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      • KCI등재

        ポライトネスの觀点から見た日本語の 得ストラテジ

        元智恩(Won Ji Eun) 일본어문학회 2016 일본어문학 Vol.72 No.-

        This paper uncovers the usage and characteristics of the persuasionstrategies found in Japanese TV dramas in terms of politeness. Our study subdivides Won’s (2001) classification of persuasion-strategies in accordance with the following two points. (1) Kohsai’a (1996) five-way logical system is incorporated into LS (Logos Strategy). (2) ES (Ethos Strategy), PS (Pathos Strategy), and LS (Logos Strategy) are included based on spontaneous data. The results of our analysis are summarised as follows. Firstly, whilst there is some relation between the degree of being polite to others and the frequency of persuasion-strategies, they are not strictly correlated. Secondly, persuasion-strategies are frequently used when (i) the content of persuasion is a burden on the listener, (ii) the listener’s power is relatively weak compared with the speaker’s power, and (iii) the social distances between the speaker and the listener are substantial. Thirdly, the speaker tends to persuade the listener by (i) resorting to the emotion of the hearer, (ii) talking about the speaker him/herself, and (iii) presenting reasonable evidence. On the basis of these considerations, it is argued that persuasions tend to be conducted logically and reasonably in the “high-politeness” contexts; persuasions tend to rely on emotions rather than logical evidence in the other “low-politeness” contexts.

      • KCI등재


        원지은(元智恩, Won, Ji-Eun) 일본어문학회 2009 일본어문학 Vol.47 No.-

        本研究では、日本語と韓国語の福音書に用いられた一人称代名詞の談話機能、使用頻度を分析し、使用頻度の差が生じる原因を考察した。一人称代名詞の談話機能は、元(2008)の分類に、一つの話題の中で視点の転換が行われたことを示す「視点転換」を加え、「対比」、「明示」、「話題導入」、「視点転換」、「強調」の五つに分類した。談話機能別使用頻度を調べると、「明示」が日韓両言語で最も多く、二番目に「強調」が多く用いられた。また、韓国語の福音書では日本語の福音書より一人称代名詞が多く 用いられた。その原因としては次のようなことが挙げられる。韓国語では身近な人につながり․所属を強調する傾向があり、日本語のように親族名称の使い分けをしていないことである。また、韓国語では語り手が相手にどのような行為をしたかを明示する傾向があり、依頼文で依頼主を明示する傾向があることである。韓国語では意志文の主語が明示されるのに対し、日本語では一人称代名詞に代わる代替表現(「「わが」、「自分」、「~と思います」など)が用いられたことを指摘した。そして、福音書別使用頻度を調べると、ヨハネの福音書で一人称代名詞が最も多く用いられている。ヨハネの福音書ではイエスのアイデンティティを明らかにするため、一人称代名詞が多用されていると考えられる。今後の課題としては、より多様なジャンルの談話における一人称代名詞を分析することが挙げられる。

      • KCI등재


        元智恩(Won, Ji Eun) 동아시아일본학회 2016 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.60

        본 연구에서는 한국과 일본의 TV 드라마에 나타난 의뢰 권유에 대한 거절과 수락을 분석했다. 한일 양국어의 거절담화의 구조는 거절의 이유를 말하는 발화를 중심으로 다른 기능을 가진 발화가 그 전후에 붙는 형태를 취하고 있다. 한일 양국어 거절의 차이점은 일본어에서는 거절의 이유나 화자의 희망사항을 말하는 경우가 많지만 한국어에서는 의뢰 권유 내용에 관한 질문이나 화자의 입장을 설명하거나 청자에게 행동을 요구하는 경우가 많다는 점이다. 한일 양국어에서의 전형적인 거절 유형은 거절 의사를 명확하게 표명하는 유형과 몇 개의 이유를 나열하는 유형이라는 점을 알 수 있었다. 양국어 수락의 핵심요소는 수락을 말하는 것이다. 한편 양국어 수락의 차이점은 일본어에서는 수락 표명과 청자에 대한 긍정적인 반응이나 질문을 많이 하지만, 한국어에서는 화자의 입장 설명, 수락 표명, 청자에 대한 행동요구를 많이 한다는 점이다. 양국어에서의 전형적인 수락은 명시적인 수락표현만 단독으로 사용된 유형이었으며, 일본어에서는 한국어에 비해서 간접적으로 수락하는 경향이 강하다는 점을 알 수 있었다. The study aimed at analyzing refusals and acceptances of inquiries and requests in Korean and Japanese TV shows. A refusal consists of explaining the reason for the refusal and additional speeches of different functions. The differences between Korean and Japanese refusals were that the Japanese expressions were more likely to express the speaker’s wish, while the Korean expressions were more likely to ask questions about the inquiry or request, explain the speaker’s stance, or require the listener to behave in a certain way. A typical refusal in Korean and Japanese states the refusal clearly and gives several reasons. The essential element of Korean and Japanese acceptances was saying acceptances. The difference between the two languages was that the Japanese expressions usually posed questions or gave a positive reaction to the acceptance and the listener, while the Korean expressions were more likely to express the speaker’s stance, acceptance statements, and a request for the listener to behave in a certain way. The typical acceptance in Korean and Japanese used a clear acceptance statement alone, but the Japanese expressions were more likely to show an indirect acceptance compared to their Korean counterparts.

