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        주민참여예산제도의 제도화 과정 연구 - 동형화 이론의 검증을 통한 확산의 이해 -

        유란희 ( Lanhee Ryu ),김선형 ( Sunhyoung Kim ) 한국정책학회 2017 韓國政策學會報 Vol.26 No.3

        본 논문은 주민참여예산제도의 도입과 확산에 있어 신제도주의 측면에서 동형화 현상을 포착하는 데 목적이 있다. 주민참여예산제도의 도입에 대한 기존의 연구들은 지방자치단체의 내부적인 요인에만 주목하여 지방자치단체의 자발성으로만 제도도입을 설명하는 한계를 나타내었다. 이에, 본 논문은 정치적, 경제·재정적, 사회적 요인 외에 외부적인 요인들이 주민참여예산제도의 제도화를 추동하였을 것이라는 문제의식을 가지고 진행되었다. 이를 위해, 신제도주의 동형화 이론에 근거하여, 231개 기초지방자치단체를 대상으로 제도가 처음 도입된 2004년에서 최근 2014년까지 공간분석과 서열로짓분석을 활용하여 분석을 시도하였으며, 전문가 인터뷰를 통해 내용적 맥락을 해석하였다. 분석 결과, 주민참여예산제도의 전국적인 확산과 제도화는 상위정부로서 광역지방자치단체의 강압적 압력, 인접한 기초지방자치단체들의 모방적 압력에 긍정적 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 지방자치단체 내 시민단체의 활성화와 같은 규범적 압력은 독립적으로는 제도화에 영향을 미치지 못하였으나, 지방자치단체장의 진보적인 정치성향과 상호작용할 때 주민참여 예산제도의 제도화에 영향을 주었다. 이러한 결과는 주민참여예산제도 발전과정에 있어 또 다른 메커니즘을 밝혀냈다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다. For last few decades, studies on participatory budgeting in South Korea have focused on internal factors of local governments, but have paid little attention to the effect of external factors in adoption of participatory budgeting. Using multiple large data sets for 2004-2014 from 231 local governments, this research explores that coercive, mimetic, and normative pressures also have a substantial impact on development of participatory budgeting based on the new institutionalism theory by employing spatial analysis, ordered logit analysis, and interview with a NGO activist. After interacting normative pressures from NGOs with progressive tendency of a local government head, the authors find that normative pressures, which do not show an effective result independently, are also associated positively with the development. This evidence suggests that there is another explanatory mechanism of the development of participatory budgeting in South Korea, while previous studies have discussed participatory budgeting is a self-directed institution focusing on political and socioeconomic factors of local governments.

      • 사회서비스의 시장화(Marketization)와 서비스의 질(Quality): 노인장기요양서비스의 이용자 제도선택과 만족도를 중심으로

        유란희 ( Ryu Lanhee ) 한국사회보장학회 2017 한국사회보장학회 정기학술대회 Vol.2017 No.1

        본 연구는 노인장기요양서비스 시장화의 한 축인 경쟁이 서비스의 질에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 검증한다. 과거의 서비스 시장화 연구들은 국가비교 방법론을 활용하거나, 기관만을 분석의 대상으로 연구하였으며, 시장화의 부정적인 영향력만을 과도하게 평가하는 경 향이 있었다. 이에 본 연구는 이용자 개인에 집중하여, 로짓분석(logit analysis)과 서열 로짓 분석(ordered logit analysis)을 바탕으로, 요양기관과 전문 인력의 비율이 이용자의 제도선택 여부와 만족도에 미치는 영향을 확인하였다. 분석 결과, 이용자의 제도선택 측면에서는 요양기관의 비율은 부(-)의 영향력을, 전문 인력의 비율은 정(+)의 영향력을 미쳤으며, 만족도 측면에는 건강만족도에 요양기관의 비율은 부(-)의 영향력을, 전문 인력이 비율은 정(+)의 영향력을 미쳤으며, 삶의 만족도에는 용양기관이 비율이 정(+)의 영향력을, 전문인력의 비율은 부(-)의 영향력을 나타내었다. 이러한 결과는 노인장기요양서비스의 시장화가 이용자에게 있어 일정 부분 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 시사하는 것으로, 기존의 연구들과는 달리 노인장기요양서비스의 시장화가 부정적인 영향만을 미치지는 않는다는 점에 대한 실증적인 증거를 제공하였다는 점에서 함의를 지닌다.

