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      • KCI등재
      • Facile synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticle/bis(o-phenolpropyl)silicone composites using a gold catalyst.

        Roh, Sung-Hee,Cheong, Hyeonsook,Kim, Do-Heyoung,Woo, Hee-Gweon,Lee, Byeong-Gweon,Yang, Kap-Seung,Kim, Bo-Hye,Sohn, Honglae American Scientific Publishers 2013 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.13 No.1

        <P>The generation of silver nanoparticle/bis(o-phenolpropyl)silicone composites have been facilitated by the addition of sodium tetrachloroaurate or gold(Ill) chloride (< 1 wt% of NaAuCl4 or AuCl3) to the reaction of silver nitrate (AgNO3) with bis(o-phenolpropyl)silicone [BPPS, (o-phenolpropyl)2(SiMe2O)n, n = 2,3,8,236]. TEM and FE-SEM data showed that the silver nanoparticles having the size of < 20 nm are well dispersed throughout the BPPS silicone matrix in the composites. XRD patterns are consistent with those for polycrystalline silver. The size of silver nanoparticles augmented with increasing the relative molar concentration of AgNO3 added with respect to BPPS. The addition of gold complexes (1-3 wt%) did not affect the size distribution of silver nanoparticles appreciably. In the absence of BPPS, the macroscopic precipitation of silver by agglomeration, indicating that BPPS is necessary to stabilize the silver nanoparticles surrounded by coordination.</P>

      • KCI등재

        『햄릿』에서의 복수의 불가능성과 경제적 무의식

        노승희(Seung-Hee Roh) 미래영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학 Vol.21 No.1

        Hamlet’s dull revenge has provoked an unending critical controversy over centuries, in which many able critics and scholars have assailed one another about the hero’s motive in delaying the work of revenge or the causes of the hero’s inability to do the job. The unavailability of critical agreement on these issues suggests that Hamlet is not to be understood as a revenge play per se. Unlike the heroes of other revenge tragedies, Hamlet shows no strong interests in plotting against his evil enemy. This paper argues that Hamlet succeeds where its hero fails, and that the business of Hamlet is not to present the particulars of revenge but rather to let the audience, as well as the future narrative community anticipated by the hero’s dying words, understand the impossibility of revenge as an act of justice. The economic unconscious is abound in the world of Hamlet, where words are treated as coins, and the whole range of human behavior from feeling and thinking to making relations with another individual is put on the scale of evaluation, thus quantified and arithmetically measured. Signalled by the king’s thrift policy, utility defined by instrumental rationality is the dominant ethos in the state of Denmark, in which the language of market exchange prevails in social commerce and communication, all distinctly marked by profit-oriented motives and thus making common terms of justice impossible.

      • KCI등재

        자전적 글쓰기의 에로티즘: 맥신 홍 킹스턴의 『 여인 무사 』에 나타난 모어 (母語) 의 시학

        노승희 ( Seung Hee Roh ) 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 1996 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.3 No.1

        Maxine Hong Kingston`s Woman Warrior is a text that illustrates many specific tendencies of women`s autobiographical writing which not only offers an alternative to the linear, self-referential mode of classical autobiography but also deconstructs the political economy of patriarchal culture. Unlike traditional autobiographers like St. Augustine or Rousseau who have the singular aim to mirror their authentic self by confessing the truth of their life, Kingston does not pretend to depict what Maxine Hong Kingston really is but seeks to construct her textual body as a writing subject, whose pleasure arises from the possibility of re-describing, rather than representing, what she considers as harmful and oppressive to the women of the world in which she now inhabits as well as of the world which she has inherited from her Chinese ancestors. Especially, by rewriting from her own American feminist consciousness the stories which her Chinese immigrant mother has told her, Kingston performs a cross-cultural redefinition of woman`s identity that resists the constraints of patriarchal discourse, and produces a political text that displaces the rigid boundary between the First and `Third worlds or between the mainstream and the marginal, minority existences. Also, the relay of talk-stories between Maxine and her mother establishes a Chodorovian mother-daughter continuum which creates, by means of the mother tongue expressed in an lrigarayan female language of two lips, an aesthetic space of theatre and songs in which the erotic commence between selves and others takes place, facilitating fluid translations between them, while withholding the circuit of the economy of phallogocentrism which operates only for self-aggrandizement at the expense of others.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『릴리쓰의 아이들』에서 읽는 포스트페미니즘 의제들

