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      • 청정 제주 자연 이미지 효과적 표현 - (주)고내촌 '한라보리 고추장' 베스트패키지디자인어워즈 대상수상

        신지영,Sin, Ji-Yeong (사)한국포장협회 2009 包裝界 Vol.190 No.-

        한국상품문화디자인학회는 국내 기업의 상품 개발 의욕과 인력을 고취시키겠다는 취지 아래 1995년부터 베스트 패키지디자인어워드를 제정, 브랜드 아이덴티티, 제품 그래픽스, 용기디자인 부문으로 수상자를 선정하고 있다. 지난해 12월 6일 코리아디자인센터에서 열린 2008 베스트패키지디자인어워즈에서는 (주)고내촌의 '한라보리 고추장'이 대상을 차지했다. 이번 패키지디자인을 진행한 (주)오너디자인연구소 신지영 차장에게 제품 패키지 특성에 대한 설명을 들어보았다.

      • KCI등재

        청대 궁정대희 《忠義璇圖》의 소설 《水滸傳》 각색 방식

        申智瑛 한국중국소설학회 2015 中國小說論叢 Vol.47 No.-

        청대는 소설을 희곡으로 각색하거나 희곡을 소설로 각색하는 두 장르의 특별한 관계를 보여주는 작품이 많이 등장하였다. 《聊齋志異》나 《紅樓夢》을 희곡으로 각색한 작품과 李漁의 《無聲戱》 같은 작품들이 그 예이다. 본 논문은 청대 궁정대희 《忠義璇圖》가 소설 《水滸傳》 전편을 희곡으로 각색한 유일한 작품이라는 점에 착안하고, 희곡 개편 방식을 파악하는 데 목적이 있다. 장편소설 전편을 희곡으로 개편한 10본 240출 《충의선도》는 궁정의 3층대희대 공연을 위해서 만들어진 작품이다. 본 논문은 기존 연구의 고정된 관점을 버리고 《충의선도》의 소설 《수호전》 각색 방식을검토하였다. 예를 들어 어떤 변화를 주었는가. 언제 어디에서 행동을 설정하였나. 인물의수, 장소의 수를 무대에서 어떻게 줄였나, 극적 긴장감을 위해 무엇을 하였나, 전체, 부분,특정 장면, 어디를 극화한 것인가 등이다. 이것은 서양의 희곡각색에서도 볼 수 있는 세부적변화지만, 중국 전통극 예를 들어 揷科打諢의 삽입이나 희극적 내용의 추가 등 중국만의 독특한 각색방식이 있다. Zhongyixuantu, underrated in comparison to Shuihuzhuan in terms of literary quality, has long failed to be recognized as a classic although both of them are full-length literary works created based on The Water Margin Story. Such view mainly stems from two dominant appraisals regarding the book: Zhongyixuantu, chronologically preceded by Shuihuzhuan, lacks literary creativity simply adapting the stories from Shuihuzhuan and other plays written earlier and was also created in favor of the ruling class of Qing Dynasty. These two appraisals are so compelling that they have prevented Zhongyixuantu from being properly appreciated. Zhongyixuantu, however, is the only literary work into which the entire plot of the novel Shuihuzhuan was dramatized and also is an extraordinary work adapted for a full-length play to be performed at the court theater by the imperial palace which, in fact, banned Shuihuzhuan. Thus, Zhongyixuantu holds great significance in identifying how the narrative of Shuihuzhuan was disseminated by the ruling class, as well as in drawing an objective comparison between the two different genres. The purpose of this paper is to objectively asses the literary quality of Zhongyixuantu by comparing and analyzing the two literary works within their text and away from the conventional approach. The two literary works will be compared based on a wide range of fundamental factors that would have been taken into consideration for dramatization. This includes, for example, what were the changes made, when and where the actions were set, how the number of characters and places was reduced on the stage, what was done to build dramatic tension, what parts or certain scenes of the novel were dramatized, and so on.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 농민들의 ‘棄民化’와 탄광 소설 - 안회남의 탄광귀향소설 및 우에노 에이신[上野英信]의 「집오리의 노래」(1953)를 중심으로 -

