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      • 이영순론 - 『 연희고지 』 와 『 지령 』 을 중심으로

        문선영 ( Sun Young Moon ) 문창어문학회 2001 문창어문논집 Vol.38 No.-

        This Study seeks to manifest the literary realities and meanings of long poems written in 1950s, focusing on the long poems of Lee, Young-Soon. The summary of this study can be shown as the followings. First, the reality recognition of poems written in wartime 1950s can be centered on the historic reality, namely the Korean War and the racial division. In thess situations, the poet Lee, Young-Soon who participated in the Korea war dominates a great position. He was a 'soldier poet', and described the historic situations with the epic-centered poetic techniques. His long poems, Yeon-Hee-Go-Jee and Jee-Ryung, were the products of wartime period. The wartime 1950s was so urgent durations that the condition of composing long poems couldn`t be mature. Nevertheless, long poems were composed at that time, and this was the starting point of this study. Second, Yeon-Hee-Go-Jee is the collection of war experience, and consists of 474 lines. This long poetry advocates the victory consciousness and manifests anti-communism ideology. Jee-Ryung is also the collection of situation poems describing wartime experience. In this poetry, Lee, Young-Soon introduces colloquial expressions and exquisite fictions more frequently than previous poems. Third, the long poems of Lee, Young-Soon written in the war times are composed of oral strategies. The fact that the tense of representation methods consists of the present(not the past) is also the intention of the poet. And through the subjectivity and the tense, readers can understand the vivid historic reality profoundly. This endows him with the reputable position among wartime poets. In short, the advantage of Lee, Young-Soon`s long poems is that he expresses wartime realities adequately without using distortion and exaggeration. The wartime long poems of Lee, Young-Soon unveil the two tendencies of wartime poems at the same time. By describing the urgent situation of wartime experience, the poet reveals the tendency of objective poems which show the hostile feeling for the enemy and promote the victory consciousness and the anti-communism ideology. Additionally, he represents the tragic aspects of war and humanism. It is natural that in Lee, Young-Soon`s poems the former tendency should prevail, but the inner consciousness of him appears vividly through the direct war experience. This aspect has literary meanings in that this shows the sense of Korean War by means of the phenomenal dimension and sympathetic recognition method.

      • KCI등재

        김문집 비평 연구-『비평문학을 중심으로』-

        우문영 ( Moon Young Woo ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2016 청람어문교육 Vol.57 No.-

        탐미주의 비평의 장을 열었다고 하는 김문집의 비평의 공과 과는 고스란히 그가 쓴 『비평문학』에 녹아들어 있다고 할 수 있다. 지금까지는 김문집에 대한 연구가 영향론적 방법이나 최재서와의 대립관계, 1930년대 문학 비평 속에서의 김문집의 위치를 평가하는 연구가 주를 이루었다. 본고는 그의 비평이론과 사상이 담겨 있는 『비평문학』 분석과 해석을 토대로 하여 그의 한계를 다루었다. 그의 비평의 한계는 주장이 논리적으로 모순되어 있을 뿐만 아니라 자지 자신의 실제 비평의 모습과 이론이 거리가 멀었던 점, 비평에 대해 일정한 기준이 없었다는 점, 지나치게 일본문단에 의존하여 근거 없이 조선문단을 폄하한 점 등이다. 비평의 한계의 원인으로는 장기간 일본생활로 인한 일본 사대주의를 넘은 친일 성향과 그로 인한 존선문화와 조선어 능력 부족, 깊이 없는 학문에 의한 유행에 기댄 논리, 불우한 생활에서 기인한 성격적 결함을 들 수 있다. Most of studies about Kim moon-jib were influences on the criticism methods, an oppositional relationship with Choi Jae-seo, or his prestige in the literary criticism circle in 1930`s. But this study focused on weak points of his ideals and criticism theories by analyzing his book. Criticism analyzes the literary works and shows the way literary works need to go without objects. Many critics use the former, but the later is also important function of criticism. Kim moon-jib emphasized and proved the later important. But his theories are not logical, has not a fixed standard of criticism, and are different with real critiques. Also he depended on Japanese literary and detracted much from Korean literary.

