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      • KCI등재

        잔디 혼식을 통한 생태학적 병충해 관리

        박봉주 한국조경학회 2003 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.31 No.3

        Ecological control can contribute to the sustainibility of vegetation management systems by reducing the input currently derived from non-renewable fossil energy sources. The use of turfgrass mixtures is an important tool in turf management. Turfgrass mixtures of two or more compatible and adapted species provide improved tolerance to pest and environmental stress, more so than monostands. The objectives of this study were to evaluated turf insects, pests and zoysia large patch control by turgrass mixtures. In April 2001 and 2002, plots were inoculated with 50g of Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2LP inoculum. Inoculum were treated within a 29cm diamater circle at Zoysia japonica, Zoysia japonica, Poa pratenis, or Festuca arundinacea mixtures. After four weeks, disease severity in each plot was determined. plot area visual ratings were assessed visually on a linera 0 to 100%. In August 2001 and October 2002, turf insects and pests in each plot were investigated in 10cm deep soil cores with 8cm diameters using hole cut. Zoysia large patch affected zoysiagrass monostands more severly than zoysiagrass and cool-season turfgrasses mixtures. It was suggested that the barrier effect of cool-season turfgrass suppressed zoysia large patch in the mixture of zoysiagrass and cool-season turfgrasses. Also, warm-season and cool-season turfgrasses mixtures suppressed insect populations more efficiently than warm-season turfgrass monostands.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 국가 祭禮와 尊․罍의 사용

