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      • 濟州道觀光協會의 機能活性化 方案

        徐庚林 濟州大學校 社會發展硏究所 1989 社會發展硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        An active cooperation with local people is an abosolutely necessary condition for a. steady development of tourism in Cheju. The cooperation may be possible when the development of tourism relates closely to the improvement of the psychological happiness and economic welfare of the residents. This implies that the tourism industry should be combined not only with local labor but also with every matter related to tourism including, for example, foodstuffs and local product. Such a cooperative system will produce an indigenous peculiarity in every sphere which, in turn, represents the characteristics of Cheju. Such cooperation will also produce an opportunity to cultivate the people's spirit hospitable to tourists who visit Cheju. In this respect, one of the ways for promoting the function of Cheju-do Tourist Association (hereinafter called the Association) is to change an enterpriser-.based operation to a cooperation system with the residents. It is clear that the Association can net perform its public function in the atmosphere of the residents apathy and scorn. It is also true that no support from the provincial authority can be expected if the Association continues the enterpriser- based operation without a Strong cooperation with tile residents. In a word, a tourism enterpriser should auspicate a truthful businessship and should be interested in his Community together With the Pursuit of own Profit. His Other responsibility is to spread the belief throughout his community that profit can be earned when the tourism industry is operated in a sound manner. These are the basic issues for discussing how to promote and normalize the function of the Association. The following may be suggested as a policy to solve the issues mentioned thus far, even if they are still tentative. (1) Employment of Director Members from Outside The director member of nonprofit corporation such as tourist association is the representative of the corporation in outside work, and internally, is a necessary permanent institution executing the affairs of tile corporation (Article 27 of Civil Law). A bosrd of directors is constituted in case that there are several director members. For this case, the composition and authority system of the board is usually provided by the articles of each corporation. Unlike the case of a corporation. Unlike the case of a corporation, however, the board is not defined as a representative institution. Usually, the articles grant one or a few members of the board the right of representative. In any case, in terms of civil law, the director of a corporation has the status as an institute with a powerful authority and a heavy responsibility as well. Cheju-Do Tourist Association specifies that all section Chiefs hold the Position of director. Their main duty is to attend the board of directors and to review and review and decide the major business (Paragraph 1 of Article 16). This specification is very justifiable, but has a problem in that the way to being a director is net open to any person other than tourism businessm. Cooperation with other institutes is a necessary condition for the function of the Association being promoted. The importance of cooperating with the Press, government officials, and academicians can not be emphasized too murk. So, the employment of directors from outside is a necessary condition for tile Association to promote a cooperation with such agencies. (2) Professionalization of Executive Office The Association has established an executive office consisting of paid Staff members, who are not allowed to do other outside works so they can focus soley on the work of the executive office. The basic responsibility of the executive office is to perform the matters decided in the board of directors. The executive office also has a contribution in the process of decision-making, providing the hoard with important data. In a word, it is not too much to say that the promotion of the function of executive office is connected directly with the function of the Association being promoted. The executive office should provide a wide range of information and background research to the board, thus enabling the board to make sound decisions. Assisting each enterprise in management is also a responsibility of the executive office in terms of providing new ideas. lf the executive office is professionalized in this manner and leads and members of the Association, then the existence of the Association will be more meaningful and the Association will give a strong confidence to each enterprise. At present, however, the manpower of the Association is not sufficient to perform such functions. The current staff needs to be expanded and organized with highly qualified professionals. (3) A Stable Security of Finance How to secure the finance necessary for operating an association is the most important issue for any association in relation to how to promote the function of the association. Different Countries employ different ways in securing finance. In the Hong Kong, for example, the government provides 90% of the financing (4% of the revenue of hotel charge and other subsidies). The remaining 10 % is raised from membership fees and publications. In contrast, Taiwan is a country which depends totally on membership fees. For Korea, the Tourism Promotion Law specifies that the operation expenses can be raised principally from allotted charges (Article 45), but can be subsidized by government agencies (Article 53 ). In practice, however, government subsidies are net given much weight in the proportion of the whole operation expenses. The Cheju-Do Tourist Association depends almost soley en allotted charges. As the Association recognizes, the dependence on allotted charges results in the loss of confidence, being a locally-leveled association. In addition, the Association loses public confidence, because the promotion of the project is not framed well due to the deficiency of revenue. This indicates that a stable security of finance is the most important for the Association. The following may be suggested as measures of the financial problem. First, on behalf of enterprise, the Association can effectively advertise and publicize enterprises. This will be a stable source for the Association to gain earnings on a regular basis. In some countries, this measure not only functions as a stable source of finance, but also gives a considerable convenience to tourists. Second, admission fees from the development or creation of new tourism resorts is also another stable source of finance. The manifestation of potential tourism resorts is a responsibility of the association, which is not impossible when muck wits are drawn on. Third, an active support from government agencies and the members of the Association is necessary in order to the suggestions above to be achieved. Administrative support is of vital importance until the Association is free from the financial dependence on allotted charges.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 濟州島 觀光資源의 活性化 方案

