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      • 工業高等學校 建築敎育 活性化를 위한 硏究

        金英厦,呂運昌 단국대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        It is said that the technical high school have changed with national economical policy since liberation. The fact was that the technical high school had educational system of vocational school of foreign college but had not distinct educational aims because of dearth of educational process and facilities. Under this condition, with view to making professional education have systematic and synthetic contents, the technical high school must come out past irrational contents and accept ideal system for the better. Accordingly, as the method for activating architectural education of the technical high school, it analyzes the present school curriculum, the present situation of facilities and students thought by opinionnaire, Then it draws out new educational direction from comparing domastic department of architecture with foreign. Therefore it presents new educational system in accordance with the new direction.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선소 용접공진폐증의 발생에 관련된 요인 분석

        손혜숙,최성룡,유영진,이채언 大韓産業醫學會 1994 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        부산지역조선소에 근무하는 547명의 용접공을 대상으로 용접공진폐증의 유소견율을 작업부서, 용접기간, 용접시작 년도, 연령과 마스크사용에 따라 비교하였다. 전체 용접공진폐증의 유소견율은 7.9%로 동지역에서 1989년 조사된 유소견율 8.9%보다 낮았다. 용접공진폐증의 유소견율은 용접작업기간이 길수록, 작업시작년동가 빠를수록, 마스크를 사용하지 않은군에서 통계적으로 유의하여 높게 관찰되어 용접공진폐증의 발생에 용접작업기간, 환경개선정도와 마스크사용의 영향을 미치는 인자로 관찰되었다. 이들 인자중 용접기간 5-9년군이 5년 이하군에 대하여, 1975년 이전 용접시작군, 1976-81년 용접시작군이 1982년 이후 시작군에 대한 odds ratio가 각 각 5.98, 8,8과 12.38였다. 용접공진폐증자 37명의 방사선사진은 과거와 비교한 결과 진행된 예는 없었으며, 10명은 변화가 없었다. 비진폐군에 비하여 용접공진폐군에서 결핵유병율이 통계적으로 유의하게 높게 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과에서 조선소에서 발생하는 용접공진폐증은 환경개선 및 보호구의 적절한 착용 등으로 발생을 예방하는 것이 가능하고, 발생된 경우라도 역시 적절한 관리에 의해 호전되므로, 조선조 용접공 진폐증은 타 진폐증과는 구분 관리되어야 할 것이다. 즉 조선소 용접공진폐증의 발생을 예방하기 위하여 지속적인 법적규제와 근로자 개인에 대한 보호구 사용의 필요성 및 올바른 보호구 사용에 대한 교육이 필요하겠으며, 발생한 용접공진폐증은 즉각적인 작업부서전환보다는 진폐증이 발생한 부서의 환경개선을 고려함과 동시에 진폐발생자에게 보호구착용 등을 지도하면서 추적 관리를 하여야 할 것이다. Pneumoconiosis is one of the most important occupational disease in Korea. In Pusan, most of pneumoconiosis is welders' pneumoconiosis developed in shipyard. With clinical(including interview with every patients) and radiological(chest radiographs) methods, author purposed to know the factors related to the concept for health care(management) of shipyard welders. The prevalence rate of welders' pneumoconiosis was calculated by the means of reading of chest radiographs of 547 shipyard welders. The prevalence rate of welders' pneumoconiosis(including suspected pneumoconiosis, category 0/1) was 7.9%. It was lower than that (8.9%) in same area studied in 1989. Prevalence rate increased as total welding duration increased and the welding work began early. It was higher in welders who did not use antidust mask. Probability of the occurrence of welder's pneumoconiosis was related with the time that the welder began welding work. sixteen cases among the 37 who were diagnosed as pneumoconiosis returned normal in the follow-up chest radiographs. There was no case aggrevated. The pertinent management for the personnels and their working environment contributed to the decrease of incidence of the welders' pneumoconiosis and the improvement of the disease. Tp prevent the occurrence of the pneumoconiosis in shipyard welders, it seems to be necessary for the company to be supervised under the any legislation, and to educate the welder to use the protective apparatus. It is suggested that considerate and continuous observation under the adequate management is preferable to the immediate conversion of the working department for the pneumoconiotic welders.

