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      • Detection and Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Joint Biopsy Specimens by rpoB PCR Cloning and Sequencing

        Yun, Y.-J.,Lee, K.-H.,Haihua, L.,Ryu, Y.-J.,Kim, B.-J.,Lee, Y.-H.,Baek, G.-H.,Kim, H.-J.,Chung, M.-S.,Lee, M.-C.,Lee, S.-H.,Choi, I.-H.,Cho, T.-J.,Chang, B.-S.,Kook, Y.-H. American Society for Microbiology 2005 Journal of clinical microbiology Vol.43 No.1

        <P>Osteoarticular tuberculosis (OAT) is an extrapulmonary tuberculosis and accounts for 1 to 3% of all tuberculosis cases. We used an rpoB PCR-plasmid TA cloning-sequencing method to detect and identify tubercle bacilli in surgical specimens from patients suspected of having OAT. By comparing the similarities of the rpoB sequences determined with those in GenBank, Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected in 23 of 43 samples. Three of the 23 positive samples had mutations at codon 531, which are commonly observed in rifampin-resistant M. tuberculosis strains. Our results suggest that the rpoB PCR-TA cloning-sequencing method developed, which detects M. tuberculosis and which simultaneously determines its rifampin susceptibility, can also be used efficiently for the diagnosis of OAT.</P>

      • Seed-borne endophytic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens RWL-1 produces gibberellins and regulates endogenous phytohormones of Oryza sativa

        Shahzad, R.,Waqas, M.,Khan, A.L.,Asaf, S.,Khan, M.A.,Kang, S.M.,Yun, B.W.,Lee, I.J. Gauthier-Villars ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2016 Vol. No.

        <P>Some microorganisms are adapted to an endophytic mode, living symbiotically with plants through vertical transmission in seeds. The role of plant growth-promoting endophytes has been well studied, but those of seed-associated endophytic bacteria are less understood. The current study aimed to isolate and identify bacterial endophytes associated with rice (Oryza sativa L. 'Jin so mi') seeds, their potential to produce gibberellins (GAs), and role in improving host-plant physiology. The isolated bacterial endophyte RWL-1 was identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens by using 16S rRNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The pure culture of B. amyloliquefaciens RWL-1, supplied with deuterated internal standards, was subjected to gas chromatography and mass spectrometric selected ion monitoring (GC-MS/SIM) for quantification of GAs. Results showed the presence of GAs in various quantities (ng/mL) viz., GA(20) (17.88 +/- 4.04), GA(36) (5.75 +/- 2.36), GA(24) (5.64 +/- 2.46), GA(4) (1.02 +/- 0.16), GA(53) (0.772 +/- 0.20), GA(9) (0.12 +/- 0.09), GA(19) (0.093 +/- 0.13), GA(5) (0.08 +/- 0.04), GA(12) (0.014 +/- 0.34), and GA(8) (0.013 +/- 0.01). Since endogenous seed GAs are essential for prolonged seed growth and subsequent plant development, we used exogenous GA(3) as a positive control and water as a negative control for comparative analysis of the application of B. amyloliquefaciens RWL-1 to rice plants. The growth parameters of rice plants treated with endophytic bacterial cell application was significantly increased compared to the plants treated with exogenous GA3 and water. This was also revealed by the significant up-regulation of endogenous GA(1) (17.54 +/- 2.40 ng), GA(4) (310 +/- 5.41 ng), GA(7) (192.60 +/- 3.32 ng), and GA(9) (19.04 +/- 2.49 ng) as compared to results of the positive and negative control treatments. Rice plants inoculated with B. amyloliquefaciens RWL-1 exhibited significantly higher endogenous salicylic acid (1615.06 +/- 10.81 mu g), whereas endogenous abscisic acid (23.31 +/- 2.76 ng) and jasmonic acid (25.51 +/- 4.20 ng) were observed to be significantly lower in these inoculated plants than in those treated with exogenous GA3 and water. Results of the present study suggest that B. amyloliquefaciens RWL-1 has the ability to produce GAs and that its inoculation in seedlings can be beneficial to rice plants. Broader field trials should be conducted to determine its use as an alternative biofertilizer. (C) 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.</P>


