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        뉴질랜드의 종자품질관리체계와 향후 우리나라의 품질관리 개선 방향

        김진기,유남희,나의식 한국국제농업개발학회 2001 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.13 No.4

        뉴질랜드의 종자산업은 종자개량, 품종보호, 종자생산, 종자검사, 종자보증 및 종자교역 등 여러분야의 연구와 실무를 통하여 종자품질관리에 선구적 입장을 유지하여 왔으며 신품종의 개발과 합리적인 증식 및 관리체계를 통하여 양질의 종자공급능력을 발전시켜 왔다. 1970 년대 이전까지는 품종개량 및 종자품질관리는 정부주도로 이루어졌으나 현재는 정부가 직접적인 관여에서 점차 간접적인 위임형태로 바꾸어 종자품질관리 관련 업무 일부만 남기고 모두 민영화가 추진되었다. 위임받은 업무에 대한 책임은 위임받은 조직이 지며 정부는 품질관리 체계를 정기적으로 감독하고 감시하는 자세로 전환하였다. 이와 같은 변화에 따라 종자품질관리체계의 하부조직은 대부분 독립적인 예산체계를 구축하였고 업무도 좀 더 독립성을 갖게 되는 효과를 보았다. 그러나 계속적인 정부 지원의 절감과 새로운 조직의 지나친 상업적 운영은 전문인력이 점차적인 감소와 연구개발활동의 축소라는 부작용도 있다. 우리나라의 종자산업발전을 위하여 공공기관이나 민간종묘회사 어느 쪽이든 품종개량과 종자품질관리활동이 활발하게 이루어져야 할 것임은 말할 것도 없다. 그러나 앞으로 국내 종자시장의 변화나 재정적인 이유로 품종개량과 종자품질관리체계에 어떤 개선이 요구된다면 뉴질랜드가 재정적인 동기에서 도출하였던 공공기관의 기능과 역할의 분담조정, 인력의 조직화와 민간종묘회사의 참여방식 및 종자의 상품화 체계구축 등 선험적 체계가 다소라도 참고가 되지 않을까 생각된다. New Zealand has developed a very efficient seed quality control scheme. In New Zealand, cultivars are now developed under contract to the CDMU(Cultivar Development and Maintenance Unit) of AgResearch(NZ Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute Limited). MAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) is empowered to provide seed certification services, and the scheme is administered by MAF Quality Management using procedures that are in accordance with OECD standards. New Zealand has no seed laws and participation in the seed production industry is entirely voluntary. although participants must adhere strictly to the rules and procedures involved. National Seed Laboratory (NSL) has played a central role in prividing seed quality assessment. Recently all sectors of the seed industry in New Zealand have been reformed and become more commercialized with users-pay policy. The services have been affected by moves to reduce government involvement in its affair and to eliminate government subsidies. However, this has led to reduction of research activities and personnel in seed technology. The future directions of seed quality control system in Korea could refer to New Zealand scheme.