      • KCI등재후보

        반복작업에 의해 발생한 척골관 증후군 1례

        김정원,박인선,이영준,김유창,김필자,강동묵,이채언 대한산업의학회 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Objectives : To report cubital tunnel syndrome due to repetitive motions. Methods : A worker complaining muscle weakness and atrophy of the right hand intrinsic muscles admitted to a hospital. We evaluated him with blood tests, neurophysio-logic studies (NCV & EMG), plain X-ray and US at the both elbows. We investigated his occupational history, and videotaped his work motions based on the work cycle at his previous work site. Finally, an ergonomics expert analyzed the motions using rapid upper limb assessment (RULA). Results : NCV & EMG studies reveals slow conduction velocity on both ulnar nerve across the elbow, more severely in the right side. US shows us compatible finding with diffuse neuritis of both ulnar nerves at both elbows. RULA score is 7. Conclusion : We confirmed that the worker's symptoms were related to his previous jobs demanding repetitive motions using the elbow joints. It is necessary that we should prepare appropriate measures to evaluate, prevent, rehabilitate, and help injured workers to return to work.


        Regulatory B Subunits of Protein Phosphatase 2A Are Involved in Site-specific Regulation of Tau Protein Phosphorylation

        Yu, Un Young,Yoo, Byong Chul,Ahn, Jung-Hyuck The Korean Society of Pharmacology 2014 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.18 No.2

        Overexpression of amyloid precursor protein with the Swedish mutation causes abnormal hyperphosphorylation of the microtubule-associated protein tau. Hyperphosphorylated isoforms of tau are major components of neurofibrillary tangles, which are histopathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), a major tau protein phosphatase, consists of a structural A subunit, catalytic C subunit, and a variety of regulatory B subunits. The B subunits have been reported to modulate function of the PP2A holoenzyme by regulating substrate binding, enzyme activity, and subcellular localization. In the current study, we characterized regulatory B subunit-specific regulation of tau protein phosphorylation. We showed that the PP2A B subunit PPP2R2A mediated dephosphorylation of tau protein at Ser-199, Ser-202/Thr-205, Thr-231, Ser-262, and Ser-422. Down-regulation of PPP2R5D expression decreased tau phosphorylation at Ser-202/Thr-205, Thr-231, and Ser-422, which indicates activation of the tau kinase glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta ($GSK3{\beta}$) by PP2A with PPP2R5D subunit. The level of activating phosphorylation of the $GSK3{\beta}$ kinase Akt at Thr-308 and Ser-473 were both increased by PPP2R5D knockdown. We also characterized B subunit-specific phosphorylation sites in tau using mass spectrometric analysis. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that the phosphorylation status of the tau protein may be affected by PP2A, depending on the specific B subunits. These studies further our understanding of the function of various B subunits in mediating site-specific regulation of tau protein phosphorylation.

      • KCI등재

        Effect on Cell Cycle Progression by N-Myc Knockdown in SK-N-BE(2) Neuroblastoma Cell Line and Cytotoxicity with STI-571 Compound

        Un-Young Yu,Je-Eun Cha,주선영,조경아,유은선,유경하,우소연 대한암학회 2008 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.40 No.1

        Purpose: Neuroblastoma is a common tumor in childhood, and generally exhibits heterogeneity and a malignant progression. MYCN expression and amplification profiles frequently correlate with therapeutic prognosis. Although it has been reported that MYCN silencing causes differentiation and apoptosis in human neuroblastoma cells, MYCN expression influences the cytotoxic potential of chemotherapeutic drugs via the deregulation of the cell cycle. STI-571 may constitute a promising therapeutic agent against neuroblastoma, particularly in cases in which c-Kit is expressed preferentially in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma. Materials and Methods: To determine whether STI-571 exerts a synergistic effect on cytotoxicity with MYCN expression, we assessed apoptotic cell death and cell cycle distribution after 72 h of exposure to STI-571 with or with out treatment of SK-N-BE(2) neuroblastoma cells with MYCN siRNA. Results: MYCN siRNA-treated SK-N-BE(2) cells did not affect apoptosis and cells were arrested in G0/G1 phase after STI-571 treatment. Conclusions: siRNA therapy targeted to MYCN may not be effective when administered in combination with STI-571 treatment in cases of neuroblastoma. Therefore, chemotherapeutic drugs that target S or G2-M phase may prove ineffective when applied to cells arrested in the G0/1 phase as the result of MYCN knockdown and STI-571 treatment. (Cancer Res Treat. 2008;40:27-32)


