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        적응 PIC를 이용한 다중전송률 이동통신시스템의 상향채널 성능 개선 연구

        안정근,진용옥 한국음향학회 2002 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.21 No.3

        본 논문에서는 다중 전송률을 지원하는 차세대 무선 이동통신 시스템의 상향 채널에 적용할 수 있는 새로운 알고리즘의 병렬간섭제거기를 제안하였다. 제안된 방법은 기존 IS-95방식과 달리 다중 데이터율에 적용할 수 있는 알고리즘을 이용하며 이를 통해 CDMA시스템에서의 성능저하 및 채널 용량의 제한을 가져오는 MAI(Multiple Access Interference)를 제거할 수 있도록 하였다. 제안된 방법의 성능평가를 위하여 사용자수증가에 따른 BER (Bit Error Rate), 단수 (stage) 증가에 따른 BER등의 방법을 사용하였다. 다양한 모의실험 환경을 통해서 본 연구에서 제안된 알고리즘이 비록 계산량의 증가는 있으나 기존에 제안된 여러 간섭제거 기에 비해 우수한 성능을 나타냄을 알 수 있었다. A study on architecture of new parallel interference canceller which can be applied for reverse link of next generation mobile communication system supporting multi-rate is performed on this paper. The proposed method adopts new algorithm which can be applied for multi-rate system to reduce multiple access interference (MAI) which cause performance degradation of CDMA system and limit of channel capacity. The proposed system is evaluated by simulation results under various conditions. As a result, performance enhancement is achieved compared to existing conventional interference cancellers. Although the amount of calculation is increased, we can find that the performance is improved generally.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        미국 텍사스주 도시근로자의 통행행태 연구

        안정근 대한교통학회 2000 대한교통학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        도시 근로자들의 높은 승용차 이용율과 낮은 재차인원율으로 인해 대도시에서의 교통혼잡이 가중됨에 따라 중앙정부 및 지자체에서는 적극적인 도시 교통수요관리 정책을 시행할 계획이며 이에 따라 다양한 교통수요관리 정책을 어디에 어떻게 적용해야 하는가에 대한 관심이높아지고 있다. 본 연구는 미국 텍사스 주 근로자의 통행특성 변화를 분석하여 도시규모, 직장위치, 그리고 직업종류 변화에 따른 낮은 재차인원율과 높은 승용차 이용율을 나타내는 직장 소재지 및 직업종류를 도출하였다. 연구 결과 대도시에서는 도시 및 도시주변 직장 근로자들이 낮은 재차인원율을 나타냈으며 중도시에서는 도심 및 도심주변 근로자들이 낮은 재차인원율을 나타냈고 소도시에서는 도시 및 도시주변 근로자들이 낮은 재차인원율을 나타냈다. 서비스업 근로자는 모든 도시규모에서 낮은 재차인원율을 나타냈다. 한편 승용차 이용율은 대도시 서비스업 근로자들이 높은 승용차 이용율을 나타냈으며 소도시의 도심과 도심주변 소재 직장 근로자와 기본업 근로자들이 높은 승용차 이용율을 나타냈다. Traffic congestion has become severe in large metropolitan areas by the travel behavior of employees as the low rate of vehicle occupancy and the high rate of Private auto using. In order to relieve traffic congestion, central and local government plan to implement diverse transportation demand management strategies. The governments want to know what employment types and locations in different metropolitan areas lead to the highest rate of vehicle occupancy and Private auto use. This study suggest that in large metropolitan areas, the employment locations of urban and suburban as well as the employment type of service show low vehicle occupancy. In medium metropolitan sizes. low vehicle occupancies are observed in service employment as well as in the employment locations of CBD. CBD fringe. In small metropolitan areas, a low rate of vehicle occupancy exists in service employment as well as in the employment locations of urban and suburban areas. A high rate of auto use shows not only in basic employment but also in the employment locations of CBD and CBD fringe.