        노승희(Seung-Hee Roh) 한국영미문학교육학회 2007 영미문학교육 Vol.11 No.2

          Seeing differences among women as being constitutive of the category of sexual difference, Postfeminism starts to work with the issues left unresolved by Feminism; it purports to address the complicated operations of power and violence on women, taking account of differences among women seriously. Postfeminism is thus less concerned with the question what woman is or desires. It is more engaged in working through the multiple nodes of power and inventing the strategic vocabularies that would bring the agency of women across the borders of multiple differences into the making of a better world for each and every woman"s subjective becoming. The agenda of Postfeminism is well articulated in Octavia Butler"s SF trilogy Lilith"s Brood that depicts a world of posthuman, interspecies creation, in which differences matter in individual as well as collective becomings. Lilith"s Brood starts with a warning against the human, especially men"s, hierarchical behaviors, which are intolerant of differences and thus endanger the continuity of the human species and its civilization. Eventually Butler"s trilogy envisions an alternative style of life in which such radically heterogeneous beings as the Oankali, an alien species, and the humans come together in building a mutually enabling symbiotic alliance. Here what matters is "body knowledges," to use Butler"s words. The body is not a fixed entity but a mutable form, constructed of heterogeneous elements which are assembled and reassembled by genetic modifications in intra-species crossbreeding. The body knowledge principle is explored first in Lilith"s role of a monstrous mother and again with the "Constructs" like Akin and Jodahs, who are posthuman hybrid subjects in Lilith"s Brood. For them, the self and the other do not remain exclusive to each other; they form a mutually enabling symbiotic bloc, allowing each other to become and grow. Butler"s xenogenetic characters exemplify the politically enforced collective subject which Rosi Braidotti advocates as the ethical agent of Postfeminism that generates metamorphoses beyond gender politics. Life surely changes as the body changes.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 사이버금융서비스 이용행태와 만족도에 관한 연구

        노희승(Hee Seung Roh),최현자(Hyun Cha Choe) 한국소비자학회 2002 소비자학연구 Vol.13 No.2

        This study has conducted to understand the consumer usage behavior of cyber financial service, such as cyber banking, cyber trading, and cyber insurance. Data was collected by internet survey with self-administrated questionnaires. Among survey panel who had experience of using cyber banking service, final samples were 251 adults. The results showed that most of consumers have used more than two types of cyber financial services. Reasons for using cyber financial services were found to be the convenience in time and place as wall as the low transaction cost. Some were still unlikely to use cyber financial services because of insecurity in services. However, they also had positive attitude towards using cyber financial services and were going to be an user in near future. Based on the findings, marketing strategies could be planed to satisfy consumer`s diverse needs for cyber financial services. For the future studies, it is necessary to work of comparison between on-line and off-line financial service consumers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『 칩싸이드의 청순한 쳐녀 』와 그로데스크 신체 경제학

        노승희(Seung Hee Roh) 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2000 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.7 No.2

        영국 자코비언 극장은 근대 자본주의가 태동하던 17세기초의 전반적인 시대정서를 생생하게 재현해냈던 것으로 평가된다. 그 중에서도 토마스 미들턴의 『칩싸이드의 청순한 처녀』는 다중적 플롯 구성을 통해 봉건경제와 신흥상업자본주의의 충돌을 복합적으로 극화한 수작으로 꼽힌다. 네 갈래로 나뉘어진 플롯은 시대적 변화의 맥락에서 복잡하게 얽혀있는 계층간 이해관계와 다양한 욕망의 표현들을 효과적으로 담아내는 한편, 공통적으로 결혼과 섹슈얼리티를 쟁점화하고 있어서 극 전체에 일관성을 부여한다. 이 극의 주제는 역사적 대변혁기의 한 가운데에서 기존 지배세력인 귀족계층과 부상중인 도시 부르주아지 사이에 사회적 재생산에 관한 혜게모니를 획책하기 위하여 벌어지는 갈등과 교섭의 과정이다. 이처럼 주제가 안고 있는 역사성은 극의 시공간적 배경에 의해 구체적으로 맥락화된다. 미들턴은 그 당시 런던의 상업지구로 한창 번창하던 칩싸이드를 중심무대로 설정하여 시장경제의 낙관주의적 경향에 감염된 시민들의 욕망의 움직임을 포착한다. 또한 미들턴은 단식과 참회의 기간인 사순절을 시간적 배경으로 설정하고 이데올로기 국가장치들(교회, 정부, 법)의 감시체제를 전경화함으로써 수요/공급의 원칙에 따라 자율적으로 작동하는 시장의 논리가 기존세력에게 제기하는 도전과 위협 을 부각시키고 있다. 이 논문은 근대 초기의 시장에 대한 문화연구를 중심으로 미들턴의 극 속에 재현된 섹슈얼리티와 욕망의 경제를 분석한다. 특히 바흐친의 그로테스크 민중미학과 맑스의 원시축적론을 토대로, 신분사회에서 근대 시민사회로 이행하는 과도기에 발생한 욕망과 자본의 탈(재)영토화 움직임이 섹슈얼리티 담론에 미친 영향을 분석하고, 시장의 논리가 여성의 행위 주체성 혹은 욕망에 어떤 가능성을 제공했는가를 점검한다.

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