        BSA and ABCB1 polymorphism affect the pharmacokinetics of sunitinib and its active metabolite in Asian mRCC patients receiving an attenuated sunitinib dosing regimen

        Chae, J. w.,Teo, Y. L.,Ho, H. K.,Lee, J.,Back, H. m.,Yun, H. y.,Karlsson, M. O.,Kwon, K. i.,Chan, A. Springer Science + Business Media 2016 Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology Vol.78 No.3

        <P>An attenuated dosing (AD) sunitinib regimen of 37.5 mg daily has been suggested to reduce the toxicity reported with the standard dosing regimen to metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients. The aim of this study was to characterize the population pharmacokinetic (PK) properties of sunitinib and SU12662, the active metabolite, in patients receiving the AD regimen and to ascertain significant covariates influencing PK parameters. Thirty-one mRCC patients receiving AD sunitinib regimen were included. Plasma samples were collected on day 29 of each treatment cycle after the start of the therapy. Nonlinear mixed-effects modeling was applied to estimate the population PK properties of sunitinib and SU12662 as well as the effect of covariates on PK parameters. Monte Carlo simulation was also performed to predict the total trough level (TTL) of sunitinib and SU12662. Sunitinib population means for CL/F and V (d) /F (central) were 13.8 L/h and 1720 L, respectively. SU12662 population means for CL/F and V (d) /F were 42.1 L/h and 1410 L, respectively. Body surface area (BSA) and ABCB1 polymorphism significantly influenced the CL/F variability of sunitinib: CL/F (parent) = 13.8 x exp((BSA - 1.75) x 2.08 + (ABCB1 (genotype) - 0.67) x 0.61), ABCB1-0: wild genotype, 1: mutant genotype. The effect size of ABCB1 mutant genotype and BSA greater than 1.75 m(2) in relation to sunitinib clearance was 31.14 % (p = 0.006) and 22.11 % (p = 0.011), respectively, relative to the reference group. Adjusting doses of sunitinib according to BSA and ABCB1 polymorphism in Asian mRCC patients may be recommended for sufficient attainment of a target TTL of sunitinib and its metabolite.</P>


        Toroidal rotation profile structure in KSTAR L-mode plasmas with mixed heating by NBI and ECH

        Shi, Y.J.,Ko, S.H.,Kwon, J.M.,Ko, W.H.,Diamond, P.H.,Yi, S.,Ida, K.,Lee, K.D.,Jeong, J.H.,Seo, S.H.,Hahn, S.H.,Yoon, S.W.,Bae, Y.S.,Terzolo, L.,Yun, G.S.,Bitter, M.,Hill, K. IOP 2016 Nuclear fusion Vol.56 No.1

        <P>The structure of the toroidal rotation profile with mixed heating by neutral beam injection (NBI) and electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECH) has been investigated in KSTAR L-mode plasmas. ECH with varying resonance layer positions was used for heating a mix control. The experimental results show that ECH causes a counter-current rotation increment both for off-axis and on-axis ECH heating. For L-mode plasmas, off-axis ECH produces larger counter-current rotation than on-axis ECH. Analysis of ion heat and momentum transport for the ECH L-mode plasmas shows that the electron temperature gradient is the main reason for the degradation of ion heat confinement and also the main driving force for the non-diffusive momentum flux. As a possible mechanism for the counter-current intrinsic torque with ECH, the transition of the turbulence mode from ion temperature gradient (ITG) to the trapped electron mode (TEM) with the resulting sign change of turbulence driven residual stress is suggested. A linear gyro-kinetic analysis shows the ITG  →  TEM transition occurs in a localized region during ECH injection, and the trend of TEM excitation is consistent with the observed macroscopic trend of the toroidal rotation.</P>


        Experiment and simulation of tearing mode evolution with electron cyclotron current drive in KSTAR