      • KCI등재

        1960∼1970년대 유사역사학의 식민사학 프레임 창조와 그 확산

        이문영 ( Lee Moon Young ) 역사문제연구소 2018 역사문제연구 Vol.22 No.1

        Pseudohistory in Korea originated in the colonial era. Turanism was an ideology introduced into Korea in the era. Influenced by it, Choy Dong published _The Ancient history of Korean Peoples(조선상고민족사)_ in 1966. It is common practice to stimulate a nationalism by capitalizing on a mythology in the initial stage of a modern nation. Turanism was an ideology manipulated for nationalism as well. Turanism was propagated to colonial Joseon by Japanese army colonel Kaneko Teiichi. Turanism was an ideological base of the ‘Pan-Asiatic Society’. During the colonial era, Joseon was subordinate to Japan, the main agent. The perspective shifted when Korea had been liberated; Japan is located in the position being subordinate to the main agent Korea. Choy was in a pro-Japanese group. Moon Jeong-chang, also in the group, was greatly influenced by Choy. Moon criticized that Korean historical academia imitate the approach that Japanese historians of Japanese Empire had formulated. The criticism was chiefly concentrated on Lee Byung-do, most famous historian at the period. The content of it was predominantly inaccurate and construed maliciously. An Ho-sang, served as the first minister of education of Korea, was one of the public figures influenced by Moon. An and Moon organized ‘Finding National History Counsil(국사찾기협의회)’ and utilized a monthly journal _Ja-yu_ as an organ. They persistently had capitalized _Ja-yu_ on criticizing that Korean historians are deferring to the historiography of colonialism, a Japanese imperial view of the history. In 1974, ‘the national history textbook(국정 국사 교과서)’ was published. Pseudohistorians reprehended it intensely. They assumed that they could indoctrinate general citizens if ‘the national history textbook’ is stated in their opinion. Their opinion corresponded with a nationalistic president Park Chung-hee regime. Some of the books published from ROK army headquarters had included a pseudohistorical view as well. In consequence of continuous activities of pseudohistorians, general citizens have a misapprehension of them having succeeded a national history of the colonial era. Korean historians have to eliminate this misapprehension. Breaking a ‘Korean historical academia= historiography of colonialism’ formula, a frame invented by pseudohistorians, would be its first step.

      • KCI등재

        김영근(金泳根)의 <금강산졀긔 동유록>에 나타난 서술방법(敍述方法)과 의식세계(意識世界) 연구(硏究)

        정영문(鄭英文) ( Joung Young-moon ) 한국어문교육연구회 2021 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.49 No.2

        조선 시대에도 많은 사람들이 여행을 하였는데, 그 여행지를 대표하는 공간이 금강산이다. 금강산을 유람한 유람객은 산수유람을 목적으로 하였으나, 강원도 관찰사는 관할 지역을 순력(巡歷)하는 여정에 금강산에 이르는 노정을 포함하기도 했다. 근대이전의 금강산 유람객은 대부분 당대의 지식인이었고, 자신의 여행 체험과 견문을 한문으로 기록하였다. 1863년(철종 14) 강원도 관찰사로 부임한 김영근(金泳根)은 순력과 근친(覲親)하러 오는 아들과의 만남을 목적으로 8월 6일 원주 감영을 출발한 후 9월 4일 감영으로 복귀하였다. 이때의 견문과 체험을 기록한 것이 <금강산졀긔 동유록>이다. 이 기록은 한글로 기록한 일기체 유산록(遊山錄)으로 19세기 유람록이 지닌 특징을 보여준다. 문학적 표현(表現)보다는 사실적 재현(再現)에 집중하고 있으며, 잡록(雜錄)의 글쓰기가 주를 이루고 있다. 김영근은 순력, 제명, 전설을 통해 자신의 인식을 드러내었다. 관할 지역을 순시하면서 지방관으로서의 소명의식, 제명을 하면서 가족의식을 드러내었다. 지역에 대한 정보를 기록하고, 설화를 기록하는 등 금강산의 장소적 특성과 의미를 전달하고자 했다. Many people traveled even during the Joseon Dynasty, and the space representing the travel destination was Mt. Geumgang. The tourists who visited Mt. Geumgang aimed at landscape sightseeing, but the Gangwon-do governor also included a route to Mt. Geumgang in his supervisory journey throughout his jurisdiction. Before the modern era, most of the tourists visiting Mt. Geumgang were intellectuals of the era, and they recorded their travel experiences and knowledge in Chinese characters. Kim Young-geun, who was appointed as the governor in Gangwon-do in 1863 (14th year of King Cheoljong), left his Wonju government office on August 6 for the purpose of his supervisory journey throughout his jurisdiction and also meeting his son visiting him for filial piety, and returned to his office on September 4. The record of his knowledge and experiences of this time is < Geumgangsan-jyeolgwi Dongyurok >. < Dongyurok > is a diary type record of playing in the mountain written in Korean language and has an incomplete composition, but it shows the characteristics of the 19th century excursion record. It focuses on realistic representation rather than literary expression, and is mainly composed of miscellaneous written records. Kim Young-geun revealed his own perception through supervisory journey, writing his name on scenic spots, and old story. As he toured his jurisdiction, he revealed his sense of vocation as a local government official, his family and family consciousness by writing his name on scenic spots. While recording the old story, he newly recognized the place value and meaning of Mt. Geumgang.

