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        李公麟의 『五馬圖』 연구 : 宋代天馬의 흔적

        朴世旭),박세욱(Park Se Wok 대한중국학회 2015 중국학 Vol.51 No.-

        This work seeks to examine visible traces of Heavenly Horse天馬 through Li Gonglin's Five Horses「五馬圖」. The conclusions are summarized as follows: First, Li Gonglin's Five Horses is a painting that consists of more than one painting of a horse. Accordingly, Five Horses is not an official work of Li Gonglin. Second, Heavenly Horse of Song Dynasties was a swift horse born in the Western Region西域 and was a term used to refer especially to the one that the emperors rode. The horses of Five Horses were tributes from foreign countries to the emperors, which were raised in the imperial palace. Therefore, Li Gonglin's Five Horses shows the appearance of Heavenly Horses of Song Dynasties as they were. Third, Li Gonglin's paintings made a stylistic standard, so the appearance of Heavenly Horses had no special features. Consequently, it is not false that the horses in Li Gonglin's Five Horses are illustrations of traditional Heavenly Horse.

      • 객가(客家) 문인(文人)과의 만남: 양파(陽坡) 정태화(鄭太和)와 위제서(魏際瑞)

        박세욱 ( Se Wok Park ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2007 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.40 No.-

        객가란 용어가 우리나라에 알려지기 시작하며 주목을 끌게 된 것은 그리 오래지 않았다. 그러나 明末淸初 혼란한 역사 속에서 객가의 대표 문인 위제서와 양파 정태화의 만남을 통하여 그 흔적을 찾아 볼 수 있다. 비록 이들의 시기에 객가라는 용어는 서로에게 인식되지는 않았지만 객가인의 정신문화를 직접적으로 접할 수 있는 기회였음에 틀림없다. 청나라가 吳三桂와 桂王을 운남에서 죽이고 공식적으로 명나라를 멸망시켰을 때, 이를 축하하러 사신으로 간 양파 정태화는 돌아오는 길에 江西 寧都사람 魏際瑞를 우연히 만나게 된다. 한 사람은 집안의 생계를 위해 어쩔 수 없이 청 조정에 출사한 明나라의 遺民의 모습으로, 또 한 사람은 청나라의 강압에 굴복하고 청나라의 통일에 마지못해 축하하는 사신의 모습으로의 만남은 표면적으로 매우 상반되어 있었으나 서로의 마음을 하룻밤 만에 토로하며 서로의 정표를 주고받는다. 실제로 이들이 서로의 마음을 연결시켜준 것은 유사한 출신 배경과 崇明反淸이었다. 이외에 위제서를 비롯한 三魏의 학문적 경향에 대해서 정태화가 어떠한 이해가 있었는지 알 수 없지만, 정태화는 그의 문집을 받아서 “중국에도 才子가 있다”는 것을 국내에 알리겠다고 약속한다. 그러나 정태화는 그 약속을 지키지 않았고 이내 비밀에 붙여졌다가, 100여년 뒤에야 李德懋에 의해 다시 드러나게 되고 재조명된다. 이후 이러한 만남은 朴齊家, 洪良浩, 鄭元容, 鄭東愈, 강위등과 같은 實學者들을 중심으로 알려지게 되는데, 이들의 관심은 정태화와 위제서가 가졌던 崇明反淸이라는 공감대와는 달리 三魏의 經世致用적 학문에 중심이 실려 있었다. 결과적으로 정태화와 위제서의 만남은 당시 국내에 아무런 가시적인 결과를 가져오지는 못했지만, 정태화는 객가 사회의 심장부에 경모의 씨앗을 심어 놓았으며, 성리학의 지루하고 복잡한 시비논쟁에서 벗어나 經世致用으로 나아갈 준비를 이미 하고 있었다고 하겠다. It was not so long that the term Hakka 客家 began to be known in Korea and to draw our attention. We can however find its traces back in a troubled period - end of the Ming and beginning of the Qing 明末淸初 - in the meeting between Jeong Taehwa 鄭太和 and a Hakkas literati Wei Jirui 魏際瑞. Although the term Hakka was recognized by neither of them at that time, it was certainly the occasion to catch a glimpse of the spiritual culture of Hakka. When the Qing government executed Wu Sangui 吳三桂 and King Gui 桂王 and officially subverted the Ming, Jeong Taehwa was dispatched as a congratulatory envoy to the Chinese capital. On his way back, Jeong came across a literati from Ningdu 寧都 in the district Jiangxi 江西. The former was a dignitary envoy from Chosun to congratulate the unification of China by the Qing and the latter was a subject of the defeated Ming, compelled to work for the Qing government to support his family. In spite of their apparent opposite positions, they had a confidential conversation in a single night and exchanged gifts as a token of appreciation of each other. In fact, what led to their entente was their similar origins and their belief in the political banner, "Support Ming Reject Qing 崇明反淸." Although it is not possible to find out how Jeong understood the scholarship of Wei's three brothers, he promised to inform Chosun that there were some gifted scholars as he accepted Wei's literary collection. Jeong did not hold his words and kept their meeting secret. More than 100 years later, this was revealed and commented on by Lee Dukmoo 李德懋. Soon after it was known among practical science scholars, Bak Jega 朴齊家, Hong Yangho 洪良浩, Jeong Wenyong 鄭元容, Jeong Dongyu 鄭東愈, and Gang We 姜瑋. Different from Jeong Taehwa's "Support Ming Reject Qing" line, they focused on "Institutional Approach to Govern 經世致用" of Wei's three brothers. Even though the encounter of Jeong and Wei did not bring any viable results to Chosun's intellectual society, Jeong paved a way to respect the Hakkas and was preparing already to progress toward the doctrine of the "Institutional Approach to Govern 經世致用", avoiding thus tedious arguments of Neo-Confucians.