      • 중합효소연쇄 반응법에 의한 인형거대세포바이러스(human cytomegalovirus)의 신속한 검출

        김의종,오명돈,박기호,신형식,이환종,김남중,최강원 대한감염학회 1996 감염 Vol.28 No.4

        목 적 : 인형거대세포바이러스(HCMV)는 면역 저하 환자에서 폐렴, 망막염, 간염 등 치명적인 감염증의 원인이다. 전통적인 세포 배양법으로 HCMV를 분리하기까지는 1주에서 4주가 걸리므로 이 바이러스에 의한 질환이 의심되는 경우 신속한 진단법을 이용한 진단이 바람직하다. 저자들은 한국에서 분리되는 야생주 HCMV를 검출하는데 중합효소 연쇄 반응법을 이용할 경우의 진단적 유용성을 알기 위하여, 전통적인 세포배양법으로 HCMV가 분리된 검체를 이용하여 중합효소 연쇄 반응법의 특이도와 민감도를 평가하였다. 방 법 : 국내 야생주 HCMV 15주, 그리고 전통적인 바이러스 배양법으로 HCMV가 분리된 소변 15검체를 대상으로 중합효소 연쇄 반응을 실시하였다. 중합효소 연쇄 반응은 Towne주의 immediate early antigen의 유전자에서 유리된 primer MIE와 AD169주의 immediate early antigen의 유전자에서 유리된 primer IE를 이용하였다. 증폭 산물은 겔 전기영동 후 EtBR으로 염색하여 자외선 하에서 관찰하였다. Primer IE에 의한 증폭산물은 또한, DNA blot hybridization 방법으로 확인하였다. 결 과 : 1) 국내 HCMV 야생주 15주를 대상으로 중합효소 연쇄 반응을 한 결과 primer IE를 이용한 경우에는 100%(15/15)에서 177bp의 증폭 산물이 관찰되었고, 이들 증폭 산물은 모두 probe IE와 보합 결합되었다. primer MIE를 이용한 경우에는 93%(14/15)에서 435bp의 증폭 산물이 관찰되었다. 2) 세포 배양법으로 HCMV가 분리된 소변 15검체를 대상으로 primer IE를 이용하여 중합효소 연쇄 반응을 한 결과 direct gel analysis 법으로는 73%(11/15)에서, 보합 결합법으로는 87%(13/15)에서 관찰되었다. Primer MIE를 이용한 경우에는 direct gel analysis법으로 87%(13/15)에서 435bp의 증폭 산물이 검출되었다. 결 론 : Primer IE와 MIE를 이용한 중합효소 연쇄 반응법은 국내 야생주 HCMV를 신속히 검출하는데 유용한 검사법이다. Background : Human cytomegalovirus(HCMV) can cause pneumonitis, hepatitis, retinitis and other serious diseases in the immunocompromised patients. It takes 1 to 4 weeks to diagnose HCMV infection by conventional virus culture. Therefore, when HCMV diseases are suspected, a rapid diagnostic method such as polymerase chain reaction(PCR), antigen assay or shell vial culture is desirable. We evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of a PCR for the rapid detection of HCMV wild strains in Korea. Methods : We used 2 sets of primers ; primer IE and primer MIE derived from the sequence for immediate early gene of AD169 strain and Towne strain, respectively. Fifteen clinical isolates of HCMV, suspended in MRC-5 cells, were amplified by PCR. Fifteen urine specimens which were positive for HCMV by conventional virus culture were also amplified. Amplification products were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The products from PCR with primer IE were also identified by DNA blot hybridization. Results : PCR using primer IE gave the PCR products in all of the 15 HCMV wild strains. All of these were hybridized with probe IE. When primer MIE were used, 93%(14/15) of the wild strains showed amplified bands by direct gel analysis. When the urine specimens were amplified by PCR with primer IE, amplified bands were seen in 73%(11/15) by direct gel analysis ; 87%(13/15) by hybridization method. When primer MIE were used, 87%(13/15) of the urine specimens showed the PCR products by direct gel analysis. Conclusion : Polymerase chain reaction with primer IE and MIE may be a specific and sensitive diagnostic method for rapid detection of HCMV wild strains in Korea.

      • 차영상을 이용한 홍채 변화 분석

        김남식,김장형 제주대학교 공과대학 첨단기술연구소 2004 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.15 No.2

        In this paper, time, studied about method that can analyze iris change to using differential image of iris image that put interval and films and utilize as patient's health examination according to iris change. Time, Differential image of iris image that put interval and films can be used usefully to search early diagnosis of disease and unfolding process etc.. of disease by showing definitely change by time. In the case of iris diagnostic system, iris outside area extracts iris area and uses Differential image of before filming image and image that film present to use canny edge detector as there is cay to extract iris area as do not help in diagnostic and change analyzed comparison.

      • 일반미 산지유통 문제점 및 개선방향

        유남식,김명환 中央大學校 食糧資源硏究所 1994 食糧資源硏究所 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        The major objectives of this thesis are to make analysis on the economic feasibility of rice processing complex(RPC) which has been introduced since 1991 by the Korean government and, its location, the selection criteria of RPC operational subject, government supporting measures and the linkages of forward and backward of RPC. It is an incrasing tendency in Korea that the quality of rice is more important criterion than the price of it to rice consumers. Therefore, RPC, a new rice processing system, which improves the quality of rice after harvest and delivers the product to the comsumer directly, is necessary to meet the consumers' need. Wet rice is collected from farmers directly after harvest into a RPC, and the rice is dried, stored, milled in the RPC and sold to the consumer directly . The RPC program is expected to increase the quality of rice as well as to prevent the loss of it after harvest and to solve the labor shortage problem of farm households. This thesis consists of four major parts : problem identification of rice marketing and post harvest prodecure in rice production, economic feasibility of RPC, location analysis of RPC, and RPC operational and government supporting measures. The comparative cost analysis between conventional method and RPC were measured by using current government grain operation cost and field survey data on RPC. The economic return rate(ERR) was measured by using hypothesized RPC balance sheet under the assumption that all the rice produced in Korea is processed at RPC by the year 2022. The location analysis was made by using the long tern trend of rice consumption and rice production by region. Major findings are as follow: 1. The economic benefits of RPC operation are classified as the cost saving in the post harvest processing procedure, the prevention of rice lose, and the price increase by producing high quality of cleaned rice. The total benefits of the RPC operation was estimated at 144,616 won per ton which is equivalent to 11,569 won per bag of 80㎏. The economic return rate of RPC by scale was measured a 47.4% for the RPC handling 7,500 ton of wet rice, 55.2% for the RPC handling 10,000 ton of wet rice respectively. 2. This thesis hypothesizes that most of the post harvest procedure in rice production will be made by RPC by the year 2020. Under this assumption, about 500-650 RPC(10,000-7,500ton scale by wet rice storage capacity) is necessary through out the nation to meet the need. 3. Rice must be dried at once in an adequte time. Therefore, a large qualtity of wet rice can not be dried at one RPC. It is desirable to construct a RPC system separating its function into two; a central RPC and subordinating drying and storage facilities. In this case, the central RPC functions to dry, store, mill, and to pack rice for marketing. 4. To improve the operation capacity of RPC and to reduce the pressure of rice purchasing capital. RPC may deal with bath of government purchased rice produced by farmers. The rapid increase of RPC facilities may result in over competitiveness and over investment. Present government plan constructing 300 RPC by 1997 may be over enthusiastic. Therefore, there is a need readjustment of the plan. At the same time, the drying and storage facilities must be scattered in a proper distance for the convenience rice transportation. 5. To improve the efficiency of RPC, the wet rice collection channel, ensuring the enough quantity of rice for processing, packing the final product, and marketing channel must be linked to RPC operation.

