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        RFID/USN 기반 농산물 이력관리시스템

        김명화(Myunghwa Kim),손병락(Byungrak Son),김동규(Dong Kyu Kim),김중규(Junggyu Kim) 한국정보과학회 2009 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.15 No.5

        최근 한 · 중 · 일 및 한 · 미 FTA가 발효되면 농축산업에 큰 타격을 줄 것으로 예상된다. 수입자유화 이후 외국에서 생산된 농수축산물의 수입이 급증하고 있다. 그러나 질이 낮은 수입산이 국산으로 둔갑하는 일이 자주 발생하면서 농수축산물의 신뢰도 및 판로에 부정적인 영향을 미쳐왔다. 이에 생산이력 관리에 대한 필요성이 많이 요구되어지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 농산물의 유통이력은 물론 기존 시스템에서 제공하지 못한 생장환경이력정보와 시설재배에 따른 자동제어 및 저장고 모니터링 정보를 추가하여 RFID/USN 기반 농산물 이력관리시스템을 설계 및 구현하였다. 본 논문에서 설계 및 구현한 농산물 이력관리시스템은 생장환경모니터링과 이력관리로 구성된다. 첫째, 생장환경모니터링은 USN을 활용하여 농산물이 생산되는 재배지의 환경을 모니터링하고 저장고 및 재배시설의 자동제어기를 모니터링 한다. 생장환경모니터링 정보는 농산물의 생장환경에 대한 상세한 정보를 제공해 줄 수 있으며, 생산자가 영농일지를 자동으로 작성할 수 있도록 정보를 제공한다. 둘째, 이력관리는 농산물의 생산, 출하, 유통, 소비까지 모든 유통단계에서 발생된 이력정보를 소비자에게 제공할 수 있다. 본 논문에서 설계 및 구현한 RFID/USN 기반 농산물 이력관리시스템은 생산자에게 u-IT 농업을 제공하고, 소비자에게 농산물에 대한 신뢰도를 높여줄 수 있다. 또한, 본 시스템을 적용하여 정부의 우수농산물관리제도와 위해요소중점관리기준을 시행하는데 기초자료를 제공할 수 있고, 국내 농산물의 고급화 및 선진화를 달성할 수 있다. Recently, it is expected that the agricultural and stockbreeding industry are damaged by the China-Japan-South Korea FTA and FTA between the United States and South Korea. After free trade, it is increasing to import crops, aquatic products, and livestock which are produced in a foreign land. But it is affected negatively to the trust relationships and markets, because of breaking it out that low grade foreign products are turned into domestic products. For this reason, we need the traceability management system. In this paper, it designs and implements the traceability management system using RFID and USN providing distribution traceability information as well as the traceability information of the growth environment, automatic control according to the facility growing and monitoring of the storehouse. The implemented whole systems consist of the growth environment monitoring and the traceability management. First, the growth environment monitoring shows the environment of plantation and automatic controller of the storehouse and growing facility. This growth environment monitoring information provides the detailed information about growth environment and writing the farming diary automatically by producer. Second, the traceability management provides all of the traceability information such as production, shipment and consumption to consumers. The traceability management system that has been designed and implemented using RFID and USN in this paper, provides the u-IT agriculture to producer and the reliability about agricultural products. In addition, this system provides the foundation data to operate GAP and HACCP, and becomes the advantaged agricultural products of the interior of a country by application of this system.