      • RNA의 히드록실아민에 의한 화학적 변형

        안정근,박인원,Ahn, Jeong-Keun,Park, In-won 생화학분자생물학회 1981 한국생화학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        효모 RNA를 10 M 히드록실아민, pH 10, $37^{\circ}C$와 5 M 히드록실아민, pH 10, $37^{\circ}C$에서 반응시켜 우리딘을 변형시켰다. 우리딘의 변형 정도는 히드록실아민의 농도에 비례한다. 즉 10 M 히드록실아민의 경우 시간 당 4~5%, 5 M 히드록실아민의 경우 시간 당 약 2% 정도였다. 우리딘의 변형 반응 속도는 시간이 경과함에 따라 감소하는데 그 원인은 RNA의 이차구조가 히드록실아민의 반응을 크게 억제하기 때문이라고 본다. 히드록실아민의 이러한 조건에서의 반응은 우리딘에 매우 선택적이고 시티딘의 변형은 무시할 수 있었다. 위의 실험 결과에서 히드록실아민으로 RNA의 우리딘을 변형시킴으로서, RNA의 우리딘 염기 배열 순서를 결정하는데 이용하기 위한 반응 조건은 10 M 히드록살아민, pH 10, $37^{\circ}C$로 20분 보다 짧아야 함을 알았다. Chemical modification of uridine residues in yeast RNA was carried out at two different concentrations of hydroxylamine, 10 M and 5 M, pH 10 and $37^{\circ}C$, varying the reaction time. The degree of modification depended on the concentration of hydroxylamine : the range was ca. 4~5% per hour at 10 M hydroxylamine, and 2% per hour at 5 M hydroxylamine. Modification rates decreased with the reaction time, probably due to the limiting effect exerted by the secondary structure of RNA. The modification reaction was highly specific to uridine residues under the above reaction condition, so that the modification reaction on cytidine residues was almost negligible. It is found that less than 1% of uridine residues was modified at pH 10 and 10 M of hydrnxylamine within 20 min. This reaction condition can be utilized for RNA sequencing in chemical methods.

      • KCI우수등재

        공동주택 주차공급 및 관리방안 연구

        안정근 대한교통학회 1999 대한교통학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        공동주택 입주자들의 자동차 보유율의 급증으로 인한 공동주택 단지에서의 주차란에 대하여 정부에서는 그간 주차장 공급강화 정책으로 일관하였다. 하지만 주차장 공급강화는 기존 공동주택에서의 주차란 완화보다는 신규 공동주택 주차장 공급에 치중되어 있으며, 일률적 공급규정은 다양한 개발여건에서의 주차 수요에 대처하기에는 한계가 있고, 공동주택 단지의 녹지 면적 감소를 초래하고 있다. 또한 차량을 보유치 않은 입주자와 차량을 2대 이상을 보유한 입주자들과의 주차장 사용 형평상에 문제가 제기되고 있으며 지하 주차장 건설에 따른 주택원가 상승의 가장 큰 요인으로 작용하여 저소득층의 주택구매에 큰 걸림돌이 되고 있다. 본 연구는 국내·외 공동주택 단지에서의 다양한 주차장 공급 및 수요관리방안 분석을 통하여 다가오는 21세기의 국내 공동주택 주차장 정책 방향을 제시에 목적이 있다. 연구결과 전국의 공동주택에서는 도시규모, 주택평형, 단지규모, 준공년도 변화에 차이 없이 다양한 주차공급방식 도입, 주차전용제 실시, 1가구 2차량 주차 이용료부과, 단지내 주차장 증 가 및 단지주변 민영·공영주차장 활성화 외부차량 불법주차단속 강화를 통하여 현재의 공동주택 주차란에 대처하기를 원하고 있다. 특히 주차란이 매우 심각한 중형 및 소형 공동주택과 중소도시 소재 공동주택에서는 대도시 소재 공동주택 및 대형 공동주택보다 지자체에 의한 다양한 주차장 공급방식 적용과 철저한 불법주차단속을 통하여 현재의 주차란에 대처하기를 적극적으로 원하고 있어 주택규모 및 도시규모 변화에 따른 차별적 공동주택 주차장 공급 및 관리방안시행이 요망된다. The rate of automobile ownerships has been increased significantly in multi-family housing sites so that government has made new parking regulations increasing the rate of parking supply by the high demand of parking lots in multi-family housing sites. However, the new regulation of parking supply has several problems that it applies to only new multi-family housing sites and disregards to the locational distinctions around the sites. It also has reduced to the open spaces in the sites and increased the price of housing units especially to the small size units of multi-family housing sites by increasing the number of underground parking lots. Furthermore, the residents have not been equal opportunity to access their parking lots even though they have been charged to equal amount of financial burden for the construction of underground parking lots. This research aims to relieve above problems by analysing parking supply and demand management strategies both domestic and foreign countries, and suggest to new parking management system for multi-family housing sites in 21st Centuries. This research reveals that most of multi-family housing sites want to be applied 1) diverse parking supply regulations considering the locational distinctions of sites, 2) parking lot ownership programs, 3) charging parking fees to second vehicles, 4) increasing parking lots both in the sites and around the sites, 5) enforcing police power to the parking violation vehicles to their sites. Especially, the multi-family housing sites consisting of small & medium size of units and locating in small & medium size of cites strongly want to be accepted new Parking regulations considered their locational and social distinctions and applied police power to the parking violation vehicles in their sites compared to the other multi-family housing sites.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        무형자산평가에 관한 이론적 고찰 - 소득접근법의 평가기법을 중심으로 -