        徐庚林 제주대학교 1977 논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        Cheju is extremely fortunate in that she has assets so outstanding that the tourist industry can largely depend on. But, no combination of a number of assets is to create a strong apppeal to secure a viable share of the market. Especially, the combined appeal of a wide range of natural and created assets has been recognized too late to prevent uncoordinated development, thus spoiling these assets. It is important to define all the attractions Cheju may possess and the following categories may be appropriate. 1. Cultural a. Historical buildings and monuments. b. Places of historical significance. 2. Traditions a. Halla festivals. b. Arts and handicrafts. c. Folk song. d. Folklore museums. e. Folklore village to present native life and customs to the tourists. 3. Scenic a. Outstanding panoramas and areas of natural beauty b. Mt. Halls National Park. c. Wild life. d. Flora and fauna. e. Beach resorts. f. Mountain resorts. 4. Entertainments. a. Participation in and/or viewing sports. b. Amusement and recreation parks. c. Zoos and oceanariums. d. Night-life. e. Cuisine. 5. Unique attracctions of Cheju Island. According to these categories, it is important to present natural and created assets to tourists in a way that would sustain the interest of the visitor.

      • 美國 株式會社의 理事會의 機能

        徐庚林 제주대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.25 No.1

        The business corporation acts of many statrs in the United States include a general provision taht "the business and affairs of a corporation shall be managed by board of directors." The scope of the phrase "business and affairs" is not defined in the statutes Generally, directors are expected to formulate the policy of the corporation, and authorize the making of important contracts But, in the large publicly held corporation, the business affairs of the corporation are usually run by the full-time management, not the board of directors. Management consists of a group of highly paid executives headed by a chief executive office (CEO) who may hold the title of president, chairman of the board. The board of directors usually consists partly of management representatives (inside directors) and partly of outsiders who have full-time jobs in other occupation and whose detailed knowledge of corporate affairs must of necessity be limited In these circumstances, business management in fact rests with the corporate management not the directors The present trend appears to be in the direction of increasing the number and influence of "outside" directors The trend toward more outside directors is in part the result of widespread disclosures of corporate misconduct during the 1970s, and in part a result of pressure on corporations by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the securities exchanges to broaden their boards. Along with the broadening of boards by including more outside directors a trend has developed toward wider use of committees of boards consisting primarily of outside directors. Audit committees are now widely used; many corporations have also formed nominating and compensation committees in an effort to provide greater review of issues in these areas by the non-management members of the board.

      • 濟州 民俗의 觀光資源化 方案 : 表善面 城邑里를 中心으로

        徐庚林 제주대학 1978 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        Essentially, tourism presents unexcelled possibilities for people to gain direct and improved knowledge of each other's ways. Cultural aspects of tourism are considered to cover all those aspects of travel whereby people learn about each other's ways of life and thought. A nation's cultural attractions must be presented intelligently and creatively. In this age, technical and commercial relations between people reduce themselves to a level of uniformity at which the products of one nation are almost indistinguishable from those of another. There is a great need for encouraging corresponding cultural diversity. Jeju Island has folk culture which is surviving or, indeed, barely remaining. They could be developed and encouraged so that they might collectively present the special characteristics of Jeju Island, complementing the historical and archaeological features. Encouragement of these particular features would increase not only a country's appeal to international tourist but also the cultural and educational opportunities for the local population. Jeju folklore should be backed up by well-housed museums producing attractive publications explaining how the exibits fit in the history of Jeju. But most tourists wish to see these folklore assets "on site". From the above standpoints, Seong-ub which has well preserved living folkolre is the most adaptable as a folklore village. My studies indicate to me that this village can be amended as a representative Jeju folklore vilage.

      • 국민관광의 본질과 그 방향

        서경림 제주대학교 관광개발연구소 1975 관광개발연구소 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        With the industrial development and the exploitation of new sources of energy, man's effect upon the environment increased dramatically and with deleterious consequences for many other forms of life. Demand for living space and requirement of industry have caused marshes, fore-st , and grasslands to disappear and with them their associated plauts and founa. Moreover, our cultural heritage is being destroyed. People are moved about, neighborhoods destroyed, fabric life disintegrated. We need to learn much about man's basic nature and his reqgiremeuts as a bio-logical organism. The human organism needs change to operate optimally. Somet-imes we need to escape from inhuman cities. With tourism, we can accomplish these purposes and recover human nature. To achieve the policy of national tourism, we must not ignore such a character of tourism. Especially, it seems obvious to say that national tourism must be protected and enhanced by the establishment of national and local authorities using the professi-onal advisors. The authorities need t o take the following measures. 1) The development harmonized with natural beauty. 2) To protect the tourist from over-charge on tourists' consumption. 3) To advise tourism bussinessmen. 4) To give tourism education to the people for essence of tourism. 5) The maintenance of the tourist statistics. 6) Government regulation and enhancement 01 morality. 7) To strenghen the adjustment amog all authoritias concerned with rourism.

      • KCI등재

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