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      • 암처리 엽수와 기간이 들깨의 생육 및 개화에 미치는 영향

        최영훈,최영환,이영근,김용균,손병구,강점순,김근기 밀양대학교 농업기술개발연구소 2000 農業技術開發硏究所報 Vol.4 No.1

        The lower leaves shading in upper leaves is unknown to be reduced significantly due to the early differentiation of flower-bud by dark treatment of leaves when growing perilla for harvesting the leaves in the greenhouse during the winter. This study analyzed the effect of dark treatment of leaves on the growth and regulation of flowering, which are closely related with differentiation of flower and amount of leaves. One leaf and 3 leaves per plant were dark treated for 0, 5, 10 days. Plant hight was reduced in 3 leaves treatment, but there was no difference in 1 leaf treatment. Stem diameter was reduced in both 1 leaf and 3 leaves treatments, which was more significant in 3 leaves treatment. Leaf area was reduced when 1 leaf was treated for 10 days, but there was no difference when 1 leaf was treated for 5 days. When 3 leaves were treated, leaf area was no difference between treatments. However, leaf area which 3 leaves were treated was reduced more significantly than that 1 leaf was treated. Seed weight was remarkably decreased when 1 leaf was treated for 10 days, and it was decreased when 3 leaves were treated for more than 5 days.

      • 1-Phenylindole Ester류의 합성과 반응성 연구

        崔舜圭,金兪瑛,兪丙國,李龍均,鄭大一 東亞大學校附設基礎科學硏究所 1993 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        일반적인 dienophile에 대한 pyrrole의 반응은 pyrrole이 diene system으로 작용된 [4+2] 고리부가반응과 pyrrole의 α-탄소 위치에 부가되는 Michael형태의 반응이 알려져 있다.

      • KCI등재

        생물막 공정에서 질소제거효율 향상을 위한 유기성담체의 효용성 검토

        최동욱,최영균,김대영,김윤중,정태학 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Availability of organic media for improving nitrogen removal efficiency in a biofilter process was studied. Although, aerobic and anoxic phase could be clearly divided during the operation of single-stage biofilter process and nitrification efficiency was about 80%, denitrification efficiency was very low due to depletion of organic substrate in anoxic phase. However, the deficiency could be improved by addition of organic media in anoxic phase from the simulated result. Nitrogen removal efficiency in a biofilter process packed with organic media in anoxic phase was predicted to be 29% higher than that packed with inorganic media. In addition, about 79% of nitrogen removal efficiency could be obtained from a column test using organic media innoculated by activated sludge. Improvement in nitrogen removal efficiency was responsible for organic leaching from the organic media and the leaching rate was 0.21㎎COD/g-org.media/day.

      • 토양미생물을 이용한 하수의 질소제거효율 향상

        최영균,오동익,이종영,손대희 대구대학교 환경기술연구소 2005 미래환경기술 Vol.1 No.2

        The effect of humus soil on biological denitrification was investigated through NUR batch tests. Specific denitrification rate of HMLE(Modified Ludzack Ettinger process combined with Humus soil contactor) and CMLE(Control Modified Ludzack Ettinger process) sludges as well as COD consumed for denitrification could be estimated from the batch tests. Two linear phases of denitrification rate could be observed when acetate was used as a carbon source. However, denitrification behavior was composed of three linear phases when a primary settled municipal wastewater(PW) was used as a carbon source. The specific denitrification rates on SBCOD(slowly biodegradable COD) fraction in raw wastewater were estimated 4.82 and 3.73 mg N/g VSS·hr when HMLE and CMLE sludge was used as a seed sludge. It means that the hydrolysis rate of HMLE sludge on SBCOD fraction was higher than that of CMLE sludge. Actinomycetes, one of the soil microorganisms, was estimated 150,000 actinomycetes/ml in the biomass of HMLE process, which was 10 times higher than that of CMLE process. Actinomycetes was well known for its distinguished hydrolyzing ability on particulate organic matter. Almost of input COD was utilized for denitrification and cell synthesis when HMLE sludge was used as a seed sludge in NUR batch test. While, about 70% of input COD was comsumed when CBNR sludge was used. It means that substrate utilization rate, especially SBCOD utilization rate, of HMLE sludge was higher than that of CMLE sludge.

      • 當歸四逆湯이 Endotoxin으로 誘發된 白鼠의 血栓症에 미치는 影響

        崔蘭淑,金塋均 동의대학교 한의학연구소 1998 동의한의연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The experiment reached these conclusions in consequence of measurement of effect of Dangguisayouktang on the intravascular coagulation induced by Endotoxin in Rats 1. Leukocyte increased in number significantly on the sample's seacond day in comparison with the control group. 2. Hematocrit increased in rate significantly oil the sample's first and third day in comparison with the control group. 3. Hemoglobin increased in quantity significantly on sample's third day in comparison with the control group. 4. MCV had not any significant change in comparison with the control group. 5. Platelet decreased in number significantly on the sample's second day in comparison with the control group. 6. Prothrombin time decreased significantly on the sample's first day in comparison with the control group. 7. FDP concentration increased on the sample's second day in comparison with the control group.