      • 동물원에서 사육중인 Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata)에서 Zoletil 마취에 관한 연구

        이재일,이수진,홍성혁,신남식,김덕환,박창식,전무형,조종민,김영석,김명철 충남대학교 형질전환복제돼지연구센터 2004 논문집 Vol. No.8

        To evaluate the effects of Zoletil (tiletamine-zolazepam) that have been widely used for the chemical restraint and anesthesia of primates, on physiologic alteration, blood gas analysis and anesthetic duration in the Japanese macaque(Macaca fuscata), this study was carried out. Zoleril was administered by intramuscular injection, Evaluation of temperature, heart rate, respiration rate and blood gas analysis were performed before administration ancl at 1,10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min after administration, and induction and maintenance time was recorded. There was no significant difference in heart rate, PCO₂PO₂after Zolcril administration and temperature, respration rate, pH were significant difference compared with those of before administration, The induction time was 2.5±l.Omin and maintenance time was 86±23.2min. It was considered that Zoletil could he usefully used for the sedation and immobilization of Japanese macaque reared in zoological garden.

      • KCI등재



        The KSTAR device succeeded in first plasma generation on 13th June of 2008 through comprehensive system test and commissioning. Among various kinds of the key factors that decisively affected the project, success in the construction and assembly of the major tokamak structure was most important one. Every engineering aspects of each structure were finally confirmed in the integrated commissioning period, and there were no severe troubles and failures prevented the KSTAR device from operating during the commissioning and the first plasma experiments. As a result, all of the experiences and technologies achieved through the KSTAR construction process are expected to be important fundamentals for future construction projects of superconducting fusion devices. This paper summarizes key engineering features of the major structures and of the machine assembly.



        Yang, Hyung-Lyeol,Bak, Joo-Shik,Kim, Byung-Chul,Choi, Chang-Ho,Kim, Woong-Chae,Her, Nam-Il,Hong, Kwon-Hee,Kim, Geung-Hong,Kim, Hak-Kun,Sa, Jeong-Woo,Kim, Hong-Tack,Kim, Kyung-Min,Kim, Sang-Tae Korean Nuclear Society 2008 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.40 No.6

        The KSTAR device succeeded in first plasma generation on $13^{th}$ June of 2008 through comprehensive system test and commissioning. Among various kinds of the key factors that decisively affected the project, success in the construction and assembly of the major tokamak structure was most important one. Every engineering aspects of each structure were finally confirmed in the integrated commissioning period, and there were no severe troubles and failures prevented the KSTAR device from operating during the commissioning and the first plasma experiments. As a result, all of the experiences and technologies achieved through the KSTAR construction process are expected to be important fundamentals for future construction projects of superconducting fusion devices. This paper summarizes key engineering features of the major structures and of the machine assembly.


        Calcium in infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) infected fish cell lines

        Kim, Nam-Shik,Heo, Gnag-Joon,Lee, Chang-Hee The Microbiological Society of Korea 1996 The journal of microbiology Vol.34 No.3

        Infection of fish cells with IHNV resulted in gradual increase in cytosolic free Ca$\^$2+/ concentration ([Ca$\^$2+/)] in CHSE, gradual decrease in [Ca$\^$2+/] in FHM, and no significant change in RTG cells. The degree of [Ca$\^$2+/] increase or decrease was dependent on the amount of infectious virus, and these [Ca$\^$2+/] variations were maximal at 16 hours after virus infection (p. i.) in both cell lines. When the fish cells were infected with inactivated IHNV, evident variation in [Ca$\^$2+/] was not observed. Thus, infectivity of IHNV appears to correlate with changes in [Ca$\^$2+/] in virus-infected cells. These IHNV-induced [Ca$\^$2+/] changes were partially blocked by cycloheximide, but not affected by cordycepin. It seems to be that virus-induced Ca$\^$2+/ variations were more related with protein synthesis than RNA synthesis. Various Ca$\^$2+/ related drugs were used in search for the mechanisms of the [Ca$\^$2+/], changes following IHNV infection of CHSE cells. Decreasing extracellular Ca$\^$2+/ concentration or blocking Ca$\^$2+/ influx from extracellular media inhibited the IHNV-induced increase in [Ca$\^$2+/], in CHSE cells. Similar results were obtained with intracellular Ca$\^$2+/ sources are important in IHNV-induced [Ca$\^$2+/] increase in CHSE cells.

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