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      • 韓國 大學에 있어서의 集團相談의 必要性과 實際 分析 : 프로그램의 內容을 中心으로 Centering Around the Contents of Program

        尹正倫 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1986 學生指導硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        The Purpose of this study is, first, to analysis the necessity of group counseling, which is being enforced in Korean university, and second, to analize or examine the contents of the Program for group counseling. The method of collecting materials was through making use of the research journals Published by the guidance centers of all korean universities. In this study, sixty copies of related research materials are selected of which twenty five copies were used to anlize the contents of the program. The results of this study examined and analized is as follows : 1. Group counseling is necessary for the sake of the withdrawing of alienation according to the rapid increasing of students in case of korean university. 2. Group counseling is necessary as means of effectual exchange of various informations which is required by the student. 3. Group counseling is necessary due to lack of professionally trained counselors in korean university. 4. There are frequent cares of lack for program specific because of those authors exceeding desire for group counsling. 5. It seems that proper program in harmony with the characteristic of koean culture should be emphasized to develope.

      • 語文課題의 認知難易度와 內在的 情報水準에 따른 遂行과 觀察의 效果 比較

        尹正倫 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1983 學生指導硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study was two fold; (1) to compare retention and transfer effects of performing and observing of verbal tasks with different embedded information loads and (2) with different levels of task difficulty. Two experiments were established in this study. In experiment Ⅰ, the subjects were 454 male and 502 female highschool juniors. The purpose of this experiment was to test retention and transfer effects under the perform vs. observe learning condition. The learning task was a word completion task and an anagram task was used as the transfer task. The procedure was as follows: After each group was divided into pairs, one person (even) acted as the performer, the other person (odd) as the observer. In the word completion task, the performer directly performed the task and the observer only watched the performer doing it. After the completion of the learning task, the delayed free recall test and the transfer task were administered for both performers and observers. In experiment Ⅱ, the subjects were 185 male and 182 female high school juniors. The purpose of this experiment was to examine the interactive effect between the effects of perform/observe condition on learning retention and task difficulties. The learning task was a verbal discrimination task. After each group was divided into pairs, the first person was the performer, and the second person, the observer. The performer directly performed the task and the observer only watched the performer doing it, using list Ⅰ. The role of performers and observers was exchanged, in the second phase of the study using list Ⅱ. Each list was practiced in five successive trials. After completion of the task, a free recall test was administered. The following conclusions were obtained: (1) Performing was superior to observing for both recognition and recall test. And the difference of transfer effect between these two conditions was not significant. However, performance was systematically superior to observance. (2) The relative positive effect of performing to observing was greater for easy learning tasks than for difficult learning tasks. (3) The performers utilized the informational cues embedded within the learning task more effectively than the observers. (4) The retention level was higher the shorter was the recall delay period. But the differential effect of retention intervals was not found for the transfer task. There was no significant interaction effect between retention interval and learning condition. (5) Women were superior to men for both retention and transfer scores. For men, more erroneous recall was found on performance conditions than on otservational conditions, but for women, erroneous recall was higher on observational conditions than on performance conditions. (6) The interaction between the transfer-delay variable and the performance level of the transfer task was marginally significant. When the transfer delay was about 24 hours, the transfer effect was highest.

      • 相談戰略과 相談目標設定에 대한 一考察

        尹正倫 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1981 學生指導硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        The major Purpose of this study was to provide a brief examination of goals and strategies for counseling. This paper showed the following: Ⅰ . The counseling strategies have been classified in to four categories (H. Hackney & S. Nye, 1973) 1. Strategies for identifying attitudes and feelings. 2. Strategies for changing attitudes and feelings. 3. Strategies for identifying inappropriate behavior. 4. Strategies for changing inappropriate behavior. Ⅱ. Recent developments in counseling methods (J.D. Krumboltz & C.E. Thoresen; 1976) 1. Treating fears through experiences as well as imagination. 2. Managing fears rather than avoiding them. 3. Coping models rather than mastery models. 4. Self-control rather than external control. 5. Covert and cognitive behavior as well as overt, observable heavier. 6. Research on individuals as well as on groups. 7. Prevention as well as remediation. 8. Alterations in the ground rules for counseling. Ⅲ. The counselor uses two types of goals or objectives, process goals and outcome goals. Process goals are related to the establishment of therapeutic conditions necessary for client change. Unlike process goals, outcome goals will be different for each client. They are the goals directly related to the client's reasons for seeking counseling. Outcome goals become shared goals, goals which both the counselor and client agree to work toward achieving. When outcome goals are stated precisely, both the counselor and the client have a better understanding of what in to be acconplished.

