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      • KCI등재

        레슬링 대표선수의 자유형과 그레꼬로만형의 등속성 근기능 비교 연구

        윤재량 한국운동과학회 2001 운동과학 Vol.10 No.2

        윤재량. 레슬링 대표선수의 자유형과 그레꼬로만형의 등속성 근기능 비교 연구. 운동과학, 제10권 제2호, 149-159, 2001. 본 연구는 레슬링 국가대표 선수를 대상으로 자유형과 그레꼬로만형 선수간에 등속성 근기능을 비교분석하고, 이를 토대로 경기 유형별로 근기능의 특이성을 도출하여 향후 레슬링 경기 유형별 체력 트레이닝 방법에 체력 특성을 적용하고자 한다. 레스링 국가대표선수 자유형과 그레꼬로만형 선수 각각 7명을 선정하여 근기능을 측정하기 위해 등속성 근력 측정기기를 사용하였고, 상대근력 측정부하속도는 60°/sec·180°/sec에서 그리고 근파워 및 근지구력 측정 부하속도는 240°/sec에서 26회 반복운동으로 측정하였다. 자유형과 그레꼬로만형 선수간의 슬관절 상대 근력은 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았고, 슬관절의 총일량, 평균파워, 근지구력비에 있어서도 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이처럼 레슬링 경기유형간에 근기능에서 차이를 보이지 않는 것은 실제 근기능에 차이가 없는 것인지, 아니면 평소 훈련 방법의 특성이 적용되지 않았기 때문인지 등에 대한 문제를 제기하면서 향후 이를 해결하기 위한 후속연구가 요구된다. Isokinetic Muscular Functions in Korean National Freestyle and Greco-Roman style Wrestlers. Exercise Science, 10(2): 149-159, 2001. The participants in the present study were 14 wrestling athletes(freestyle; 7, Greco-Roman; 7) in the Korean national team. The purposes of the study were twofold; ① to compare and analyze isokinetic strength, isokinetic power, total work, ratio of endurances of freestyle wrestlers and Greco-Roman wrestlers, ② based on the data obtained, to specify unique and different isokinetic strength, isokinetic power, total work, ratio of endurances between them, and apply the relevant knowledge to developing specific training program. In order to measure isokinetic strength, isokinetic power, total work, ratio of endurances, Cybex 770(Lumax Co. U.S.A.) used. 26 repeated trials by each subject were conducted on the condition of 60° /sec and 180°/sec in Peak Torque %Body Weight(BWI, and of 240°/sec in isokinetic power, total work and ratio of isokinetic endurance. Contrary to the expectations, the differences between Peak Torque %Body Weight(BW) of freestyle wrestlers and those of Greco-Roman wrestlers were not found(p>0.05). There also were no significant differences in Total Work, average power, and ratio of endurance on Knee joint. This study alone could not decide if the performances both in freestyle wrestling and Greco-Roman wrestling ask similar isokinetic strength, isokinetic power, total work, ratio of endurances. The succeeding studies with rigid and sound designs are strongly recommended.