      • KCI등재

        황 산화를 통해 퍼클로레이트를 분해하는 미생물 군집 분석

        김영화(Young-Hwa Kim),한경림(Kyoung-Rim Han),황희재(Heejae Hwang),권혁준(Hyukjun Kwon),김예림(Yerim Kim),김건우(Kwonwoo Kim),김희주(Heejoo Kim),손명화(Myunghwa Son),최영익(Young-Ik Choi ),성낙창(Nak-Chang Sung),안영희(Yeonghee Ahn) 한국생명과학회 2016 생명과학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        퍼클로레이트(ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP>)는 지표수 및 토양/지하수에서 검출되는 신규 오염물이다. 이전 연구에서 저렴한 원소 황(elemental sulfur, S<SUP>0</SUP>) 입자와 쉽게 구할 수 있는 활성슬러지를 이용하여 독립영양방식으로 ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP>를 제거할 수 있다는 실험적 증거가 제시되었다. 또한 식종균으로서 농화배양 미생물을 사용했을 때 활성슬러지보다 제거효율과 시간면에서 우수한 결과를 나타내었다. 그래서 본 연구에서는 황을 산화하여 독립영양방식으로 ClO4-를 분해하는 농화배양 미생물 군집을 PCR-DGGE로 분석하였다. 이 농화배양 미생물은 초기농도가 약 120 mg ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP>/l 일 때 7일 후 99.71% 이상의 ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP> 제거 효율을 나타내었다. 농화배양 미생물과 그것의 식종균으로 부터 genomic DNA를 추출하여 16S rRNA 유전자의 PCR-DGGE 분석에 사용하였다. PCR-DGGE 분석결과 농화배양 미생물과 식종균 시료들이 다른 밴드패턴을 나타냄에 따라 이 두 시료의 군집조성이 다름을 확인하였다. 이는 농화배양되는 동안 식종된 미생물이 그 환경에 잘 생장하는 미생물로 군집조성이 변화한 것으로 여겨진다. 농화배양 미생물군집에는 β-Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, 그리고 Spirochaetes 강에 속하는 개체군들이 우점하는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 이 우점 개체군들의 순수분리와 더불어 황 산화를 통한 ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP> 분해 환경에서 이들의 대사적 역할을 규명할 필요가 있다. Perchlorate (ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP>) is an emerging pollutant detected in surface water, soil, and groundwater. Previous studies provided experimental evidence of autotrophic ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP> removal with elemental sulfur (S<SUP>0</SUP>) particles and activated sludge, which are inexpensive and easily available, respectively. In addition, ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP> removal efficiency was shown to increase when an enrichment culture was used as an inoculum instead of activated sludge. PCR-DGGE was employed in the present study to investigate the microbial community in the enrichment culture that removed ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP> autotrophically. Microorganisms in the enrichment culture showed 99.71% or more ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP> removal efficiency after a 7-day incubation when the initial concentration was approximately 120 mg ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP>/l. Genomic DNA was isolated from the enriched culture and its inoculum (activated sludge), and used for PCR-DGGE analysis of 16S rRNA genes. Microbial compositions of the enrichment culture and the activated sludge were different, as determined by their different DGGE profiles. The difference in DGGE banding patterns suggests that environmental conditions of the enrichment culture caused a change in the microbial community composition of the inoculated activated sludge. Dominant DGGE bands in the enrichment culture sample were affiliated with the classes β-Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Spirochaetes. Further investigation is warranted to reveal the metabolic roles of the dominant populations in the ClO₄<SUP>-</SUP> degradation process, along with their isolation.

      • The Relationship among Self-determined Motivation, Cognitive Presence, Teaching Presence and Achievement in Flipped Learning Environment

        ( Myunghwa Jin ),( Siwon Kim ),( Hae June Kim ),( Kyu Yon Lim ) 한국교육공학회 2016 한국교육공학회 학술대회발표자료집 Vol.2016 No.1

        This study analyzed the mediating effects of cognitive presence and teaching presence on the relationship between self-determined motivation and achievement in flipped learning environment. Flipped learning is a new way of teaching and learning which can facilitate learners`` active participation and collaborative meaning construction. In flipped learning environment, it is critical for learners to play an active role for their own learning process; to be specific, learners are required to watch a video lecture autonomously before class and actively participate in collaborative activities such as experiment, discussion, and problem solving in class. Therefore, learners`` motivational aspect is a key factor for the success of learning in flipped learning context. According to self-determination theory, self-determined motivation is a key factor to facilitate intrinsic motivation and promote self-determination in extrinsic motivation. Moreover, high level of self-determined motivation leads to successful learning. According to the aim of this study, research questions are as follows. 1.Does cognitive presence mediate between self-determined motivation (autonomy, competence, relatedness) and achievement in flipped learning? 2.Does teaching presence mediate between self-determined motivation (autonomy, competence, relatedness) and achievement, in flipped learning? Subjects of this study were eighty-five middle school students who took social studies flipped class in Gyeongbuk province. The instructor of this flipped classroom produced 10- minutes videos about basic concepts of social studies and uploaded at Naver caf?. Learners autonomously watched the videos and organized their own notes before participating the class. In the classroom, learners formed small groups and solved activity worksheets in a collaborative way. To organize and summarize what they learned, the instructor utilized various forms of activities and games such as golden bell quiz, a flipped marble game, and knowledge market. Hierarchical regression analysis was employed to examine the mediating effects of cognitive and teaching presence. The results revealed that cognitive presence partially mediated the relationship between competence and achievement. Moreover, teaching presence had a complete mediating effect on the relationship between competence and achievement. The results of this study suggested implications for instructional design and strategies considering cognitive and teaching presence in flipped learning environment.


