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        일반화 정준상관 행렬도와 프로크러스티즈 분석을 응용한 대한테니스협회 등록 선수의 체격요인, 체력요인 및 기초기술요인에 대한 분석연구

        최태훈,최용석,Choi, Tae-Hoon,Choi, Yong-Seok 한국통계학회 2010 Communications for statistical applications and me Vol.17 No.6

        일반적으로 정준상관 행렬도(canonical correlation biplot)는 정준상관분석에서 두 변수집단에 의해서 측정된 다변량 자료에서 변수 집단 간의 관계와 개체들의 관계를 탐색하기 위한 2차원 그림이다. 최근에 이를 활용하여 최태훈과 최용석 (2008)은 2006년도 한국여자골프협회(KLPGA) 선수에 대한 기술요인 변수군과 경기성적요인 변수군간의 관련성을 살펴보았고 최태훈 등 (2009)은 테니스 그랜드 슬램대회 선수특성요인과 경기요인에 대한 분석을 하였다. 더군다나 세 변수군 이상의 정준상관분석을 일반화 정준상관분석(generalized canonical correlation analysis)이라 하며 이와 관련하여 허명회 (1999, 6장)는 수량화 플롯을 제안하고있다. 이를 행렬도의 의미에서 일반화 정준상관 행렬도(generalized canonical correlation biplot)라하자. 본 연구에서는 대한 테니스협회(KTA)에 등록된 남자선수들 중 상위50명의 체격요인, 체력요인 및 기초기술요인에 대한 분석을 일반화 정준상관 행렬도를 적용하여 살펴보고 프로크러스티즈 분석을 통하여 전체선수, 상위랭킹과 하위랭킹 선수간의 행렬도 형상비교를 시도 하였다. The canonical correlation biplot is a 2-dimensional plot for graphically investigating the relationship between two sets of variables and the relationship between observations and variables in the canonical correlation analysis. Recently, Choi and Choi (2008) suggested a method for investigating the relationship between skill and competition score factors of KLPGA players using this biplot. Choi et al. (2010) used this biplot to analyze the player characteristic factors and competitive factors of tennis Grand Slam competition. Moreover, Huh (1999) provided a generalized canonical correlation analysis and biplot for more than three sets of variables. A Procrustes analysis is a useful tool for comparing shapes between configurations. This study will provide a method to investigate the relationship between physique, physical fitness and basic skill factors of tennis players in the Korea Tennis Association using a generalized canonical correlation biplot and Procrustes analysis.

      • KCI등재

        ≪漢韓大辭典≫의 出典例文에 나타난 誤謬 硏究

        崔泰勳 대한중국학회 2010 중국학 Vol.37 No.-

        This study aims at finding out about some errors of example sentences shown in the Great Chinese-Korean dictionary. This study can be meaningful because the importance of the example sentences in the dictionary cannot be overemphasized. Example sentences in the dictionary include all of the following parts: meanings, interpretations, and subsequent examples sentences. They hold an importance place in compiling a dictionary. If examples sentences are not accurate, the influences of the dictionary will be reduced by half. Contrary to the intentions of the dictionary editors, the Great Chinese-Korean dictionary has significant problems in terms of sources and example sentences. For example, some of the errors include mistaken sources, incorrect volumes or volume numbers with correct sources, confusion about authors' dynasties, inaccurate authors' names, erroneous periods of historical research, and so on. Therefore, the researcher of this study attempts to provide readers with the first step toward the solutions of these problems by analyzing basic types of errors and to play a role in revising the Great Chinese-Korean dictionary in the near future. As a result, it is hoped that the influences of these errors presented in the dictionary should not be transmitted in the various academic fields and to the following generations.

      • KCI등재후보

        《漢韓大辭典》 ‘甚’ 字 誤謬硏究

        崔泰勳 대한중국학회 2011 중국학 Vol.39 No.-

        This study examines the usage of the character Shen (甚) presented in the Great Chinese-Korean dictionary. The importance of this study lies in pointing out the appropriate usage of a Chinese character Shen (甚) in relation to the items, meanings, and example sentences. The items in the dictionary include meanings, interpretations, and subsequent example sentences. It is essential to present items correctly when compiling a dictionary. If the items, meanings, and example sentences of any letter are not accurate, the influence of the dictionary will be reduced by half. The methodology used in this study is to exemplify a Chinese character Shen (甚) by comparing its usage in eight dictionaries and to analyze the inappropriate usage of the character with respect to sources, sequence order, meaning interpretation, and example sentences in the reference. The findings of this study involve identifying the basic types of errors and suggesting appropriate changes for the future revision of the Great Chinese-Korean dictionary. Therefore, not only the scholars in the academic field but also the next generation should be able to understand the proper usage of the character Shen (甚) and use the character without errors mistakenly transmitted from the dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        환구시보 사설에 드러난 한국 ‘態度’ 비판적 담화분석: ‘당당한 외교’ 對 ‘不卑不亢的外交’