      • KCI등재

        근대5종 선수의 경기력 향상을 위한 레이저런(laser-run) 전문체력요인 사례분석

        윤재량 한국스포츠학회 2021 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구는 근대5종 경기는 펜싱, 수영, 승마경기의 종합득점 결과에 따라 마지막 레이저런의 출발순서를 결정하게 되며, 이러한 새로운 레이저런(Laser-run; 복합경기) 기록을 좌우할 수 있는 호흡순환계 변인인 최대산소섭취량, 심박 수, 환기량, 무산소성역치 수준 등이 레이저런 기록에 크게 영향을 미친다는 점을 착안하여, 본 연구에서는 엘리트 근대5 종 선수들에게 레이저런 기록단축에 최적화된 훈련프로그램 개발의 기초적인 자료를 제공하는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 최대산소섭취량은 본 연구의 전체 평균치 60.26㎖/㎏/min보다 더 낮은 수준이고, 무산소성역치 수준은 전체의 평균치 49.43㎖/㎏/min로서 최대산소섭취량의 82.0%VO2max와 비교하면 산소섭취량으로는 상당히 낮고 백분율로는 비슷한 수준인 것으로 나타났다. 윤재량 등(2018)의 연구결과에 따르면, 최대심박수는 186beat/min에서 최대산소섭취량은 71.07㎖/㎏/min으로 측정되었고, 무산소성역치(AT) 수준에서의 산소섭취량은 59.58㎖/㎏/min로서 83.89%VO2max 수준인 것으로 나타났다는 연구결과와 비교하면, 이 K5 선수는 무산소성역치 수준은 82.0%VO2max로서 다소 낮은수준 이나 최대산소섭취량도 56.69ml/kg/min로서 매우 낮은 수준으로 평가된다. 레이저런은 800m달리기마다 사격 5발을 명중시키는 방식으로 4회를 반복 실시해야 하는 경기로서 육상 중장거리에서 심폐지구력이 경기기록에 중요하게 작용한 것만큼 레이저런에서도 중요한 경기력요인으로 평가된다. 따라서, 이 K5 선수는 심폐지구력관련 변인 중 최대산소섭취 량은 매우 낮은 수준이고 무산소성역치는 다소 낮은 수준이므로 최대산소섭취량 향상을 위한 트레이닝에 특히 중점을 두어야 하며 동시에 무산소성역치 향상을 위한 트레이닝도 적극 권장된다. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data In the modern pentathlon, the starting order of the last laser run is decided according to the overall score of fencing, swimming, and horseback riding, and the respiratory circulatory system that can influence this new laser-run record Considering that variables such as maximal oxygen intake, heart rate, ventilation, and anaerobic threshold level greatly affect laser run records, this study developed a training program optimized for laser run record shortening for elite modern pentathlon athletes. The maximum oxygen uptake is lower than the overall average of 60.26ml/kg/min in this study, and the anaerobic threshold level is 49.43ml/kg/min. It was found to be quite low and at a similar level as a percentage. According to the research results of Yoon Jae-ryang et al. (2018), the maximum heart rate was 186 beat/min and the maximum oxygen intake was 71.07 mL/kg/min, and the oxygen intake at the anaerobic threshold(AT) level was 59.58 mL/kg/min. Comparing with the research results that showed that the level of 83.89% VO2max was 83.89% VO2max, this K5 athlete had an anaerobic threshold level of 82.0% VO2max, which was rather low, but the maximum oxygen intake was 56.69ml/kg/min, which was evaluated as a very low level. The laser run is a race that must be repeated 4 times by hitting 5 shots every 800m run. Therefore, this K5 athlete has a very low maximum oxygen intake among cardiorespiratory endurance-related variables and an anaerobic threshold at a rather low level.