        박봉주 조선시대사학회 2011 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.58 No.-

        尊과 罍는 국가 제례에서 ‘五齊三酒’라는 8종의 술과 ‘明水’와 ‘玄酒’라는 맑은 물을 담는 데 사용된 祭器 겸 酒器 겸 水器로서, 중국 고대의 6종의 尊에서 유래되었다. 중국 고대의 <三禮>에서 6尊인 犧尊, 象尊, 著尊, 壺尊, 大尊, 山尊의 외형과 용례의 기본틀이 정립되었는데, 희준․상준, 착준․호준, 대준․산준의 2종씩 짝을 이루어 春․秋 제례, 秋․冬 제례, 禘祭․祫祭에 번갈아 사용되는 방식이었다. 山尊은 ‘山罍’로도 별칭되었는데 별칭인 山罍가 널리 상용되어 차츰 5준 1뢰로 굳어지면서 후대에는 준․뢰로 통칭되었다. 당대의 <大唐開元禮>에서는 5준․산뢰와 ‘오제삼주’ 중 5제 1주를귀한 순서대로 1:1로 대응시키는 방식, 즉 대준-泛齊, 착준-醴齊, 희준-盎齊, 상준-緹齊, 호준-沈齊, 산뢰-淸酒의 조합이 수록되었는데, 이는 <삼례>보다 구체화되고 진일보한 용례였다. 북송 중기의 <禮書>에서는 이를 수정․보완하여 춘․추 제례에는 희준-예제, 상준-앙제, 산뢰-청주, 추․동 제례에는 착준-예제, 호준-앙제, 산뢰-청주의 조합 방식을 확정하였으며, 이것이 宋․元․明․淸 시대와 조선시대의 준․뢰 용례의 핵심 규정으로 계승되었다. 또한 준․뢰의 도설과 제도도 고금을 통해 계속 진화하였는데, 북송 초기의 <三禮圖>, 북송 중기의 <禮書>, 남송대의 <紹煕州縣釋奠儀圖>, 명대의 <大明集禮> 등에서는 전대의 성과를 계승하면서 좀더 진일보한 양식과 합리적인 규격을 갖춘 새로운 도설들을 차례로 수록하였다. 조선시대의 국가 제례에 수용된 준․뢰의 도설과 용례는 삼례, 대당개원례, 삼례도, 예서, 소희주현석전의도, 대명집례 등에서 종합적인 영향을 받았으며, 수용 과정에서 독자적으로 취사선택한 부분도 확인된다. [世宗實錄] 「五禮」에 수록된 준․뢰의 도설은 예서와 소희주현석전의도로부터 많은 영향을 받았고, 성종대의 國朝五禮序例의 도설은 <소희주현석전의도>를 계승한 것이다. 이에 비해 정조대의 春官通考의 도설은 <대명집례>로부터 영향을 받았으며, <춘관통고>와 비슷한 연대에 제작된 社稷署儀軌, 景慕宮儀軌 등도 춘관통고, 대명집례와 흡사한 준․뢰의 도설을 수록하였다. 그런데 국조오례서례와 춘관통고의 중간 시기인 숙종 연간에 제작된 宗廟儀軌에서는 양자와는 다른 독특한 유형의 그림을 일부 수록하여 주목된다. 또한 大韓禮典에서는 오히려 국조오례서례와 흡사한 유형으로 복귀하는 듯한 흐름을 보여준다. 준․뢰의 고금의 연혁에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 본고의 3장에서는 吉禮 儀注와 饌實尊罍圖說 간의 종합적인 대조․분석 작업을 병행하면서 조선시대의 다수 제례의 규모․격식․등급에 따른 준․뢰의 실제 세부 용례를 천착하였는데, 그 결과 준․뢰의 핵심 규정과는 달리 다양한 변용과 설행상의 조정․응용이 이루어졌음을 확인하였다. 준․뢰의 규정이 전형적으로 준용된 것은 상당히 큰 규모와 격식을 갖춘(初獻․亞獻․終獻의 三獻 절차 등을갖춘) 大祀와 中祀의 제례들이며, 小祀․祈告․州縣․俗祭 등에서는 준․뢰의 수량과 종류가 생략․축소되고 준․뢰와 술의 종류 간의 조합도 원칙과는 다르게 변화하는 등 다양한 변수와 외적 조건들이 작용하였다. 이런 변수와 변화들에도 불구하고 주어진 여건 속에서 하늘과 땅의 여러 신령들에 대한 공경에 만전을 기하고자 하는 국가 제례의 기본 정신은 전후기를 통해 변하지 않았으며, 일 ... 尊 and 罍 are utensils for ancestral rites and alcohol and water bowls to put 8 kinds of alcohol called ‘五齊三酒’ and clear water called ‘明水’ and ‘玄酒’ in national ancestral ritual formalities, originating from 6 kinds of 尊 of ancient China. In 三禮 of ancient China, the basic frames of the forms and examples of 六尊―犧尊, 象尊, 著尊, 壺尊, 大尊 and 山尊 were established, used pairs of 犧尊/象尊, 著尊/壺尊 and 大尊/山尊 in Spring/Fall ritual formalities, Fall/Winter ritual formalities and 禘祭․祫祭 alternately. 山尊 was also called ‘山罍,’ and as 山罍 was used commonly, they were called 五尊 and 一罍 and later called 尊罍. In 大唐開元禮of Tang dynasty, by 1:1 correspondence of 五齊一酒 among ‘五齊三酒’ with 五尊山罍 and that is, in the order of importance of 五尊山罍 and 五齊一酒, the combinations of 大尊-泛齊, 著尊-醴齊, 犧尊-盎齊, 象尊-緹齊, 壺尊-沈齊 and 山罍-淸酒 were included, which is a concrete and advanced example than 三禮, 禮書 of middle North Sung dynasty revised and supplemented this, the mode of combination of 犧尊-醴齊, 象尊-盎齊 and 山罍-淸酒 for Spring/Fall ritual formalities while that of 著尊-醴齊, 壺尊-盎齊 and 山罍-淸酒 were confirmed, which were succeeded as the key rules of 尊罍 in the periods of Sung, Yuan, Ming and Ching dynasties and Joseon dynasty. Also, the illustrations and institutions of 尊罍 also evolved throughout the all ages, 三禮圖 of early North Sung dynasty, 禮書 of middle North Sung dynasty, 紹煕州縣釋奠儀圖 of South Sung dynasty and 大明集禮 of Ming dynasty contain new illustrations succeeding the achievements of the previous periods with more advanced styles and reasonable standards one after another. The illustrations and examples of 尊罍 accepted in the national ritual formalities of Joseon dynasty had been influenced by 三禮, 大唐開元禮, 三禮圖, 禮書, 紹煕州縣釋奠儀圖 and 大明集禮 comprehensively and in the process of the acceptance, parts were selected independently. The illustrations of 尊罍 included in 世宗實錄 「五禮」 were greatly influenced from 禮書 and 紹煕州縣釋奠儀圖, the illustrations of 國朝五禮序例 in Seongjong period succeeded 紹煕州縣釋奠儀圖. In contrast, the illustrations of 春官通考 in Jeongjo period were influenced from 大明集禮, and 社稷署儀軌 and 景慕宮儀軌 published in the similar year with that of 春官通考 included illustrations similar to those in 春官通考 and 大明集禮. But 宗廟儀軌 published in Sukjong period between 國朝五禮序例 and 春官通考 included some pictures different from them, which is noteworthy. Also, 大韓禮典 rather shows a trend of returning to the form similar to 國朝五禮序例. Based on the understanding of the history of 尊罍, Chapter 3 in this paper contrasted and analyzed 吉禮 儀注 and 饌實尊罍圖說 comprehensively and at the same time dug into the detailed examples of 尊罍 according to the sizes and forms of a number of ancestral ritual formalities in Joseon dynasty period, and as a result, unlike the key rules of 尊罍, there had been various transformations, adaptations and applications. The rulse of 尊罍 were typically applied to the ritual formalities of 大祀 and 中祀 with a considerable size and form, while in 小祀, 祈告, 州縣 and 俗祭, the numbers and kinds of 尊罍 were omitted or reduced and the combinations with the kinds of alcohol changed differently from the principle in which a variety of variables and external conditions served. Despite these variables and changes, the fundamental spirit of the national ritual formalities to ensure the veneration of various gods in the earth and the sky under given conditions has not been changed throughout the period, and seemingly contradictory transformation and applica ...

