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      • Evaluation of the Rain Effects on Gap Acceptance Behavior at Roundabouts by a Logit Model

        Lee, Dongmin,Hwang, Sooncheon,Ka, Eunhan,Lee, Chungwon Hindawi Limited 2018 Journal of advanced transportation Vol.2018 No.-

        <P>A roundabout is generally known as an efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly intersection. Since 2010, the Korea government has taken the lead in constructing roundabouts as part of a special project. During that time, many ideas have been put forward to improve the safety, operation, and design of such roundabouts. In terms of improvements, it is particularly important to understand roundabout gap acceptance behavior. As such, we investigated gap acceptance behaviors at four roundabouts based on field observation during both good weather and rainy conditions. Based on the observed data, roundabout critical gaps were estimated, and a logit model for gap acceptance using various roundabout variables was developed to investigate gap acceptance maneuvering at roundabouts. A total of 2,421 data events for gap acceptance were collected from the field observation. Out of these events, 64.6% of drivers (1,564 drivers) accepted the given gaps and 35.4% of drivers (857 drivers) rejected them. The values for critical gaps were estimated using several different estimation methods and ranged from 3.3 to 4.7 seconds. The model was developed using four variables including gap size, type of circulating vehicle, traffic volume at the circulating lane, and weather conditions. The developed model shows that a longer gap results in a 3.669 times higher probability of entering roundabouts when the gap is sufficiently great for acceptance than when the gap is smaller. The effects of other variables, such as circulating vehicle types, circulating traffic volume, and weather conditions, are relatively lower than that of a gap size. Rain conditions influenced gap acceptance maneuvering around a roundabout. Drivers need about a 10 percent longer gap to accept entry into roundabouts during rainy conditions, and gap acceptance probabilities are 10 to 20 percent lower for the same given gap time during rainy conditions compared to good weather conditions.</P>

      • Laryngeal elevation strengthener development

        ( Hyukju Lee ),( Sooncheon Lee ),( Seungyeon Kim ),( Rea Mun ),( Unhui Park ),( Youngsik Won ),( Kyeho Kim ) 한국감성과학회 2017 한국감성과학회 국제학술대회(ICES) Vol.2017 No.-

        Swallowing is the process of sending food from the mouth to the stomach. The problem that arises in this process is called 'dysphagia'. The stage of swallowing can be divided into the oral phase, pharyngeal phase, and the esophageal phase. The pharyngeal phase is the contraction of the suprahyoid muscle with swallowing reflexes, and the hyoid bone and larynx rise up to protect the airway and open the upper esophageal sphincter. The most typical rehabilitation method for treating patients with swallowing disorders is Shaker exercise. Shaker exercises are performed with isotonic and isometric movements by lifting the head in a lying position. However, several studies have reported disadvantages of Shaker exercise such as pain, dizziness, and high burden. Chin Tuck Against Resistance (CTAR) was introduced to complement the limitations of this Shaker exercise. CTAR is a movement that places the rubber ball between the mandible and the sternum and then pushes it strongly against the jaw. This exercise is more effective than Shaker, but it has disadvantages such as difficulty in positioning the rubber ball in the center, elasticity and size of the rubber ball are not constant, not quantitative, and patients who have undergone tracheostomy are limited. To improve and overcome these shortcomings, we have developed a laryngeal elevation trainer. The laryngeal elevation trainer can be easily fixed to the larynx by the use of tension acrylic, and can exercise in a more accurate posture. 3mm, 5mm, and 7mm tension acrylics can be used to control elasticity, exercise quantitatively, and visual and auditory biofeedbacks through tablets can make exercise more effective and fun. Patients with swallowing disorders who have undergone tracheostomy by creating a space in the larynx can also be used safely. Based on these results, we conducted a study on The Effect of Bipedal Resistance Exercise with Biofeedback on the Enhancement of Swallowing Ability of Stroke Patients with Dysphagia. This study confirmed the overall effect of enhancing swallowing function (K-MASA, GUSS). We also confirmed the improvement of quality of life (K-SWAL-QOL) by improving swallowing function. As shown above, biofeedback laryngeal strengthening training through laryngeal elevation strengthener improves overall laryngeal function and improves quality of life of swallowing disorder patients. The Laryngeal enhancement strengthener will help you make rehabilitation more accurate, systematic, easy and intriguing, with biofeedback laryngeal strengthening exercises.