      • KCI등재

        대학여자 하키선수의 호흡순환기능 평가 및 훈련처방 증례 연구

        윤재량,이금주 한국스포츠학회 2022 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        This study aims to diagnose and evaluate cardiorespiratory endurance factors for each player by collecting respiratory and circulatory system-related data from K University field hockey female players. The purpose is to provide respiratory gas data for these elite women's hockey players to develop a training program to improve cardiorespiratory fitness. Five male athletes (N=5, Age=19.78±0.91yrs, Height= 162.78±6.13cm, Weight=58.49±5.52kg, BMI=22.10±2.69) who fully understood the purpose and purpose of this study and who expressed their willingness to participate was selected. In order to obtain precise measurement data, they were allowed to arrive at the laboratory 40 minutes before the start of the experiment to take rest, followed by warm-up for 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute break, and then the Bruce protocol was applied. An automatic respiratory gas analysis system was used as the respiratory gas variable device used in the maximum exercise load test. As a result of the GXT test conducted in this study, the average measured values ​​of cardiopulmonary gas variables of these field hockey players were Durations=13.74(±1.86)min, HRmax=195.67(±5.23)beats. /min, VEmax=105.35(±26.77)ℓ/min, VO2max=49.04(±8.27)ml/kg/min, AT(VO2)=39.71(±6.51)ml/kg/min, AT(%VO2max)=80.55(±5.12)ml/kg/min. An effective training program is recommended for each Vo2max training & anaerobic threshold (AT) method to further improve the maximal aerobic capacity, such as aerobic and anaerobic interval training, and lactate system training methods. 본 연구는 K대학 필드하키 여자선수를 대상으로 심폐계관련 측정데이터를 수집하여 선수 개인별 호흡순환계 전문체력 요인들을 평가하는 데 있다. 동시에 이들의 심폐체력 향상을 위한 훈련프로그램 개발을 위한 호흡가스 중요자료를 제공하는데도 있다. 본 연구에 참여한 피험자는 연구의 취지를 충분히 이해하고 적극으로 참여의사를 밝힌 여자 선수 5명(N=5, Age=19.78±0.91yrs, Height=162.78±6.13cm, Weight=58.49±5.52kg, BMI=22.10±2.69)을 선정하였다. 정밀한 측정 데이터를 얻기 위해 20분 동안 준비운동 후 10동안의 휴식과 함께 곧바로 Bruce프로토콜을 적용하였다. 최대운동부하검사(GXT)시 사용된 호흡가스변인 기기는 자동호흡가스분석 시스템(K4b2, COSMED s.r.I.)을 사용하였다. 이렇게 수집된 호흡순환측정 변인들은 선수별로 기술통계 기법을 적용하였다. 본 연구에서 실시한 최대운동부하검사(GXT) 결과, 이들 필드하키 선수의 심폐지구력관련 호흡가스변인들의 평균 측정값은 Exercise Durations =13.74(±1.86)min, HRmax=195.67(±5.23)beats/min, VEmax=105.35(±26.77)ℓ/min, VO2max= 49.04 (±8.27)㎖/kg/min, AT(VO2)=39.71(±6.51)㎖/kg/min, AT(%VO2max)=80.55(±5.12)㎖/kg/min으로 진단, 평가되었다. 이러한 평가에 대한 훈련 처방은, VO2max능력은 현재 수준보다 더욱 향상시키기 위해 각각의 최대산소섭취량 트레이닝 방법을 권장하며, 무산소성역치(AT)도 더욱 향상시키는 방법으로 유, 무산소성 인터벌 및 무산소지구력 훈련방법, 그리고 lactic acid system 강화 훈련방법을 적극 권장한다.

      • 有酸素性 運動能力 및 體指肪에 대한 웨이트트레이닝의 效果

        尹在梁 師範大學 體育硏究所 1987 서울大學校 體育硏究所論集 Vol.8 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of weigh training on aerobic work capacity and body composition. Eight healthy freshmen participated in a eight-week, progressively increasing weight training program. Aerobic work capacity and body composition are measured before and after the weight training program. The results showed statistically significant effect of weight training on muscular strength and body composition, but little statically significant effect of weight training on cardiorespiratory function. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Eight weeks of weight training producd little or a little increases in VO max(0.06 l/min: 2.7%) and PWC???(60.88kpm/min: 8.4%). 2. Eight weeks of weight training produced significant increases in body composition (3.61% body fat).

      • 初等 音樂敎育 實態에 關한 調査硏究 : 全國 國民學校를 對象으로 An object of the elementary schools through the whole country