      • KCI등재

        비탈면 생태복원을 위한 녹화공법의 차이가 식물생육 반응에 미치는 영향

        박봉주,노재현 인간식물환경학회 2009 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        The present study purposed to survey areas in need of ecological revegetation of slope along the road between Yiyang and Neungju in Jollanam‐do, which was under expansion construction, to perform experimental revegetation, and to select the ecological revegetation method most suitable for the conditions of the slopes. The results of this study are summarized as follows. The base vegetation material of all the methods applied to ripping rock and blast rock slopes was adequate, falling within the standard range. Soil hardness and soil acidity were also within the standard ranges, suitable for the germination and growth of plants. The number of appearance species from ripping rock slopes was 11 out of 12 species sown in greening method A and B, showing a high germination rate, but 12 out of 20 sown in greening method C, showing a relatively low rate. With blast rock slopes, 15 out of 16 appeared in greening method A-1 and 10 out of 12 in greening method B-1, but only 12 out of 19 in greening method C-1. In evaluation according to ‘Tentative Guidelines for Slope Greening Design and Construction (Proposal),’ the green coverage was highest as around 92% in greening method C among ripping rock slopes, and 96% in greening method C-1 among blast rock slopes. It is considered necessary to continue monitoring and research on greening sustainability and vegetation succession over time for greening method

      • KCI등재

        What Is Important in Selecting a Designated Hospital for the Korean Veterans with Hip Fractures?

        박봉주,조홍만,최용석,서재웅 대한고관절학회 2017 Hip and Pelvis Vol.29 No.2

        Purpose: The Korea Veterans Health Service (KVHS) implemented the ‘designated hospital system’ so that veterans can receive prompt medical attention at hospitals near their residences when experience medical emergencies, including hip fractures. We analyzed the hospital-selection process of Korean veterans following a hip fracture. We then evaluated (the validity and considerations) for choosing designated hospitals. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 183 veteran patients (84 treated at a single veterans hospital and the remaining 99 treated at 39 designated hospitals) who underwent hip fracture between January 2010 and February 2015 in the Honam region of South Korea. The subjects were divided into the ‘nearest group’ (those who chose the hospital closest to their residences) and the ‘non-nearest group’ (those who did not choose the hospital closest to their residences). We compared the age, ambulatory status, combined disease and fracture type, factors that we speculated may impact hospital choice. Results: Although the patients had difficulty moving due to hip fractures, 116 (63.4%) patients choose hospitals that were not closest to their residences. Patients with three or more comorbidities (P=0.028) and older ages (P=0.046) were statistically more likely to fall into the non-nearest group. Ambulatory status and fracture type were shown not to significantly impact choice between nearest and non-nearest hospital. Patients in the nonnearest group tended to seek care at larger hospitals. Conclusion: Korean veterans with hip fractures tended to seek care at larger hospitals, regardless of distance. We must therefore consider the number of beds and departments when choosing designated hospitals.

