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        A Multi-Center Educational Research Regarding Breastfeeding for Pediatrics Residents in Korea

        Yong Sung Choi,정성훈,김은선,Eun Sun Kim,Eunhee Lee,Euiseok Jung,So-Yeon Lee,이우령,Hye Sun Yoon,Yong Joo Kim,Ji Kyoung Park,Son Moon Shin,Ellen Ai-Rhan Kim 대한신생아학회 2022 Neonatal medicine Vol.29 No.1

        Purpose: Pediatricians have a significant responsibility to educate mothers about the importance of breastfeeding. However, there have been minimal efforts in the courses of resident training in Korea. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the change in knowledge and attitude before and after a 4-week breastfeeding educational intervention among multicenter residents. Methods: Prospective interventional educational research was designed for residents at eight training hospitals in Korea. Institutional reviews were obtained in each hospital. The education curriculum consisted of 14 courses regarding breastfeeding theory and practice. These materials were used to teach pediatric residents for 4 weeks. Knowledge-based tests were administered before the course, and re-tests were administered after the course using different test items of similar levels. Test scores and survey responses were compared before and after the intervention. Results: A total of 73 residents (1st year 20, 2nd year 23, 3rd year 16, and 4th year residents 14) from eight training hospitals completed the intervention. Their average age was 30.3±2.9 years, 17 (23.3%) were male, 22 (30.1%) were married, and eight had more than one child of their own. The mean pre-test score was 61.8±13.4 and the mean post-test score was 78.3±7.5 (P<0.001). The inter-grade difference in the score was significant in the pre-test (P=0.005), but not significant in the post-test (P=0.155). There were more responses of obtaining confidence after the intervention (P<0.001). Conclusion: In our study, pediatric residents showed improvement in their knowledge and confidence level after 4 weeks of the breastfeeding curriculum. This will provide a basis for future policymaking in the training of pediatric residents regarding breastfeedReceived: 6 January 2022 Revised: 15 February 2022 Accepted: 15 February 2022 Correspondence to: Ellen Ai-Rhan Kim, MD Department of Pediatrics, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 88 Olympic-ro 43-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul 05505, Korea Tel: +82-2-3010-3390 Fax: +82-2-3010-6978 E-mail: arkim@amc.seoul.kr A Multi-Center Educational Research Regarding Breastfeeding for Pediatrics Residents in Korea Yong-Sung Choi, MD,PhD1, Sung-Hoon Chung, MD, PhD2, Eun Sun Kim, MD, PhD3, Eun Hee Lee, MD4, Euiseok Jung, MD5, So Yeon Lee, MD, PhD5, Wooryoung Lee, MD6, Hye Sun Yoon, MD, PhD7, Yong Joo Kim, MD, PhD8, Ji Kyoung Park, MD, PhD9, Son Moon Shin, MD, PhD9, and Ellen Ai-Rhan Kim, MD, PhD5 1Department of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 2Department of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Seoul, Korea 3Department of Pediatrics, Kangwon National University Hospital, Chuncheon, Korea 4Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, Korea 5Department of Pediatrics, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 6Department of Pediatrics, Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea 7Department of Pediatrics, Nowon Eulji Medical Center, Eulji University, Seoul, Korea 8Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea 9Department of Pediatrics, Inje University Busan Paik Hospital, Busan, Korea Neonatal Med 2022 February;29(1):28-35 https://doi.org/10.5385/nm.2022.29.1.28 pISSN 2287-9412 . eISSN 2287-9803 Copyright(c) 2022 By Korean Society of Neonatology This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Original Article 29 Neonatal Med 2022 February;29(1):28-35 https://doi.org/10.5385/nm.2022.29.1.28 ing in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한국투자금융지주 김남구 부회장의 시너지경영

        이상철(Sang Cheol Lee),김주원(Joo Won Kim) 한국경영학회 2018 Korea Business Review Vol.22 No.3