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19로 인한 수업환경에서 대학생이 인식하는 좋은 수업 특성연구 -B전문대학 인문사회계열과 예술계열의 사례분석을 중심으로-

        윤정윤,감성원 한국일러스아트학회 2021 조형미디어학 Vol.24 No.4

        Despite the rapidly changing educational environment due to COVID-19, this study was conducted to provide better classes to students. In order to find the elements of good classes, a "Good Lecture Contest" was held for students in the humanities and arts departments of B College in Seoul and analyzed each case. In the case study, the answers of all 90 students who participated as qualitative research methods were divided into 51 humanities and 39 arts, classified into class management and academic achievement areas, and analyzed according to questions in each sub-area. The art student answered that the interest and feedback of the professor who wanted to understand his work make up a good class. Students in humanities said that classes where students and professors grow together through discussions and various activities are good classes. After analyzing the characteristics and keywords of good lectures defined by students, many words related to professors with active interaction appeared. Studies have shown that an important factor in students' thinking of making good classes is related to interaction. Effective and creative preparation for classes with active communication is required for professors. However, the fatigue and burden of professors will increase rapidly when such measures take into account the special situation of COVID-19. This can lead to poor quality of the class. Therefore, research on how to communicate effectively between professors and students is required to proceed with the study of interaction methods. COVID-19로 인하여 급변하고 있는 교육 환경에도 불구하고 보다 좋은 수업을 학생에게 제공하기 위해 본 연구는 진행되었다. 좋은 수업의 요소를 찾기 위해 서울에 있는 B 전문대학교 인문계열과 예술계열 학생들에게 ‘좋은 강의 공모전’을 진행하고 각각의 사례를 분석했다. 사례연구는 질적 연구방법으로 참여한 전체 90명 학생의 답변을 인문사회계열 51편, 예술계열 39편으로 나누어 수업운영과 학업성취영역으로 분류하여 각 하위영역의 문항에 따라 사례분석을 진행하였다. 예술계열 학생은 개인의 작품을 이해하고자 하는 교수자의 관심과 작품에 대한 구체적이고 다양한 피드백을 통해 실력이 향상되는 강의를 좋은 수업을 구성하는 요인으로 답했다. 인문계열 학생들이 생각하는 좋은 수업이란 주제별 토론과 다양한 활동을 통해 학생과 교수가 함께 소통하여 내면의 성장이 함께 일어나는 수업이 좋은 수업이라고 했다. 학생들이 정의한 좋은강의 특징과 키워드를 분석해본 결과 활발한 상호작용과 이를 열정적으로 수업에서 실행하고 있는 교수자를 묘사하는 단어들이 많이 등장했다. 연구를 통해 인문계열 예술계열의 다양한 전공 학생들이 생각하는 좋은 수업을 이루는 중요 요소는 상호작용과 관련된 것으로 나타났다. 소통이 활발한 수업을 위해서는 효율적 효과적 그리고 창의적인 수업 준비가 교수자에게 요구되나 COVID-19 특수 상황을 고려한 이런 조치가 장기화할 때 교수자의 피로도와 부담은 급증할 것으로 우려되고 이는 수업의 질의 저하로 연결될 수 있다. 따라서 상호작용의 방법론적 측면의 연구를 진행하여 교수자와 학생이 효율적 효과적으로 소통할 방법에 관한 연구가 요구된다.