      • Tongue pressure measurement and trainer development

        ( Hyukju Lee ),( Sooncheon Lee ),( Seungyeon Kim ),( Rea Mun ),( Yunhui Park ),( Youngsik Won ),( Kyeho Kim ) 한국감성과학회 2017 한국감성과학회 국제학술대회(ICES) Vol.2017 No.-

        Swallowing is the process of sending food from the mouth to the stomach. A problem in this process is called swallowing disorder. It is caused by various causes such as nervous system diseases, structural problems, and mental problems. Swallowing disorders occur in 32% of inpatients in rehabilitation medicine and are a common problem with 50 to 75% of stroke patients. The biggest problem with swallowing disorders is that they cause serious complications. Aspiration pneumonia, dehydration, and malnutrition. Among them, aspiration pneumonia is a serious complication that causes food to enter the lungs during swallowing and cause the patient to die. However, until now, rehabilitation of the tongue function has become non-standardized, and it is a reality that the initial state of the patient and the state of improvement were depended on the visual and intuition of the therapist. To overcome these shortcomings, I developed a tool in the US called the Iowa oral performance instrument (IOPI) to measure intraoral pressure. IOPI is designed to provide more objective treatment because it can make accurate measurements. However, it is difficult for patients to feedback because the numerical value is represented by light and numbers, and the therapists must calculate the numbers necessary for rehabilitation. , There was a disadvantage that it was impossible to check the progress record. To overcome these problems, we developed a tongue-pressure measuring and treatment machine. Tongue - Pressure measurement and treatment device uses Bluetooth to measure the pressure produced by the tongue in the oral cavity in conjunction with an Android smartphone or tablet, and provides various therapeutic training through measured values. The training mode is based on the previous article and is a game that you can enjoy watching the screen with fun. You can also see the results in a graph for easy viewing at a glance. Based on this, we conducted Effects of tongue strength training using biofeedback on swallowing ability, tongue strength, and quality of life in stroke patients with dysphagia research using a tongue-pressure measuring trainer. Four-week training has shown improved tongue pressure, swallowing ability, and quality of life. As shown above, tongue pressure training treatment improves the tongue function of patients with swallowing disorder, and improves overall swallowing ability and can change the quality of life. The tongue training trainer will help you with rehabilitation more accurate, systematic, easy and interesting, through biofeedback tongue training.


        Lifespan Extending and Stress Resistant Properties of Vitexin from Vigna angularis in Caenorhabditis elegans

        Lee, Eun Byeol,Kim, Jun Hyeong,Cha, Youn-Soo,Kim, Mina,Song, Seuk Bo,Cha, Dong Seok,Jeon, Hoon,Eun, Jae Soon,Han, Sooncheon,Kim, Dae Keun The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology 2015 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.23 No.6

        Several theories emphasize that aging is closely related to oxidative stress and disease. The formation of excess ROS can lead to DNA damage and the acceleration of aging. Vigna angularis is one of the important medicinal plants in Korea. We isolated vitexin from V. angularis and elucidated the lifespan-extending effect of vitexin using the Caenorhabditis elegans model system. Vitexin showed potent lifespan extensive activity and it elevated the survival rates of nematodes against the stressful environments including heat and oxidative conditions. In addition, our results showed that vitexin was able to elevate antioxidant enzyme activities of worms and reduce intracellular ROS accumulation in a dose-dependent manner. These studies demonstrated that the increased stress tolerance of vitexin-mediated nematode could be attributed to increased expressions of stress resistance proteins such as superoxide dismutase (SOD-3) and heat shock protein (HSP-16.2). In this work, we also studied whether vitexin-mediated longevity activity was associated with aging-related factors such as progeny, food intake, growth and movement. The data revealed that these factors were not affected by vitexin treatment except movement. Vitexin treatment improved the body movement of aged nematode, suggesting vitexin affects healthspan as well as lifespan of nematode. These results suggest that vitexin might be a probable candidate which could extend the human lifespan.

