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      • 阿斯顿的韩国文学与日本文学研究举例

        ,友军,(NIE Youjun) 강원한국학연구원 2016 국제한국학저널 Vol.1 No.-

        威廉·乔治·阿斯顿是英国乃至整个西方世界第一个派驻朝鲜的公使,此前此后他居留日本二十余年,对韩半岛与日本的历史、文学、语言乃至 现实社会都有仔细的观察与深入的研究。阿斯顿的论文《朝鲜通俗文学》与译文《崔致远》从不同向度对韩国文学予以展示与评述。他的日本文学观则 比较全面且颇为直观地体现在《日本文学史》一书中,相关论述线索清晰,叙述简洁。阿斯顿采用整体观照、个案分析与纵横对比相结合的方法,彰显韩国文学与日本文学各自不同侧面的特性,并着意探寻特性背后的成因。阿斯顿特别注意文学语言因适应社会发展与时代需要而体现出的生命力,亦充分关注韩国文学与日本文学对外来影响的接受与吸收。比较而言,阿斯顿对日本文学的研讨要全面、具体、深入得多,也更强调日本文 学自主吸取中国文学营养成分的能动性,及其适当改造中国文学加诸它的 影响;却无形中遮蔽了韩国文学不同于中国文学的独特之处,对韩国文学 的原创性以及改造、融合中国文学与文化因素的分析也不够充分。追根溯源,阿斯顿对韩语与日语的不同掌握程度直接影响了他对韩国文学与日本文学的定位与判断。 William George Aston (1841-1911) , a British diplomat and scholar, served as the United Kingdom’s consul-general in Korea from 1884 to 1885, who was the first consul-general sending to Korea from the whole western world. Before and after his stay in Korea, he lived in Japanfor more than 20years. He was an expert in the languages, literature, history and social reality of both Korea and Japan. In his thesis “Corean Popular Literature”(1890) and a translation article entitled “Chhoi-Chhung”(1900), Aston reveled different aspects of Korean literature, and he also gave his comments among the words and between the lines. As for his view on Japanese literature, it is concentrated in his book A History of Japanese Literature (1898), a general literature history with a tight system and grand architecture. The book boasted to have a clear and concise narrative clue, and had influenced scholars henceforth both in and out of Japan.Following the path of literature evolution, much attention of Aston’s was paid to literary language, and its adaption to the social development and the needs of times. Through combining the methodology of whole contemplation, case study and both vertical and horizontal comparisons, Aston highlighted the characteristics of Korean literature and Japanese literature in different aspects. He also took pains to explore the causes of such different characteristics. The acceptance and absorption of foreign influence, mainly from China, accomplished by Korean literature and Japanese literature was focused on as well. Aston studied Korean literature less thoroughly than he did in Japanese literature. Consequently, Aston had underestimated the value of Korean literature, especially its originality. Most probably that is because Aston had mastered the Japanese language far more fluently than the Korean language.

      • 《清议报》所见近代日俄在韩国的角逐

        ,友军,(Nie Youjun),张,桂荣,(Zhang Guirong) 강원한국학연구원 2017 국제한국학저널 Vol.3 No.-

        戊戌政变失败后梁启超等维新派在日本横滨创办的旬刊《清议报》(1898.12~1901.12)中包含许多有关韩国的刊载。近代伴随着欧美列强在东亚扩张势力,日本与俄国为一己之私而在韩国展开激烈角逐,明争暗夺各种特权,并且日俄两国与其他列强之间也纠葛纷争不断,多方连横合纵以制约彼此。《清议报》的撰稿人与办刊者通过刊载日俄在韩国角力的情况,对列强环伺的韩国处境表达同情与忧虑,更在实质上或明确或隐晦地对中国时局与未来走向予以警策,表现出高度的自觉自省意识。 After the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 in late Qing dynasty,Liang Qichao and his colleagues of the reform group fled to Yokohama and established a Chinese newspaper,The China Discussion (Qing Yi Bao). The China Discussion contained a vast amount of expatiations about Korea. A considerable part of the content concerned about Japan and Russia s competing in Korea due to their own interests. And accompanied by the expansion in East Asia of other imperialist powers, as well as the mutual disputes and entanglements among Japan, Russia and other imperialist powers. By combing the coering of aggressive competition in Korea by Japan and Russia, a more comprehensive understanding the situation of Korean Peninsula at the turn of 19th to 20th century can be formed. Through talking about Korea, both arguers and editors of The China Discussion expressed their sympathy and worry about Korea s situation, meanwhile, they conveyed great political and national crises in modern China, and were alert to its future trend.

