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      • Improved DCT-Based Image Coding and Decoding Methods For Low-Bit Rate Applications

        Jung, Sung-Hwan,Sanjit K. Mitra 國立 昌原大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學硏究所論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        The discrete cosine transform (DCT) is well known for highly efficient coding performance, and it is widely used in many image compression applications. However, in low-bit rate coding, it produces undesirable block artifacts that are visually not pleasing. In addition, in many applications, faster computation and easier VLSI implementation of DCT coefficients are also important issues. The removal of the block artifacts and faster DCT computation are therefore of practical interest. In this paper, we outline a modified DCT computation scheme that provides a simple efficient solution to the reduction of the block artifacts while achieving faster computation. We also derive a similar solution for the efficient computation of the inverse DCT. We have applied the new approach for the low-bit rate coding and decoding of images. Initial simulation results on real images have verified the improved performance obtained using the proposed method over the standard JPEG method.

      • KCI등재

        한국어판 정신증상평가척도의 신뢰도와 타당도

        정순민,김미경,이정빈,최진환,정봉주,변원탄 大韓神經精神醫學會 2007 신경정신의학 Vol.46 No.3

        Objectives : Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale (PSYRATS) is an assessment tool to measure the seventy of different dimen-sions of auditory hallucinations and delusions. The reliability and validity of the Korean version of PSYRATS (K-PSYRATS)were examined in Korean patients with major psychosis. Methods : The inter-rater reliability of the K-PSYRATS was determined from the videotaped interviews of the five Schizoph-renic patients. To measure validity and internal consistency reliability, the 109 patients with auditory hallucinations or delusions were assessed using the K-PSYRATS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and Clinical Global Impression-Se-verity (CGI-S) scale. Results : K-PSYRATS was found to have excellent inter-rater reliability (intra-class correlation coefficient of auditory haliu-cination=0.81, P<.001, intm-class correlation coefficient ofde1usion=0.97, P<.001) and internal consistency reliability (Cron-bach's a of auditory hallucination =0.77, Cronbach's α of delusion =0.76). Significant correlation was found between K-PSY-RATS and positive syndrome subscale of PANSS and CGI. Conclusion : K-PSYRATS is a useful assessment instrument for psychotic symptoms in Korea.

      • CFT구조용 초고강도 충전 콘크리트의 현장 적용을 위한 실험적 연구

        이장환,남정민,정근호,김진호,정상진,최문식 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        Due to social problems such as the increasing of land price and the expanding of city, buildings require more complex and bigger components and structure. However, the complex and massive building projects need new technology to solve effect of local buckling and the needs for more space. Hence, Concrete Filled Tube Steel (CFT), the tube steel to hold concrete during pouring and curing of concrete procedure, which helps to reduce local buckling and space, was developed. Most researches on CFT might not be focused on the characteristic of concrete filled in tube but structural analysis. However, it is the essential factor to increase the strength of concrete on CFT for having efficient results. Therefore, this paper will describe how to apply CFT into the construction site through examining High Strength Concrete (800kg/cm2), the strength of core, and bleeding during pouring strategy.

      • KCI등재

        제시카법안 이념에 대한 千定煥 명예교수의 비판

        천정환(JUNG HWAN CHUNG) 한국교정복지학회 2023 교정복지연구 Vol.- No.84

        성범죄에 대한 제재에는 형벌과 보안처분관련 법률의 보안처분이 있는 바 우리나라에서는 갈수록 증대되는 성범죄에 대해서 형량의 강화나 전자감시와 보호관찰 등의 다양한 보안처분이 있어 왔다. 그럼에도 여전히 재범은 줄어들지 않고 있다. 특히 고위험 성범죄자의 출소를 계기로 국민들의 불안이 제기되자 법무부에서는 대응 방안으로 2023년 10월에 그들의 거주지를 국가가 지정하는 한국형 제시카법안이라는 새로운 보안처분을 입법예고하였다. 그러나 한국형 제시카법안은 미국식보다 강화된 보안처분으로 이중처벌 등의 비판을 받고 있다. 그러나 주로 법적 측면에서의 문제점들이 지적되고 있어 본 법안의 제정이념면에서의 비판은 없다. 그러나 법률안의 가장 중요한 내용은 바로 제정이념인 점에서 본고에서는 먼저 성범죄에 대한 보안처분의 역사를 기술한 뒤에 한국형 제시카법안의 성격을 살펴보고 이념적 측면에서의 문제점을 독창적으로 서술한다. Legal sanctions against sex offenders include punishment and security measures. There has been a diversification of punishment and security measures for increasing sex crimes until 2022, there were various security measures, including electronic anklets and disclosure of personal information. But, the recidivism of sex offenders remains un diminished. Therefore, legislation was announced for security measures called the Korean Jessica bill by the Ministry of Justice in October 2023. But, the Korean Jessica bill by the Ministry of Justice in October 2023 is a stronger system than the United States Jessica Bill's contents and is being criticized for double punishment and so on. But, problems against the Korean Jessica bill by the Ministry of Justice are mainly pointed out on the legal side and there is no criticism in terms of the legislation ideology. Because the most important content of the bill is the legislative ideology, First, I write a history of security measures for sex crimes, and then I describe the problems in the ideological aspect of the Korean Jessica bill by the Ministry of Justice in an my original way.