        한국의 금융투자기업이 변화된 환경에 적합한 사업구조를 갖추고 고객의 수요에 적합한 상품과 서비스를 제공함으로써 신뢰를 회복할 수 있는 경쟁력을 갖추는데 필요한 요건을 모색하기 위해, 본 연구에서는 한국금융투자업계의 변화를 선도하며 뛰어난 경영성과를 창출하고 있는 한국투자금융지주 김남구 부회장의 시너지경영 사례를 분석하였다. 사례를 분석하기 위해 김남구 부회장 시너지경영의 기초를 전문성과 정도경영에서 파악하고, 이러한 기초 위에 구축한 장기주의경영이라는 토대와 시너지경영의 구체적인 사례에 초점을 맞추었다. 한국투자금융지주 김남구 부회장의 시너지경영은 전문성과 정도경영에 기초를 두고 있다. 김남구 부회장은 철저한 현장경험, 학업을 통한 자기계발, 전문가들의 전문성을 활용하기 위한 노력 그리고 방대한 양의 독서와 메모하는 생활습관 등을 통해 업에 대한 전문성을 쌓아왔다. 김남구 부회장은 등기임원으로 직접 경영에 참여하여 책임경영을 실천하고 있으며, 전문경영인과의 신의, 권한위임 그리고 공정한 성과평가와 보상을 바탕으로 오너-전문경영인 파트너십을 구축하였다. 그리고 전문경영인이 주인의식을 갖고 기업가정신을 발휘할 수 있도록 지원 및 협력함으로써, 전문경영인의 전문성이 장 · 단기 성과에 직결될 수 있도록 촉진하였다. 또한 솔선수범하는 도덕적 리더십을 발휘하여 정도경영을 한국투자금융지주의 사풍으로 정착시켰다. 한국투자금융지주 김남구 부회장은 전문성과 정도경영이라는 기초위에 장기주의경영이라는 토대를 구축하였다. 김남구 부회장은 열정과 도전정신을 바탕으로 자신만의 스토리를 만들어갈 수 있는 인재를 선발하여 자신과 함께 꿈을 펼칠 파트너로 인정함으로써, 믿고 맡기는 신뢰에 기반한 조직문화를 정착시켰다. 김남구 부회장은 이러한 조직문화를 바탕으로 창출된 조직역량을 통해 고객수익률을 최우선으로 삼는 방향으로 리테일 패러다임을 변화시켰다. 또한 김남구 부회장은 장기적인 관점에서 수익성을 높일 수 있는 가치동인을 발굴하여 지속적으로 투자함으로써, 고객의 만족과 신뢰를 회복하고 주주가치를 극대화시키는 장기주의경영을 실천하고 있다. 김남구 부회장은 전문성과 정도경영의 기초위에 장기주의경영이라는 토대를 쌓고 시너지경영을 실행하고 있다. 김남구 부회장은 성공적인 인수합병을 통해 규모의 경제를 확보하고 각 계열사들의 경쟁력을 업계 최고 수준으로 끌어올림으로써, 기존 사업영역의 강점을 바탕으로 새로운 사업영역을 개척하는 전략적 시너지를 추구하고 있다. 또한 김남구 부회장은 지주회사를 중심으로 한 투명한 지배구조를 통해 다양한 사업간 시너지역량을 극대화하고 있다. Synergy management of Namgoo Kim, Vice Chairman of Korea Investment Holdings, is based on both professionalism and ethical management. First, Kim has accumulated expertise in business through rich field experience, academic studies, efforts to utilize various external specialists and life style of reading and taking notes of vast amounts of information. In addition, Kim not only establishes an owner-professional management partnership based on trust, authority delegation, fair performance evaluation and compensation with professional managers but also supports and cooperates with professional managers to demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit with a sense of ownership. Second, Vice Chairman Namgoo Kim participates in management as a board member and competes fairly in business based on his accumulated expertise through faithful management. Furthermore, by demonstrating ethical leadership, Kim set up a corporate culture of ethical management. Synergy management of Vice Chairman Kim is established on the basis of long-term management. With his passion and challenging spirit, Kim has selected talented people who can make their own stories and recognized them as partners to dream with him, thus establishing an organizational culture based on trust. Kim changed the retail paradigm to combine the organizational competence based on this organizational culture with the business process for customer-oriented management execution, and to make customer profitability a top priority from a long-term perspective. In addition, Kim is pursuing a long-term management that maximizes shareholder value by continuously investing in and discovering value drivers from a strategic and long-range point of view. Kim`s long-term management expands into synergy management. Kim is seeking strategic synergies by securing economies of scale through successful mergers and acquisitions and by raising the competitiveness of each affiliate to the highest level in the industry. Furthermore, establishing the holding company with a wholly owned subsidiary system, Kim maximizes the synergy capability among various businesses by securing the flexibility of integration and coordination.

      • KCI등재

        제2종의 중심합성계획의 통계적 성질

        김혁주,박성현,Kim Hyuk-Joo,Park Sung-Hyun 한국통계학회 2006 응용통계연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Kim(2002)은 축점의 위치가 두 개의 수에 의하여 정해지는 제2종의 중심합성계획을 제시하고 이를 CCD2라 불렀다. 본 논문에서는 CCD2를 더욱 연구하여 몇 가지의 새로운 사실을 밝혔다. 직교성과 회전성, 직교성과 기울기회전성, 회전성과 균등정밀성을 동시에 갖는 CCD2들을 구하였으며, Park과 Kim(1992)이 제시한 기울기회전성의 측도를 이러한 CCD2들에 적용하여 그 결과를 관찰하였다. Kim(2002) proposed a second type of central composite design in which the positionsof the axial points are indicated by two numbers, and called it CCD2. In the present paper, we have studied CCD2 further and obtained several new facts. We have obtained CCD2's that have both orthogonality and rotatability, both orthogonality and slope rotatability, and both rotatability and uniform precision. We also have applied Park and Kim's (1992) measure of slope rotatability to such CCD2's and observed some useful results.