        신지영 동아대학교 석당학술원 2015 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.63

        This paper makes a research on the lives of the coal-miners conscripted from the southern part of Korea during the colonial period and ask a question how they fell into a deserted or forsaken status. After the Independence, the miners found their dream to go home shattered up, and they couldn't find any state-nation which they could affiliate to. Thus they had to form heterogeneous communes with poor Japanese in the coal mining regions like so-called Arirang Village, when they were left without any place to go. To show these processes, I treat the short-stories of An Hoe-nam published from September, 1945 to August, 1946 and Songs of Ducklings and Underground Fronts written by Ueno Eisin (March, 1954), all of which deal with conscripted coal miners and their homecomings in the period. The writers described the processes autobiographically in the form of reportage. According to the short stories of An Hoe-nan, the conscripted coal miners in Chikuho coal mines were mainly from the southern part of Korea. Those farmers unfamiliar with coal mining had to meet with embarrassing colonial and imperial educations (Japanization education) and hard working in the labor camps. The unexpected and forced migration of the farmers of the colonial Korea put them into the status of coal laborers and the forsaken people simultaneously. Here and there, the short stories describe the reckless but continuous attempts of flights or abscondences that the ex-farmers and mine-workers made without knowing about the outside world of coal-mines. And the descriptions are consistent with those of the witnesses. The flights were their attempts to escape from the forced hard labor which was leading them toward death and to seek out new forms of lives. The news of the attempted flights awakened the will to live in the minds of the draftees as well. Shortly after the Independence, the miners who had been conscripted but now forsaken could not avoid obstacles and hardships when they tried to go home or to their own country. I deal with the many aspects of the (im)possibilities to return home. In Songs of Ducklings, and Underground Fronts, Ueno Eisin describes the Korean people who had to come back again to the mining regions since they had no money to go home, they were physically handicapped, or some of those who had married Japanese women could not desert their Japanese wives and families. They gathered around the mining regions again and formed new villages. Furthermore, into the villages came the Japanese miners who were dismissed after facing redundancy at the end of the Korean War. So the villages with unemployed, dismissed, laid-off workers were intermingled with ethnically different people and formed themselves into multi-ethnic communes. The frequently attempted flights and the ethnically intermixed communes involve the way in which the Korean farmers became mine laborers and again forsaken people. The failures and rare successes in flights gave rise to disturbances in the labor camp and the multi-enthic villages developed new relationships between Korean and Japanese. The disturbances and relationships were interiorized in the minds of villagers. And, in turn, the failure and frustration of flight/returning-home drove the forsaken to "take flight" or to "escape" or hide into the very heart of the village. Thus we can also find the potentialities for the affects to change the inner communal structures here. 본 논문은 식민지기 조선의 탄광 징용 노동을 통해, ‘식민지의 농민들은 어떻게 (노동자가 되는 동시에) 기민이 되는가’ 라는 질문을 던진다. 그리고 해방 후 귀향의 꿈이 좌절당하고 국민국가에 속할 수 없는 기민이 된 이들이 탄광 주변의 ‘아리랑 고개’에 흘러들어 異族 간의 코뮌을 형성하는 과정을 보여준다. 연구 대상은 식민지기 탄광 징용 및 귀향의 양상을 다룬 안회남의 단편소설(1945년 9월~1946년 8월)과 일본의 영세한 탄광이나 탄광 주변부를 주제로 소설을 쓴 우에노 에이신[上野英信]의 「집오리의 노래[あひるのうた]」(『地下戦線』, 1954.3)이다. 이 두 소설은 식민지 말기~해방직후의 시기를 자전적이고 르포적인 방식으로 그리고 있다. 탄광 강제 노동을 다룬 안회남의 해방직후 단편들의 주인공들은 주로 남쪽 농민들로 갑작스럽게 탄광의 이질적인 노동, 식민지배의 황민화 교육, 강제 수용소 같은 주거환경에 놓여진다. 즉 식민지 조선의 농민들은 이러한 갑작스런 ‘이동’에 의해 노동자가 되고, 그 순간 기민이 된다. 강제 노동의 외부를 상상할 수 없는 상황에서 소설 속에는 끊임없이 ‘도주’의 이야기가 나오고 이는 실제로 탄광 징용 노동을 했던 사람들의 증언들과 일치한다. 이때의 ‘도주’란 벗어날 수 없는 ‘죽은 노동’에서 벗어나 또 다른 삶을 추구하는 것이자 그러한 감각을 일깨우는 행위였다. 한편, 해방 직후 고국이나 고향으로 귀향을 시도했던 자들이 부딪혔던 귀향 불/가능성의 여러 양상을 제시했다. 또한 우에노 에이신의 「집오리의 노래」의 배경이 된 ‘아리랑 고개’에는 해방 후 탄광에서 갑자기 쫓겨났으나 여비가 모자라서, 불구자가 되어서, 탄광에 부인이나 가족이 있어서 귀향할 수 없는 기민들이 모인다. 또한 1953년 조선 전쟁 휴전 이후 탄광 생산량이 저하됨에 따라 구조조정 당한 일본인 탄광 노동자들이 아리랑 부락으로 흘러 들어와 재일 조선인과 뒤섞여 이족간의 코뮌을 형성한다. 이처럼 탄광 징용 노동에서 빈번히 발생한 ‘도주’, 해방직후 형성된 이족 코뮌은 조선의 농민이 노동자가 되는 동시에 기민이 되어가는 상황을 드러낸다. 또한 ‘도주’가 탄광 노동 전체에 야기했던 동요와 이족 코뮌 속 조선인과 일본인 사이의 관계성은 ‘도주/귀향(의 좌절)’이 공동체 내부로의 ‘도주/탈주’가 되어 공동체 내부를 변화시켰을 잠재성을 드러낸다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        두 가지 장비를 이용한 각막곡률 및 각막고위수차의 비교

