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      • 한국의 가정과 교사교육 : 도전과 전망 挑戰和展望 挑戰と展望

        박명희 한국가정과교육학회 2002 한국가정과교육학회 학술대회 Vol.2002 No.-

        韓國の家庭科敎育課程,免許の問題,家庭科敎師の養成及び免許制度,敎員受給,現職の敎員の硏修,技術·家政敎科に對しての意見に同意しながら付言する.について考察する. 未來の社會を績極的に準備する家政科の敎員の敎育をするぺきある. 21世紀の有望な職種である衣裝デザイン,調理,製菓.製パン,老人關連業,美容,幼兒敎育の關聯業などが家庭科の領域である. 新しくできた家事.實業界高校への入學競爭力の激しさとは異なり,家庭科の敎員は專門性を持っ指導するには,準備の足りない狀態にある. したがって,家庭科敎員の免許を細分化し,不專門の硏修のプログラムを開發して現場の敎員に複數專門を取る機會を與える.その時,敎員の硏修に充分な時間的.財政的な支援を行い,充分な硏修になれてほしいである.(?) 大部分が女性であり,家庭生活を指導する家政科の敎員は,どの敎科より家政と學校の生活との調和を維持しながらも樣樣な葛藤もある.敎育活動に專念できるように國レペルの支援が欲しい. 家政科の敎員の免許制度の試驗を改善し,まず家政科目の履修單位,關聯資格證,關聯機關での硏修及び活動などを見て,1次先發をしてから 筆記試驗を實施してほしい. 大學では家庭科敎育のビジョソを表し,現場の中等(?)では敎育實情を正しく理解して敎育政策を決定するのに意見を主張する必要がある.そして敎育課程を開發し,敎授.學習の資料を作り,硏修を行うなどの活動を續けて實施する. また,敎育部では現場の敎育の經驗豊富な敎員の數が增ぇるように,學敎の現場を支援する政策を作るようにし,新しい敎育課程を始める時には充分檢討したうえで,實施してほしい.なぉ家庭科の成績が大學入試に反映されるように入試制度の改善にも氣を付けたい.

      • KCI등재
      • APEC 회원국간의 갈등구조

        박명희 이화여자대학교세계지역연구회 1996 세계지역연구 Vol.- No.1

        The principal purpose of this study is to explain the significance of an Asian and Pacific Community and Korea's policy in this region. Regionalism is becoming a major feature of new political and economic world order, and formation of regional economic bloc receives worldwide attention in 1990s. After the decline of cold war system which was the backbone of the post World War Ⅱ capitalist world, Regionalism has emerged as effective instrument in managing the diverse and extensive international community. The European Union which was established in the 1950s was recognized as a succeccful model in the early 1960s and regionalism began to gain popularity. The European Union expect to complete its integration by the end of 1992, and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been established, which makes a serch for a new mechanism for regitonal integration in the Asian and Pacific region inevitable. In this contition, APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) is established. There are various views on nature and scope of an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. The following must be noted for guessing the future of APEC First, the major obstacle in APEC is the lack of a sense of common bonding among nations in region. In oter words, there is lack of a sense of community, which reflect the heterogeneity of this region in its history, culture, religion, language and ethinic background. Second, political and military conflict interupt the process of establishing an Asia Pacific Community. Japanease military expansionism, and China's participation in the Asian Pacific Era may bring forth a new form of political and military conflict within this region, rather than solidifying it. Third, the establishment of an APEC is including the ASEAN. The ASEAN supports the formation of community that contribute to matenance of its neutrality and cohesion. Forth, the broad scope of goal of an APEC make the basic preparation of its establishment a painstakeing and time consuming task. In order to tacle the above mentioned issue, an atmospere that ensures the activity paticipation of all nations must be cultivated. In Korea's part, It is important for us presently to support the basic principles that sustain the world trade order such as multilateralism, free trade, fair trade etc in this region Because this region is where our largest trade partners U.S.A and Japan are included and where there is high dependance on resources, technology and finance. Looking at this point of view, It is necessary for Korea to actively participate in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation from the start in order that Korea may develope as the main force in this region.

      • KCI등재

        Circulating Total Glutathione in Normal Tension Glaucoma Patients: Comparison with Normal Control Subjects

        박명희,문정일 대한안과학회 2012 Korean Journal of Ophthalmology Vol.26 No.2

        Purpose: Oxidative stress plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Glutathione is a major antioxidant molecule present in intracellular or extracellular space. Herein, we aimed to examine circulating glutathione level in normal tension glaucoma (NTG), which comprises the largest proportion of glaucoma disease in the Korean population. Methods: Nineteen NTG patients (NTG group) and 30 age- and gender-matched normal control subjects (control group) were included. Antecubital venous puncture was performed between 8 and 10 o’clock in the morning to obtain a 4 mL venous blood sample. Total glutathione level was measured by the spectrophotometric method at 412 nm. Correlation of total glutathione level with mean deviation and pattern standard deviation from the Humphrey visual field test was analyzed in the NTG group. Results: Total glutathione level in circulating blood was 524.02 ± 231.09 nmol and 586.06 ± 156.08 nmol in the NTG group and the control group, respectively. The difference between these values was not statistically significant (p = 0.121, F = 2.212). Age had no significant effect on circulating total glutathione level in either the NTG group (p = 0.171, r = -0.328) or the control group (p = 0.380, r = -0.166). In the NTG group, circulating total glutathione level had no significant relationship with mean deviation (p = 0.226, F = 1.636) and pattern standard deviation (p = 0.200, F = 1.766) after correcting for age and gender. Conclusions: In NTG patients, circulating total glutathione levels were not different compared to those of normal subjects.