      • KCI등재

        플랫폼 정부의 유형과 발전에 관한 연구 : 지방정부 간 정책확산을 중심으로

        유란희 ( Ryu Lanhee Lee ),이경은 ( Kyung Eun ) 한국지방행정연구원 2023 地方行政硏究 Vol.37 No.4

        This study aims to classify ‘digital platform government’ in theoretical aspects, This study aims to classify ‘digital platform government’ in theoretical aspects, to analyze the current status of platform government operation at the regional level, and to find out the significant factors to accept a variety of digital platform in local governments. Previous studies have attempted to utilize the concept of platform in business or engineering fields, however, it is limited discussed in the field of public administration. Thus, this study explains the conception and characteristics of platform government, varies types of public platform by using two main functions of platform(sharing vast data and promoting participation and cooperation of private actors and citizens) and service direction between the government and citizens. Based on the “Survey of the Digital Platforms by Local Governments” conducted by KRILA in 2022, this study anlayzes the influence of vertical coercive mechanisms, horizontal learning/competitive/mimetic mechanisms, and internal capacity on the typology of platform government at local level. The results are follows: firstly, local governmnets have an effort to design and operate various digital platform when they focus on expert’s advice and other government’s remarkable cases of digital platform; secondly, local governments with mid-to or long-term policy strategies consider to design a variety of platforms. This evidence suggests that there is another explanatory mechanism of the development of digital platform government at local level, while previous studies have argued the coercive power of the central government for policy diffusion in Korea. To be specific, it needs to support to strengthen policy capacity of local government and attempts to create the area for local governments to benchmark other cases of digital innovation in order to meets various needs in local society and to design developed platform at local level.

      • Is Telework a Reasonable Accommodation for Disabled Federal Employees? A Social Exchange Theory Perspective

        ( Myungjung Kwon ),( Lanhee Ryu ),( Yujin Choi ) 한국정책학회 2021 International Journal of Policy Studies Vol.12 No.2

        While telework has been offered to disabled federal employees, a considerable number of disabled federal teleworkers are dissatisfied with telework, still reluctant to participate, and do not consider telework as a reasonable accommodation. Drawing on insights from the social exchange theory, this article extends previous telework research by demonstrating the differential effects of perceived organizational support (POS), leader-member exchange (LMX), or team member exchange (TMX) on disabled teleworker satisfaction with telework. For hypotheses testing examining what factors influence disabled federal teleworker satisfaction with telework, individual-level and agency-level analyses are conducted by using data from Federal Employee Viewpoint Surveys from 2013 to 2015. Findings show that establishing desirable interpersonal relationships with coworkers enhances disabled federal teleworker satisfaction with telework. Also, opportunities for learning and growth and inclusive leadership are likely to increase disabled federal teleworker satisfaction with telework.

