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      • KCI등재
      • 論過失犯中的違法性

        박종근 ( Piao Zong Gen ),왕붕 ( Wang Peng ) 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2015 한남법학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        依据大陸法系傳統的刑法學理論,因爲過失和故意幷排而成爲責任形式,所以應在責任論上探討過失,而違法性上則不應考慮過失。面對舊過失理論把注意義務看作是責任形式所造成的體系上混亂,刑法學者提出了新過失理論以及以目的行爲論爲基礎的構成要件要素說。筆者認爲都有欠缺之處,事實上過失具有雙重机能,旣是構成要件要素又是責任要素,而且在評价內容上也是不同。幷且,具備構成要件符合性的過失行爲可以成立違法性阻却事由。但是與故意犯相比,過失犯所具有的不法內容應當小于故意犯。在缺乏法益侵害的認識和意志的過失犯中,不能爲了單純地抵消違反客觀注意義務的行爲反价値,而提出過高的主觀上要求。在與中國刑法體系具體相對照時,雖然依据刑法第13條能勾解決過失犯的違法性阻却事由的問題,但是缺少必要的法理依据。大陸法系違法性理論,對中國的過失犯和排除社會危害性理論建設而言,也有積極的借鑒作用。 Based on the traditional criminal law theory of law system, since negligent and intentional crime are considered to be the liability form in parallel, The negligent crime should be discussed on the level of liability theory, and should not be taken into account in illegality. Coping with the confusing of system caused by the old theory of negligence which takes duty of care as liability form, scholars in criminal law have proposed a new theory of negligence as well as the theory of constitutive elements of crime based on the purpose of behavior. I believe that there are defects in both cases. In fact, the negligence has a dual function, it is not only the element of crime, but also the factor of liability. Both are different in terms of the evaluation content. Besides, negligent act with compliant constitutive elements of crime is ground for elimination of illegality. However, compared with an intentional crime, negligent crime has less illegal content. To the negligent criminal who is lack of cognition and will of violating legal interests, one should not to simply offset the breach of duty of care act objectively anti-value, and request too much subjectively. In contrast particularly to Chinese criminal justice system, although it could solve ground for elimination of illegality of negligent criminal according to criminal law article 13, the theory of criminal law of Chinese criminal justice system have a positive reference effect on the theory construction of negligent criminal and exclusion from social harmfulness.

      • KCI등재

        중국농촌집단토지수용(徵收)제도에 관한 연구

        박종근 ( Zong Gen Piao ) 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2006 과학기술법연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The land tenure of China practices socialism public-owned system, which includes two types of civil-ownership system and peasantrycollectivitysystem. As a legal representation of land tenure, the proprietorshipof land also has two types of national land proprietorship and collective land proprietorship. The confiscationto land is a displacement of proprietorship occurs between state and peasantry-collectivity, namely for the need of public interests, state makes peasantry-collective land proprietorship displaced by national land proprietorship, according to legal sanction popedom and procedure, also after compensation to peasantry-collectivity and individuals. The article ten of the constitution of the People`s Republic of China regulates that for the public interests, state has the power of confiscation to land according to law. That is the basis of constitutionto confiscate land in our country. The following paper starts with the concept and character of land-confiscation system in China, and probes curtly into the principles that the land-confiscation system should keep to, the issue of compensation to allocation, as well as the legal matters existing in land-confiscation system in China nowadays.

      • KCI등재

        중국 사법독립의 현황과 문제점 및 향후 대책

        박종근(Piao, zong gen),이금일(Li, jin yi) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2014 江原法學 Vol.41 No.-

        중화인민공화국이 성립된 이후 사법독립에 관한 것은 학계에서나 실무에서 민감한 문제로 간주되었다. 특히 중국이 개혁개방정책을 실시하고 계회경제로부터 시장경제로 전환하면서 자본주의제도의 많은 내용을 수용함에 따라 사법독립은 중요한 과제로 대두되어 의사일정에 오르고 있다. 당의 제18차 대표대회보고에서는 진일보 사법제도에 관한 개혁을 추진하여, 심판기관, 검찰기관에서 법에 의해 독립적으로 공정하게 심판권, 검찰권을 행사하게 하여야 한다고 하였다. 중국 공산당 지도부는 2013년 11월에 거행된 제18기 중국공산당 3중 전회를 계기로 새로운 사법개혁을 추진하기로 결정지었는데, 그 중의 중요한 일환으로 전개될 것이 바로 사법독립에 관한 것이다. 3권 분립의 헌정(憲政)제도를 반대하는 중국 현실에서 사법독립은 특수한 의미를 가지고 있다. 즉 사법독립은 법원의 심판독립을 의미하는데, 향후 사법개혁의 키워드라고 불리는 심판독립은 법원에서 독립적으로 심판권을 행사할 수 있도록 보장하여 공정한 사법을 실현하는 것이다. 사법독립의 원칙을 실현함에 있어서 가장 관건적인 문제는 공산당의 영도와 사법독립간의 관계를 제대로 처리하는 것이다. 중국의 역사적인 맥락과 현실로부터 분석하여 보면 사법독립이란 결국 공산당의 영도를 전제로 할 수밖에 없다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 형사소송법의 발전과 향후의 과제