        尹在良 진주교육대학교 1972 論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        To study the actual condition and talc facilities of the elementaryschool music education which have been undeveloped and neglected, was studied to offer scientific statistic materials to give reflect on the content of the music department of teachers college and to gain the data about those courses impruvement. These principal contents are below: 1) Fourteen examines on the management of the progressive music education. 2) Six examines on the improvement of the music study for teachers problem and school activities. 3) Ten examines on the instrument and material of the music education. The field investigation and to suggest an "enquete" was used as a method for this research on the actual condition. Bounds and object of the research was devided in to three groups, these are; 350 schools of municipa 1-group, 1,100 schools of county seat-group and 300schools of remote-group. (Totaly 1750 schools among those 5208 elementary schools in the whole country) Establishment of the basic principle of music education, even though the attitude of music education and the guiding object are smart and obvious but it is useless to research the music education without some pratical pentration. The shape of study will be attained according to the individuality of school children, the characteristic and ability of teacher, the nature of teaching meterial and the content of study. And also the teaching ability of teacher, in the practical course and research of method in the teaching art will be accomplished. The teacher themselves make effort to study and skill training and teach the progress of education to be given to the each school year of charge. Furthermore, the teacher should be trained an ability to be able to teach, especially, music appreciation, composition and instruments training are demanded according to schools, teachers and regional parti-cularity of the valuation methods. Preconception and method of uncognizable valuation will be substituted but teachers themselves are in want of confidence, ability and artistic tecnique in the methodical aspect on this field. They will make greater effort and research. Music event doesn't take out of order at the object and consciousness of music education regardless of out and in place. In the management of music department the greater parts of the front teachers, generally on actual field represent the inclination of their unconfidence at the educational administrative operation. It makes the master plan of the year and prepare to oppotunity of study and research to the teacher. For the effectable management, however, it is quite urgent subject to establish enough tools and the syntatic method of operating facilities. Let every teachers use those instruments for the most effective learning of students. And it is necessary movement to have a campaign so called "one instrument for every each person" for the emotion purity of whole people.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        호흡근 훈련이 엘리트 선수의 폐 기능에 미치는 영향

        윤재량,전해섭 대한운동사협회 2011 아시아 운동학 학술지 Vol.13 No.4

        [서론] 본 연구의 목적은 8주 동안 레슬링 훈련과 호흡근 훈련(IMT)이 폐 기능과 유산소성 능력에 미치는 영향과 및 호흡근 훈련의 적정 기간을 검증 하고자 실시하였다. [방법] 연구에 참여한 대상자들은 서울특별시 소재의 K 대학교에 재학 중인 대학 레슬링 선수로서 실험집단(EXE)과 통제집단(CON)으로 각각 9명씩 선정하였다. 8주간의 실험기간 동안 CON 집단은 레슬링 훈련만을 실시하였고 EXE 집단은 레슬링 훈련과 IMT를 병행하였으며, IMT는 1주일에 6회, 하루에 2회씩 30회를 실시하였다. 관찰변인에 대한 검사 및 측정은 총 3회(Pre, Mid, Post)에 걸쳐 이루어졌으며, 자료처리는 Two-way repeated measures ANOVA를 적용하였다(SPSS 18.0 Ver.). [결과] 첫째, 폐 기능 변인에서 FEV1, FVC 및 PEF에서 각각 상호작용 효과가 나타났으며(p<.05, p<.05, p<.05), FEV1%에서도 시기 간 및 집단 간의 주효과(p<.05, p<.05)가 각각 나타났다. 둘째, 유산소성 변인들에서는 두 집단 모두 유의한 변화가 나타나지 않았다. [결론] 본 연구에서의 관찰 변인들은 레슬링 훈련과 호흡근 훈련을 병행하여 실시한 EXE 집단에서 폐 기능에 유의하게 영향을 미쳤으며, IMT 처치 기간은 최소한 6-8주 이상 실시되는 것이 바람직하다고 판단된다. [INTRODUCTION] To investigate the effects of 8 weeks inspiratory muscle training(IMT) on the pulmonary function and aerobic capacity. [METHOD] Subjects of this study were 18 collegiate wrestlers(CON=9, EXE=9) who had participated in basic wrestling training(CON) and basic training with IMT(EXE), respectively. IMT was performed using an inspiratory pressure-threshold device(POWERbreathTM, Gaim, UK) and IMT group performed 30 dynamic inspiratory efforts twice daily for 8 weeks. Statistical analyses were performed using the Two-way repeated measures ANOVA by SPSS Ver. 18.0. [RESULT] First, There were significantly difference an interaction effects in FEV1, FVC. and PEF, respectivelt(p<.05, p<.05, p<.05). Second, There were no significantly difference CON and EXE on aerobic capacity. [CONCLUSION] These findings that our results demonstrated as effects of performed to basic wrestling training with IMT on pulmonary function in EXE. Accordingly, It is desirable for IMT treatment period conducted at least 6 weeks or more.

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