        신지영,이민영,정소향,Ji Young Shin,Min Young Lee,So Hyang Chung 대한안과학회 2014 대한안과학회지 Vol.55 No.12

        Purpose: To investigate the correlations of keratometry and corneal high order aberrations (HOAs) between the Keratron Scout videokeratoscope and the Pentacam HR Scheimpflug camera. Methods: From December 2012 to February 2013, keratometry and corneal HOAs were determined using the Keratron Scout videokeratoscope and Pentacam HR Scheimpflug camera in 23 healthy individuals (46 eyes). Results: Average keratometry showed high correlation with 95% confidence interval -0.155 ± 0.37 between the Keratron Scout and Pentacam HR. When comparing HOAs of the Keratron Scout and total corneal HOAs of Pentacam HR, total root-meansquare (RMS), and spherical aberration were positively correlated between the 2 devices (r = 0.67, <EM>p </EM>< 0.001 and r = 0.74, <EM>p</EM> < 0.001, respectively). When comparing HOAs of Keratron Scout and anterior corneal HOAs of Pentacam HR, total RMS, spherical aberration and coma were positively correlated between the 2 devices (r = 0.62, <EM>p </EM>< 0.001, r = 0.81, <EM>p </EM>< 0.001, and r = 0.52, <EM>p</EM> = 0.047, respectively). Conclusions: Although the 2 devices are based upon different principles, the Keratron Scout videokeratoscope and Pentacam HR Scheimpflug camera showed positive correlations in keratometry, total RMS, spherical aberration, and coma. Both devices may be useful for clinical applications. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2014;55(12):1758-1764

