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      • KCI등재

        Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa and control of algal organic matters by potassium ferrate(VI) pre-oxidation enhanced Fe(II) coagulation

        Jihao Zhou,Zhiwei Zhao,Jie Liu,Wei Peng,Xia Peng,Yuting Han,Ping Xiao 한국화학공학회 2019 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.36 No.10

        The problem of cyanobacteria blooms during potable water production has generated wide concern. Ferrate( VI) serving as a pre-oxidation tactic was first applied to enhance conventional Fe(II) coagulation for Microcystis aeruginosa-laden water treatment at lab scale. Results demonstrated that ferrate(VI) pre-oxidation could successfully destabilize algae cells through destroying the protective organic layer. The residual ferrate(VI) together with post-added Fe(II) could provoke a comproportionation reaction, where large amounts of Fe hydrolyzates [Fe(OH)3] are formed. The in-situ Fe(OH)3 with abundant reactive surface is responsible for the promotion of flocs growth by facilitating the clustering and cross-linking of algal organic matters (AOM) and cyanobacteria cells, simultaneously resulting in satisfactory reductions in OD680, turbidity and UV254. Overdose of ferrate(VI) could cause severe cell destruction along with the release of intracellular organic matter (IOM), which may impair the water quality by increasing the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the disinfection by-products formation potential (DBPFP). Meanwhile, considering the Fe residual in settled water, the optimal ferrate(VI) dose (20 μM) and Fe(II) dose (80 μM) were proposed. Besides, the synergistic effect of both the degradation by ferrate(VI) and the adsorption by in-situ Fe(OH)3 contributed to the removal of DOC and Microcystin-LR. This study suggests that ferrate(VI) might be a potential candidate for pre-treatment to assist Fe(II) coagulation when addressing algae-laden water.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on Status Quo and Problems of Cultural Exchange of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor from the Perspective of Soft Power

        Sun Xiqin,He Hongmei,Zhou Yunsong,Zhou Yuting 한국정치사회연구소 2019 한국과 국제사회 Vol.3 No.2

        소프트 파워는 국제 교류 및 지역 협력에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 방글라데시·중국·인도·미얀마 지역은 지리적으로 보면 서로 인접되어 있으며 역사적으로 왕래가 빈번한다. 2013년 중·인 양국이 방글라데시·중국·인도·미얀마 경제회랑 건설을 제의한 후에, 방글라데시와 미얀마가 이 제안에 적극적으로 호응하면서 4국 간의 교류는 더욱 밀접해진다. 방·중·인·미 경제회랑 지역은 중국 서남과 방글라데시·인도·미얀마를 연결하는 중요한 통로 될 것이고, 이를 통해 관련지역의 문화교류도 많아질 것이다. 하지만 4국 간에는 문화교류는 중국과 인도의 소프트 파워에 의해 불균형한 상태로 보인다. 중국·인도는 방글라데시·미얀마에 대해 문화 제품이 더 많이 수출하고 있고, 이는 많은 분야에서 방글라데시와 미얀마에게 영향을 주고 있다. 향후에 이 경제회랑은 문화교류 및 협력 가속화하는 배경 하에, 지속 가능한 발전 체제를 구축해 나가야하며, 이를 통해 4국의 소프트 파워 영향력을 균형화시켜서 지역문화의 백화제방(百花齐放)를 달성할 것이다. Nowadays, soft power is playing a more important role in international communication and cooperation, and as cultural exchange in regional cooperation is deeply influenced by national soft powers, the development is usually unbalanced. Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar are adjacent to each other with a long history of intercourse. In the year 2013, initiation of constructing Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor advocated by China and India was responded positively by Bangladesh and Myanmar. Since then, the world has witnessed an increasing connection of these four countries. Being the critical bond connecting the southwestern areas of China and Bangladesh, India as well as Myanmar, Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor is characterized by multiple regional cultures along with frequent connections in cultural products and activities. However, cultural exchange now is dominated by imbalanced development due to potent soft power of China and India that these two countries export more cultural products to the rest, which has an impact in many fields of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Priority should be given to coordinated development in cultural exchange regarding the construction of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. Only by developing a sustainable development mechanism for cultural exchange, to coordinate the influences of soft powers of these four countries, then a fine complexion of all flowers are in bloom can be created, returning to five original intention of the construction of this economic corridor: “Policy Communication” and “Strength People-to-people Ties”, etc.