        朴宗根(piao zong gen),畢成(bi cheng) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2012 法學硏究 Vol.37 No.-

        1996년 이후 최신의 개정인 범죄적인 순서법 개정안은, NPC 상임위원회에 의해서 2012년 3월에 가결되었다. 내용의 절반이 최신판으로 새롭게 더해지고, 수정의 대부분을, 개정안은 바꾸었다. 개정내용은 방어 시스템과 증거 시스템과 같은 기본적인 소송시스템상에서 논평하였다. 그리고 개정안에 관련이 있는 소송에 대해 똑같이 범죄의 조사(investigation), 수사(prosecution), 재판(trial), 집행(execution) 등 상황을 담고 있다. 이 논문은 논의 중에서 건설적 어드바이스를 통하여 해당 법률에 있어서 한층 더 나은 개정으로 나아가는 것을 목표로 한다. The Criminal Procedure Law Amendment which is the latest amendment since 1996 is passed in March 2012 by NPC Standing Committee. The Amendment has changed a lot that half of the articles are newly added and revised in this latest revision. The article reviews on basic lawsuit systems such as the defense system and the evidence system, covering criminal investigation,prosecution,trial,execution,and other stages alike in litigation that are related to the Amendment. It aims at providing constructive advice for the further revision of the law under discussion.

      • KCI등재

        2012년 중국형사소송법개정안에 관한 소고

        박종근(Piao, Zong-Gen),이금일(Li, Jin-Yi) 한국형사정책학회 2012 刑事政策 Vol.24 No.2

        The Criminal Procedure Law Amendment which is the latest amendment since 1996 is passed in March 2012 by NPC Standing Committee. The Amendment has changed a lot that half of the articles are newly added and revised in this latest revision. The article reviews on basic lawsuit systems such as the defense system and the evidence system,covering criminal investigation,prosecution,trial,execution,and other stages alike in litigation that are related to the Amendment. It aims at providing constructive advice for the further revision of the law under discussion.

      • KCI등재
      • 中國家庭暴力與婦女人權

        박종근 ( Zong Gen Piao ) 아세아여성법학회 2005 아세아여성법학 Vol.8 No.-

        Family violence is the violent behavior happened in family. Family violence is a pervasive filthy phenomenon that is familiar in family life at all times and in al over the world, it is a global problem. The weaker of family, for example, women, children, oldster, handicapped, they are possible to be the victims of family violence, the root of family violence is the corrupt customs, sexual discrimination and patriarchy and so on, it can harm the body and mind health of women badly, infringe the legal rights and interests of women, destroy the stability and development of society, it has aroused social extensive attention. The new marriage law of China practiced in April, 2004 constitutes several concrete punitive articles to family violene, for example, the victims of family violence can demand divorce, the victims can ask for compensation, and also provides clearly that the victims may request aids from police and dissuade form inhabithant committee, hence, family violence is anything but family affair, but a behavior that will receive punishment from law. The following article will air some opinions about the connotation, harmfulness, cause of formation, prevention and countermeasure to expect people will give the victims more general, more concrete and more appropriate aids in order to acquire better social effect.

      • 當代中國女性犯罪的限狀,成因及對策

        박종근 ( Zong Gen Piao ),부숙균 ( Zhu Jun Fu ) 아세아여성법학회 2009 아세아여성법학 Vol.12 No.-

        As society progresses, more and more women participate in social life, fe-male criminality also shows a trend of rising and spreading. Female criminality not only brings tragedies to their families, but also increases levels of serious harm to society. In recent years, Chinese society and economy keep growing with the deepening of reform and opening up, female crime rate rises, which seriously disrupts social stability and harmony. It becomes a problem that can-not be ignored, so our government, academia and people pay much attention to female criminality. To study female criminality can improve the awarenessof women themselves and can reduce women`s crime, and keep social order stable, and strengthen the building of democracy and the rule of law, and promote economic and social development of all undertakings. This article takes the contemporary Chinese female crime as the object of study, and explores the contemporary status, causes and countermeasures of Chinese female crime from the following four parts. Based on female crime-related information and data of recent years, the first part analysis the status of the contemporary Chinese fe-male crime and briefly describes the characteristics of the contemporary women crime. The second part tells the main reasons of women crime from the sub-jective and objective factors. It not only contains woman1s unique physiological factors and psychological factors, but also includes social factors such as the transformation of social institutions, cultural conflict, marriage and family. The Part three is targeted at the contemporary Chinese women`s status and causes of crime, from the women1s self-prevention, social prevention, legal prevention of three areas of prevention, a few strategies to reduce women`s crime. The fourth part is conclusion, greater emphasis on attention to study the significance of fe- male criminality.

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