      • KCI등재

        Surgical Treatment of Undisplaced Femur Neck Fractures in Dementia Patients Using Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation

        박봉주,조홍만,민웅배 대한고관절학회 2015 Hip and Pelvis Vol.27 No.3

        Purpose: People with dementia have poor mobility and discharge outcomes following hip fractures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiological results of internal fixation of undisplaced femur neck fractures (Garden types 1 and 2) by proximal femoral nail antirotation (PFNA) in dementia patients. Materials and Methods: We studied retrospectively 19 patients with undisplaced femur neck fracture. All patients were over 70 years of age, walked independently with a cane or crutches and suffered moderate-tosevere dementia. Patients were treated with PFNA and followed-up for more than 2 years. Revision, loss of fixation, complications, and walking ability outcomes were measured. Results: In walking-ability evaluation, patients showed an average decrease of just 0.2 points at the final followup. Walking ability was evaluated from before injury to 4 weeks after surgery and decreased by less than 0.5 points. Radiological bone union was achieved in 17 cases; the average time to bone union was 4.14 months (range, 2.5-7 months). Complications included non-union in two cases and femoral head avascular necrosis in one case of non-union. Conclusion: We found that for patients with osteoporotic bone tissues in their femoral heads or patients (e.g.,those suffering dementia) for whom cooperating with medical workers for postoperative walking control or rehabilitation exercises is difficult, implanting a mechanically stable spiral blade for fixation of femoral neck fractures could facilitate walking after surgery.

      • KCI등재

        In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Epigallocatechin 3-O-Gallate against Clinical Isolates of Dermatophytes

        박봉주,박종철,Hideaki Taguchi,Katsuhiko Kamei,Tetsuhiro Matsuzawa,현성휴 연세대학교의과대학 2011 Yonsei medical journal Vol.52 No.3

        Previously, we reported that epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate (EGCg) has growth-inhibitory effect on clinical isolates of Candida species. In this study, we investigated the antifungal activity of EGCg and antifungal agents against thirty-five of dermatophytes clinically isolated by the international guidelines (M38-A2). All isolates exhibited good susceptibility to EGCg (MIC_50, 2-4 μg/mL, MIC_90, 4-8 μg/mL, and geometric mean (GM) MICs, 3.36-4 μg/mL) than those of fluconazole (MIC_50, 2-16 μg/mL, MIC_90, 4-32 μg/mL, and GM MICs, 3.45-25.8 μg/mL) and flucytosin (MIC_50, MIC_90, and GM MICs, >64 μg/mL), although they were less susceptible to other antifungal agents, such as amphotericin B, itraconazole, and miconazole. These activities of EGCg were approximately 4-fold higher than those of fluconazole, and were 4 to 16-fold higher than flucytosin. This result indicates that EGCg can inhibit pathogenic dermatophyte species. Therefore, we suggest that EGCg may be effectively used solely as a possible agent or combined with other antifungal agents for antifungal therapy in dermatophytosis.

      • KCI등재

        Assessment of Copper and Zinc in Soils and Fruit with the Age of an Apple Orchard

        박봉주,조재영 한국응용생명화학회 2011 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.54 No.6

        Chemical fractions of copper and zinc in soils were evaluated and, the transfer coefficient of copper and zinc from soil to apples depending on age of apple orchard were determined. The fractions of copper and zinc in surface soil were in decreasing order: residual > organic-bound > Fe-Mn oxides > carbonates and exchangeable > water-soluble fractions. With increasing age of apple orchard,the residual fraction showed the highest residual fractions of copper and zinc, whereas those of water soluble and exchangeable fractions were relatively low. Tc values of copper and zinc did not show significant difference with the age of apple orchard (p >0.05). As our results show that the concentrations of Zn and Cu in soil increase with age of apple orchard, continuous monitoring and pollution control of hazardous material are needed to prevent the excessive build-up of heavy metals in the food chain.

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