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      • 綠濃菌의 Pyocin 型別 및 生物學的 性狀과의 關係에 對한 硏究

        愼重烈 現代醫學社 1969 現代醫學 Vol.10 No.4

        Pyocins are antibiotic- substance produced by strains of Pseudomonas pyocyanea and mainly active against other strains of this species, and pyocin typing methods are developing for the purpose of classification and epidemiological assay of isolated strains recently, among them both Darrell & Whba's method and Gillies & Govan's method are well known proposed formula for typing and their values have been evaluated by many investigators. In the present report, author have studied the pyocin type of strains isolated both in Taegu and in Buffalo area with Gillies & Govan's indicators, also observed various interrelationships in combination with pyocin types, pyocyanin production, oxidase reaction and antibiotic sensitivity. Some strains of minute colonies and spreading dolonies were selected to observe the pyocin pattern by ultra-violet irradiation. During typing, confronted with the appearance of resistant colonies in indicators against the pyocm of the test strains, the characteristics of these colonies have been studied by transferring subsequently to the same host pyocin. The results observed from above experiments are as follows. 1) Distribution .of pyocin type of 60 Taegu strains and 35 Buffalo strains were following order. Taegu- strains-type 1, 43.3%, type 3, 8.3%, type 6, 11.3%, type 10, 10%, othe types 11.7%, unclassified, 6.6%, untypable 0% Buffalo strains-type 1, 28.6%, type 3, 17.1%, other types, 22.9%, unclassified, 17.1%, untypable, 14.3% 2) In the relationship between pyocin type and other biological characters, no definite conclusions were induced due to the paudity of test strains except the fact that more strains belong to other types group among pyocyanin negative strains. 3) Sensitivity patterns to antibiotics were some what differ according to origin in that Taegu strains were more sensitive to streptomycin but more resistant to colistm than Buffalo strains, however, no relationships between drug sensitivity and pyocin type were found. 4) By ultra-violet irradiation one strain enhanced pyocin production but no effect wap observed on other 5 strains. 5) Many resistant colonies appeared with a varying frequency in indicators during typing, the passage of resistant colonies on the same host pyocin subsquently for 3 generations has not elicited any further resistancy except for the resistant colonies of indicator 8.

      • 恐水病 豫防注射後에 發生한 神經合倂症의 3例

        崔鍾烋,愼重烈,愼採範 경북대학교 의학연구소 1966 慶北醫大誌 Vol.7 No.1

        We have experienced 3 cases of post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis which were developed after inoculation of rabies vaccine at Kyung Pook University hospital during last two years. The number of inoculation were 5-10 times, the onset of complications ranged between 10-15days after initial injection of rabies vaccine and the age group is 6-10 years old. One case was neuritic type, two cases were encephalitic type and one of them died.


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