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      • 중국의 수월성교육 조사 연구

        박영진 용인대학교 2011 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.29 No.-

        The excellence education of China gives some meaningful implications to us who are looking for an agreement between the equality and excellence, the educators and related institutions, the ministry of education and schools, and between the education for the gifted students and the education for the students including the gifted. This study looks into the inclusive meaning of excellence education in China and discusses the history of development and the current status of excellence education, then finally, suggests the future direction. Based on it, the study focuses on the implications from the excellence education in China for our excellence education that we are currently pushing ahead. In this study, various methods such as documentary survey, on-site survey, interview with professional and exchange of letters were used, and taking into the characteristics of Chinese government who is very sensitive in revealing data, the study widely used unofficial data and internal information as well.

      • 항문치루의 내공과 2차 누관에서 과산화수소 조영증강법을 이용한 3D 항문 초음파 검사의 유용성

        박영진 동국대학교 의학연구소 2008 東國醫學 Vol.15 No.1

        Recently, the endo-anal ultrasound is increasingly used in the preoperative diagnostic work up of anal fistula. The newly introduced 3D ultrasound is expected to provide more improved diagnostic accuracy. However, the clinical usefulness of 3D endo-anal ultrasound on anal fistula has not been clearly elucidated yet. The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of 3D endo-anal ultrasound in localizing the internal opening and 2^(nd) extension of anal fistulous tract. Thirty patients (18 men and 12 women, mean age of 42 years) underwent endo-anal sonographic studies for perianal fistula. Contrast enhanced image was acquired using hydrogen peroxide injection. Three dimensional image reconstruction was performed for all the cases. The ultrasonic finding was compared with surgical finding as a reference standard. The intraoperative internal opening correlated with the ultrasound report in 22 of 30 patients(73%). The sensitivity and positive predictive value of ultrasound study for internal opening were 82.6% each and negative predictive value was 42.8%. Two of the 4 patients with false negative ultrasound findings had supra-sphincteric type fistula. The contrast enhanced ultrasound scan with hydrogen peroxide detected 36% more internal opening or 2^(nd) tract than non-contrast one. The present study showed that the 3D ultrasound detect the internal opening and 2^(nd) extension of anal fistula with high accuracy. Therefore the preoperative 3D ultrasonic examination may be very useful in the management of anal fistula. In addition, the use of contrast material (H₂O₂) is recommended otherwise contraindicated since the contrast enhanced scan is superior to non-contrast one. 항문부 치루의 진단에 초음파가 많이 이용되고 있고 특히 최근에 개발된 3D초음파에 대한 기대가 높지만 3D 경항문 초음파의 치루에서의 유용성에 대해서는 자료가 충분하지 않다. 본 연구는 항문부 치루의 내공과 2차 누관의 진단에서 3D 초음파의 유용성을 알아 보기 위하여 시행되었다. 동국대 일산병원에서 항문치루로 진단받고 수술 전 3D 항문초음파(Probe type 2050, BK Medical, Herlev, Denmark)를 시행하고 이후 수술을 받았던 30명의 환자(남:여=18:12, 평균연령 42세)를 대상으로 초음파 검사의 결과를 수술 결과와 비교하였다. 초음파 검사시 조영제 사용 전 영상을 먼저 얻은 후 조영 증강을 위해 치루의 외공을 통해 3cc의 과산화수소를 주입하고 조영 증강 영상을 다시 얻었다. 치루 내공의 진단에 관한 초음파와 수술 결과의 일치도는 73%였다. 치루내공에 대한 초음파 검사의 예민도와 양성예측도는 모두 82.6%였고 음성예측도는 42.8%였다. 항문 초음파 검사에서 치루의 내공에 관하여 위음성의 소견을 보였던 4예 중 2예에서는 괄약근 상형의 치루가 관찰되었다. 과산화수소를 이용한 조영 증강 초음파에서는 조영 전 검사에 비해 내공과 2차 누관의 발견율이 36% 증가하였다. 본 연구에서 확인된 초음파 검사의 우수한 진단정확도를 고려할 때 항문초음파는 복잡치루의 수술 전 진단에 유용한 검사법으로 생각되며 과산화수소를 이용한 치루관의 조영이 치루의 내공이나 2차 누관을 발견하는데 더 우수한 결과를 보이므로 초음파 검사시 조영제의 사용이 바람직하리라 생각된다.