      • KCI등재

        영도에서 조망하는 부산항 경관의 시각적 특성

        박문순,강영조,조승래,강헌우,차명숙,Park, Moon-Sook,Kang, Young-Jo,Cho, Seung-Rae,Kang, Hyon-Woo,Cha, Myeong-Sook 한국조경학회 2010 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.38 No.4

        본 연구는 영도에서 부산항을 체험할 수 있는 조망점을 대상으로 조망점의 공간적 분포, 부산항을 체험하는 시선의 유형, 항구경관의 구도적 특성 그리고 조망점의 시각특성을 밝히고자 하였다. 선정된 조망점 27개소를 대상으로 한 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조망점의 공간적 분포 유형은 공원형, 공공시설형, 도로변형으로 구분되었다. 조망점은 도로변형에서 가장 많이 분포하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 부산항을 체험하는 시선의 유형은 수제선회유형, 항만대변형, 도시관통형으로 나타났다. 영도에서 바라보는 부산항 경관에 대한 시선의 유형은 도시관통형이 가장 많이 나타났다. 이유로는 영도라는 섬이 도시화로 인해 시가지와 도로가 점점 확장되면서 부산항을 바라보는 시선이 도시를 관통하여 바다를 조망하는 시선이 많아지게 된 것으로 보인다. 셋째, 항구경관의 구도적 특성은 파노라마형, 회랑형, 지붕너머형으로 파악되었다. 그 중 지붕너머형이 가장 많이 나타났다. 이를 통해 영도에서 체험하는 부산항의 모습은 대부분 경관의 연속성이 상실되고, 주거지의 지붕이 거리감을 차단하여 일종의 차경 역할을 하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 조망점의 시각특성을 분석하였다 조망정의 부각은 수평경에 가까운 $-3^{\circ}{\sim}-1^{\circ}$사이에 13개소, $-6^{\circ}{\sim}-4^{\circ}$의 범위에 12개소로 가장 많은 분포를 보였다. 부감의 시축에 해당되는 조망점은 2개소로 나타났다. 이는 시가지가 확장되면서 건물에 의해 내려다보는 시선이 차단된 결과로 판단되었다. 그리고 시거리의 지리적 범위는 0.2km~6.4km에 이르는 광범위한 조망역을 이루고 있었다. 최적의 부감경을 체험할 수 있는 조망점 2개소는 지속적으로 조망을 보전하기 위한 방법을 제안하였다. 본 연구의 성과는 부산의 경우와 같은 항만도시에 있어서 조망점의 관리 및 보전 등의 경관계획에 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This study will define the features of the viewpoint that best enables the view of Busan Port from Young-Do. Special focus will be on spatial distribution, the type Busan Port sights that can be experienced from Young-Do, the compositional characteristic of a port landscape and visual characteristic. The results are based on 27 selected viewpoints and are as follows. Firstly, the patterns of the spatial distribution of viewpoints are classified as park, public facility and wayside types. It was found that most viewpoints are located along a wayside. Secondly, the types of Busan Port sights that can be experienced from Young-Do are divided into three kinds: surrounding stand-line type, facing the port and the type of penetrating city. The major type was of penetrating city among the three patterns. The reason for this is that the point of view for Busan Port was changed into a prospect over the sea since city and road sections have been expanding due to the urbanization of Young-Do. Thirdly, the compositional characteristics of the port landscape are divided into three styles: panoramic, corridor, and rooftop. The most frequent type is the rooftop style among the three characteristics. This fact indicates that the picture of Busan Port seen from Young-Do loses continuity of view and that housetops inhibit the sense of distance. Lastly, the visual characteristics of the viewpoint were analyzed. The angles of the declination of the viewpoints are concentrated on the horizontally closed parts. Thirteen points lie between $-3^{\circ}$ and $-1^{\circ}$, and twelve points between $-6^{\circ}$ and $-4^{\circ}$. The visual axes of the depression are two points because sight is interrupted by buildings which are built when the city expands. Two viewpoints for experiencing the optimum landscape of depression should be prepared to ensure continuous preservation of the viewpoints. The sight creates a wide prospect, reaching from 0.2km to 6.4km. It is expected that the results of this study can be used for the landscape plans of port cities including the management and preservation of viewpoints.