      • KCI등재

        탁구 경기력의 심리요인과 인지된 경기력, 그릿의 관계

        원지은(Won, Ji Eun),이동운(Lee, Dong Woon),이근철(Lee, Keun Chul) 한국체육교육학회 2021 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        목적: 현재 연구의 목적은 탁구 경기력의 심리요인과 인지된 경기력, 그릿 간의 영향관계를 확인하고, 탁구 경기력의 심리요인과 인지된 경기력의 관계에서 그릿의 매개효과를 검증하는 데 있다. 방법: 비확률표집 중 의도적표집 방법을 적용해 대한탁구협회에 등록된 선수 194명을 표집하였고, 온라인 설문조사를 통해 자료를 수집하였다. IBM SPSS(Statistics 25.0, AMOS 23.0 그리고 PROCESS Macro 3.5)를 활용하여 기술통계, 확인적 요인분석, 신뢰도 분석, 상관관계 분석, 회귀분석 및 매개효과 분석을 실시하였다. 결과: 탁구 경기력의 심리요인과 인지된 경기력, 그릿 간의 관계에서 그릿의 하위요인인 흥미 유지와 인지된 경기력에서 탁구 경기력의 심리요인 중 자신감과 불안조절의 관계를 제외하고는 다른 모든 변인들 간 긍정적인 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 탁구 경기력의 심리요인과 인지된 경기력의 관계에서 그릿의 유의한 매개효과가 검증되었다. 결론: 이와 같은 결과는 탁구선수의 경기력 향상을 위한 심리적 측면의 관련 지식을 선수나 지도자에게 제공하고, 이를 통해 우수선수를 양성할 수 있는 체계적 기틀을 마련하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. Purpose: The purpose of current study was to examine the relationship among psychological factors of table tennis performance, perceived performance, and grit, and verify the mediated effect of grit in the relationship between table tennis performance and perceived performance. Methods: Purposive sampling which was one of the non-probability sampling methods was used, and online survey was employed to the target population (table tennis players with the Korea Table Tennis Association). Data were collected from a sample size of 194 participants. frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and mediating effect analysis were performed to verify the research hypothesis using IBM SPSS (Statistics 25.0, AMOS 21.0, and PROCESS macros 3.5) to perform. Results: The psychological factors of table tennis, perceived performance, and grit were all positively correlated except for consistency of interest in sub-factor of grit and confidence and anxiety control among psychological factors of table tennis performance in perceived performance. Also, in the relationship between the psychological factors of table tennis and perceived performance, grit showed a significant mediating effect. Conclusion: The findings could provide the players or coaches with relevant psychological knowledge for improving the performance of table tennis and a systematic foundation for training outstanding players through this.