      • KCI등재

        Modification of coal tar-based porous carbon and analysis of its structure and electrochemical characteristics

        Xu Xinyuan,Wu Peng,Zhou Chunru,Dou Qiang,Lv Yuting 한국탄소학회 2024 Carbon Letters Vol.34 No.1

        Oxygen-rich porous carbon is of great interest for energy storage applications due to its improved local electronic structures compared with unmodified porous carbon. However, a tunable method for the preparation of oxygen-rich porous carbon with a special microstructure is still worth developing. Herein, a novel modification of porous carbon with different microstructures is facilely prepared via low-temperature solvothermal and KOH activation methods that employ the coal tar and eight substances, such as cellulose as carbon source and modifier, respectively. By testing the yield, surface group structure, lattice structures, morphology, thermal weight loss, and specific capacitance of carbonaceous mesophase, cellulose–hydrochloric acid is identified as the additive for the preparation of oxygen-rich coal tar-based porous carbon. The obtained porous carbon displays a specific surface area of up to 859.49 m2 g−1 and an average pore diameter of 2.39 nm. More importantly, the material delivers a high capacity of 275.95 F g−1 at 0.3 A g−1 and maintains a high capacitance of 220 F g−1 even at 10 A g−1. When in a neutral electrolyte, it can still retain a reversible capacity of 236.72 F g−1 at 0.3 A g−1 and 136.79 F g−1 at 10 A g−1. This work may provide insight into the design of carbon anode materials with high specific capacity.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative Study of Basic Characteristics of Ordinary and Dark Muscle in Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)

        Shulai Liu,Xiangyang Li,Xuxia Zhou,Xilin Zhang,Yuting Ding 한국식품과학회 2014 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.23 No.5

        Differences between ordinary and dark muscleof skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) including proximatecomposition, flavor, color, texture, and freshness wereinvestigated. Ordinary muscle had a higher crude proteincontent, but a lower crude lipid content than dark muscle. Alcohols (30.41%) and aldehydes (25.56%) were theprominent flavor compounds present in ordinary muscle,whereas hydrocarbons (39.51%) and ketones (21.81%)were more abundant in dark muscle. Different L*, a*, andb* values were also observed. Texture profile analysis(TPA) showed that dark muscle had higher values foradhesiveness, and lower values for cohensiveness, chewiness,and resilience. After mechanical breaking, large myofibrilfragments were observed in ordinary muscle under phasecontrast microscopy, but not in dark muscle. Freshnessindices, including K values, total volatile basic nitrogen(TVB-N), and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values of darkmuscle were higher than for ordinary muscle.

      • 试论中印教育交流合作的理论与实践

        和红,梅(Hongmei He),李蜀榆,(Shuyu Li),周雨婷,(Yuting Zhou) 한국국회학회 2020 한국과 세계 Vol.2 No.1

        随着全球化的发展, 国家(区域)之间的交流合作日益得到推进。中印两国不仅是世界上人口最多的大国, 也是亚洲区域内最大的发展中国家, 加强两国之间政治、经济、社会文化等各领域的交流与合作不仅对亚洲乃至世界的和平与发展将做出突出的贡献。然而, 基于历史和现实原因, 中印两国之间的交流合作不论从深度还是广度方面都亟待得到提升。进入21世纪, 作为全球化影响的一种有效回应的跨国教育合作的发展日益成为中印交流合作的重要方面。然而, 由于历史遗留问题、政治互信问题、社会文化差异性问题、经济交流不充分等方面的问题导致中印交流合作表现出了不充分和不完善等方面的问题。2013年, “一带一路”倡议提出后, 以“包容性”著称的南亚大国印度却对此表现出“疑虑”和“消极”的态度。“文明因多样而交流, 因交流而互鉴, 因互鉴而发展”, 而“人是文明交流最好的载体”。因此, 在这个背景下, 中印两国更需要加强教育合作, 才能更好地实现两国文明的交流互鉴。 With the development of globalization, exchanges and cooperation between countries sub-regions have been promoted day by day. China and India are not only the most populous countries in the world, but also the largest developing countries in Asia. Strengthening exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the political, economic, social and cultural fields will not only make outstanding contributions to peace and development in Asia and the world at large. However, due to historical and practical reasons, the exchanges and cooperation between China and India need to be improved in terms of both depth and breadth. In the 21st century, as an effective response to the impact of globalization, the development of transnational education cooperation has increasingly become an important aspect of Sino-Indian exchanges and cooperation. However, due to the problems left over from history, political mutual trust, social and cultural differences, inadequate economic exchanges and other problems, Sino-Indian exchanges and cooperation have shown inadequate and imperfect and other problems. In 2013, after the “BRI” put forward, India, a big country in South Asia known for its “inclusiveness”, showed a “skeptical” and “negative” attitude towards it. “Civilizations communicate because of diversity, learn from each other, and develop because of mutual learning”, while “people are the best carrier for civilization exchanges.” Therefore, in this context, China and India need to strengthen education cooperation in order to better realize the exchanges and mutual learning between the civilizations of the two countries.

