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      • KCI등재


        장파 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.44

        Bakufu-daimyo system in Japan took Bakufu as the core,and the daimyo were put under tight control of the shogunate. It stipulated that all land ownership was concentrated in the hands of daimyo according to kokudaka, and defined Neo-Confucian principles as the authoritative ideology. The population was divided into four classes of a system known as minbusei, and foreign policy of seclusion was strictly implenmented. In this way, Tokugawa Bakufu efficiently governed Japan more than two hundred and sixty years with internal peace, political stable and economic growth.

      • KCI등재

        미(美): 중국 문화에서의 기원, 발전, 정형, 특징

        장파 인문예술학회 2020 인문과 예술 Vol.- No.9

        Beauty, the Chinese character origined from the ritual of Qian clan. One of the Qian clans, Jian clan entered Huaxia groups and interacting with other clans over eastern, southern, western and northern regions, made the beauty from the particular to the general. The beauty rooted in whole unit of the goat ritual including goat-witch, untensils, food, and dance, therefore formed the integrity of aesthetics. By interaction with other beauties such as cattle-witch, bird-witch jade-witch and so forth, the beauty of goat-witch got its pattern and got its universality, hence formed the characteristic of Chinese Beauty. 미(美) 자는 상고시대 강족(羌族)의 의식에서 유래 되었다. 미는 강(羌) 가문 중 일맥인 강족(姜族)이 화하(華夏)문화에 진입하면서 동서남북 지역의 각 문화와 어울리며 그 속에서 진화하고 발전하여 특수한 미에서 보편적 미로 전환되었다. 양인의식(羊人儀式) 총체에서 비롯된 미는 사람, 양(羊), 기(器), 무(舞)의 통일체로, 중국의 미가 지니는 정합적 특성을 형성시켰다. 양인의 아름다움[羊人之美]은 각 문화의 우인지미(牛人之美), 우인지미(羽人之美), 옥인지미(玉人之美) 등과 상호 작용하면서 특별한 아름다움을 담고 있으면서도 그 아름다움을 뛰어넘는 보편적 아름다움으로 정형되었다. 중국 미의 특성은 이러한 발전과정 중에서 형성되었다.

      • KCI등재


        장파 대한철학회 2015 哲學硏究 Vol.136 No.-

        Concern about life existence is an important subject for Confucian scholars. Life philosophy became an important subject for Song-Ming Confucian thinkers with the deepening of the Confucian doctrine from the Northern Song Dynasty. Zhang Zai’s life philosophy combined ontology and cosmology, which expressed the Qihua in the perspective of Taixu-Jiqi and also interpreted the nature of Taixu through Qihua. This kind of life philosophy built up a new philosophy beyond the Buddhism, Daosim and Han-Tang Confucian life thought, and it efficiently shows the value of the Confucian views on life and death and provides a good foundation of the development of Confucian life philosophy. ‘생명’은 유가학자들에게 있어서 중요한 주제이다. 특히 北宋시대 이래로, 전통유학의 이론을 심화시킨 생명철학은 신유학자들의 중요한 주제가 되었다. 張載의 생명철학은 본체론과 우주생성론을 상호보완적으로 적절하게 혼융한 양식을 채택하였는데, 즉 ‘太虛卽氣論’의 體用論的 사유형식으로써 생성론적인 氣化論을 통섭하였다. 張載는 생성론의 氣化論으로써 太虛本體의 의미를 설명함으로써 道家와 佛家사상 및 漢唐儒家의 생명사상을 뛰어넘는 새로운 종류의 철학을 구성하였다. 이러한 철학이론을 통해 그는 儒家 生死觀의 가치의의를 분명하게 드러내고, 후세의 유가 생명철학의 발전에 있어서 기틀을 다지게 되었다.