      • KCI등재

        주민참여예산제도 조례유형에 따른 정책확산 연구

        김선형 ( Sunhyoung Kim ),유란희 ( Lanhee Ryu ) 고려대학교 정부학연구소 2017 정부학연구 Vol.23 No.2

        본 논문은 주민참여예산제도의 확산과정을 공간분석을 통해 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 주민 참여예산제도의 도입에 대한 기존 연구들은 시민단체·지방자치단체장의 정치적인 성향, 지 방정부의 재정능력과 같은 내·외부 환경요인에 대한 회귀분석이나 사례연구에만 초점이 맞춰진 한계를 나타내었다. 이에, 본 논문은 주민참여예산제도가 기초지방자치단체단위의 정책인 만큼 확산양상을 지역적으로 분석할 필요성이 있다고 생각하여 진행하였다. 정책확산 이론의 수평적 확산에 근거하여, 231개 지방자치단체를 대상으로 주민참여예산제도가 처음 도입된 2004년, 중앙정부 차원에서 표준조례안을 만들어 도입을 권고하였던 2007년, 운영조례안의 의무도입을 추진하였던 2011년, 그리고 최근의 시기까지 구분하여 확산의 과정을 살피고자 한 것이다. 공간분석을 통해 주민참여예산제도 확산의 4시기를 구분해 본 결과, 각각의 사례에서 수평적 확산과 더불어 내부적인 요인으로 정치적·재정적인 역량이 다양하게 주민참여예산제도의 도입과 확산에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. Korean citizen participation has been conducted in many boroughs since 2003. It was first practiced in Buk-gu, Gwanju. The program has received considerable attention since that time in both academia and the private sector. The impact of internal factors influencing participatory budgeting processes has been widely studied at the local government level in South Korea. However, little attention has been paid to the effects of external factors in the adoption of participatory budgeting processes. This study examines the substantial impact of Breadth and Depth of Diffusion on the development of participatory budgeting processes. Numerous large data sets from 231 local governments were gathered covering a time range from 2004 to 2014. Policy diffusion theory and spatial analysis were employed to obtain the result. This study aims to classify the types of Participatory Budgeting by periods of the participatory and participatory levels and suggest the implications. We have reviewed the participatory budgeting operation ordinances, operating plans and operating systems of 231 local governments. And the participatory budgeting can be divided into four periods. Using spatial analysis to examine the allocation of the citizen participation system into four periods, we found that, in each case, political and financial capacities affected the process. We attributed the result to internal factors and the breadth diffusion. These factors impacted the introduction and diffusion of the citizen participation budget system.

      • KCI등재

        세종시의 노인복지 정책헌신도 비교분석 : 행정적, 사회경제적, 규범적 준거집단과의 비교를 중심으로

        최성은 ( Seong Eun Choi ),유란희 ( Lanhee Ryu ) 한국지방행정연구원 2023 地方行政硏究 Vol.37 No.4

        This study is to find out the current state of elderly welfare expenditure and efforts to improve the welfare for the elderly by using ‘policy commitment’ in Sejong city. Policy commitment refers to local government’s financial supports to specific field on their own funding program. Previous studies have attempted to utilize ‘financial capacity’ of local governments, however, it is necessary to focus on sellf-fudning program due to an environment with high fiscal-dependence on the central government in Korea. This study examines local-level eldelry welfare expenditure, self-funding welfare programs, support method and detaied programs for old people in 2021 with Sejong and administrative, socio-economic, and normative reference groups. The results are follows: firstly, Sejong’s financial capacity is relatively high compared to 16 regional local government(administrative groups), furthermore, social expenditure and self-funding welfare programs for the elderly have steadily increased in Sejong; secondly, compared to the socio-economic and normative groups incluidng Dajeon city, Yuseong-gu, Seoul city, and Ganam-gu, policy commitment for the elderly wefare is ranked in the middle; thirdly, self-funding welfare programs for old people in Sejong is largely funded in-cash, and there was a big difference in policy commitment by detais in the elderly programs self-funded. To be specific, Sejong city supports a lot of ‘funeral facilities’, and ‘respect/social integration’ after ‘care service’, even though reference groups focus on ‘social participation’ or ‘job projects’ for the elderly. The result indicates that Sejong city needs to adjust self-funding programs for detailed area of the elderly welfare, and attempts to benchmark other programs for senior job-project of reference groups in order to meets various welfare needs of the elderly in Sejong.

      • KCI등재

        What makes hybrid insourcing successful: A new public–private partnership model for social welfare services

        Yang Jae‐jin,Kim Hey Sung,Choi Seong Eun,Ryu Lanhee,Choi Young Jun 한국사회복지학회 2020 Asian Social Work and Policy Review Vol.14 No.1

        Outsourcing has been a key policy tool for delivering a range of social services, and regarded as more effective than insourcing or direct government provision. At the same time, it has also caused many delivery issues such as principal‐agent problems, a lack of policy coordination, and poor‐quality welfare services. While the pendulum continues to swing between insourcing and outsourcing, we aim to propose a new public–private partnership model called the “hybrid insourcing model” and examine which factors influence the performance of the model. In South Korea, around 2010, the local government in Namyangju City was the first to implement the “Hope Care Center model,” a kind of hybrid insourcing model, which has been praised for its innovation and widely emulated by central and local governments. Our analysis utilizes data collected between December 2017 and January 2018 from public sector employees and civilian staff in Namyangju and a comparable city, A. From this, we draw a number of implications, both for theory and for policy. We argue that, for public–private partnerships, active cooperation and equality are the biggest factors in contributing to positive performance. These work alongside leaders with a clear vision and with employees' positive attitude

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