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        한일 다문화가정 자녀의 읽기능력 -국어과 독해문제집 평가를 통해-

        주현숙 이중언어학회 2020 이중언어학 Vol.80 No.-

        A survey of 32 elementary school students from Korean-Japan multicultural families was conducted on their reading ability to read and understand the school textbooks. To measure reading ability, a paper test consisting of seven types of questions was conducted. According to the analysis, reading ability has improved overall as the grade goes up, but there has been no difference between the fifth and sixth grades. When examined separately by literature and non-literature, there was no difference in upper grades, but non-literature was low in lower grades. The lower grades were particularly vulnerable to structural understanding, and all grades were found to have difficulty in vocabulary and critical reading. It is believed that intensive education of vocabulary should be preceded in order to improve the academic performance of students from multicultural families. At the same time they should learn to accurately understand what the text should be intended to convey. For students with particularly low academic performance, more research should be accumulated to determine if there are any problems with reading skills and what areas they are problematic. 본 연구에서는 다문화가정 학생을 대상으로 한국어 읽기능력을 조사, 분석함으로써 학교 교과학습에 영향을 미치는 읽기능력이 어느 정도이며, 또 읽기의 어떤 영역에서 어려움을 겪는지 그 구체적 모습을 기술하고자 하였다. 분석결과, 학년이 올라갈수록 한국어 읽기능력은 향상되고 있지만, 고학년과 중학생에서 다소 낮아지는 영역이 있었다. 문학에 비해 비문학 점수는 특히 중학생에게서 낮았다. 초등학교 저학년은 읽기능력 중 구조파악 영역에서 취약했으며, 고학년과 중학생은 비판하기 영역, 저학년 및 고학년, 중학생 공통으로 어휘어법 영역에서 어려움을 겪는 것으로 나타났다. 다문화가정 학생의 학업성취도의 향상을 위해서는 무엇보다 어휘어법의 집중적인 교육이 선행되어야 할 것으로 판단되었다. 읽기능력은 모든 학습의 기초로서 중요하다. 향후 학습성취도가 낮은 다문화가정 학생의 읽기능력에 대한 조사연구가 축적되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        가정에서의 언어사용형태와 이중언어능력 -한일 국제결혼가정의 경우-

        朱晛淑 한국일어교육학회 2014 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.29

        國際結婚家庭で兩親が少數言語を使用することが子供の社會言語發達を妨げないことを檢證する目的で、韓國の韓日國際結婚家庭の日本出身の母親0名とその子供名を對象に質問紙調査と言語能力テストを行った. 家庭での言語使用形態を類型化し、その特徵を明らかにした後、言語能力との關連性を分析した結果、以下のような點が明らかになった. 一つは、夫婦間の言語選擇では主に韓國語を使用する主要言語家庭が多かったが、親→子間の言語選擇では日本語使用または韓國語·日本語倂用という少數言語家庭と二重言語家庭が多かった. 倂用する場合は兩親が各-別の言語を使用する``人``言語形態が多かった. 二つは、日本語を使用しない兩親に子供が日本語を使用するケ-スは一件もなく、子供は親の使用言語に合わせた言語使用を行っており、子供の言語使用は主に兩親の言語使用形態に影響されていた. 三つは、兩親が子供に日本語を使用する家庭と韓國語だけを使用する家庭の間に、子供の韓國語能力に差は見られなかった. その代わり、日本語使用が多い家庭ほど日本語能力が優勢であることが確認された. 四つは、家庭で日本語を使用する二重言語家庭は``人``言語家庭と``人;言語家庭があるが、この二つのグル-プの間に日本語力の差があり、``人``言語家庭の方が日本語力の向上にはより有利であった. 以上の結果から、國際結婚家庭の外國出身の母親が子供を養育する際、自分の母語を使うと韓國語に問題が生じるのではないかという心配や不安は杞憂にすぎないということが確認できたところに本硏究の意義があると思われる. また. 直接言語能力をテストして分析した硏究が少ない點においても意味ある資料になるであろう. 今後、調査家庭の數を增やして言語能力の質的分析、他要因との關連性をも分析し、國際結婚家庭の子供の言語能力をより總體的に眺望する必要がある.

      • KCI등재후보

        통합교육 환경에 나타난 장애유아의 행동 특성 연구

        주현숙 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 2005 지체.중복.건강장애연구 Vol.45 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 또래 유아가 있는 통합 환경에서 중도 뇌성마비유아, 자폐성향유아, 정신지체유아, 중복(청각과 자폐성향)장애유아의 행동 특성은 어떻게 나타나는지 알아보았다. 전체 18회기를 전기, 중기, 후기로 나누어 각 회기마다 나타나는 주요 행동특성을 질적 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 비 구조화 된 통합 환경에서 장애유아와 일반유아 간에는 다양하고 긍정적인 상호 작용 효과가 있었다. The purpose of this study was to identify the behavior characteristics of the pre-school children with a severe cerebral palsy, with an autism spectrum, with mental retardation and a multiple disability(hard hearing + autism spectrum) in the inclusion circumstance. As this is a case study, the subject was four children attending an early classroom in K city rehabilitation center. All were 18 sections. Each section was described and analysed qualitative by special education teachers and pre-social workers. The results of this study were several and positive interaction effect between pre-school children with several type disability and general children in the non-systemic inclusion circumstance.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 자녀의 읽기능력-한・일 이중언어 관계를 중심으로-

        주현숙 동아시아일본학회 2020 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.76

        Students from multicultural families living in Korea were surveyed on their reading abilities which are important activities in keeping up with school curriculum, for elementary and middle school students. According to the analysis, the higher the grade, the higher the reading comprehension of Japanese, but the lower the grade, the lower the reading comprehension of junior high school students. Also, the difference in scores between the upper and lower Japanese groups is very large, and it seems that Japanese has a larger personal difference than in grade. Higher grades in Korean generally have higher scores than lower grades in elementary school, indicating that reading comprehension skills in Korean are increasing with the grade. Compared to literature, they generally have lower ability in non-literature sentences. In the lower grades, students were weak in grasping the structure of writing and critical reading. It is noteworthy that the vocabulary score is low throughout the school year, and effective education in the vocabulary field is necessary for children from multicultural families. Finally, it was found that the higher the Japanese ability, the higher the reading ability of Korean, and it was confirmed that there was a positive transition between the two languages in reading ability.

      • KCI등재

        한일다문화가정의 이중언어 사용실태

        주현숙 한국일본어문학회 2014 日本語文學 Vol.60 No.-


      • KCI등재

        한일 국제결혼가정 자녀의 언어운용능력 - 한국어와 일본어의 관계를 중심으로 -

        주현숙 한국일본어문학회 2019 日本語文學 Vol.80 No.-

        Since the 1970s, a bilingual environment has been reported to have a positive effect on the flexibility of thinking and to improve vocabulary, meta language skills and meta cognitive skills. In particular, J. Cummins, Canadian language pedagogist argued that a bilingual speaker who communicates using two languages at the same time, has a common underlying proficiency at the base of the two languages, so that it can be positively transferred to the other language rather than interfering with each other. This paper examined the language abilities of children of Korean-Japanese parents living in Seoul and verified the interdependence of the Korean and Japanese languages. There was a strong correlation between the two languages, especially in the children’s ability to express abstract concepts and explain their opinions on various subjects. This is connected to the author's other study that confirms the interdependence of Korean and Japanese languages among the children of Korean families living in Japan.

      • KCI등재

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