      • KCI등재

        「구지가(龜旨歌)」의 <수(首)>에 대한 연구

        설중환 ( Jung Hwan Seol ) 우리어문학회 2011 우리어문연구 Vol.39 No.-

        이제까지 「구지가」에서는 <거북>과 <머리>에 대한 연구가 주를 이루어 왔다. 특히 <머리>를 거북의 머리로 본 것이 주류를 차지한다. 물론 그 상징적 의미에 대해서는 의견들이 여러 갈래로 나뉘어진다. 그러나 본 논문에서는 <머리>를 거북의 머리가 아닌 우두머리나 왕으로 보고자 한다. 그리고 특히 여기서는 <머리>에 대한 구체적인 의미, 즉 우두머리나 왕이 어떤 성격을 가진 사람인가를 찾는 것이 목적이다. 첫째, 본 작품에서는 왕을 사람과 같은 동격으로 표현했다는 점이 특이하다. 하늘에서 ``거기 사람이 있는냐?``는 말에서 이를 알 수 있다. 이에 우리는 어떤 사람이 왕이 될 수 있는가가 궁금하다. 둘째, 여기서 말하는 <사람>은 보통사람이 아니라, 특별한 사람이다. 즉 왕이 될 수 있는 사람이다. 한국인은 사람을 육체적인 인간으로서가 아니라, 영적인 인간으로 보는 습성이 있다. 이는 보통사람이 수양을 거쳐 도달할 수 있는 경지로, 남의 지도자가 될 수 있는 사람이다. 이는 마치 단군신화에서 곰이나 범이 되고 싶어 하던 사람이기도 하다. 이 사람은 특별한 인간, 즉 <대인>이다. 대인은 땅에서 수양을 거쳐 하늘로 올라갔다가 다시 땅으로 내려온 사람이다. 그는 하늘에서 땅으로 내려왔으므로 진정 天人合一의 경지에서 산다. 그러므로 그는 하나님을 대신하므로, 땅에서는 하늘의 이치로 만물을 다스리며, 모든 사람을 내 몸처럼 사랑한다. 그래서 결국에는 이 세상을 홍익인간의 대동세계로 만드는 사람이다. 우리 신화의 환인, 환웅, 단군 등이 모두 이와 같은 대인들이다. 「구지가」의 구간들이 바라던 지도자도 바로 이런 대인이다. 결국 ``머리``는 한국인이 이상적으로 생각하던 대인으로, 곧 홍익인간 세상을 여는 지도자인 것이다. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the concrete meaning of the head in Gujiga. In other words, it is to find out what kind of person the king, or the head is. First, it is peculiar that the king and the common people are expressed as the same rank. We can know that fact by the sound, “Is there a man?” from the heaven. Then we wonder what kind of person can become a king. Secondly, the person in this work is not a common man but a special one, that is to say, the man who can become a king. Koreans have a tendency to regard the man as a spiritual being not a physical one. The status of a spiritual being can be reached through cultivating and improving his mind. This spiritual being can be a leader of the people. He is alike the human that the bear or the tiger in Dangun mythology wishes to become. This human is a special man, that is, a man of virtue. A man of virtue is the man who disciplines himself on earth and ascends to heaven and descends to earth again. So he lives in the state of celestial unity. Since he acts on behalf of the God, he ruled the world by the reason of the heaven. Also he loves all the people like brothers. Then he makes the world into paradise. Hwan-in, Hwan-woong, and Dangun, the characters in our mythology, are all the men of virtue. The leader whom 9 chiefs want in Gugiga is just the man of virtue like this.

