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        코믹의 정수 - 하이네의 시 「논쟁」 연구

        박은경 한국독일언어문학회 2024 독일언어문학 Vol.- No.104

        이 글은 하이네의 시 「논쟁」을 코믹/희극성의 관점에서 살펴본다. 「논쟁」의 코믹하게 비틀린 서술 및 묘사 방식은 종교 간의 대결이라는 부조리한 내용과 불가분의 관계에 있다. 스페인의 페드로 치하에서 벌어지는 가톨릭 수사와 유대교 랍비의 종교 논쟁은 중세의 마상 무술 시합에 견주어 서술된다. 탄탄한 논거로 상대를 설득하거나 새로운 인식에 도달한다는 학문적 논쟁의 취지와는 전혀 다르게, 애초부터 (논)적의 개종만을 염두에 둔 수사와 랍비의 ‘사이비 논쟁’은 결국 적대적 감정의 무분별한 분출, 쌍방 악마화로 치닫는다. 하이네는 음식물과 몸/육체를 둘러싼 코믹, 웃음을 부르는 각운, 재기 넘치는 언어유희를 통해 종교 간의 ‘혈투’를 괴이하면서도 익살맞게 연출하여 그 독단성의 토대를 허물어버린다. 부조리하고 불의하며 한탄스러운 온갖 인간희극의 면면을 지상의 모든 시공과 인간의 마음 안팎을 오가며 탁월하게 포착하여 때로는 풍자적이고 아이러니하게, 때로는 그로테스크한 코믹의 형태로 그려놓은 로만체로 의 마침표이자 정점에 「논쟁」이 자리한다. 「논쟁」에서 보이는 다채로운 코믹의 요소는 기독교와 유대교는 물론 종교 자체에 대해 거리를 취하는 시인의 비판 의식을 독창적이고 재기 넘치게 굴절시켜 드러내는 프리즘이다. 유대교와 기독교의 대결뿐만 아니라 모든 독단적 이념 간의 무익하고 어리석으며 폭력적인 대결이 보여주는 모습이 바로 이러할 것이다. 여전히 종교 갈등, 인종 갈등, 젠더 갈등, 소수 집단 및 소수자 혐오와 박해가 만연해 있는 세계를 살아가는 현대인에게도 하이네의 「논쟁」이 시사하는 바가 적지 않다. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Heines Gedicht Disputazion aus der Perspektive der Komik. Die komisch verzerrte Darstellungsweise der Disputazion ist untrennbar mit dem absurden Inhalt der Konfrontation zwischen Religionen verbunden. Das öffentliche Streitgespräch des Kapuziners mit dem Rabbi unter Pedros Herrschaft in Spanien wird wie ein mittelalterliches Turnier der bewaffneten Ritter beschrieben. Entgegen dem Zweck der akademischen Debatte, den Gegner mit soliden Argumenten zu überreden oder eine neue Wahrnehmung zu erlangen, führt die Pseudo- bzw. Scheindebatte von Mönch und Rabbi, die von vornherein nur die Bekehrung des Gegners im Sinn hat, schließlich zu einem regelrechten, unverhohlenen Ausbruch feindlicher Emotionen und zur gegenseitigen Verteufelung. Heine zerstört das Fundament des Dogmatismus, indem er den übelriechenden, schmutzigen Maulkampf zwischen Kapuziner und Rabbiner auf grotesk-komische Weise in Szene setzt. Dazu dienen vor allem die Komik rund um Essen und Körper, die witzige Reimgestaltung und das brillante Sprachspiel. Damit ist Disputazion ein beeindruckender Schluss- und Höhepunkt von Romanzero, der die absurden, ungerechten und beklagenswerten Aspekte aller Arten von menschlichen Komödien, die überall in der Menschheitsgeschichte, auch im Innern des Menschen stattfinden, vortrefflich erfasst und teils satirisch-ironisch, teils grotesk-komisch vorführt. Die Romanze ist ein Prisma, das die scharfe Kritik des Dichters an dogmatischen Religionen in originellen, witzig-komischen Brechungen sichtbar macht. Sie gibt auch uns modernen Menschen einige keineswegs überholte, ernstzunehmende Warnsignale, weil wir immer noch in einer Welt leben, wo Religions-, Rassen- und Geschlechterkonflikte vorherrschen und Hass gegen Minderheiten, Diskriminierung und Verfolgung von Minderheitengruppen grassieren.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        체형을 고려한 맞춤형 넥타이 개발에 관한 연구(제1보) : 넥타이 길이를 중심으로 Focused on the Length of Necktie