      • KCI등재

        일본어의 의뢰·권유에 대한 응답의 분석

        원지은 ( Won Ji-eun ) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.69

        본 연구에서는 의뢰·거절에 대한 거절과 수락의 특징을 비교 분석했다. 지금까지의 선행연구에서는 거절을 분석한 연구가 대부분이었지만 본 연구에서는 거절과 수락을 동시에 분석했다. 본 연구에서는 일본 TV드라마에서 거절과 수락의 예문을 추출해서 의미공식이라는 담화 분석단위를 사용해서 거절과 수락의 핵심 요소 및 유형에 대한 분석을 했다. 본 연구의 분석 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 거절의 핵심요소는 < 이유·변명 >이며, 수락의 핵심적 요소는 < 수락 >이다. 거절과 수락은 핵심적 요소의 전후에 그 밖의 의미공식이 첨가되는 형태로 구성된다고 생각한다. 본 연구에서는 거절의 유형은 8가지로, 수락의 유형은 7가지로 분류하고 그 특징을 분석했다. 금후과제는 인간관계(상하관계, 친소관계)와 의미공식 사용과의 관계를 분석하는 것이다. The study compared and analyzed characteristics of refusals and acceptances to request·suggestion. Most of the advanced study was an analysis on refusals, but the study dealt with refusals and acceptances at the same time. Using semantic formulas, a talk analysis unit, by extracting examples of refusals and acceptances in Japanese TV shows, the study analyzed essential elements and types of refusals and acceptances. The result of the study is as follows. The essential element of refusals is < reason·excuse > and that of acceptances is < acceptance >. The study assumes that other sematic formulas are added to before and after the essential elements of refusals. The types of refusals are classified into eight categories and analyzed characteristics. The types of acceptances are classified into seven categories and analyzed characteristics. The following task is an analysis on the relation between personal relationship(between subordinates and superiors, between intimate people) and semantic formulas.

      • KCI등재

        일본 화장품 광고에서 사용된 수사법

        원지은(元智恩)(Won, Ji-Eun) 일본어문학회 2012 일본어문학 Vol.58 No.-

        広告は写真などの視覚的イメージ、音·声などの聴覚的要素、言語表現が有機的に統合されて表現される。消費者を説得するために、広告では様々な修辞法が用いられる。 本研究は日本の雑誌に掲載された化粧品の広告に用いられた修辞法を、語彙の使用に関する修辞法、文章の形式·使用に関する修辞法、意味に関する修辞法に分類し、それぞれを分析した。語彙の使用に関する修辞法としては、反復法、擬声語·擬態語の使用、漢字のふりがなにおける外来語の借用、新造語、名数、外国語·外来語の使用、製品の優越性を強調する語彙の使用、固有語のカタカナ表記が挙げられる。文章の形式·使用に関する修辞法としては、反復法、省略法、倒置法、設疑法が挙げられる。さらに、省略法は体言止め、助詞止め、接続助詞止め、副詞止めに分類できる。意味に関する修辞法としては隠 喩、換喩、擬人法、誇張法、対照法などが挙げられる。これらの修辞法の中で、特に、外来語の借用が目立つ。山田(2007)は日本語の処理化の度合いによって外来語を、第一型「未処理の外来語」、第二型「処理が進行中の外来語」、第三型「処理が終了している外来語」に分けている。本研究で分析した化粧品広告の中で、第一型「未処理の外来語」の使用が多くなっていた。高級で、専門性の高いというイメージを消費者に印象づけるためにこの種の外来語が多用されたのではないかと考えられる

      • KCI등재


        元智恩(Won Ji Eun) 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.78 No.-

        本研究では日本と韓国の恋愛における告白の言語行動を比較した。両国のテレビドラマから告白の用例を選別し、それを意味公式でコーディングした。その後、意味公式の頻度を分析し、そのような結果が得られた原因を考察した。恋愛の告白に関わる場面で、韓国では日本より会話が長く続き、直接的な告白を控え目にする傾向があった。韓国では告白場面で愛情を表現することが中心であるのに対し、日本では韓国より愛情の表現だけではなく、好きな理由と交際の申し込みも多くなっている。日韓共に告白に付随する発話として相手への質問が最も多かった。特に、韓国では日本より疑問詞疑問文の使用により相手のことをより詳しく聞く傾向があった。また、日本では自分の立場を説明し、相手に何かを頼むことが多いのに対し、韓国では相手を誘うことや自己開示や冗談などが多い。全体的に見れば、日本では告白場面で相手の領域を侵害せず、相手と距離を置くのに比べて、韓国では相手を話し手の領域に引き寄せることにより相手との距離を縮める傾向があると言える。 This study compared language behaviors of confessions in love relationships in Korea and Japan. Examples of confessions were selected from TV dramas of these two countries, and were coded as semantic formulae. Then, the frequency of use for the semantic formulae was analyzed and a cause which resulted in such an outcome was studied. In Korean dramas, scenes related to love confessions showed more conversations compared to Japan’s, and people tended to have a face face confession carefully and focused on expressing their affection. In Japanese dramas, on the other hand, people not only expressed their affection and told the reason why they were in love, but also asked out for a date a lot. In both Korean and Japanese dramas, people mostly asked questions about their partners as an utterance attached to confessions. Especially, the Koreans tended to ask for more details about the partners using an interrogative sentence than the Japanese did. Also, the Japanese often explained their own position and requested the partners to do something for them, while the Koreans talked to their partners using a suggestion, personal experience/memories, and jokes. Generally, it has been known from the confession scenes of Japanese dramas that the Japanese kept their partners at a distance, not breaking out into their territory. The Koreans, however, tended to make efforts to reduce distance from their partners, dragging them into the territory of the speakers.