      • KCI등재

        혈관과증식을 동반한 구개부 선방세포암의 치험례

        김상중,심재환,박정훈,이원학,이정구 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2000 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.22 No.6

        Vascular lesions of the oral and maxillofacial area is interesting to clinicians because it is difficult in management and has poor prognosis. There have been attempt to classify vascular lesion and recently new classification is introduced that have two basic entities, 1) hemangioma, 2) vascular malformation. It is useful that evaluation of lesion, treatment planning and predicting on prognosis. But vascular lesion is still difficult to clinicians about treatment. A case of acidic cell carcinoma combined with hypervascularity arising on the hard palate in a 28-year-old woman is reported. We mistook it for vascular lesion because of hypervascularity. The clinical and histologic feature are described. Literatures about neovascularization of tumor & acidic cell carcinoma are reviewd, too. And we attempt to solve the problem of hypervascularity.

      • 중부지역 옥수수 파종기에 따른 생육단계 및 수량성 변화

        서종호, 문중경, 정건호, 서민정, 구자환, 박장환, 배환희, 신성휴, 권영업 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2014 農業科學硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        Maize hybrids were planted on April 1, April 25, May 20 and June 15 in 2012, 2013 at the experimental paddy and upland fields in Suwon city , respectively to know changes of growth stage and yield according to different planting time. Maize planting on April 1 was not recommended because total growing days at planting on April 1 was not different with that at planting on April 25 due to many days from planting to emergence over 20 days at planting on April 1. Total growing days were not much different among three planting time after April 25 because days from silking to maturity was lengthened though days from planting to silking was shortened at later planting time. Stalk weight was decreased as planting time was delayed, particularly at planting times after May 20 at paddy field by excess water injury during early growth stage. But, grain yield was not low as in May and June. It is needed to introduce early maturity maize variety as Yanganok at late planting for higher grain yield and enough time for soil preparation for next winter crops

      • KCI등재후보

        한랭작업 근로자들의 건강위해에 관한 연구

        박호추,정설미,문덕환,이종태,김대환,김정호,최재일,황용식,이용희,이채언 大韓産業醫學會 1999 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        In order to evaluate the status of cold exposure and its health hazards of workers at cold storage workplaces and to provide basic data for effective health care, the author measured core temperature and also observed clinical symptoms and signs, past and present history, and general health examination data on 99 cold exposed workers for exposure group and 96 non-exposed workers for control group working at 2 food refrigerating companies in Pusan area from January 6, 1998 to February 24, 1998. The results were as follows: 1. There was statistically significant difference in water intake between the exposure and control group and increased urine volume, urine frequency in exposure group without statistically significant difference. 2. Past and present illness in exposure group were hypertension (18.2%), hepatopathy (8.1%), gastro-intestinal disease(7.1%), arthritis (4.0%), intervertebral disc herniation(4.0%), and so on, and hypertension, arthritis was statistically significant difference compared to control group. 3. Symptoms in exposure group were fatigue(89.9%), headache (64.6%). drowsy(63.6%), neck stiffness(59.6%), excessive food intake(59.6%). general weakness(58.6%), hunger(58.6%), numbness(54.5%), and so on, and there was statistically significant difference between the exposure and control group except fatigue, drowsy. 4. As results of clinical test abnormality rate of the systolic, diastolic blood pressure and electrocardiogram were significantly higher in exposed group than control. 5. Core temperature in exposure group was statistically significantly lower than control group and the highest statistically significant inverse correlation with the working hours and working frequency of daily mean cold storage. As above results, the author suggested that the further studies should be conducted to evaluate the health status of workers about chronic health effects in cold workplaces and to establish effective health care methods for them.