      • KCI등재

        디자인을 향한 윤리적 접근에 관한 고찰

        윤정윤 한국일러스아트학회 2019 조형미디어학 Vol.22 No.3

        Criticism against the materialism-oriented society increased concerns for ethic. Now, people pay attention to the ethical consumption and the consumption value, which continuously expands to the field of design. Of course, ethical introspection within design field has been kept for quite a long time. Discussion about designer’s social responsibility starting with Victor Papanek’s ‘Design for real world’ led to expansion of Green Design, Sustainable Design, Social Design, Slow Design, and 착한디자인 concepts. The perspective on consumption was changed to value orientation after 2000, which design concepts mentioned above have become a social issues and new cultural paradigm. However, these kinds of interests from the outside tend to precedently restrict all the design activities with somewhat one-sided judgement. In Korea, design field itself does focus on designer’s social sense of responsibility and morality. Thus, this research critically considers the concept of design ethics which is appealing recently and understands its possible threat. With this, I would like to broaden the diverse values that design with ethical perspective has. Also, it contains various perspectives of ethics that could be theoretical foundation of ethics for design. Methodology used is the literature review regarding precedent study and relevant discussion associated with ethical perspective of design. Researcher has to pay special attention to the fact that design and designer should not be confined in social moral standard. Therefore, this research has an academic significance that modifies and improves design trend in ethical perspective so far. This paper is expected to work as a theoretical base for practical study in ethical design. 물질중심사회에 대한 비판은 윤리에 대한 관심을 확대시켰다. 이제 사람들은 윤리적 소비와 소비의 가치에 주목하고 있고 그 관심과 사회적 요구는 디자인계로 계속 확장된다. 물론 디자인 내부의 윤리적 성찰은 꽤 오랜 시간동안 지속되어왔다. 빅터 파파넥 (Victor Papanek)의 『인간을 위한 디자인』 으로 시작된 디자이너의 사회적 책임에 대한 논의는 그린디자인(Green Design), 지속가능한 디자인 (Sustainable Design), 사회적 디자인 (Social Design), 슬로디자인 (Slow Design), 착한디자인 등의 개념으로 확장되었다. 2000년 이후 소비의 개념이 가치 중심으로 바뀌면서 위의 디자인 개념들은 사회적 이슈와 새로운 문화적 패러다임이 되고 있다. 그러나 이러한 외부의 관심은 다소 일방적인 판단으로 디자인의 모든 활동을 선행으로 위축시키는 경향을 드러내고 있으며 우리나라의 경우 디자인 내부에서도 디자이너의 사회적 책임의식과 도덕성에 보다 집중하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 현재 주목받고 있는 디자인 윤리라는 개념을 비평적으로 고찰함으로써 이것의 위험요소를 파악하고 이를 통해 윤리적 관점의 디자인이 가지는 다양한 가치를 폭넓게 하고자 했다. 또한 디자인을 위한 윤리학의 이론적 토대가 될 수 있는 윤리학의 다양한 관점도 포함시켰다. 연구방법은 윤리적 관점의 디자인과 관련된 선행연구 고찰과 관련 담론의 문헌연구이다. 연구자는 디자인과 디자이너가 선악의 구조 안에 갇히는 것을 경계한다. 때문에 본 연구는 지금까지 윤리적 관점의 디자인의 추세를 수정 보안하는 연구로 의의가 있다. 이 논문이 윤리적 디자인의 실천적 연구에 이론적 바탕으로서 작용하길 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        참여 기반의 공익캠페인 디자인 발전논의에 대한 이론적 고찰