      • KCI등재후보

        한ㆍ중 외래문물에 관한 고문헌적 고찰: 胡桃

        朴世旭(Park Se-Wok) 동아인문학회 2010 동아인문학 Vol.18 No.-

        The mention on Juglans regia, an exotic plant, first appeared in ancient Chinese texts around the second or third century AD. It was later than other foreign plants. However in the 4th century, it was used as medicine or lumber and it became an ornamental plant due to its scarcity. In the process, distinction with chinese indigenous species was made and its effective value started to be compared with the imported plant. Though Juglans regia was imported from the Western Area西域, it was thought to be of Tibetan origin because of its other name Qiangtao羌桃. However, Xiqiang西羌, Qianghu羌胡, Jiehu?胡, relevant to Qiangtao羌桃, were foreign tribes residing in northeast regions of China. Juglans regia was also called Hetao核桃as it might have been closely associated with Post Zhao後趙founded by Shile石勒. Nevertheless the designation did not appear until the 11th century. There were not any real classifications between the Juglans regia and Hetao; they simply had the same pronunciation in the Ming Dynasty. Chinese original species were named Mountain Juglans regia(山胡桃) or Mountain Hetao山核桃. These wild species had thicker and stronger shells and smaller kernel than Western walnut. The first record of Juglans regia in Korea was in Korean Emergency Medicinal Recipes鄕藥救急方. The existence of western walnut in Korea could be verified in medical exchanges between China and Korea in the 8th century. It was compared with Korean pine nut in Record Kingdom Silla新羅國記in the 8th century. In Sino-Korean ancient texts Juglans regia was not sufficiently described, due to the existence of indigenous species and its low economic importance. In conclusion, the Juglans regia in China and Korea was an imported plant that did not attract particular attention, as the most prestigious Korean product was the pine nut松子.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        剺面 風習에 관한 考察

        朴世旭(Park Se-Wok) 동아인문학회 2009 동아인문학 Vol.15 No.-

        Recently some scholars claim that the ancestors of modem Korean people were northern nomads living in northen China. Their theory is based on bronze cauldrons銅?, cranial deformation偏頭 and the Mongolian spot that are common among Koreans and northern nomads(Xiongnu, Huns and Turks). Add to this theory, I present another piece of evidence which is the relationship between the expressions "weep tears of blood" and "face-cutting." "Face-cutting?面" is a sort of funeral ceremony that was carried out by Turkish nomad who replaced Xiongnu in the north-western region of China. Studying ancient texts on "face-cutting" and analyzing them, I tried to clarify how this custom had been adopted and transformed among Chinese and non-Chinese people in north-western China. Analysis of many references related to "face-cutting" in ancient documents confirms that this custom was a way to mourn kings, pa¬rents and those who were respected. However, this custom gradually disappeared among Chinese and non-Chinese since the 8th century. On the other hand, it transformed into an extreme self-inflicted injury to show one's mortification, adamant will, and innocence. This self-inflicted injury also disappeared from Chinese texts and this attests that sino-centrism was enforced and generalized in neighboring countries. The confucian moral strictly prohibited this practice by edicts. There is an expression "weep tears of blood" in Korea. It is used to show the pain upon the death of one's parents and siblings, the suffering from unfairness, and one's adamant will. This is also the purpose of "face-cutting." "Tears of blood" is defined as tears shed in case of extreme grief and vexation, however it is medically impossible to weep blood. This indicates that "tears of blood" is somewhat related to "face-cutting" and the probable relationship between Koreans and north-eastern Asian peoples. Lack of reliable texts, however, puts us in waiting for other new archaeological excavations or researches on the question why only Jurchens adopted this custom among many north-eastern peoples. In brief, this study provides another clue for the theory that Koreans derived from northern nomads and probable relation between the expressions "tears of blood" and "face-cutting."

      • KCI등재후보
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