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        支配層 編制에 나타난 新羅의 國家形成 構圖

        徐毅植(Seo Euisik) 역사교육연구회 2018 역사교육 Vol.146 No.-

        This article is written to reveal that there are some serious problems with the conventional understanding that the state formation of Silla was completed through conquest, by looking at the constitution principle of Silla’s class system and political rank system. Silla’s class system which is called ‘Golpum’ was established based on the concept of discrimination between the ‘Bone(骨)’ class and the ‘Head quality (頭品)’ class. The former is the organization for the kings and royal families and the latter is for the bureaucrats. The constitution principle of this system was to guarantee the equality of ‘Bone’ class people and to ensure the promotion of ‘head quality’ class people by his ability or distinguished service. And above this principle, it was stipulated politically that only the ‘Bone’ class can occupy the higher part of official ranks named ‘-Khan’, and the ‘Head quality’ class should be able to get the lower ranks. The Multiple Official Rank System(重位制) was a special device for the ‘Head quality’ class to be promoted over the permitted official rank by sideway. The Multiple Official Rank system was first applied to Nama(奈麻) and then to Akhan(阿干). This means that the ‘Sixth Head quality(六頭品)’ class were newly created later. The fact that the status of “bones” were basically equal regardless of their official ranks means that the small countries that made up Silla were joined together in an equal position to establish Silla. In addition, the fact that the grade of ‘Head quality’ was a signifier of not a fixed status but a political position means that the bureaucracy originated from small countries that formed Silla was treated simply by their abilities. And this is a political phenomenon that cannot be seen in a nation formed through conquest. When we compare the structure of the bureaucracy of the small country that remained in the Regional Rank System(外位制) with the composition of the Capital Rank System(京位制) leads us to the same conclusion. Therefore, the existing understanding that Silla was completed by conquering the neighboring small states must be fully reviewed.

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