        안정근,Ahn, Jeong-Keun 한국국토정보공사 공간정보연구원 2015 지적과 국토정보 Vol.45 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 부동산평가에 있어 소득접근법에 속하는 무형자산의 평가기법을 고찰하는 데 있다. 소득접근법에 의한 무형자산의 가치는 장래 기대되는 경제적 편익을 현재가치로 환원한 값이다. 관계법령의 무형자산의 평가기준으로는 감정평가에 관한 규칙, 지식재산기본법, 국유재산법의 규정을 검토하였다. 경제적 편익의 추계방법으로는 외삽법, 생애주기분석법, 감응도분석법, 시뮬레이션분석법, 판단법, 타불라라사법을, 자본환원율과 할인율의 추계방법으로는 시장추출법, 자본가격결정모형, 조성법, DCF모형, 가중평균자본비용법을 고찰하였다. 대상무형자산의 자본환원방법으로는 사용료절감법, 초과이익환원법, 이윤분할법, 업체가치잔여법, 가상소득환원법 등을 살펴보았다. The purpose of this study is to review the various valuation techniques of intangible assets. The value of intangible asset by the income approach can be measured as the present value of the economic benefit over the intangible asset's remaining useful life. The typical methods used in intangible asset economic income projections include extrapolation method, life cycle analyses, sensitivity analyses, simulation analyses, judgment method, and tabula rasa method. There are several methods available for estimating capitalization rates and discount rates for intangible asset, in which we have discussed market extraction method, capital asset pricing model, built-up method, discounted cash flow model, and weighted average cost of capital method. As the capitalization methods for intangible asset, relief-from-royalty method, excess earnings capitalization method, profit split method, residual from business enterprise method, postulated loss of income method and so on have been reviewed.

      • 地域開發의 空間單位設定에 관한 硏究

        안정근 대구대학교 새마을 . 지역사회개발연구소 1983 地域社會開發論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        One of the serious problems resulting from rapid urbanization is the disordence of boundary between the administrative region, urban planning region and actual uranized area. Therefore this study, as a preliminary approach providing the theoretical basis for the arbitrating these problems, is to figure out the princles and methods of regionalization. Three regions are classified: homogeneous region, nodal region and planning region, and two basic principles are identified: homogeneity principle and functional integration principle. Such methods as overlapping method, multivariate analysis and Dirichlet polygon are illustrated by the homogeneity principle. With the stages in the analysis of nodal regional system, according to the functional integration principle the methods of regionalization such as SMSA criteria, gravity models, central place models and linkage analysis are illustrated.

      • 都市階層의 形成과 發展過程에 관한 槪念的 模型

        安正根 대구대학교 새마을 . 지역사회개발연구소 1986 地域社會開發論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        The model proposed in this paper is devised to analyze the influence which the economic development in a specific city exerts on the its surrounding rural area and other cities. As a background to the model, Christaller's classical Central Place Theory is used and newly interpreted in a view of the balance equilibrium of trade between the central place and its hinterland. If there is a certain trade relationship between the central place and its hinterland, it means that the hinterland should have the surplus products to pay for the services provided by its central place and the central place should also have the surplus products to pay for the imports from its hinterland. The spatial economic interactions like this between the central place and its hinterland operate as a mechanism for forming and maintaining the hierarchical system of central places. The total products in the national economy can be devided into the two parts, primary products and derivative or secondary products. The increase of the primary products in a rural sector, the lowest order place in the hierarchical system, is the basic force to derive the secondary products in the central places of the higher order than that one. The size of the secondary products in each central place depends upon the degree of the spatial economic integration between the central place and its hinterland. The increase of the products in the industrial sector exerts great influences on the existing urban system in a traditional rural society. These influence that the increase of the industrial sector in a specific city upon its hinterland higher central places can be identified by combinating the two concepts developed from Central Place Theory, that is, the equilibrium of trade balance and the spatial economic integration, with the Economic Base Theory and Regional Input-Output Analysis. This model is evaluated available to explain and provide theoretical basis for the various empirical findings in the fields of Geography and Urban Studies. These are as follows: 1) Central goods and serveces flow not only from the higher places to the lower places but also from the lower ones to the higher ones to the higher ones. 2) The higher the hierarchical order of a city is, the bigger the ratio of non-basic activities to the total activities in that city is. 3) The city-size distribution in a regional level shows the pattern of cenral places distribution but in a natitonal level it shows the pattern fitted to rank-size distribution. This model also can give much suggestions to the regional development policy. Many theoretical researches primarily concern on the influence to peripheral regions by the development of a center, that is, spread effect and backwash effect. But this model can explain the developmental impact of a specific center not only on its periphery but also on other cities in higher hierarchical orders. The development effect of a specific center can be devided direct effect and indirect effect. The diirect effect to its periphery is decreasing the amount of its products by the out-flow of the population and to the higher order centers is increasing the products by the transformation of industrial structure. The indirect effect to its periphery is increasing the amount of its products according to the foreward linkage effect in a later stage and to the higher orders centers is inducing the derivative production by the increase of production in its periphery. This model is based on the theoretical deduction so that its availability should be tested by the empirical analysis.

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