      • KCI등재

        보육교사의 다문화 감수성이 다문화교육역량에 미치는 영향

        원지은(Won Ji Eun),고영미(Go Young Mi) 한국교원대학교 유아교육연구소 2019 한국유아교육연구 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구는 보육교사의 다문화 감수성과 다문화교육역량 간 관계가 어떠하며, 다문화 감수성이 다문화교육역량에 미치는 상대적 영향력이 어떠한지 알아보는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 다문화 영유아를 지도한 경험이 있는 충남 지역의 보육교사 202명을 대상으로 다문화 감수성 및 다문화교육역량에 대한 설문 조사를 실시한 후, 상관분석 및 단계적 중다회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 첫째, 보육교사의 다문화 감수성과 다문화교육역량 전체 및 하위요인 모두 정적 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 보육교사의 다문화교육역량 전체는 다문화 감수성의 하위요인인 상호작용 참여도와 상호작용 주의도가 영향을 미쳤으며, 다문화 지식에는 상호작용 주의도와 상호작용 자신도가, 다문화 기술에는 상효작용 참여도와 문화차이 존중도가 영향을 미치는 변인으로 나타났다. 이는 보육교사가 다문화 교육을 실행해가도록 지원하기 위해서는 교사의 다문화교육역량 뿐 아니라 다문화 감수성을 높일 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 것이 보다 효율적임을 시사한다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between multicultural sensitivity and multicultural education competence of childcare teachers, and to examine related effects of multicultural sensitivity on their multicultural education competence. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 202 childcare teachers in Chungnam who had experience of teaching multicultural children and then a correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis were conducted. The results of the study were as follows: First, there was a positive correlation between the multicultural sensitivity of childcare teachers and the overall and subfactors of multicultural education. Second, the overall multicultural education capability of the childcare teacher influenced interaction participation and interaction attention which are sub-factors of multicultural sensitivity. Interaction attention and interaction confidence influenced multicultural knowledge while interaction participation and respect for cultural difference had effects on multicultural skills. This suggests that it is more efficient to provide teachers with the opportunity to increase their multicultural sensitivity as well as their multicultural education capabilities in order to support childcare teachers in carrying out multicultural education.

      • KCI등재

        日韓のテレビ · ドラマに用いられた呼びかけ表現

        원지은(Won, Ji-Eun) 대한일어일문학회 2018 일어일문학 Vol.79 No.-

        In this study, the address in Korean and Japanese TV dramas was analyzed in the perspective of positive politeness. The subject materials for the study are Japanese dramas and the remakes of those dramas. The address were categorized by five different types: names, exclamations, fictive kinterms, nouns, personal pronouns. The usages of address were then analyzed using ‘listener level’ and ‘scene level’ put forwarded by Kabayaet.al.(1998).The name type was the most commonly used addressing form in both Korean and Japanese. The study showed that for the name type, only the last name was used as positive politeness strategy in Japanese while the full name was used in Korean. In Japanese, calling a name by last name was a way of expressing positive politeness to show intimacy to a close friend in a very casuals cene. In Korean, using a full name was a way of expressing positive politeness to a younger person regardless of degree of intimacy relation. While names and personal pronouns were relatively frequently used in Japanese, nouns and fictive kin terms were more frequent in Korean. In addition, the fictive kin terms and the usage of ‘Senpai’ showed a significant difference between the two languages. The address of the two languages express positive politeness to show and a feeling of intimacy and a sense of solidarity and to reduce emotional distance with the listener. This study focused on the addressing in the perspective of positive politeness, but the further analysis on the negative politeness is needed.

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