      • KCI등재


        장파 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.76

        Zhuism was subordinated to Buddhism before the Edo period, but with the establishment of the shogunate system, Zhuism was separated from Buddhism and became an official thought. Judging from the structural characteristics of the regime, the Shogunate system has its distinctive uniqueness. It not only maintained the most typical and traditional cultural characteristics of Japan, but also fused the cultural characteristics of Japanese martial arts for more than 700 years, realizing the dualpolitics of spiritual authority and military authority, but also created the centralization and decentralization of power,which were different from both the unified rule of ancient China and the complete decentralization of power in ancient Europe. But within this powerful system of feudal domination lay a series of intractable contradictions:the conflict between the Shogun and the Emperor、the paradox of the multiplicity of shogun-daimyo-samurai, etc.These contradictions are no longer confrontational contradictions solved by force, but transformed into feudal ethical and moral problems such as the king and the subject, the upper and lower levels, and the father and the son, so the solution is also transformed from force into ideological weapons. And Zhuism‘s thought, which reflects the king, the minister, the father, the father and the son, just becomes the best ideological weapon to solve the contradictions under the feudal system.With the support of the shogunate, it got rid of the idea of the unity of Confucianism and Buddhism in the Shogunate state, established the inherent position of Zhuism and finally moved towards the official school of Zhuism. It harmonized the contradictions between the general and the emperor under the Shogunate system, and played an important role in the ideological fortress for the establishment and consolidation of the Shogunate state.

      • KCI등재


        張波,金昌庆 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.54

        To keep the society in an orderly state, Tokugawa Ieyasu utilized the concept of hierarchy in the Zhu Zi’s philosophy to divide people into four groups systematically and spiritually after his seizure of power, i.e. scholar, farmer, artisan, and merchant. There is an impassable gulf among each hierarchy and each one fulfills his duty within the range and their status would be inherited by their descendants, thus, to ensure the social ability and the stability of Tokugawa Regime. However, the hierarchical order of scholar, farmer, artisan, and merchant was challenged in mid-late Edo period. Every hierarchy was divided and changed internally. The bureaucratized, knowledgeable, pauperized, commercialization and independent trends of samurai, polarization between the rich and the poor of farmers, and affluence of businessmen swayed the hierarchical order, and finally threatened and overthrew the Tokugawa Regime. The samurai class of the ruling class has undergone profound changes.The bureaucratization has caused the samurai to lose its heroic character, thus losing the rationality. Knowledge-basedization has led the samurai class to gradually accept the requirements of the status quo of the reformed abacus system based on the continuous acceptance of Western culture. The samurai's poverty and constant commercialization have caused loyal warriors to deviate from their Lord Jun. The peasant class has changes in the separation of the rich and the poor,and triggering peasant uprisings, threatening the basis of the ruling system.The affluence of municipalities sparked the rise of the anti-abstinence and anti-abstinence ideology of the townspeople, leading to the emergence and development of the idea of opposition to the order of feudalism,and the culture of the people of the towns, resulting in a great deal of arrogance challenge.

      • KCI등재

        적분기반 필터링을 이용한 소프트 섀도우

        장파(Bo Zhang),오경수(KyoungSu Oh) 한국게임학회 2020 한국게임학회 논문지 Vol.20 No.3

        섀도우 매핑 알고리즘에서 섀도우 맵이 확대되면 계단형 섀도우 실루엣이 나타난다. 본 논문에서는 재구성된 실루엣을 이용하여 소프트 섀도우를 생성한다. 먼저 섀도우 실루엣은 선형 또는 2차 곡선 모델을 기반으로 한 서브 텍셀 엣지 검출 방법을 통해 확보한다. 그리고 적분을 이용하여 정확한 섀도우 밝기의 평균을 얻기 위해 적분 기반 섀도우 필터링 알고리즘을 사용한다. 본 논문은 상기 과정을 통해 앨리어싱 현상이 두드러지는 실루엣을 효과적으로 제거하며 소프트 섀도우를 효율적으로 생성하는 방법을 제시한다. In the shadow map method, if the shadow map is magnified, the shadow has a jagged silhouette. Herein, we propose a soft shadow method that filters reshaped silhouettes analytically. First, the shadow silhouette is reshaped through sub-texel edge detection, which is based on linear or quadratic curve models. Second, an integral shadow filtering algorithm is used to accurately obtain the average shadow intensity from a definite integral estimation. The implementation demonstrates that our solution can effectively eliminate jagged aliasing and efficiently generate soft shadows.