        Phosphorylation on the PPP2R5D B regulatory subunit modulates the biochemical properties of protein phosphatase 2A

        ( Un Young Yu ),( Jung Hyuck Ahn ) 생화학분자생물학회 2010 BMB Reports Vol.43 No.4

        To characterize the biochemical properties of the PP2A regulatory B subunit, PPP2R5D, we analyzed its phosphorylation sites, stoichiometry and effect on holoenzyme activity. PPP2R5D was phosphorylated on Ser-53, Ser-68, Ser-81, and Ser-566 by protein kinase A, and mutations at all four of these sites abolished any significant phosphorylation in vitro. In HEK293 cells, however, the Ser-566 was the major phosphorylation site after PKA activation by forskolin, with marginal phosphorylation on Ser-81. Inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation on Tyr-307 of the PP2A catalytic C subunit was decreased after forskolin treatment. Kinetic analysis showed that overall PP2A activity was increased with phosphorylation by PPP2R5D phosphorylation. The apparent Km was reduced from 11.25 μM to 1.175 μM with PPP2R5D phosphorylation, resulting in an increase in catalytic activity. These data suggest that PKA-mediated activation of PP2A is enabled by PPP2R5D phosphorylation, which modulates the affinity of the PP2A holoenzyme to its physiological substrates. [BMB reports 2010; 43(4): 263-267]


        Regulatory B Subunits of Protein Phosphatase 2A Are Involved in Site-specific Regulation of Tau Protein Phosphorylation

        Un Young Yu,Byong Chul Yoo,Jung-Hyuck Ahn 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 2014 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.18 No.2

        Overexpression of amyloid precursor protein with the Swedish mutation causes abnormal hyperphos-phorylation of the microtubule-associated protein tau. Hyperphosphorylated isoforms of tau are major components of neurofibrillary tangles, which are histopathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), a major tau protein phosphatase, consists of a structural A subunit, catalytic C subunit, and a variety of regulatory B subunits. The B subunits have been reported to modulate function of the PP2A holoenzyme by regulating substrate binding, enzyme activity, and subcellular localization. In the current study, we characterized regulatory B subunit-specific regulation of tau protein phosphorylation. We showed that the PP2A B subunit PPP2R2A mediated dephosphory-lation of tau protein at Ser-199, Ser-202/Thr-205, Thr-231, Ser-262, and Ser-422. Down-regulation of PPP2R5D expression decreased tau phosphorylation at Ser-202/Thr-205, Thr-231, and Ser-422, which indicates activation of the tau kinase glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3<em>β</em>) by PP2A with PPP2R5D subunit. The level of activating phosphorylation of the GSK3<em>β</em> kinase Akt at Thr-308 and Ser-473 were both increased by PPP2R5D knockdown. We also characterized B subunit-specific phos-phorylation sites in tau using mass spectrometric analysis. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that the phosphorylation status of the tau protein may be affected by PP2A, depending on the specific B subunits. These studies further our understanding of the function of various B subunits in mediating site-specific regulation of tau protein phosphorylation.