        Kim, Kyungjin,Na, Yong-Su,Kim, Minhwa,Jeon, Y.M.,Lee, K.D.,Bak, J.G.,Choi, M.J.,Yun, G.S.,Lee, S.G.,Park, S.,Jeong, J.H.,Terzolo, L.,Na, D.H.,Yoo, M.G. Elsevier 2015 Current Applied Physics Vol.15 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The tearing mode (TM) plasma instability was observed in low confinement (L-mode) plasmas when non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbation (MP) was applied using external coils during 2011 campaign of KSTAR. Based on the collected information of the magnetic island location in a plasma, a discharge was designed for suppression of a (2,1) TM mode by adjusting electron cyclotron (EC) launcher angles to the estimated island position. Here, the (m,n) notation describes the poloidal mode number and the toroidal mode number of the TM, respectively. The discharge is analysed with experimental observations and numerical simulations. Mirnov coil (MC) arrays and electron cyclotron emission (ECE) are used for analysis of the island width and the location as well as the mode number. The EC deposition and its alignment with the island are estimated by X-ray imaging crystal spectroscopy (XICS) and ECE measurements. An integrated numerical system is employed for modelling of this discharge to analyse a temporal evolution of the mode activity by integrating plasma equilibrium, transport, heating and current drive, and the magnetic island evolution, in a self-consistent way. The effect of EC current drive is discussed by comparing with another TM discharge but without ECCD. Some possibilities for classifying this mode to neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) and stabilisation effect of ECCD are suggested based on the experimental observation and the simulation results.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Suppression of (2,1) TM/NTM by applying ECH/CD for the first time in KSTAR. </LI> <LI> Suppression of the mode examined by experimental observations and simulations. </LI> <LI> Simulation of a mode without ECCD to compare with/without the applied control. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • SCISCIE

        An AzTEC 1.1-mm survey for ULIRGs in the field of the Galaxy Cluster MS 0451.6−0305

        Wardlow, J. L.,Smail, Ian,Wilson, G. W.,Yun, M. S.,Coppin, K. E. K.,Cybulski, R.,Geach, J. E.,Ivison, R. J.,Aretxaga, I.,Austermann, J. E.,Edge, A. C.,Fazio, G. G.,Huang, J.,Hughes, D. H.,Kodama, T.,K Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010 MONTHLY NOTICES- ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Vol.401 No.4

        <P>ABSTRACT</P><P>We have undertaken a deep (σ∼ 1.1 mJy) 1.1-mm survey of the <I>z</I>= 0.54 cluster MS 0451.6−0305 using the AzTEC camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. We detect 36 sources with signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) ≥ 3.5 in the central 0.10 deg<SUP>2</SUP> and present the AzTEC map, catalogue and number counts. We identify counterparts to 18 sources (50 per cent) using radio, mid-infrared, <I>Spitzer</I> InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC) and Submillimetre Array data. Optical, near- and mid-infrared spectral energy distributions are compiled for the 14 of these galaxies with detectable counterparts, which are expected to contain all likely cluster members. We then use photometric redshifts and colour selection to separate background galaxies from potential cluster members and test the reliability of this technique using archival observations of submillimetre galaxies. We find two potential MS 0451−03 members, which, if they are both cluster galaxies, have a total star formation rate (SFR) of ∼100 M<SUB>⊙</SUB> yr<SUP>−1</SUP>– a significant fraction of the combined SFR of all the other galaxies in MS 0451−03. We also examine the stacked rest-frame mid-infrared, millimetre and radio emission of cluster members below our AzTEC detection limit, and find that the SFRs of mid-IR-selected galaxies in the cluster and redshift-matched field populations are comparable. In contrast, the average SFR of the morphologically classified late-type cluster population is nearly three times less than the corresponding redshift-matched field galaxies. This suggests that these galaxies may be in the process of being transformed on the red sequence by the cluster environment. Our survey demonstrates that although the environment of MS 0451−03 appears to suppress star formation in late-type galaxies, it can support active, dust-obscured mid-IR galaxies and potentially millimetre-detected LIRGs.</P>


        Genetic architecture of quantitative trait loci associated with morphological and agronomic trait differences in a wild by cultivated barley cross