      • KCI등재
      • Testosterone 多量 長期投與가 家兎子宮 心臟 및 大動脈組織의 水分 및 電解質에 미치는 影響

        朴明嬉,李壽鍾 우석대학교 의과대학 1968 우석의대잡지 Vol.5 No.2

        Author has attempted to clarify the effects of sex hormones on electrolytes in the tissue of the uterus, heart and aorta of mature female rabbits weighing about 2㎏. in body weight. Determination of electrolyte levels of uterus, the target organ of sex hormones and of heart and blood vessels were undertaken before and after administration of testosterone 100㎎ daily for two weeks after castration. More specifically, the levels of Cl, Na, K, Ca, Mg and water content within the organ tissues mentioned in the foregoing were determined and changes in electrolytes levels and comparison of the electrolytes and water contents within these organ tissues were undertaken after castration and after administration of testosterone in large doses on castrated rabbits. Flame-photometry was utilized for the determination of Na and K levels, Schales and Schales method for Cl contents and Kovacs and Tarrnoky's method for Ca and Mg contents. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Serum Cl level of female rabbits following castration showed a slight decreases but the long term administration of testosterone in large doses upon castrated rabbits produced a marked increase in Cl contents and decrease in Ca levels. 2. Castration of female rabbits produced a marked increases in Na, Cl and Ca levels of the uterine tissues, but did not affected water, K and Mg levels within the same tissues. The long term administration of testosterone in large doses upon castrated rabbits produced decreases in Na and Cl levels and increases in K and Mg levels instead, but no changes in water contents. 3. Castration of female rabbits resulted in a decrease in Ca and Mg levels in heart tissues but did not affect water, Na, K and Cl levels considerably, whereas the long term administration of testosterone in large dose on castrated rabbits produced decrease in K and Cl levels and restored Ca and Mg levels to the normal, but did not affect water and Na content. 4. Castration produced no appreciable changes in water and electrolytes levels in the tissue of aorta, but long term administration of testosterone in large dose produced a marked increase in Na and Mg and a decrease in Ca levels. However, Water, Cl and K levels were not affected. 5. Water content in heart tissue of normal female rabbits showed lower than that of uterine tissues, whereas that of the tissue of aorta is much less than that in uterine tissue. In comparison of water contents of the heart tissue with castrated female rabbits uterus, the levels were almost at the same levels, but the marked lower -level in the tissue of aorta of the castrated rabbits than that of the normal uterus was observed. A long tern administration of testosterone in large dose produced a lower water content in the tissue of heart and a markedly lower content in the tissue of aorta than that of uterus. 6. As to the Cl level of the normal female rabbits, the level of Cl in the heart tissue maintained lower than that of the uterine tissue, whereas the level of the tissue of aorta showed much higher than that in the uterus. Castration showed a markedly lower Cl level in the heart tissue and a slight higher Cl level in the tissue of aorta compared with that of uterine tissue. A long term administration of testosterone in large dose showed a markedly lower Cl level in the heart tissue and a markedly higher Cl level in the tissue of aorta than that of uterine tissue. 7. Na levels in the heart tissue of normal and castrated female rabbits showed markedly lower than those in uterine tissue. On the contrary, Na levels in the tissue of aorta of normal and castrated female rabbits showed markedly higher levels than those in uterine tissue. A long term administration of testosterone in large dose showed a marked lower Na level in the heart tissue and a marked higher Na level in the tissue of aorta. 8. In normal and castrated female rabbits K levels were prominently higher in the heart tissue and were markedly lower in the tissue of aorta than in the uterine tissue. The long term administration of testosterone in large dose showed a marked lower in K level in the tissue of aorta, but no appreciable difference in K levels in the heart tissue than that of uterine tissue. 9. In normal and castrated female rabbits, Ca levels in the heart tissue showed lower than that in uterus but that in aorta maintained slightly higher than in the uterus. A long term administration of testosterone in a large dose showed a marked lower Ca level of the heart tissue and moderate lower Ca level of aorta than in the uterus. 10. In normal and castrated female rabbits, Mg levels in the heart tissue showed markedly higher and that in aorta showed a markedly lower than that in the uterus respectively, a long term administration of testosterone in large dose showed markedly higher Mg level in the heart and significant lower In aorta than that in the uterus.

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