      • KCI등재

        표준과 기술혁신의 관계에 관한 연구

        이희상(Heesang Lee),김순천(Sooncheon Kim),전예준(Yejun Jeon) 한국기술혁신학회 2016 기술혁신학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        국내외적으로 기술혁신에 미치는 요소를 파악하기 위한 연구들이 다양하게 시도되었지만, 표준이 기술혁신에 영향을 미치는 부문에 관해서는 그 연구의 양이 작을 뿐더러 관련 종사자들에 대한 설문조사나 사례를 기반으로 한 연구가 대부분이었다. 본 연구는 우리나라 산업수준에서 표준화 활동이 기술혁신에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위해 표준화활동과, 기술혁신의 관계를 실증적으로 분석하였다. 표준제정수, 표준보유수, 국내특허출원수, 매출액, 영업이익, 순이익, 무형자산, 연구개발비를 한국산업표준 분류체계의 대분류를 기준으로 2003-2012년 동안의 연도별 패널데이터로 수집하였다. 첫 번째 연구로 산업별 특성효과를 반영한 산업전반의 표준과 기술혁신과의 관계를 찾기 위해 특허출원수를 종속변수로 표준제정수, 표준보유수, 연매출액, 연간영업이익을 독립변수로 하는 패널데이터모형을 사용하였고, 시간지연(time lag) 등을 고려하여 다양한 형태의 분석모형을 설계하였다. 분석결과, 표준제정은 같은 해의 특허출원에 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 1-2년 뒤에 특허출원에 영향을 미치지 않았으나, 3년 뒤에 특허출원에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 표준보유는 특허출원에 정(+)에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 장기적으로는 표준이 기술혁신에 긍정적인 역할을 하지만, 새로 제정된 표준을 혁신주체가 수용하기까지 시간이 걸리기 때문인 것으로 해석된다. 두 번째 연구로 각 산업별로 부각되는 표준과 기술혁신의 상관관계가 어떻게 다른지를 식별하기 위해 표준을 방법표준, 전달표준, 제품표준으로 구분하여, 산업별로 기술혁신의 요인들과의 정준상관분석을 시행하였다. 분석 결과, 전반적으로 패널분석의 결과와 유사하나, 몇몇 산업에서는 산업별 특성을 반영하는 결과가 발견되었다. 따라서 표준 정책 측면에서는 기술혁신을 촉진하기 위하여 각 산업별 특징을 고려하여 장기적인 안목으로 표준화활동을 장려하는 정부의 노력이 요청된다. Previous researches have introduced various ways to analyze the impact of standardization on innovation while the works are not only small in number but based on interview or case study. This paper addresses the impact of standardization activities within South Korean industries on technological innovation applying an empirical analysis of standardization activities and technological innovation. Drawing on Korean Industrial Standards Classification from panel data of 2003 to 2012, we employed corresponding data of each industrial classification: Number of standards, Accumulated number of standards, Number of patents applied in Korea, Sales, Operational profit, Intangible asset, and R&D invest. In the first model, we run panel data models employing the number of patents applied in Korea as an independent variable, and the number of standards, accumulated number of standards, sales, and operational profit as dependent variables to observe industrial impacts upon the relationship between standards and patents, along with time lagged consideration. The result shows that number of standards are revealed to have a negative influence on patent applications in the year of research, and no significant effect appears for the next two years while positive effect shows up on the third year. Meanwhie, accumulated number of standards turned out to have positive effects on patent applications in Korea. This implies it takes time for innovation subjects to embrace newly established standards while having a significant amount of positive effect on technological innovation in the long term. In the second model, we use canonical correlation analysis to find industrial-wide characteristics. The result of this model is equivalent to the result of panel data analysis except in a few industries, where some industry specific characteristics appear. The implications of our results present that Korean policy makers have to take account of industrial effects on standardization to promote technological innovation.


        Lifespan Extending and Stress Resistant Properties of Vitexin from Vigna angularis in Caenorhabditis elegans

        ( Eun Byeol Lee ),( Jun Hyeong Kim ),( Youn-soo Cha ),( Mina Kim ),( Seuk Bo Song ),( Dong Seok Cha ),( Hoon Jeon ),( Jae Soon Eun ),( Sooncheon Han ),( Dae Keun Kim ) 한국응용약물학회 2015 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.23 No.6

        Several theories emphasize that aging is closely related to oxidative stress and disease. The formation of excess ROS can lead to DNA damage and the acceleration of aging. Vigna angularis is one of the important medicinal plants in Korea. We isolated vitexin from V. angularis and elucidated the lifespan-extending effect of vitexin using the Caenorhabditis elegans model system. Vitexin showed potent lifespan extensive activity and it elevated the survival rates of nematodes against the stressful environments including heat and oxidative conditions. In addition, our results showed that vitexin was able to elevate antioxidant enzyme activities of worms and reduce intracellular ROS accumulation in a dose-dependent manner. These studies demonstrated that the increased stress tolerance of vitexin-mediated nematode could be attributed to increased expressions of stress resistance proteins such as superoxide dismutase (SOD-3) and heat shock protein (HSP-16.2). In this work, we also studied whether vitexin-mediated longevity activity was associated with aging-related factors such as progeny, food intake, growth and movement. The data revealed that these factors were not affected by vitexin treatment except movement. Vitexin treatment improved the body movement of aged nematode, suggesting vitexin affects healthspan as well as lifespan of nematode. These results suggest that vitexin might be a probable candidate which could extend the human lifespan.

      • VR 교육 콘텐츠의 실재감과 상호작용 효과 연구

        안희두(Heedoo An),서만호(Manho Seo),이순천(Sooncheon Lee),정회경(Hoekyung Jung) 한국HCI학회 2018 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.1

        본 연구팀의 VR 교육 콘텐츠의 실재감(presence)과 상호작용(Interaction)에 따른 교육효과(이해도, 관심도, 재미)를 알아보기 위해 VR 콘텐츠에 대한 실험 연구를 실시하였다. VR 교육 콘텐츠의 재미를 위해서는 실재감을, 이해도를 위해서는 상호작용에 비중을 두어야 하는 것으로 나타났다.

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