        최태훈 경희대학교(국제캠퍼스) 비교문화연구소 2023 비교문화연구 Vol.70 No.-

        This study conducted a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the contextual indications of the lexeme, ‘attitude’ in Korea-related Global Times editorials published from 2022 to the first half of 2023. A total of 10 editorials were collected as the core data for the analysis, including four editorials mentioning Korea’s ‘attitude’ in 2022, three editorials mentioning US-China’s ‘attitude’ towards Korea in 2023, and three editorials mentioning Korea’s ‘attitude.’ The research question was to explore the hidden meaning constructions of the editorials through the linguistic device of ‘attitude,’ by describing the first dimensional textual practices and interpreting the second dimensional discourse practices based upon the critical discourse analysis method. The research findings include first that, the referent of ‘attitude’ in the four editorials of 2022 was the same: pragmatic and rational attitude. The intention of this ‘attitude’ is that Korea should stay close to China, see economic benefits, and distance itself from the United States. Second, the editorial referring to the ‘attitude’ of the United States in 2023 is intended to divide South Korea and the United States into ‘us’ and ‘them’ and to make South Korea listen to China by criticizing its attitude. The editorials referring to China's ‘attitude’ in 2023 are ostensibly positive in terms of cold and rationality, but in reality, the cold and rationality they refer to means giving back to South Korea what it has received. Third, South Korea’s ‘attitude’ in the 2023 editorial is framed as ‘the current government’s favorable discharge of polluted water’ versus ‘the previous government's resolute opposition to the discharge of polluted water,’ ‘confident diplomacy’ versus ‘neither submissive nor arrogant diplomacy,’ and ‘Korean-Chinese friendliness’ versus ‘friendly gesture.’ It divides Korea and the U.S. and Japan, divides ‘us’ and ‘them,’ and demands that Korea changes its attitude to return to China.

      • 생활체육,지도자 양성을 위한 발전방향

        성영호,최태훈 龍仁大學校 武道硏究所 1998 武道硏究所誌 Vol.9 No.1

        Accompanying strong economic growth and industrialization is modern people's desire for further increasing, in regards to leisure activity, standard of living and the importance of leisure time. Especially, for a means of carrying on a human existence, making the most of leisure activity. In accordance with settling citizen's diverse leisure desires and raising the quality of life, the Sports for All leaders are required, without going to extremes, to improve facility use and enhance program management efficiency. More so, being in the IMF era, if the door is not opened, our living conditions would be difficult, so our nations Sports for All leaders, for the sake of coping with internationalization, must quickly look at the important subjects and establish social and economic standings like lawyer, and; 1) In regards to Sports for All, the existing framework must be shed and is necessary to look at a daring change of consciousness through advanced new thinking with th future intention of joining leisure and recreation. 2) We have to study the role of the Sports for All leaders, for receiving correct remuneration for a single profession. In the 1st and 2nd levels, three are no simple minded leaders, being charged with the responsibility of the highest professionalism in program planning, management, administration, sports rehabilitation, various leisure activities, etc., and the 3rd level, with no direction, mainly leaders being in charge of technical application. 3) It is desirable that the leaders be educated for the sake of Sports for All leader's qualitative improvement and position security. In the present Ministry of Culture and Physical Education, existing authorized training centre system has been ceased and we must entrust the education of leaders of 2nd technical guidance of 3rd level leaders to come under the assignment of the training centers of competitive federations. 4) The established technical inspection system put in place for graduating students of Sports for All has been ceased and the Education Ministry Order is that, a person graduating with the agreed upon subjects, must be granted a 2nd level Sports for All leader's licence.

      • KCI등재

        Modeling Charge Penetration Effects in Water−Water Interactions

        최태훈 대한화학회 2014 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.35 No.10

        This report introduces Gaussian electrostatic models (GEMs) to account for charge penetration effects in water−water interactions, allowing electrostatic interactions to be accurately described. Three different Gaussian electrostatic models, GEM-3S, GEM-5S, and GEM-6S are designed with s-type Gaussian functions. The coefficients and exponents of the Gaussian functions are optimized using the electrostatic potential (ESP) fitting procedure based on that of the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ method. The electrostatic energies of ten different water dimers that were calculated with GEM-6S agree well with the results of symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT), indicating that this designed model can be effectively applied to future water models.

      • KCI등재

        『한한대사전(漢韓大辭典)』에 보이는 명(明), 청대(淸代) 고백화어(古白話語) 오류연구(誤謬硏究)

        崔泰勳 한국중국언어학회 2014 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This article examines the problems with some words used in Spoken Chinese of Ming and Qing Dynasties, which are presented in『the Great Chinese-Korean dictionary』. The author analyses the problems into three aspects: first, error correction in meaning interpretation; second, supplementary correction in meaning interpretation; and third, additional error correction. The main points of the study are presented in the following. First, in relation to the error correction in meaning interpretation, this study finds out that the explanations of “shanglian, shangtoushanglian,” “miemiexiexie,” “jianjian,” and “chengcheng” in the 『Great Chinese-Korean dictionary』 are incorrect. These cases mostly involve the explanations that do not reflect the original meanings used in Spoken Chinese of Ming and Qing Dynasties due to inappropriate meaning interpretations. The words analyzed in this article should be interpreted as “misbehave,” “leisurely or slowly,” “one by one, sufficiently, or highly,” and “gradually or increasingly.” Second, as for the supplementary correction, this study points out that the explanations of "qianren,” “guaren,” “kuandai,” and “muzi” are not sufficient. Thus, this study claims that the following meanings for each case of the word mentioned above should be added, including “the other man,” “a widow,” “alcohol and meals for hospitality,” and “mother or child-bearer.” Third, additional error analysis encompasses the insufficient examples presented in the dictionary, the errors in the meaning interpretations originated from the same sources, the problematic items of words, and the cases including various problems.

      • 테니스 선수의 체력 요인 분석

        성영호,김경호,최태훈 龍仁大學校 體育科學硏究所 1999 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.9 No.1

        This research intends to examine the physical fitness factor of high school and university mate tennis players. Eight tests were performed and the factor analysis was used to examine the fitness level. Therefore, we will now discuss this research's conclusion. Within the factor structure, three factors for high school males(strength, endurance, agility), and four factors for university males(endurance, agility, strength, flexibility) were sampled and we can see that university athletes are more specialized than high school athletes. Therefore, we can see that for high school students, strength is an important factor, while for university students, endurance is an important factor.

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