      • KCI등재

        QR코드를 이용한 청소년 체험학습 쿠폰 시스템 개발

        박순호 ( Soon Ho Park ),김유두 ( Yu Doo Kim ),문일영 ( Il Young Moon ) 한국실천공학교육학회 2013 실천공학교육논문지 Vol.5 No.1

        PC의 빠른 보급으로 많은 사용자가 PC로 다양한 콘텐츠를 즐기고 있다. 특히 최근 들어 청소년들의 PC이용 률이 급격히 증가했다. 청소년들은 이러한 PC를 이용하여 보다 쉽게 정보를 얻을 수 있고, 특히 온라인 게임을 통하여 스트레스를 해소하고, 가상현실에서의 또 다른 재미를 느낄 수 있다. 이렇게 일찍부터 빠르게 발전하고 있는 IT문화를 접하는 것은 좋은 일인 것은 분명하다. 하지만 그로 인해 청소년들은 자연스럽게 실내 활동이 많아지게 되면서 야외활동이 줄어들게 됨에 따라 세상을 보는 시야 또한 많이 좁아지게 되었다. 따라서 청소년 들의 야외활동을 유도하기 위해 최근 많이 사용하는 스마트 폰 어플리케이션을 이용하여 현장체험 쿠폰 시스템을 구축하게 되었다. 그리고 HTML5를 기반으로 하는 하이브리드 앱을 개발함으로써 디바이스의 구분없이 사용할 수 있도록 하였다. 따라서 이 어플리케이션을 통해서 청소년들의 현장체험에 대한 관심과 동기를 유발시킴으로써 많은 볼거리를 체험하고, 다양한 시각에서 세상을 바라볼 수 있다. Because of rapid spread of the PC, many users have been enjoying a variety of content as PC. Especially in recent years, young people has increased dramatically PC usage. Young people get more easily information using a PC. Especially they relieve their stress through online games and feel another fun of virtual reality. It is obviously a good effect that they contact IT culture with rapidly developed. But young people`s perspective with world is narrow because of doing more indoor activities than outdoor. Therefore we built Spot experience voucher system using smart phone application. We hope that many young people act outdoor activities. And Our product offer hybrid device by developing HTML5-based app. Thus this app will give interest of spot-experience to young-people. So If young people use this app, they can have many experience and see diverse aspects.