        Somers, Daryl,Gyenis, L.,Yun, S.J.,Smith, K.P.,Steffenson, B.J.,Bossolini, E.,Sanguineti, M.C.,Muehlbauer, G.J. National Research Council of Canada, Conseil natio 2007 Genome Vol.50 No.8

        <P> Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum is the progenitor of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Domestication combined with plant breeding has led to the morphological and agronomic characteristics of modern barley cultivars. The objective of this study was to map the genetic factors that morphologically and agronomically differentiate wild barley from modern barley cultivars. To address this objective, we identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with plant height, flag leaf width, spike length, spike width, glume length in relation to seed length, awn length, fragility of ear rachis, endosperm width and groove depth, heading date, flag leaf length, number of tillers per plant, and kernel color in a Harrington/OUH602 advanced backcross (BC2F8) population. This population was genotyped with 113 simple sequence repeat markers. Thirty QTLs were identified, of which 16 were newly identified in this study. One to 4 QTLs were identified for each of the traits except glume length, for which no QTL was detected. The portion of phenotypic variation accounted for by individual QTLs ranged from about 9% to 54%. For traits with more than one QTL, the phenotypic variation explained ranged from 25% to 71%. Taken together, our results reveal the genetic architecture of morphological and agronomic traits that differentiate wild from cultivated barley. </P>


        Microphysical characteristics of frozen droplet aggregates from deep convective clouds

        Um, Junshik,McFarquhar, Greg M.,Stith, Jeffrey L.,Jung, Chang Hoon,Lee, Seoung Soo,Lee, Ji Yi,Shin, Younghwan,Lee, Yun Gon,Yang, Yiseok Isaac,Yum, Seong Soo,Kim, Byung-Gon,Cha, Joo Wan,Ko, A-Reum Copernicus GmbH 2018 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Vol.18 No.23

        <P>Abstract. During the 2012 Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) experiment the National Science Foundation/National Center for Atmospheric Research Gulfstream V (GV) aircraft sampled the upper anvils of two storms that developed in eastern Colorado on 6 June 2012. A cloud particle imager (CPI) mounted on the GV aircraft recorded images of ice crystals at altitudes of 12.0 to 12.4 km and temperatures (T) from −61 to −55 ∘C. A total of 22 393 CPI crystal images were analyzed, all with maximum dimension (Dmax⁡)<433 µm and with an average Dmax⁡ of 80.7±45.4 µm. The occurrence of well-defined pristine crystals (e.g., columns and plates) was less than 0.04 % by number. Single frozen droplets and frozen droplet aggregates (FDAs) were the dominant habits with fractions of 73.0 % (by number) and 46.3 % (by projected area), respectively. The relative frequency of occurrence of single frozen droplets and FDAs depended on temperature and position within the anvil cloud. A new algorithm that uses the circle Hough transform technique was developed to automatically identify the number, size, and relative position of element frozen droplets within FDAs. Of the FDAs, 42.0 % had two element frozen droplets with an average of 4.7±5.0 element frozen droplets. The frequency of occurrence gradually decreased with the number of element frozen droplets. Based on the number, size, and relative position of the element frozen droplets within the FDAs, possible three-dimensional (3-D) realizations of FDAs were generated and characterized by two different shape parameters, the aggregation index (AI) and the fractal dimension (Df), that describe 3-D shapes and link to scattering properties with an assumption of spherical shape of element frozen droplets. The AI of FDAs decreased with an increase in the number of element frozen droplets, with larger FDAs with more element frozen droplets having more compact shapes. The Df of FDAs was about 1.20-1.43 smaller than that of black carbon (BC) aggregates (1.53-1.85) determined in previous studies. Such a smaller Df of FDAs indicates that FDAs have more linear chain-like branched shapes than the compact shapes of BC aggregates. Determined morphological characteristics of FDAs along with the proposed reconstructed 3-D representations of FDAs in this study have important implications for improving the calculations of the microphysical (e.g., fall velocity) and radiative (e.g., asymmetry parameter) properties of ice crystals in upper anvil clouds. </P>

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