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      • Bromodeoxyuridine을 使用한 細胞同時化와 後期 DNA 複製

        羅福瑛,朴善華 고려대학교 의과대학 1987 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.24 No.2

        Recent advances in cytogentic technology have improved the resolving power of cytogenetic diagnosis. High resoultion banding by the study of the less contracted chromosomes with synchronization techniques became useful in refined studies of chromosome ultrastructure and in the detection of minute chromosomal changes. A simple method using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), for both cell synchronization and incorporation into replicating DNA is described. PHA-stimulated peripheral lymphocytes from chromosomally normal subjects were cultures, synchronized and incorporated by BrdU (200㎍/㎖)for 15-17 hours, and pulsed with thymidine (0.3㎍/㎖)for 6 hours. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The late replicating elements were G-bands, C-bands regions. 2. The mitotic index was 9.2% 3. The cells were at various stages of chromosome contraction, but prometaphase and early metaphase were predominant. This study shows that this methodology is a potentially valuable clinical cytogenetic technique, because it: 1)produce sharp band definition and increased resolution in metaphase and prometaphase cells of the same preparation, 2) is that the mitotic index was high.

      • Vitamin E가 正常人 保存血液 및 生體內 赤血球脆弱性에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究

        羅福瑛,全容赫 고려대학교 의과대학 1977 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.14 No.2

        The effects of vitamin E, parenteral administration and supplement in vitro to human blood-its components and osmotic resistance-were studied. Blood samples were collected from 12 normal abult volunteers and afterward vitamin E was administered on a daily dose of 200 I.U. for 90 days. In vitro test, 0.1 ㎎ of dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate was added on each ml of blood specimens. Hematological values were calculated and osmotic fragiljty was measured by Dacie's method for 25 days at 5-day intervals. The following results were obtained. 1. It was observed that vitamin E supplement in human ACD-blood in storage at 4℃ Greatly retarded the rate of decrease in osmotic resistance of erythrocytes. 2. RBC fragility was sensitive to temperature that exposure at 37℃ For 6 hours accelerated the hemolysis and it was markedly suppressed by vitamin E supplement. 3. Parenteral adminstration of vitamin E resulted in increased values for total red cell counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit and reticulocytes, while platelet counts were decreased comparing with observed. 4. Therefore, it is emphasized that vitamin E supplement into the stored blood in definitely effective to red cell survival and it is recommendable for the blood storing in long term preservation especially under the inadequate temperature.

      • The Effect of Testosterone on Sexual Dimorphism of the Bony Pelvis in Mice

        Crelin, E. S.,Rha, Bok Y. 고려대학교 의과대학 1964 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.1 No.1

        마우스骨盤形態의 性差는 人類骨盤의 그것보다 顯著하여, Crelin(1958)에 依하면 雌마우스의 骨盤은 雄마우스의 그것에 比하여 (1) 坐骨結節이 外方으로 向하여 突出되고, (2) 坐骨枝綠下에 얕은 切痕이 있고, (3) 恥骨綜合下綠은 그 上綠보다 前方으로 突出되고, (4) 恥骨結合의 上下徑이 짧다고 하였다. 또 出生直後에 去勢된 雌 및 雄마우스를 각각 去勢後 八週日後에 그 骨性骨盤을 比較하여 본 結果 確定할 만한 差異를 볼 수 없고 兩性 共히 典型的 女性型이었다. 著者는 이러한 形態學的差異를 갖어오게하는 發育機轉에 決定的 役割을 하는 것은 男性性腺일 것으로 生角하고 本實驗을 行하였다. 雌 및 雄마우스 各各 四十마리를 四群으로 나누어 ⅠⅡ 群을 實驗群, ⅢⅣ 群을 對照群으로하여 ⅠⅡ 群은 出生直後 去勢한 雌雄群에게 出生直後 그 背部皮下에 “테스토스테론-푸로피오네이트”의 2mg 丸藥을 移植하고, 二次로 生後 14日에 同 5 mg 丸藥을 같은 部位에 移植하였다. ⅢⅣ 群은 出生直後에 去勢한 雌雄群으로 아무런 處置도 받지 안었다. 以上 四群에서 生後 八週後까지 生存한 Ⅰ 群의 14雄마우스, Ⅱ 群의 14雌마우스, Ⅲ 群의 18雄마우스 및 Ⅳ 群의 17雌마우스에서 그 骨盤을 剔出하여 軟部組織을 除去하고 95% 앨콜에 固定後 2% KOH에 浸漬하고 그後 “아리자린赤 S"로 骨染色을 施行, 그리세린으로 透明히 한 後 이것을 位相差顯徵鏡下에서 觀察하였다. 그 結果 ⅠⅡ 群은 共히 典型的男性型骨盤을 나타내고, ⅢⅣ 群은 女性型骨盤이었다. Brown-belt stock male and female mice were arranged into 4 groups: (Ⅰ) Male treated group. They were gonadectomized a t birth and received 2 mg. pellet of the testosterone propionate subcutaneously at birth and 5 mg. pellet a t 14 days of age. Sacrificed a t 8 weeks (puberty). (Ⅱ) Female treated group. They were ovariectomized a t birth and received 2mg pellet of testoserone propionate at birth and 5 mg. pellet a t 14 days of age. Sacrificed at puberty, 8 weeks of age. (Ⅲ) Control group. Male mice castrated a t birth. No treatment. Sacrificed at 8 weeks. (Ⅳ) Control group. Female mice ovariectomized at birth. No treatment. Sacrificed at 8 weeks. As a result, bony pelvis of (Ⅰ) (Ⅱ) group were appeared essentially the male type. Their tips of ischial tuberosities projected slightly medial; slight pointing of caudal symphysial border dorsally; absence of notch on caudal border of inferior ischial ramus; greater cranio-caudal length of symphysis. On the other hand, (Ⅲ) (Ⅳ) control group pelves showed essentially the female type with respect to both size and morphology. These facts indicated thet androgen is the factor responsible for the normal production of bony pelvic sexual dimorphism.