      • KCI등재후보

        고정역할치료가 초등학생의 개인구념 및 대인불안에 미치는 효과

        차윤정(Cha Youn-Jung),안이환(Ahn Ie-Hwan) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2009 인문학논총 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 Kelly(1955)의 고정역할치료(Fixed-Role theory)가 대인불안이 있는 초등학생의 개인구념(Personal Construct) 및 대인불안에 미치는 효과를 검증하는 데 있다. 본 연구의 가설을 검증하기 위하여 부산시내 K초등학교 5학년 5개 학급 가운데 대인불안검사(음정순, 2003)의 상위 15%에 해당하는 학생 18명을 선발하여 각각 9명씩(여 5, 남 4) 실험집단 및 통제집단으로 설정하였다. 본 연구에서 사용된 고정역할 치료는 Kelly가 2주 동안 실시한 6회기의 고정역할치료 프로그램을 본 연구자가 재구성 하였다. 고정역할치료 프로그램은 4주 동안, 주 3회 총 10회를 연구자의 교실에서 방과 후 시간을 이용하여 실시되었다. 이에 따른 본 연구의 결과는 디음과 같다. 첫째, 고정역할치료 프로그램을 실시한 실험집단의 개인구념은 통제집단에 비해 통계적으로 유의미하게 향상되었다. 둘째, 고정역할치료 프로그램은 실험집단 아동의 6가지 대인불안(일반적 대인불안, 집단·사회적 대인불안, 친구에 대한 대인불안, 특정인에 대한 대인불안, 이성에 대한 대인불안, 미지인에 대한 대인불안) 가운데 미지인에 대한 대인불안을 제외한 5개 영역애서 매우 유의미한 효과가 나타났다. 따라서 고정역할치료는 초등학생의 대인불안에 대한 개인구념의 변화를 통해 불안을 감소시킬 수 있는 새로운 방법임이 확인되었다. The prnpose of this study is proving the effect of fixed-role theory at elementaIy students' individual construction and interpersonal anxiety. To prove these assumptions, each 9 students are categorized into experimented group and controlled group and the 18 subjects are from K elementary school in Busan. Before taking the program, two groups had individual construction test through interpersonal anxiety test and latticed role-construction. Based on Kelly’s (1955) fixed-role theory program taken 2 weeks in sixth fixed-role thoory program, the researcher, myself, reorganized the program with the six sub-factors of interpersonal anxiety analyzed to know the symptoms of interpersonal anxiety by Eum jung-soon(2003). Fixed-role thoory program was experimented 3 times a week, 10 times in total for 4 weeks with the subjects from experimented group after school in researcher’s class. The conclusion of this study is as below. First, the experimented group’s individual construction experimented fixed-role theory program considerably improved. Second, interpersonal anxiety of experimented group taken fixed-role theory program considerably decreased except the interpersonal anxiety with strangers which is a sub-factor.

      • 위의 유암종과 선종의 병발 1례

        장재식,강혁주,이중현,서영범,윤병구,김용섭,이구,서정일,양창헌,이창우,김정란,윤환중 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2000 東國醫學 Vol.7 No.-

        유암종은 전신에 퍼져 잇는 장크롬친화성 세포에서 기원하는데 위의 유암종은 비교적 드문 질환으로 모든 유암종의 1.9~2.2%에 해당하며 위에 발생하는 종양의 1% 미만에서 보고되고 있다. 유암종은 일반적으로 증상이 비특이적이고 면역조직화학검사에 의해서 진단되기 때문에 과거에는 드물게 발견되었으나 최근 내시경 기기 및 술기의 발전과 검사 빈도의 증가 및 면역조직화학검사의 발달로 진단율이 증가 추세에 있으며, 드물지만 유암종에서 선암과 공존하는 예들이 보고되고 있다. 저자들은 심와부 동통을 주소로 내원한 70세 남자 환자의 상부위장관내시경 검사에서 위체상부의 대만곡에서 0.4×0.4 cm 크기의 중간 함몰을 가진 Yamada 1형의 용종과 함께 전정부의 전벽에서 0.8×0.5 cm 크기의 융기된 점막 소견을 보여 조직학적으로 각각 위유암종 및 위선종임을 확진한 후 내시경적 용종 절제술로 치료한 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Carcinoid tumors are arisen from enterochromaffin cells, which are scattered throughout the body. These tumors are composed of variable numbers of cells that contain endocrine granules in their cytoplasm, which can be identified by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Gastric carcinoid tumors are relatively rare tumor, the reported incidence being 1.9~2.2% of all carcinoid tumors and less than 1% of all gastric tumors. Sometimes, composite carcinoid tumors and adenocarcinoma is reported. We experienced a case of the coincidence of carcinoid tumor and adenoma at the other site of the stomach in a 70 year old male patient. Gastrofiberscope showed 0.4×0.4 cm sized Yamada type I polyp with central depression on the greater curvature of the proximal body and 0.8×0.5 cm sized focal slightly elevated mucosa on the anterior wall of the antrum. The endoscopic biopsy specimens revealed carcinoid tumor and tubular adenoma with moderate atypism, respectively. The carcinoid tumor and adenoma were removed by endoscopic polypectomy. According to the follow-up gastrofiberoscopy after 7 month later, both lesions were nearly normal mucosa except whitish atrophic change after polypectomy.

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