      • 돌연변이 T7 RNA 증합효소의 머리핀 구조가 만들어지지 않는 인자독립형 전사종결 부위에서의 전사종결에 관한 연구

        신지영,김동희,이상수,Shin, Ji-Young,Kim, Dong-Hui,Lee, Sang-Soo 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2004 自然科學論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        T7 RNA 중합효소는 두 종류의 인자 독립형 전사 종결신호를 인지하여 전사연장을 종결하게 되는데 이 중 머리핀 구조가 만들어지지 않는 PHT와 CJ 전사종결 부위는 ‘ATCTGTT' non-template 염기서열 다음에 T염기가 많은 부분이 존재하는 형태로 이루어져 잇다. 이와 같은 전사종결을 민감하게 인지하는 돌연변이 T7 RNA 중합효소인 X4, X19, BG8과 이와 반대로 둔감하게 인지하는 R173C를 제조하여 전사활성도를 측정하였다. 이결과 야생형 T7 RNA 중합효소에 비해 X4는 8%, X19는 33%, BG8은 34%의 전사활성도를 보여 전사활성도가 상당히 감소하는 결과를 보였다. 반면에 R173C는 야생형에 비해 112%의 전사활성도를 보여 야생형과 거의 유사한 전사활성도를 보였다. 또한 PTH 및 CJ 전사종결 부위를 전사주형으로 이용하여 전사하였을 때 X4, X19, BG8은 야생형 RNA중합효소에 비해 종결 부위에서의 종결이 증가하였으나 R173C는 거의 PTH 및 CJ 전사종결부위에서 전사종결이 일어나지 않고 전사가 진행되는 것을 확인하였다. T7 RNA polymerase also recognize intrinsic, hairpin-independent termination signal, a conserved 7-base pair sequence (ATCTGTT in the non-template stand) and U-rich sequence downstream of it. These intrinsic, hairpin-independent termination signal were commonly found in PTH and CJ termination sequences. There are two types of mutant T7 RNA polymerases recognizing sensitively(X3, X19, BG8) of insensitively (R173C) the intrinsic termination signals. We determined the T7 transcription activities of these mutants. Compared to wild-type, mutants X4, 19 and BG8 show highly reduced transcription activities (8%, 33%, 34%). On the other hand mutant R173C shows comparable transcription activity of wild-type (112%). Also transcription termination efficiencies at the PTH or CJ termination signals were determined by using mutant RNA polymerases. Temination of mutnats X4, X19 and BG8 are increased compared to wild-type. On the other hadn mutant R173C proceeds through PTH and CJ termination signals.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 淸代월령승응희(月令承應戱)의 세시의례성(歲時儀禮性)

        신지영 중국어문학회 2013 中國語文學誌 Vol.45 No.-

        It is well known that Nuo was a national annual event that served the mysterious role of strengthening national unity as a calendrical apotropaic ritual in the court. It is especially meaningful in that this cyclical ritual with folk religious characteristics was combined with drama to be performed in court as Court Drama every year on a regular basis. Considering that it served as a regular venue to express collective appreciation and to pray for wishes such as keeping away evil spirits in the respective season, Court Drama can essentially be described as ritual drama combined with cyclical ritual. In terms of ritual, the two elements of periodicity . a fixed schedule and regular repetition . are of great importance. In this sense, Court Drama can be seen as the epitome of ritual. Combined with the formality of the royal court, Court Drama must have fulfilled a unique purpose and held significant meaning, which set it apart from cyclical folk ritual and ritual drama. Several studies on Nuoxi, a folk ritual drama, have already been published, but the fact that Nuoxi does not include the imperial court, the place with the most extensive archival materials on drama`s ritualistic function and structure, leaves much to be desired. While Court Drama of the Qing Dynasty is in essence another form of ritual drama which combines ritual with drama in that people pray to drive away evil spirits and receive good luck in the respective season, agreeing with the argument that ritual serves an integrating role of enhancing social solidarity, this study examines the social functions of Court Drama as distinct from cyclical folk rituals. Court Drama possesses three main traits of calendrical ritual. First, it

      • 태아·영유아의 환경보건에 대한 가임기여성 인식도 조사

        신지영,박은교,신정은,하은희 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2018 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.41 No.2

        Objectives: The accumulated evidence shows that adult disease may have origins during the fetal period and maternal environmental exposure may affect fetus and infant health. To assess the environmental health of fetus and infants and examine women’s concerns about environmental health, we designed and conducted an environmental health survey in reproductive-aged women in 2011. Methods: A stratified multi-stage design was adopted for our survey, and 1,000 reproductive- aged women aged 25 to 39 years participated. The participants were asked to complete an electronic questionnaire using the computer-assisted web interviewing method. All the participants were married woman, and 80% had experienced pregnancy before completing the survey. Results: In the study, 86.3% of the participants responded that they are worried about the environmental problems that may affect the fetus and infant. The participants responded that they were most worried about global warming and climate change (36.2%), electromagnetic waves (31.4%), and endocrine disrupting chemicals (25.1%). Moreover, participants responded that environmental problem can cause children’s allergic disease, such as atopic dermatitis, metabolic syndrome and growth development. Conclusion: We found reproductive-aged women have high awareness of children’s environmental health. We also recommended that additional surveys on mother and child environmental health be conducted to make a health policy for women, fetus and infant.

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