      • KCI등재

        기면병 환자의 주의집중 저하와 주간졸음증 간의 상관관계 부재

        김석주,류인균,이유진,이주영,정도언,Kim, Seog-Ju,Lyoo, In-Kyoon,Lee, Yu-Jin,Lee, Ju-Young,Jeong, Do-Un 대한수면의학회 2005 수면·정신생리 Vol.12 No.2

        배 경:본 연구에서는 청년기 기면병 환자의 인지기능 변화를 평가하고자 하였다. 청년기 기면병 환자의 인지기능과 수면 증상과의 관계도 관찰하였다. 방 법:17세 이상 35세 이하의 기면병 환자 18명과 정상대조군 18명을 모집하여 연구를 시행하였다. 탈력발작이 있고, HLA $DQB_1$ *0602 양성인 경우만을 기면병 대상군으로 하였다. 기면병 대상군과 정상대조군에게 13종의 신경심리검사(Wisconsin 카드분류, Trail making, Stroop, Ruff, 청각순차합산, 바꿔쓰기, 숫자 외우기, 공간 외우기, Rey 기억력, California 언어학습, 통제단어연상, Boston 이름대기, 굽은 막대 검사)를 시행하여 양군을 비교하였다. 그리고, 기면병 대상군의 신경심리검사 결과와 Epworth 졸음증 척도, Ullanlinna 기면병 척도, 야간수면다원검사 및 입면 잠복시간 반복검사 결과 사이의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 결 과:기면병 대상군은 정상 대조군에 비해 2.0초 간격과 2.4초 간격의 청각순차합산, 바꿔쓰기, 공간 외우기 정방향 검사에서 수행능력이 저조하였다(t=3.86, p<0.001;t=-2.47, p=0.02;t=-3.95, p<0.001;t=-2.22, p=0.03). 다른 신경심리검사에서는 양 군간에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 기면병 대상군에서 저하된 신경심리검사 결과는 Epworth 졸음증 척도나 Ullanlinna 기면병 척도와 유의한 상관관계가 없었으며, 야간수면다원검사나 입면잠복시간 반복검사와도 유의한 상관관계가 없었다. 결 론:본 연구에서 기면병 환자군의 주의력이 저하되어 있음을 관찰하였다. 그러나 주의력 저하는 주간 졸음증과 유의한 상관을 보이지 않았다. 따라서 기면병 환자의 주의력 저하는 주간 졸음증의 개선만으로 호전시킬 수 없다는 점을 시사한다. Objectives: The objective of this study is to assess cognitive functions and their relationship with sleep symptoms in young narcoleptic patients. Methods: Eighteen young narcolepsy patients and 18 normal controls (age: 17-35 years old) were recruited. All narcolepsy patients had HLA $DQB_1$ *0602 allele and cataplexy. Several important areas of cognition were assessed by a battery of neuropsychological tests consisting of 13 tests: executive functions (e.g. cognitive set shifting, inhibition, and selective attention) through Wisconsin card sorting test, Trail Making A/B, Stroop test, Ruff test, Digit Symbol, Controlled Oral Word Association and Boston Naming Test; alertness and sustained attention through paced auditory serial addition test; verbal/nonverbal short-term memory and working memory through Digit Span and Spatial Span; visuospatial memory through Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test; verbal learning and memory through California verbal learning test; and fine motor activity through grooved pegboard test. Sleep symptoms in narcolepsy patients were assessed with Epworth sleepiness scale, Ullanlinna narcolepsy scale, multiple sleep latency test, and nocturnal polysomnography. Relationship between cognitive functions and sleep symptoms in narcolepsy patients was also explored. Results: Compared with normal controls, narcolepsy patients showed poor performance in paced auditory serial addition (2.0 s and 2.4 s), digit symbol tests, and spatial span (forward)(t=3.86, p<0.01; t=-2.47, p=0.02; t=-3.95, p<0.01; t=-2.22, p=0.03, respectively). There were no significant between-group differences in other neuropsychological tests. In addition, results of neuropsychological test in narcolepsy patients were not correlated with Epworth sleepiness scale score, Ullanlinna narcolepsy scale score and sleep variables in multiple sleep latency test or nocturnal polysomnography. Conclusion: The current findings suggest that young narcolepsy patients have impaired attention. In addition, impairment of attention in narcolepsy might not be solely due to sleep symptoms such as excessive daytime sleepiness.

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