      • Vitamin E가 마우스 各組織內 彈力纖維에 미치는 影響에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        李仁熙,羅福瑛 고려대학교 의과대학 1973 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.10 No.1

        The morphological changes that follow vitamin E administration and a state of vitamin E dificiency in the mouse were studied. Focus of attention was specially directed towards the changes on a histometrical basis of the elastic fibers of the skin, aorta and lung. The results of the studies are summarized as follows: 1. The result indicated that vitamin E has influence on the skin up to a certain degree. The injection of vitamin E caused an increase of the epidermal thickness, while a vitamin E deficiency resulted in an opposite reaction-thing. 2. In regards to the derma, vitamin E administration resulted in no changes while a deficiency caused positive thinning. 3. the distribution of the elastic fibers in the derma after giving vitamin E showed an increase. On the other hand, a deficiency caused no significant difference in compared with normal control in the distribution of a given unit area. However, considering the dermal thinning that occurs after a deficiency, it was not surprising to observe a consequential decrease in the amount of elastic fibers in the derma. 4. Concerning the aorta, vitamin E deficiency resulted in an increase of thickness of the media but no observable changes in the number of elastic layers. 5. Changes noted in the general features of the aorta after vitamin E administration were hypertrophy and a dense arrangement of the elastic fibers. An irregular sparse arrangement with a variation of partly thickened and partly thinned areas of the elastic lamina was observed in the deficient groups. 6. Attention to the lungs revealed a slight increase in the distribution of elastic fibers in a given unit area after injection. A deficiency showed an emphysematous or interalveolar cell infiltration in some cases, and no significant difference was observed in the number of elastic fibers.

      • 마우스 골격근 生後發育에 關한 自記放射法的 硏究

        金敬惠,羅福瑛 우석대학교 의과대학 1969 우석의대잡지 Vol.6 No.2

        Growth of skeletal muscles - the fibers of multinucleated cells - could be due to increase not only in the number or size of fibers, but also in the number of nuclei. Opinions have differed whether these increases occur within the embryonic stage or during postnatal life. Author observed postnatal growth of several muscles by incorporating tritiated thymidine into DNA of the nucleus using the radioautographic technique. Twenty-nine male mice and 38 female mice ranging from 4 days old to over 50 weeks old were used for the investigation. Animals were given the intraperitoneal administration of single dose of H³-thymidine, 0.8 microcurie per gram of bodyweight and were sacrificed 2 hours after the injection. 1. Relatively low radioactive indices(R. I.)were observed in the skeletal muscles throughout the periods of this investigation. 2. Among them, higher proliferation was observed in 4 days old and one week old groups, whereas moderately decreased R. I. was seen in the two weeks old group. Most significant low R. I. has been observed in three weeks old group and henceforth the R. I. became stable throughout. 3. Regional difference or sexual difference have not been observed in this study, except the influence of estrous cycle appearing on the quadriceps muscle of the thigh.

      • Vitamin E 投與마우스 飢餓時 胃腸管系 細胞分裂에 關한 觀察

        金京順,羅福瑛 고려대학교 의과대학 1975 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.12 No.1

        To access the effects of vitamin E and starvation on the gastrointestinal tract, mitotic rate and cell number constituting intestinal crypt were studied. Vitamin E was administered on a daily dose of 5㎎; 10 days and 20 days, while another groups of mice were injected with physiological saline solution. Mitotic index and cell number per crypt of duodenum and colon were calculated at the periods of starvation; 24, 48. 72 hours and at the time of death. 1. Starvation definitely caused a reduction in the rate of mitosis; decline went with fasting period. The mitotic index was decreased average 48.60% in the stomach, 57.39% in the duodenum, and 56.40% in the colon at the end of starvation. 2. Epithelial cell lining the crypt of duodenum showed most frequent mitosis and reduction of the mitotic rate occurred greater degree until 48-hour starvation, after that decline of mitotic index went moderately to end. 3. In general, the injection of vitamin E for 10 days and free access of water groups showed the tendency of increased mitotic rate. However, the value of the final groups indicated no differences with controls because of the longer survival time. 4. Following starvation there is a significant reduction in the number of epithelial cell lining the duodenum. In the villi decreases were average 24.80% at the end of survival, while crypt showed less degree of reduction (14.04%). 5. It seems the number of epithelial cells per crypt of colon decreased due to starvation, however, it showed different tendency in compare with those of the duodenum. It means the number of decrease was not proportion to the starvation proceed and showed irregular patterns. Among these the saline injection groups indicated the superiority in number at all times through the observation.