      • 중국 학교 주5일제의 현황 및 전망

        박영진 용인대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2006 인문사회논총 Vol.- No.13

        The five-day workweek system in Chinese schools has been discussed since the policy of reform and opening started in the early 1990s. It was not until the policy of reform and opening was promoted that the five-day workweek was discussed in earnest under the influence of various social changes, international affairs, political justification and all kinds of educational problems, while Chinese education had focused on cultivating talented men appropriate to Socialism before the discussion of the five-day workweek. This papers content can be distinguished by three distinguishable categories. The first category is evaluation in this part this study analyzed the reason why the five-day workweek was enforced in China, and classified the reasons into political reasons, economical reasons, and educational reasons; then reflected the Chinese five-day workweek in the past, and looked into the demerits and the cause of them. The second category, through the evaluation of the past, reached to the stage of comprehending the present situation. In this part was investigated the foundation of Chinese society under which the five-day workweek has been fulfilled, and was also introduced the Teenagers Palace and regional internet network circumstances. The third category is to prospect the future: this study predicted the Chinese five-day workweek system hereafter by examining the ten year plan of National Extracurricular Sports Activities Project and connected it with some points to be supplemented henceforth. The conclusion reached by the three categories evaluating the past, comprehending the present and prospecting the future would give suggestions in introducing the five-day workweek system in Korea. We should remember that Chinese five-day workweek, whether desirable or not, can be a good example in Korea. In this paper, the reason why Chinese five-day workweek system could not be successful was proved to be the fact that it was forwarded too excessively not for the reality but for the justification. Therefore, it is necessary for us to take into consideration whether the five-day workweek system, under the process of coming into Korea, reflected the present reality or reflected governments justification. 중국의 “학교 주5일제”는 90년 초 개혁개방정책과 함께 논의되기 시작했다. 주5일제가 논의되기까지 중국의 교육계는 사회주의 사회에 합당한 인재양성에 주력했었다. 그러나 개혁개방정책 이후부터 다양해진 사회변화, 국제관계, 정치적 명분, 교육문제 등의 영향을 받아 본격적으로 주5일제가 논의 될 수 있었던 것이다. 본 고는 크게 4단계로 나누어 연구하였다. 첫째 평가단계로, 중국의 주5일제가 실시되게 된 배경 및 과정을 정치적, 경제적, 교육적 요인으로 구분하였다. 또한 과거 중국의 주5일제를 반성하면서 단점과 그 단점의 원인을 규명하였다. 둘째는 현황 파악의 단계로, 현재 중국 내에서 실시되고 있는 사회기반(여건)을 조사하였고, 이 과정에서 “청소년궁”과 “인터넷 지역 네트워크”를 조사하였다. 나아가서 본 연구는 세 번째 단계로 주5일제의 미래를 전망하였다. 이를 위해 “전국과외문화 체육활동 프로젝트”라는 10년 계획을 조사하여 향후 주5일제를 조명하였으며, 향후 보완되어야 할 부분과 접목하였다. 이러한 평가, 현황, 전망 단계를 거쳐서 귀결된 결론은 한국의 주5일제 도입에 시사점을 제공해 줄 수 있을 것이다. 지금까지 중국의 주5일제가 실패한 가장 큰 이유는 현실보다 명분을 앞세워 무리하게 추진한 데 있었다. 이에 비추어 현재 한국에서 추진하고 있는 주5일제가 과연 명분보다 현실을 반영한 것인지 숙고해 볼 필요가 있을 것이다.