      • KCI등재


        張波(Zhang Bo) 새한철학회 2017 哲學論叢 Vol.90 No.4

        1949년 중화인민공화국 건국 이래, 중국철학자들은 “關學”과 “關學史”의 명칭을 두고 지나치게 세밀하게 분석했으며, 이로 인해 긍정적인 설명이나 부정적인 설명 모두 많은 오해를 불러 일으켰다. 이 논문은 “關學”과 관련된 역사자료를 통해 그 명칭의 근원적 의미를 검토해보려는 데에 목적이 있다. “關學”은 원래 “關中道學”을 가리키는 명칭이었는데, “濂洛關閩”의 “關”(張載의 학문을 일컬음) 또는 “關中理學”으로 지칭되기도 한다. “關學”을 지칭하는 여러 이름들 간의 차이점은 송나라 이후 관중지역 유학의 변화과정을 보여준다. 역대로 “關學史”는 “以地系人”과 “理學”의 원리에 기초를 두고 있다. 關學의 전통이 張載에게서 비롯된다는 사실은 분명하나, 이러한 학문적 전통이 언제까지 지속되었는지에 대해서는 다양한 견해가 존재한다. 종래 학계에서는 송나라 말기 張載의 弟子들을 關學派의 종결자로 보기도 하고,또는 청나라 초기 李二曲,청나라 말기 劉古愚,牛兆濂등을 관학파의 종결자로 주장하기도 한다. 그렇지만 관학의 전통은 송, 원, 명, 청, 민국시대를 거쳐 지속적으로 계승되며, 1949년 전후 李銘誠을 비롯한 같은 시대 관중 지역의 학자들에게까지 학문적 연속성이 지속되었다. Since 1949, Scholars usually overly analyzed Guan School and the history of Guan School and it caused some positive or negative explanations and even some misunderstanding to them. This paper is trying backing to the root by studying those historical materials related to Guan School:The Guan School originally indicated the Guanzhong Daoxue and then might indicate the Guan in the title of Lian-Luo-Guan-Min or the Guanzhong Confucianism. The differences between the name of Guan School showed the changes of Guanzhong Confucianism after Song Dynasty. The histories of Guan School was based on the principles of yi-di-xi-ren(以地系人) and Neo-Confucinism. This tradition started from Zhang Zai and was ended by Guanzhong scholars like Li Mingcheng and so on after 1949, instead of being ended by the students of Zhang Zai in the end of Song Dynasty or Li Erqu in the beginning of Qing Dynasty or Liu Guyu or Niu Zhaolian in the end of Qing Dynasty.

      • KCI등재


        張波(Zhang Bo) 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.47

        After Tokugawa Leyasu established the Edo bakufu, in order to ensure society development with an orderly state, let people in all levels of society can do everything to complete their field of things, avoid the situation of tagrag capture the topper, inherited the system of soldier separate farmer that was created by Zhifeng regime, take advantage of the conventional hierarchies in relation in Zhuzi’s philosophy,divide the people into different grades from the system and spiritual idea level as literary man,farmer,worker and businessman. Each class has its own characteristics, there are a long gap between each class.They try their best to afford their responsibility and handed down from generation to generation on their area.Four civilian system become the important requirement to establish and steady the bakuha system. But inherent contradiction in the bakuha system case the damage of four people identity order become the inherent root which lead the bakuha system to disruption. Japanese Four Civilian System was established on the basis of soldiers and farmers separation. Under this system,warriors must leave the land, become a standing army which are aim to wushu practice only,they living rely on receiving salary and tax rice, they are the ruling class of society who are authoritative and reputable,they can not be converted to farmers and has the power of a gun,have the privilege to kill the farmers without ratify. However it has a strict hierarchy among warrior class, hereditary and unchanged. Farmers must live on the land from generation to generation, can not have arms, can not move their living place arbitrarily, can not change their identity. But commodity economy is the etchant of natural economy, developed commercial threat to the Tokugawa regime directly, the worker and the bussinessmen is in the bottom of Four Civilian System, they service for the warrior class, they are assigned to live in jokamachi, forming a fixed and hereditary status. But compared with the social situation that their political status is extremely humble, they are an economic giant who grasp the enormous social wealth, so the samurai have to rely on them. Four Civilian System become an important factor in the development and establishment of the Tokugawa regime. But with the intensifying of internal contradictions in the Tokugawa regime, eroding and destroying the hierarchical order, the destruction of the hierarchical order threatens the survival of the Tokugawa regime directly. Therefore, Four Civilian System become an important social causes of the Tokugawa regime’s collapse in turn.

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