      • 中國 崔溥《漂海录》中的比较意识

        ,友军,(NIE Youjun) 강원한국학연구원 2020 국제한국학저널 Vol.8-9 No.-

        崔溥《漂海录》中既有对中国大江南北山川地貌与风土习俗的比较,又有对明代中国与朝鲜在汉字用例、诗赋地位、礼俗制度乃至宦官使用等方面的比较,暗含着对朝鲜坚持传统与恪守礼教的自豪。崔溥采用博观约取的比较策略撰成的《漂海录》与他在中国的言行一道,为他赢得了“跋涉死地也能华国”的赞誉。《漂海录》高度自觉而又贯彻始终的比较意识,为当下的人文学术研究提供了诸如搭建比较的平台、借助他者反观自身、结合语境有效解读等多层面的启示。 In Cui Pu’s Piao Hai Lu, there is comparison of landforms and customs between south and north of the Yangtze River in China, and also comparison of language preference for Chinese characters, status of poems, etiquette system and usages of eunuchs between China and Korea, which implies the pride of Korea in adhering to tradition and ethics. Through using comparative strategy of selecting the essence based on extensive reference, along with his performance in China, Cui Pu’s writing has earned him a great honor. The comparative consciousness of Piao Hai Lu provides some inspiration for the current humanities academic research, such as construction of comparison platform, reflecting on ourselves by taking the other as a mirror, effective interpretation in context and the methodology of making simple things the ultimate.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Influence of Physical Activity according to Exercise Attitude of Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-efficacy

        섭정정(Nie, JingJing)(,晶晶),고흥(Kou, Heung)(高興) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.3

        목적 본 연구는 청소년의 신체 현황을 조사하여 청소년의 운동단련 태도와 체력활동 관계를 연구하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 운동단련 태도가 청소년의 체력활동에 미치는 영향을 연구하고, 자기 효능감의 매개효과를 탐구한다. 방법 SPSS 22.0 통계 소프트웨어를 사용하여 기술 통계, 분산의 다중요인분석 및 데이터에 대한 상관분석 및 회귀 분석을 수행하였다. 계획 행동량표(TPB 태도량표, Theory of planned behavior Attitude Scale), 자기 효능 척도(GSES)를 사용하여 체력활동 등급량표(PARS-3, Physical Activity Rating Scale)로 청소년들을 대상으로 중국 광시(Guangxi, 廣西) 좡족자치구(Zhuang Autonomous Region, 壯族自治區) 난닝시(Nanning City, 南寧市)에 있는 초등학교 5학년과 6학년 청소년 84명에게 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 결과 적극적인 청소년은 중간 정도 및 소극적인 운동단련 태도를 갖는 청소년(F=21.36, p<.05)보다 체력활동이 매우 높았으며, 남성 청소년 체력활동은 여성(F=4.17, p<.05)보다 더 높았다, 운동단련 태도가 적극적인 남성 청소년(M=68.67, SE=3.32)이 여성 청소년(M=43.08, SE=3.77) 보다 높았다. 신체적 활동 수준은 적극적인 운동단련 태도와 정관계로 직결되는 것으로 나타났으며(r=.564, p<.05), 자기 효능감과는 양의 상관관계를 보였다(r=.496, p<.05). 자기효능감은 운동단련 태도와 신체활동 사이에 부분적으로 매개 역할을 하였으며, 매개효과는 총 40.8%를 차지하였다. 결론 청소년의 운동단련 태도는 일반적으로 적극적이다. 청소년들의 적극적인 운동 단련태도는 체력활동 수준을 높이는데 직접적인 역할을 줄뿐만 아니라, 자아효능감을 통하여 간접적이고 적극적인 양(+)적 역할을 하는 결과를 얻었다. Objectives The research aims to investigate the relationship between adolescents’ exercise attitude and physical activity by investigating the physical status of adolescents. To explore the influence of exercise attitude on physical activity of adolescents and the mediating effect of self-efficacy. Methods Use SPSS 22.0 statistical software to perform descriptive statistics, multi-factor analysis of variance, Correlation analysis and regression analysis on the data. The theory of planned behavior (TPB Attitude Scale), General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) and Physical Activity Rating Scale (PARS-3) were used to investigate the adolescents. Eighty-four students in the fifth grade of a primary school in Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China were investigated. Results Adolescents with positive exercise attitude were significantly higher in physical activity than those with neutral and negative exercise attitude (F=21.36, p<.05), and Male adolescents physical activity were more significantly higher than female adolescents (F=4.17, p<.05). Male adolescents (M=68.67, SE=3.32) with a positive exercise attitude were higher than female adolescents (M=43.08, SE=3.77). There was a significant positively correlation between exercise attitude and physical activity (r=.564, p<.05). and positively correlated with self-efficacy (r=.496, p<.05). Self-efficacy had a partial mediating effect between exercise attitude and physical activity, which accounted for 40.8% of the total effect. Conclusions Adolescents exercise attitude is generally positive. Male adolescents exercise attitude and physical activity level are higher than female. The positive exercise attitude of adolescents has a direct positive effect on improving physical activity level and an indirect positive effect through self-efficacy.

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