        HLA-B*5901 is strongly associated with methazolamide-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis.

        Kim, Sae-Hoon,Kim, Myunghwa,Lee, Kyung Wha,Kim, Sang-Heon,Kang, Hye-Ryun,Park, Heung-Woo,Jee, Young-Koo Ashley Publications 2010 Pharmacogenomics Vol.11 No.6

        <P>Aims: The carbonic anhydrase inhibitor methazolamide infrequently causes Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). An association between these diseases and the HLA-B59 serotype has been suggested in case reports. This study examined the disease-associated B*59 allele and investigated the association of these diseases with other HLA class I alleles. Methods: We performed high-resolution HLA-A, -B and -C genotyping in five patients with methazolamide-induced SJS/TEN using a PCR-sequencing-based typing method and analyzed the association between HLA-class I alleles and occurrence of methazolamide-induced SJS/TEN. Results: B*5901 and Cw*0102 alleles were observed in all patients and A*2402 was observed in four patients. The B*5901 allele showed the strongest association with methazolamide-induced SJS/TEN (p < 0.001; odds ratio: 249.8; 95% CI: 13.4-4813.5), followed by Cw*0102 (p = 0.004; odds ratio: 22.1; 95% CI: 1.2-414.3), when compared with the general population as a control. The frequency of the patients carrying B*5901, Cw*0102 and A*2402 simultaneously was significantly higher than that in the general population (p < 0.001; odds ratio: 110.1; 95% CI: 11.7-1038.6). Conclusion: A strong association was observed between HLA-B*5901 and methazolamide-induced SJS/TEN in Korean patients. HLA-B*5901 may be a useful screening marker for predicting methazolamide-induced SJS/TEN in patients of Korean and Japanese ancestry.</P>

      • A New Method for Improving the Quality of the College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT)

        Myunghwa Kim(김명화) 한국산학기술학회 2014 한국산학기술학회 학술대회 Vol.2014 No.2

        In Korea, The College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) has an enormous influence on the goals and contents of high school courses, as well as the methods of teaching and learning. Since the CSAT was introduced in 1993, the English listening portion has had fixed types of items. The items are multiple-choices and the questions are given in written Korean. Some multiple-choices are in written Korean whereas others are in written English. As a result, students do not study to improve their communication ability but for the purpose of being able to answer the several fixed types of questions to attain a higher score. In this study, a new type of item is proposed for the English listening portion of the CSAT. There were two groups of participants: The experimental group was given questions and multiple-choices in spoken English, and the control group was given questions and multiple-choices in written English. A comparison of their test results shows that the two groups were slightly different in terms of their average score, the item discrimination index, and item difficulty level. The results suggest that it is the more appropriate to give items in spoken English compared to written English.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Imbalance in Cardiovascular Surgery Medical Service Use Between Regions

        Kim, Myunghwa,Yoon, Seok-Jun,Choi, Ji Suk,Kim, Myo Jeong,Sim, Sung Bo,Lee, Kun Sei,Chee, Hyun Keun,Park, Nam Hee,Park, Choon Seon The Korean Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular 2016 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.49 No.1

