 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2013 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.20

        丁若鏞(號茶山Tasan)對四書的注解, 在說法上與朱子學頗有出入, 因而有學者認為他是反朱子學的學者。類似的討論, 放在「實學」的脈絡中, 也有學者認為實學接近於氣學, 因而將丁若鏞的說法歸入氣學一派。本文由當代政治哲學中「完善」與「正當」的概念重新檢討上述的說法, 其目的有二:(一)釐清茶山學與朱子學清代氣學的理論差異及其關聯性。(二)探尋茶山學的理論是否有延伸至現代學術(特別是當代政治哲學)的可能性。本文的結論有二:(一)丁若鏞的論說與朱子學具有互補的意義, 而與清代的氣學不屬同一路向。(二)茶山學的理論比朱子學更具有現代學術的意義, 除了有融通倫理學中「義務論」(deontology)與「目的論」(teleology)的可能性外, 也有由「德行原理」(principle of virtue)延伸為「法權原理」(principle of right)的可能性。 The fact that the commentaries on the Four Books written by Chŏng Yagyong (style name: Tasan) deviate widely from those of Zhu Xi has led many scholars to believe that he opposed the thought of Zhu Xi. As similar positions have been thought to be related to qi studies, Chŏng Yagyong has been considered to be a proponent of such movement. This paper reviews this argument from the modern philosophical perspectives of the “good” and the “right” to clarify the theoretical differences and connections between Tasan and Zhu Xi, as well as to consider whether it is possible to place Tasan’s theory within the context of modern scholarship, especially that of political philosophy. We conclude that Chŏng Yagyong’s thought is complementary to that of Zhu Xi, and that as such it is distinct from the qi studies of the Qing dynasty. Furthermore, Tasan’s thought is shown to be more relevant to modern scholarship than that of Zhu Xi in that, in addition to introducing the possibility of merging deontology and teleology in the field of ethics, he also opens up the possibility of shifting from the principle of virtue to the principle of right.

      • KCI등재

        주자(朱子)의 인심도심설(人心道心說)에서의 이기(理氣) 문제와 조선 유학자의 해석

        채진풍 ( Tsai Chen-feng ) 퇴계학연구원 2019 退溪學報 Vol.145 No.-

        朱熹(1130~1200)는 ‘中和新說’을 완성한 뒤에 ‘心統性情’의 이론적 구조를 확립하였다. 心이 性과 情을 통섭한다는 주장의 구도에서 주희의 공부론은 ‘未發’ㆍ‘已發’ 두 방면으로 논의될 수 있다. 그러나 ‘心統性情’과 ‘理/氣’ㆍ‘人心/道心’설은 동일한 이론의 위치에 놓고 보면 거기에는 주희가 명확히 설명하지 않은 이론적 문제가 다분히 존재하는 데, 그로 인해 후대의 학자들이 해석상의 다양한 이견을 내놓게 되었다. 주자 및 그 후학들의 논쟁의 소재를 해명하기 위해, 본고에서는 동아시아 주자학의 입장에서 주희ㆍ陳淳(北溪, 1484~1544)과 조선의 유학자인 李退溪(滉, 1501~1570)ㆍ李栗谷(珥, 1536~1584)ㆍ丁茶山(若鏞, 1762~1836)의 관점을 토론하고 이로써 문제의 소재 및 그 가능한 발전에 대해 설명해 보았다. 본 논문의 결론은 다음과 같다. 이퇴계와 이율곡, 그리고 정약용이 주희가 말한 것에 대해서 해석하고 수정한 내용을 통해 보면, 주희가 말한 理는 확실히 모종삼이 말한 것과 같은 “理는 단지 존재하고 활동하지는 않는다”와 “理가 정태적 존재의 리가 된다” 라는 의심을 낳기 쉽다. 그리고 퇴계와 율곡이 주희가 말한 것을 수정한 내용이 비록 같진 않더라도, 그들은 대개 마음이 ‘선을 알고 악을 알 수 있는 것’은 ‘격물궁리‘의 과정을 통할 필요가 없다는 것에 동의한다. 그리고 모두 마음이 理와 氣 사이를 주재한다는 뜻을 강조한다. 이는 중국의 양명학 발전과도 그 방향성을 같이하는 것이다. 이퇴계와 이율곡이 朱子學을 해석ㆍ수정한 것에 따라, 정약용이 이기론 혹은 주희의 형이상학에 반대하는 논점을 형성한 것 또한 자연스러운 일인 듯하다 After acquiring his new understanding of “Zhong He,” Zhu Xi completes the theoretical construction that mind combines Nature and Sentiment (xin tong xing ching 心統性情), which makes him be able to develop a twofold discourse on the “manifest” (yifa 已發) and “not-manifest” (weifa 未發) mind in self cultivation. When applying the same theoretical principle to compare the above theories of Zhu xi, however, there are unsolved problems that give rise to later-day disputes. In order to clarify the problem of these disputes, this paper, in the light of East Asian schools of Zhu Xi, studies the idea of Chinese scholars, Zhu xi and Chen Chun (Beixi, 1484-1544), and Joseon Confucians, Yi Toegye (Hwang, 1501-1570), Yi Yolgok (I, 1536-1584) and Jeong Yakyong (Dasan, 1762-1836). Through this study, we concludes that, by observing Joseon Confucians’ interpretation and rectification of Zhu Xi, the Principle (li 理) in Zhu Xi’s theory is easily in the danger that, called by Mou Zongsan, “being existent without functioning” or “being a statically existential principle.” Yi Toegye and Yi Yolgok both agree that the ability of human mind to know good and evil does not need to be cultivated by the method “Study the Phenomena of Nature and comprehend the Whole Truth (gewu qiongli 格物窮理).” They put their emphasis on the authoritativeness of human mind between Li and Chi, which exhibits a trend the same with Wang Yangming School in China. At last, Jeong Yakyong, absorbing theoretical resource of the above two predecessors, opposes the metaphysics of Zhu Xi.