        윤정윤 한국일러스아트학회 2015 조형미디어학 Vol.18 No.3

        21세기 네트워크 사회의 디지털 매체와 도구는 정보를 생성, 공유, 변형하기위한 보편적 기반이 되었다. 사람들의 관심과 목표는 확장되고 다양해 졌으며 많은 종류의 커뮤니티와 관계를 맺고 소통한다. 사람들은 능동적인 태도로 콘텐츠를 만들고 확장하는 행위에 길들여지고 있다. 이것은 전통적인 방식의 생산자와 소비자의 관계변화를 시사하며, 디자이너의 역할 변화 또한 의미한다. 그렇다면 디자이너와 사용자간의 활발한 소통은 어떻게 사회문제를 해결하는데 기여할 것인가? 본 논문은 사용자와 함께 하는 디자인에 주목한 공익 캠페인 디자인에 관한 연구이다. 현재 디자인 분야에서 일어나는 모든 변화가 잠재적으로 공공영역에 상당히 관련성을 가지고 있지만 그제 사례를 살펴보는 것만으로는 충분하지 않을 것이다. 사례연구에 앞서 참여기반의 디자인을 이해하기 위해 마케팅 관점으로 공동창조, 디자인 형태로는 모듈화, 디자인 방법으로 오픈디자인의 개념과 특징을 정리한다. 그리고 참여형 공익 캠페인의 이론적 기반을 위한 경험과 행동중심의 대인 커뮤니케이션 이론들을 정리한다. 이러한 이론적 고찰을 바탕으로 사회공헌 6단계 이론에 적용하여 참여 기반의 공익캠페인 디자인 개발의 단계적 개념을 제시하고자 한다. Digital media and tools in the network society of the 21st century became an universal foundation to create, share and modify information. Interests and purposes of the public have expanded and become various thus, many people build a relationship with and interact with various kinds of communities. People get used to doing something that they actively create and enlarge the contents. It means that a traditional way of viewpoint between producers and consumers is altering and that role of the designer experiences also changes. Then, how does active communication between designers and consumers contribute to solving the social problems? This study is a research paying attention to the public communication campaign design with users. It would not be enough to examine some cases, even though all the changes in design field have a potentially close relationship to the public sector. To understand the participation-based design, before doing some case studies, concepts and traits need to be organized by co-creation based on the marketing point of view, modularization as the design form and open design focused on design method. To make a theoretical foundation for the participation-oriented public communication campaign, it is also necessary to organize experience- and behavior-centered interpersonal communication theories. Based on these kind of theoretical considerations, I want to present phased idea of the public communication campaign design development process based on participation, applying the 6 Stages of the philanthropy.

      • KCI등재

        참여 기반의 공익캠페인 디자인 사례 유형 연구

        윤정윤 한국일러스아트학회 2016 조형미디어학 Vol.19 No.2

        오늘날 빠르게 발전하는 미디어 환경은 사람들의 커뮤니케이션 방법을 크게 변화시키고 있다. 이제 사람들은 정보를 일방적으로 수용하기 보다는 능동적으로 소통하고 메시지를 재생산 하고 있다. 이런 흐름은 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 환경과 디자인 접근방법을 변화하게 한다. 본 연구는 새로운 형태의 디자인 접근방법 중에서 대중들의 경험과 소통에 집중한 참여디자인에 주목하고 이를 활용한 공익캠페인 디자인의 유형을 연구한다. 우선 참여디자인의 이해를 위해 선행연구들을 통해 참여 기반의 개념을 정리하였다. 다음으로 참여 형태와 참여 정도를 구분하여 공익캠페인 디자인 유형을 연구하기위한 틀을 마련하였다. 마지막으로 다양한 형태의 구체적 사례를 유형별로 분석한다. 참여디자인 유형을 구분할 때는 표현의 유연성, 디자인 전문성 난이도, 창조레벨로 분류하며 참여자가 경험 안에서 가치를 형성하는 과정에 주목한다. 이는 참여자가 참여 전 과정에서 감성적 가치를 창출 하면 이것이 캠페인에 대한 몰입도과 지속성에 영향을 줄 수 있기 때문이다. 본 연구는 성공적 공익캠페인 디자인에서 효과적 메시지 전달을 위해 참여자의 경험이 중요하다는 것, 그리고 구체적 사례 유형을 연구하여 참여형 공익캠페인 디자인의 체계적 접근방법 제시하기 위한 기반을 마련한다는 점에서 의의가 있다. Today's fast-developing media environment has been changing the way of people's communication greatly. Now people are communicating actively and reproducing the messages rather than taking the information unilaterally. This kind of trend can make the marketing communication environment and design approach change. This study pays attention to the participation-based design focused on experiences and interactions of the public in the new type of design approach. By using those, It conducts a case study research related to the public campaign design. Firstly, to understand the participation-based design, the notion of 'participation-based' is organized by the preceding research analysis. Secondly, the type and degree of participation is divided and then the framework is made to study the public campaign design case. Lastly, detailed cases are categorized variously by type. When the participation-based design case is classified, it is divided into three parts, the flexibility of expression, level of difficulty in design expertise and creation level. In this case, the participant pays attention to the value formation process within one's experiences. If the participant creates an emotional value in the whole process, this can have an impact on the level of immersion and durability in campaign. This study has a meaning that a foundation is made for suggesting systematic approach in the participation-based public campaign as well as the participant's experience is important to deliver the message effectively in the successful public design

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