      • KCI등재

        20(S)-ginsenoside Rg3 exerts anti-fi brotic effect after myocardial infarction by alleviation of fi broblasts proliferation and collagen deposition through TGFBR1 signaling pathways

        Honglin Xu,Haifeng Miao,Guanghong Chen,Guoyong Zhang,Yue Hua,Yuting Wu,Tong Xu,Changlei Hu,Mingjie Pang,Leyi Tan,Xin Han,Bin Liu,Yingchun Zhou 고려인삼학회 2023 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.47 No.6

        Background: Myocardial fibrosis post-myocardial infarction (MI) can induce maladaptive cardiacremodeling as well as heart failure. Although 20(S)-ginsenoside Rg3 (Rg3) has been applied to cardiovasculardiseases, its efficacy and specific molecular mechanism in myocardial fibrosis are largely unknown. Herein, we aimed to explore whether TGFBR1 signaling was involved in Rg3's anti-fibrotic effectpost-MI. Methods: Left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery ligation-induced MI mice and TGF-b1-stimulated primary cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) were adopted. Echocardiography, hematoxlin-eosin andMasson staining, Western-blot and immunohistochemistry, CCK8 and Edu were used to study the effectsof Rg3 on myocardial fibrosis and TGFBR1 signaling. The combination mechanism of Rg3 and TGFBR1 wasexplored by surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi). Moreover, myocardial Tgfbr1-deficient mice andTGFBR1 adenovirus were adopted to confirm the pharmacological mechanism of Rg3. Results: In vivo experiments, Rg3 ameliorated myocardial fibrosis and hypertrophy and enhanced cardiacfunction. Rg3-TGFBR1 had the 1.78 10 7 M equilibrium dissociation constant based on SPRi analysis,and Rg3 inhibited the activation of TGFBR1/Smads signaling dose-dependently. Cardiac-specific Tgfbr1knockdown abolished Rg3's protection against myocardial fibrosis post-MI. In addition, Rg3 downregulatedthe TGF-b1-mediated CFs growth together with collagen production in vitro through TGFBR1signaling. Moreover, TGFBR1 adenovirus partially blocked the inhibitory effect of Rg3. Conclusion: Rg3 improves myocardial fibrosis and cardiac function through suppressing CFs proliferationalong with collagen deposition by inactivation of TGFBR1 pathway.


        Model test and numerical simulation on the bearing mechanism of tunnel-type anchorage

        Li, Yujie,Luo, Rong,Zhang, Qihua,Xiao, Guoqiang,Zhou, Liming,Zhang, Yuting Techno-Press 2017 Geomechanics & engineering Vol.12 No.1

        The bearing mechanism of tunnel-type anchorage (TTA) for suspension bridges is studied. Model tests are conducted using different shapes of plug bodies, which are circular column shape and circular truncated cone shape. The results show that the plug body of the latter shape possesses much larger bearing capacity, namely 4.48 times at elastic deformation stage and 4.54 times at failure stage compared to the former shape. Numerical simulation is then conducted to understand the mechanical and structural responses of plug body and surrounding rock mass. The mechanical parameters of the surrounding rock mass are firstly back-analyzed based on the monitoring data. The calculation laws of deformation and equivalent plastic strain show that the numerical simulation results are rational and provide subsequent mechanism analysis with an established basis. Afterwards, the bearing mechanism of TTA is studied. It is concluded that the plug body of circular truncated cone shape is able to take advantage of the material strength of the surrounding rock mass, which greatly enhances its bearing capacity. The ultimate bearing capacity of TTA, therefore, is concluded to be determined by the material strength of surrounding rock mass. Finally, recommendations for TTA design are proposed and discussed.

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