      • 마우스胚 發生에 미치는 Etretinate(Tigason®)의 崔畸性 효과에 관한 실험적 연구

        崔雅蘭,羅福瑛,全容赫 고려대학교 의과대학 1989 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.26 No.1

        Etretinate(Tigason®) is an aromatic retinoid currently in therapeutic use for psoriasis but studies have shown that it is a potent teratogen in human and In experimental animals. To extend our understanding of the mechanism of the teratogenic actions of the drug, in this study, we examined the stage- and dose- dependent effects of single oral dose of etretinate on DDY mice embryo ranging from 8 to 15 days of gestation. Fetal mortality rate was increased throughout the experimental group as a dose-dependent manner and the day 8 of gestation proved to be the most sensitive, and it has shown that the drug inhibits the last spurt of fetal weight gain. The drug produced high incidence of malformations, as affected almost 100% of live fetuses that usually had multiple anomalies. Malformations induced were largely craniofacial defects such as exencephaly, microcephaly, cleft palate, anotia/microtia, micrognathia, anophthalmia and lid defects; skeletal defects especially on limb(amelia/meromelia), kyphosis and retardation of ossification; umbilical hernia and tail defect, most of which seem to be resulted from stage-dependent effects of the drug but some of the results did not coincide with the develop-mental stage. The results indicate that etretinate is more potent teratogen than any other RA derivatives. It seems that one of the reasons for it is due to retention or delayed elimination of the drug in vivo and that the drug affects the organs derived from pharyngeal arches, neuroepithelium, limb buds, calcification and in the earlier stage, It affects mesenchyme to differentiate.

      • 마우스 諸組織 生後齡別 細胞更新에 關한 槪括的 觀察

        李福周,羅福瑛 고려대학교 의과대학 1974 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.11 No.2

        Postnatal growth and ageing effect on the cell renewal system of 14 tissues or organs; skin, hair follicle, duodenum, colon, submandibular gland, liver, pancreas, uterus, ovary, vagina, bone marrow, lymph node. skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle were investigated by means of microradioautography. As experimental animals, 29 male and 39 female mice devided into different age groups; suckling young (4-day, 1-week, 2-week and 3-week old), young adult (6-week old) and old adult (more than 50-week old) were observed. Single dose of H^3-thymidine, 0.8 microcurie per gram of body weight were administered by intraperitoneal injection. Tissues were removed promptly 2-hour after the treatment, and possible all nucleated cells were studied after the necessary procedures. 1. Most typical ageing pattern-successive increase of the postnatal age induces decrease of the cell renewal frequencies-was observed only in liver, pancreas, submandibular gland and skeletal muscle. 2. Duodenum, colon, skin and hair follicle showed high rate of cell renewing even after the adult period, sometimes higher than suckling young age. 3. Cell renewal system of both bone marrow and lymph node stand on outside of the ageing effect ;means relatively constant radioactive indices were noticed throughout the ages. 4. The difference between those of both the sex was found in the skin, hair follicle and bone marrow; the rate of the male adult were higher than those of the female adult. 5. That the ovarian cycle has an influence on the cell renewal was demonstrated. The skin, hair follicle, liver, vagina and cardiac muscle were active during diestrus, while a reverse phenomen was detected in the duodenum, pancreas, uterus and ovary. 6. Among those, the highest cell renewal is resulted in the duodenum, whereas the lowest was observed in the skeletal muscle.

      • 正常마우스 卵巢組織 生後發育에 關한 自記放射法的 硏究

        申再玉,羅福瑛 고려대학교 의과대학 1974 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.11 No.1

        Postaatal growth and aging effect on the cell renewal system of ovary were observed by means of microradioautography. The 39 female mice were divided into 3 age groups, namely suckling young, young adult and old adult. The age ranges from 4-day to more than 50-week. The mice were treated with a single dose of H³-thymidine, 0.8 microcurie per gram ef body weight, intraperitoneally. The tissues were removed 2-hour after the treatment, and were examined histologically and labeling index were calculated after the necessary procedures. 1. Cell renewal of the ovary showed a generally high rate throughout the various postnatal ages. The highest labeling was observed in 4-day old group and thereafter gradual downcast was seen during suckling stage. At the young adult, the radioactive indices reached nearly maximal value when it was estrus. On the contrary, old adult showed lowest cell renewing during diestrus. 2. The ovarian cycle has much to do with the renewal patterns of all the cellular elements and quite an active patters was demonstrated during estrus, except in connective tissue. 3. All the connective tissue element appeared scantily in the younger age and gradually increased their amount with age proceed. At the old adult, many of the structures were replaced by abundant blood vessels and connective tissue. 4. The primordial follicle and the primary follicle should be considered separately as a different unit under the histological base. 5. None of the labeling on the oocytes was noted throughout this observation.

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