      • KCI등재

        "특집 1 : 반계 유형원과 동아시아 초기 실학 : 동아시아 실학 속의 형이상학―方以智, 崔漢綺를 중심으로"

        채진풍 ( Chen-feng Tsai ) 한국실학학회 2017 한국실학연구 Vol.0 No.34

        본 연구는 17세기 동아시아 정치와 학술의 변화로부터 접근하여 실학사조의 흥기 및 그 형이상학적 발전을 다룬 것이다. “실학”이라는 용어 사용의 연원은 12세기 중국 유학자 葉適(1150-1223)의 『習學記言』로 거슬러 올라갈 수 있는데, 본래는 “공허한 담론인 심성론의 허학”과 상대되는 것으로, “구체적 실천”과 “경세치용”을 강조하는 정치적 함의를 지니고 있었다. 그러나 실학사조의 전개는 17세기에 시작되었고, 당시 실학자들은 새로운 유학적 해석을 내놓는 것 외에도 서학, 서교 및 예수회 선교사가 유입한 세계지도의 영향을 받았으며, 그것의 확대 발전 과정 또한 만청이 중국의 지배자가 된 동아시아의 중차대한 사건과 밀접한 상관성이 있었다. 본고는 실학사조에 대해 송대 유학부흥 운동 후 재차 일어난 또 한 번의 운동이라고 보고, 시대변화와 서학충격에 직면하여 새로이 유학사상을 개조하려는 시도였다고 의의를 부여하였다. 실학사조의 혁신운동은 주로 “道德實踐”, “政治實證”과 “知識實證” 세 방면으로 나타났다. 송명 성리학에서 “정치실증”과 “지식실증”은 대체로 “도덕실천”의 연장선으로 간주되었으므로 독립적 지위를 지니고 있지 않았다. 따라서 “정치실증”과 “지식실증”이 토론의 초점을 이루었다. 실학발전 과정 중 유학자들은 또한 형이상학적 측면에서 “도덕실증”, “정치실증”과 “지식실증” 세 분야의 학문에 대한 통섭을 시도했다. 이러한 작업은 신유학의 발생에도 중요한 의의를 지니는 바, 가령 현대학자 牟宗三또한 이에 대해 토론한 바가 있다. 실학 속에 나타난 형이상학의 새로운 진전을 설명하기 위해, 본고는 17세기 중국 유학자 方以智(1611-1671)와 19세기 조선 유학자 崔漢綺(1803-1877)의 저술을 예를 들었다. 그들 유학사상의 형이상학이 각종 학문을 통섭한 점, 서양의 근대성을 비판 성찰한 점, 그리고 그것의 의의에 대해 중점적으로 논의하였다. This study focuses on the rise and the development of metaphysics of East Asian Sihak movement in the view of East Asia’s political and academic changes in the seventeenth century. “Sihak (實學),” a term first applied in Records of Practice and Learning (Xixue Jiyan, 習學記言) by the twelve century Confucian Ye Shi (葉適, 1150-1223), in contrast with “the hollow learning of human nature and mind,” put its emphasis on “real practices” and “the application of Chinese morality to practical affairs through statecraft(經世致用)”. The Sihak movement, nonetheless, starting at the seventeenth century, in addition to its new interpretations of Confucianism, was relevant to the study of the new importation of western science and Christianity and to the world map brought by missionaries, and its expansion was related to Manchu’s conquer of China. The Sihak movement, as a new movement of reacting to the western impact and of reconstructing Confucianism, was able to be seen as one next revolution after the revival of Song Confucianism. This revolution had three main dimensions: moral practice, political practice, and intellectual practice. Traditionally, in Song and Ming Confucianism, political practice and intellectual practice were treated as a branch of moral practice, hence without independent value. Sihak, however, focused on these two practices, and some Confucians tried to unite three dimensions through metaphysical construction, which also shed some light on modern Confucians, including Mou Zongsan(牟宗三). In order to explain this new development of Confucian metaphysics, this paper takes a seventeen-century Chinese Confucian Fang Yi-zhi(方以智) and a nineteen-century Joseon Confucian Choe Han-gi(崔漢綺) as examples to exhibit the meaning of their metaphysics that united various fields of knowledge and critically rethought western modernity.

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