      • 중국 농촌지역의 의무교육현황 연구

        박영진 용인대학교 학생생활연구소 2006 학생생활연구 Vol.14 No.-

        China is a big country with population of over 1.3 billion. Such huge population and development-driven policies have brought on a number of problems, among which, three gaps - regional, economic, cultural gaps - have been recognized as stubborn problems in China. It can be said that the compulsory education in rural communities in China reflects these three gaps intensively, and this education in agricultural districts, especially the compulsory education area, has great possibilities to cause a dilemma to Chinese government. Compared to those of a metropolis, the regional backwardness, income gaps, and disparity in the cultural levels of the socialist state which was established by labors and farmers seem to show the huge gap between reality and ideals. Especially, considering the fact that compulsory education is a right as well as an obligation which is provided to the people by the government, even the principle of equality in education opportunity is now hard to be put into practice. Now that national competitiveness is emphasized in the 21c, it is true that unstinted educational investment in state-of-the-art technology areas and high-valued industries, centering on higher education, has become a global trend. At this point, the effort made by the Chinese government to show interest in and support for agricultural districts where people go through poverty and educational neglect calls to mind what comprehensive, long-term discernment in terms of education is. This study, therefore, discusses the condition and problems of the compulsory education in rural communities in China, and examines necessary politic solutions and the effects so as to look ahead at the compulsory education in the future. In the process, this study has taken advantage of interviews, phone-calls, and correspondence with the officials in charge, as well as literature reviews. It is expected to be a good example that China is going over and conducting an long term educational reform in an effort to overcome the gap between cities and rural districts.

      • 성인교육자 리더십의 이론성과 개발

        박영진 용인대학교 2006 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.24 No.-

        The research involving professional leadership is continuing to be carried out in the educational sphere. However, it seems that discussions related to the issues of continuing education and adult education are a bit negative. The reason for this difficulty in debating the relationship between leadership and adult educators is because it is similar to the process of arguing what the true meaning of leadership is. The meaning of 'leadership' has been limited to the qualities seen in past heroes or the qualities of people who are already in leadership positions. However, the perception is gradually changing. Now 'leadership' is seen as a skill which can be acquired by anyone through hard work and an effective and strategic influence carried out through interactions in ones' surroundings and situations. In other words, leadership is not a skill which is needed by a specific persons, but a skill that is needed by everyone. By this change in perception, leadership has been inserted into the field of continuing education and adult education and is now looked upon as an important factor in those areas. The goal of this research is to study the educational theory related to the leadership of adult educators from the perspective of the study of adult education. To achieve this goal the distinctive qualities needed by an adult education leader, such as personal missions and values will be presented in relation to the study of adult education. Through this process we expect to develop a thesis that will show the educational system of adult educator leadership that is based on theoretical studies. This research was carried out in hopes of discovering a model of the type of adult educator that we should be striving for through recording the debating process and debates concerning the meaning of 'leadership' and the training and progress of adult educators, as well as studying the theory and model relating thereof.

      • 대학생들의 여가시간중 체육활동과 교양체육 실태에 관한 연구

        李濬洙,崔修英,朴姬英,金大光,朴英震 慶熙大學校 體育科學大學 1992 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.5

        The purposes of this study were to investigate the leasure time activities of students and the participation and contentment of the students of physical education classes. 2208 students were requested to answer to the questionnare made by the researchers. The followings are the conclusions of this study. 1. The results of the investigation of the daily life of students showed the possibility of the lack of physiccal activities of students. 2. The results of the investigation of the participation to physical activities of students during weekdays and weekend showed the lack of physical activities of students. 3. The results of the investigation of the students opinions of physical education classes showed that the aims of the physical education should be the improvement of physical ability and the wise use of leasure time, and the number credit and class-hour shound be increased because of the 1ack of activities and the need of the health-improvement. 4. The results of the investigation of the participation and the contentment of the students showed that the interest and the personal skill level of a sport were the main considerations for the choice of physicoal education class, and many students answered they participate to the physical education classes willing1y, but they are unsatisfied because of lack of the facilities and too many students in a class. 5. The results of the investigation of the way to improve the physical education classes showed the need to increase the credit and class-hour, and the general throries and skill level should be the main consideration for evaluation.

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