        박은경,홍지원 한국의류학회 2003 한국의류학회지 Vol.27 No.11

        The purpose of this study was to develop customized necktie design according to Korean adult male's body characteristics. For this purpose, experimentations of visual sensory evaluation on visual stimuli which show a man's wearing various neckties were carried out. The subjects were students(n=130) majoring in fashion and design related area and experts(n=6). The data were analyzed by ANOVA, duncan test, pearson's correlation coefficient, cross tabulation using spss pc^(+) program. Also statistic of Korean adult men's body measurements(1997) were analyzed and used to decide appropriate necktie length according to the customer's various height. The results were as follows: First, there were significant difference in visual sensibility on the stimuli showing 1) relative location of belt and necktie. 2) neckties with various length using golden ratio to the experimental model's height. Therefore, the need of producing neckties with different length according to customer's various height were verified. Second, neckties with three different length(140㎝, 145㎝, 151㎝) were suggested for the groups of 160㎝ height, 170㎝ height, 180㎝ height according to Korean adult male's body characteristics and aspect of production.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        Allen Take 브랜드의 신규 런칭과 마케팅 사례 연구

        박은경 한국패션디자인학회 2007 한국패션디자인학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        After 2004, men's fashion brands were greatly animated in a domestic fashion market and sale volume of men's fashion became an improvement in various men's casual brands. Therefore, new brand launching of a men's wear market is performed actively. AllenTake, Which is a new brand launched by Trybrands, is a brand to pursue a sensitivity value and a reasonable price at the same time. This brand is pursuing total coordination brand image reflecting lifestyle of men and value consumers. The propensity to consume of men is changing to reasonable and trading-up consumption pattern these days. The new consumers pursue trendy fashion style and total coordination. According to this reason, a new luxury-oriented brand is increased too. AlenTake reflects not only a new product and marketing and promotion strategy in men's fashion market but the taste and lifestyle of consumers and brand image. It introduces a case study of new brand launching and progress method.

      • KCI등재후보

        라이트모티프의 관점에서 관찰한 영화음악분석 연구 ― 히치콕의 <현기증>을 중심으로

        박은경 한국음악학학회 2007 음악학 Vol.14 No.-

        Like most of film scores, the music of Vertigo is developed by a theme "Madeleine". The "Madeleine" theme is shown in the great parts of cues. The "Madeleine" theme is related to a heroine Madeleine, the Madeleine's long-dead ancestor Carlotta, and the same person Judy. Whenever Madeleine appears in the scene, the fragments of "Madeleine" cue are repeated and developed. Even when Madeleine becomes the other person Judy, the structure of music is not changed and remains as it is. The segments of "Madeleine" cue keep the great part of film scoring of Vertigo until Madeleine dies, and the segments are changed to different music. After Scottie meets Judy, the segments from "Madeleine" are developed and repeated. During of the love scene after Judy's transformation into Madeleine in the Judy's hotel room, the "Madeleine" cue is repeated once again in the form of developments of "Farewell" cue. In the viewpoint of leitmotif, the segments of "Madeleine" cue are changed and developed differently. the segments from "Madeleine" become the source of other cues. The more important development is the first two four-note figures of the first and the second bars of "Madeleine" cue transformed into the first four bars of "Carlotta's Portrait" which is accompanied by the habanera rhythm. Madeleine is related with her alleged ancestor Carlotta musically here. The unity of Vertigo is progressed by Scottie's clinging to Madeleine, the clinging is related to Scottie's acrophobia closely. This acrophobia is expressed as a bitonal chord-vertigo chord of D major and Eb minor and that chord is played whenever Scottie feels acrophobia. And Love motif of "Prelude" is repeated whenever Scottie feels love of Madeleine. Vertigo describes psychology of a hero ― vertigo of acrophobia, an obsession of the death of Madeleine, and Scottie's clinging to dead Madeleine ―, and Bernard Herrmann represents the mental state of the hero musically very well. Vertigo has a structurally soundly based story development and harmonizes the theme with psychological depiction of heroine(bitonality, Love motif), and express story development and psychological depiction musically very well. Vertigo influenced the film scores of other composers as well as the film scores of Herrmann himself.

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