      • KCI등재

        하수의 유기물 분류에 미치는 동력학적 영향인자의 민감도 분석

        최영균,김성홍,정태학 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The effects of 6 kinetic parameters such as Y_H (yield coefficient of heterotrophs), b_H (decay rate of heterotrophs, /d), μ_HR (heterotrophic maximum specific growth rate on RBCOD, /d), μ_HS (heterotrophic maximum specific growth rate on SBCOD, /d), K_S (heterotrophic half saturation coefficient for RBCOD, ㎎COD/L) and K_X (heterotrophic half saturation coefficient for SBCOD) on the variation of RBCOD (readily biodegradable COD) concentration were analyzed during the COD fractionation of primary settled municipal wastewater by simulation of respirometric tests. Variation of RBCOD concentration was the highest when Y_H was changed within the acceptable range and standard deviation was about 48% of the averaged RBCOD concentration. Standard deviations of RBCOD concentration were about 10.4 and 6.3% of the averaged values when μ_HS and K_X were changed, respectively and it was about 6.5% when b_H was changed. The effects of μ_HR and K_S on RBCOD estimation were lower than the other kinetic parameters and the variations of RBCOD concentration were only about 2.2 and 3.5% of the averaged value when those two kinetic parameters were changed, respectively. Accordingly, hydrolysis or oxidation of SBCOD (slowly biodegradable COD) was more important than RBCOD oxidation during the analysis of respirometric test. It means that the variation of RBCOD concentration was more sensitive to the change of μ_HS and K_X than that of μ_HR and K_S because μ_HR and K_S did not directly affect the RBCOD concentration in wastewater. However, μ_HS and K_X could affect the RBCOD concentration through hydrolysis of SBCOD.

      • 대전·충남지역 고등학교 1학년생의 풍진 항체보유율과 백신접종 후의 항체형성률

        오성균,김수영,여경오,김윤태,최명한,이석구,조영채,이동배,이태용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.2

        For the purpose of investigating the positive rate of rubella antibody and sero-conversion rate after rubella vaccination, 863 high school students of the two regions were studied from April 21st, 1996 to September 20th, 1996. The main results were as follows; 1. Positive rate of IgG in male was higher than in female, and the rate of IgM was also higher in male than in female. 2. Positive rate of IgG by blood type was similar, but positive rate of IgM was higher in AB type than the others. 3. Positive rate of IgG by vaccination was similar to all groups, but positive rate of IgM was higher in which was not vaccinated group. 4. Positive rate of IgG and IgM, having vaccination card, was less than which was not having vaccination card. 5. Those who were vaccinated acquired IgG(+) regardless of an existence of IgG antibody, and 28.3% of IgG(-), IgM(+) male who was not vaccinated became IgM(+), IgG(+) after 3months later. As a result positive rate of male was higher than female. The author conclude that vaccination is necessary to prevent from rubella for them.

      • KCI등재

        하수슬러지의 전처리가 슬러지의 생분해성에 미치는 영향

        장은수,최영균,김형수,염익태 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        Effects of alkaline, ozone, and combination of alkaline and ozone pretreatments on the biodegradability of sewage sludge were investigated. Solubilization efficiency in terms of SCOD production was higher in the order of the sludge treated with both alkali and ozone, alkali, ozone. Alkaline pretreatment was performed at pH 12 for 3hr and ozone dosage was 0.02 or 0.05 gO₃/gSS. When the sludge was treated with ozone without alkali addition, the solubilization efficiency increased with the ozone dosage. Batch tests were conducted using activated sludge as a seed and pretreated sludge as a feed. The highest biodegradability could be obtained when the sludge was treated with both alkali and ozone. Biodegradability of the pretreated sludge showed linear relationship with the solubilization efficiency, suggesting that the solubilization efficiency be a useful index to evaluate the biodegradability of the pretreated sludge. Production of carbon dioxide during the batch tests also indicated that the alkaline followed by ozone pretreatment showed the highest efficiency for the biodegradability of the sludge.

      • KCI등재후보

        무기고분자응집제를 이용한 조류의 응집제거

        김규동,최영균,김희준,곽종운,정태학 대한상하수도학회 2002 상하수도학회지 Vol.16 No.5

        An Experimental study was conducted for the removal of algae using various inorganic coagulants. Cultivation of algae, investigation of turbidity and chlorophyll-a removal efficiency according to the dosage of coagulants were conducted in series using a jar-tester in this study. Alum, PAC (Polyaluminum chloride), PAC-2 (Concentrated Polyaluminum chloride), PAC-Ca (PAC with Ca), PFC (Polyferricchloride) and PACS (Polyaluminum chlorinate silicate) with various SiO_2 content were used as coagulants. Algae grew up to about 1,500㎍ chlorophyll-a/l in 30 days. Cultivated algae was diluted to 150㎍ chlorophyll-a/l for the laboratory experiment. Decrease of pH was the lowest when PACS-5 was used as a coagulant, while it was the highest when PAC was used. Host of the coagulants showed high turbidity removal rate when the dosage was 1-3 mg Al/l. PFC showed stable turbidity removal efficiency and 80% of removal efficiency could be obtained when the dosage was 1.34 mg Fe/l. Among the coagulants, PACSs showed relatively higher removal efficiency of chlorophyll-a and it was the highest when PACS-5 was used. It means that inorganic coagulant including silicate is more advantageous in the removal of algae, and appropriate content of silicate on the basis of molar ratio of Al to Si is an important factor affecting the stability and settleability of the alum floc.

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