        Background: This study uses the relevance index to understand the condition of regional medical service use for cardiovascular surgery and to identify the medical service use imbalance between regions. Methods: This study calculated the relevance index of 16 metropolitan cities and provinces using resident registration address data from the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs and the 2010-2014 health insurance, medical care assistance, and medical benefits claims data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. We identified developments over the 5-year time period and analyzed the level of regional imbalance regarding cardiovascular surgery through the relative comparison of relevance indexes between cardiovascular and other types of surgery. Results: The relevance index was high in large cities such as Seoul, Daegu, and Gwangju, but low in regions that were geographically far from the capital area, such as the Gangwon and Jeju areas. Relevance indexes also fell as the years passed. Cardiovascular surgery has a relatively low relevance index compared to key types of surgery of other fields, such as neurosurgery and colorectal surgery. Conclusion: This study identified medical service use imbalance between regions for cardiovascular surgery. Results of this study demonstrate the need for political intervention to enhance the accessibility of necessary special treatment, such as cardiovascular surgery.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 노인의 자살생각에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 고찰 (2000-2010)

        김명화(Myunghwa Kim),김홍수(Hongsoo Kim) 서울대학교 보건환경연구소 2011 보건학논집 Vol.48 No.1

        Objectives: The aim of this study was to review the studies published over the last ten years on risk factors for suicidal ideation among the Korean elderly. Methods: A literature search was conducted using the major medical and health-related databases (PubMed, DBpia, RISS, KISS, KMbase, and National Assembly Library of Korea) with a set of keywords. A total of 41 articles published from 2000 to 2010 were selected for the review. The risk factors of suicidal ideation in the literature were categorized into physical, psychological, and social factor (life stressors and demographic factors). Their associations with suicidal ideation were reviewed and summarized. The instruments used to measure suicidal ideation were also examined. Results: Depression was the most significant risk factor for and a mediator of suicidal ideation among the Korean elderly. Demographic factors and self-reported health and their relationships with suicidal ideation were often examined, but the findings were inconsistent across studies. Stress level as well as family and social support were significant risk factors for suicidal ideation, while perceived economic status and actual income level were not. The Scale for Suicidal Ideation (SSI) and the Scale Suicidal Ideation Scale (SIS) were the two most widely used instruments, but they were modified in various ways across studies. Most existing studies on the topic of interest used cross-sectional and convenient samples. Conclusion: The existing studies support the need for early detection and management of depressive symptoms and stress, the key risk factors, to decrease suicidal ideation among the Korean elderly. Further studies with stronger research designs are necessary to obtain better evidence on whether physical health and social support can prevent suicidal ideation directly or by improving mental health. Necessary are consistent uses of measures for suicidal ideation across studies and further examination of cultural equivalence of the translated measures in Korean.

      • Verrucous tubulopapillary hidradenoma of face

        ( Ji Seok Kim ),( Min Kee Park ),( Mi Soo Choi ),( Chan Hee Nam ),( Byung Cheol Park ),( Myunghwa Kim ),( Seung Phil Hong ) 대한피부과학회 2015 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.67 No.1

        Tubulopapillary hidradenoma is a term proposed to describe morphological dermal ductal tumors with both eccrine and apocrine differentiation that appears as awell-defined, superficially located dermal nodule on the scalp or extremities. So far, there is only one report of tubulopapillary hidradenoma in Korea up to date. A 49-year-old male presented with brownish hyperkeratotic mass on left upper eyelid which persisted for a year. Skin biopsy was done, featuring multiple dilated ducts of varying size in the dermis, with ducts lined by two or more layers of epithelial cells with papillary projection and ducts with two rows of cells and its luminal row of cells showing decapitation-like secretion. Interestingly, hyperplastic epidermis showed verrucous features. However HPV DNA PCR and genotyping was negative. Tubulopapillary hidradenoma has unknown etiology so far. It has been reported that one patient with tubulopapillary hidradenoma showed verrucous feature in the uppermost area of biopsy specimen, which is a phenomenon rarely reported with respect to syringocystadenoma papilliferum. To clarify whether the lesion of patient in our case corresponds with tubulopapillary hidradenoma with secondary verrucous change or tubulopapillary hidradenoma arising from preexisting verruca, further investigation is required regarding relationship of HPV and epidermal ductal differentiation.

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