      • KCI등재후보

        Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) Operation: From Design to Initial Results

        Moon-Jin Jeon,Young-Ho Cho,김은혁,Dong-Gyu Kim,Young-Joo Song,홍승범,Jonghee Bae,Jun Bang,Jo Ryeong Yim,Dae-Kwan Kim 한국우주과학회 2024 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.41 No.1

        Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) is South Korea’s first space exploration mission, developed by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. It aims to develop technologies for lunar exploration, explore lunar science, and test new technologies. KPLO was launched on August 5, 2022, by a Falcon-9 launch vehicle from cape canaveral space force station (CCSFS) in the United States and placed on a ballistic lunar transfer (BLT) trajectory. A total of four trajectory correction maneuvers were performed during the approximately 4.5-month trans-lunar cruise phase to reach the Moon. Starting with the first lunar orbit insertion (LOI) maneuver on December 16, the spacecraft performed a total of three maneuvers before arriving at the lunar mission orbit, at an altitude of 100 kilometers, on December 27, 2022. After entering lunar orbit, the commissioning phase validated the operation of the mission mode, in which the payload is oriented toward the center of the Moon. After completing about one month of commissioning, normal mission operations began, and each payload successfully performed its planned mission. All of the spacecraft operations that KPLO performs from launch to normal operations were designed through the system operations design process. This includes operations that are automatically initiated post-separation from the launch vehicle, as well as those in lunar transfer orbit and lunar mission orbit. Key operational procedures such as the spacecraft’s initial checkout, trajectory correction maneuvers, LOI, and commissioning were developed during the early operation preparation phase. These procedures were executed effectively during both the early and normal operation phases. The successful execution of these operations confirms the robust verification of the system operation.

      • Recent Advances in Therapeutic Biliary Endoscopy

        Moon, Young Soo 白中央醫療院 2004 仁濟醫學 Vol.25 No.1

        담도질환에 대한 치료내시경 시술은 Kawai 등이 치료에 가장 기본이 되는 내시경적 유두부 괄약근절개술을 개발한 이후 30여년에 이르는 역사를 갖게 되었다. 내시경적 치료 수기는 끊임없이 발전하여 왔으며, 현재에도 다양한 방법과 기술이 개발되어 도입되고 있다. 최근에 담도의 치료내시경 시술의사들은 여러 가지 방법의 치료시술의 장단점을 비교하고 비용-효과의 측면을 고려하여 각 시술에 대한 장기 성적에 많은 관심을 갖게 되었다. 담도의 영상진단에 있어 자기공명 담도영상의 눈부신 발전으로 진단적인 목적의 내시경적 역행성 담췌관조영술은 점점 감소하는 추세에 있다. 그러나 치료의 면에 있어서는 담도 병변에 대하여 직접적인 접근을 가능하게 하므로 여전히 다른 검사가 대신할 수 없는 필수적인 시술로 남아 있다. 본 종설에서는 담도질환에 대한 내시경적 치료에 관한 여러 주제를 중심으로 최근의 진보를 논하기로 했다.

      • 龍平 Ski場의 觀光客이 地域經濟에 미치는 影響

        朴榮完,金炳文 관동대학교 1983 關大論文集 Vol.11 No.2

        Kang Weon Province is a treasure house for tourists. There is not only a ski resort area, but there are resources for tourism year round-Spring, Summer, and antumn. As Korea has developed economically, tourism has also changed. The customary, more "active" and "varied forms of recreation, such as golf, skiing, Swimming, climbing, hiking, camping, and fishing. The is true especially for younger toursits. Since the young peung ski resort area is the only skiing region in Korea, skiers are attracted to the area from all over the country. Ninety Percent of skiers come from Seoul, and 10% from others regions. There are two ways to find out about attractive tourist areas. One way is from residencs which live near tourist sights, and the other way is from tourist resources about the tourist area. The young peung Ski resort area is 160KM from young peung tourist resources. The number of skiers exceeds the present accommodations for them. The tourist pattern in the ski region shows two peaks and two lows. Winter is the first peak and the second is fall. The high in the summer is due to tourists going to the East Sea bathing resorts. The first peak in winter accounts for 30% of all tourists in the country at that time, and 95% of all domestic tourists, including foreginers who live in Korea. There are many other tourist resources near the ski area. There are the famous beaches near Kangreung, and Oa Dea National Park. The youngPeung region is one spot on the tourist route in this Area. Skiing on young peoung has had little effect on regional economics as there are few lodginghouse or other accomodations. Becassuse skiing is popular and is a rapidly growing industry with many amature skiers, it would seem that other areas should be developed for skiing.

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