      • A Study on an Independent Steering & Driving Control Algorithm for 6WS/6WD Vehicles

        Joo-Young Choi,Dong-Hyung Kim,Chang-Jun Kim,Young-Ryul Kim,Sang-Ho Kim5,Chang-Soo Han 제어로봇시스템학회 2010 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.10

        Skid-steered vehicles are favored for military use in off-road operations because of their high maneuverability and mobility on extreme terrains and obstacles. There is a trend towards transforming steered tracked vehicles to skid-steered wheel vehicles for high speed at the expense of reduced mobility. Skid-steered vehicles turn by generating different longitudinal forces at the tires due to the application of different torques to the wheels on the opposite side of the vehicle. Conventional vehicles, however, cannot generate an opposite driving force at each side wheel. Using an independent steering and driving system, six-wheel vehicles can show better performance than conventional vehicles. Hybrid steering is a combination of skid steering in the load velocity and the steered wheel system at high speed. This steering enhances maneuverability under low speed and stability at high speed. This paper describes a 6WS/6WD vehicle for hybrid steering in three parts: the Vehicle Model, the Control Algorithm for Hybrid Steering, and a Simulation. First, the vehicle model is an application of the TruckSim software for 6WS and 6WD. Second, the hybrid steering control algorithm describes the optimum tire force distribution method for energy savings. The last is simulation and verification.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Al and Mg Contents on Wettability and Reactivity of Molten Zn–Al–Mg Alloys on Steel Sheets Covered with MnO and SiO2 Layers

        Joo‑Youl Huh,Min‑Je Hwang,Seung‑Woo Shim,Tae‑Chul Kim,Jong‑Sang Kim 대한금속·재료학회 2018 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.24 No.6

        The reactive wetting behaviors of molten Zn–Al–Mg alloys on MnO- and amorphous (a-) SiO2-covered steel sheets wereinvestigated by the sessile drop method, as a function of the Al and Mg contents in the alloys. The sessile drop tests werecarried out at 460 °C and the variation in the contact angles (θc) of alloys containing 0.2–2.5 wt% Al and 0–3.0 wt% Mg wasmonitored for 20 s. For all the alloys, the MnO-covered steel substrate exhibited reactive wetting whereas the a-SiO2-coveredsteel exhibited nonreactive, nonwetting (θc > 90°) behavior. The MnO layer was rapidly removed by Al and Mg contained inthe alloys. The wetting of the MnO-covered steel sheet significantly improved upon increasing the Mg content but decreasedupon increasing the Al content, indicating that the surface tension of the alloy droplet is the main factor controlling its wettability. Although the reactions of Al and Mg in molten alloys with the a-SiO2 layer were found to be sluggish, the wettabilityof Zn–Al–Mg alloys on the a-SiO2 layer improved upon increasing the Al and Mg contents. These results suggest that thewetting of advanced high-strength steel sheets, the surface oxide layer of which consists of a mixture of MnO and SiO2,withZn–Al–Mg alloys could be most effectively improved by increasing the Mg content of the alloys.

      • KCI등재

        Development of a Chest‑Belt‑Type Biosignal‑Monitoring Wearable Platform System

        Joo‑Hyeon Lee,Hyun‑Seung Cho,Jin‑Hee Yang,Sang‑Min Kim,Jeong‑Whan Lee,Hwi‑Kuen Kwak,Je‑Wook Chae 대한전기학회 2020 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to develop a wearable platform system that can detect and acquire a soldier’s biosignals (i.e., heart activity signal, respiration rate, etc.) in a nonrestrained, unconscious manner. These detected biosignals are transmitted to a processing device to analyze and monitor the soldier’s physical status. To achieve this, textile-based heart activity electrodes and a strain gauge sensor for the respiration signal measurement were developed, and their performances in detecting each signal were verifed. These sensors were embedded in a chest belt to design a wearable platform that can simultaneously measure heart activity and respiration signals. The sensor part of the chest belt has a dual layer structure to detect high-quality signals. Stretch fabric was used on the outer layer and a respiration sensor was attached to the belt. On the inside layer, a non-stretch fabric was used as the base fabric and a heart activity-sensing electrode, that is capable of taking measurements using a modifed lead-II heart activity signal induction method, was embroidered onto the fabric. Subjects were asked to wear the chest belt, and a biosignal processor module was attached to verify the system’s performance while simultaneously acquiring the heart activity and respiration signals. More specifcally, it was confrmed that the two signals were detected in a stable. It is expected that the biosignal-monitoring wearable platform system developed in this study will be able to efectively analyze and monitor soldiers’ biosignals.

      • A new species of the genus Cybaeus L. Koch, 1868(Araneae : Cybaeidae) from Korea

        Joo-Pil Kim,Seong-Hun Ye,Hye-Sung Yoo 한국거미연구소 2014 한국거미 Vol.30 No.2

        굴뚝거미속(Cybaeus)의 新種을 記載한다. 굴뚝거미속은 굴뚝거미科(Cybaeidae)에 속하는 거미로써 우리나라에서는 지금까지 5種이 報告되어 왔으나 이 新種의 추가로 다음 6種이 된다. In the present paper, the authors describe one new species of the family Cybaeidae from Korea, named Cybaeus cappa sp. nov. This specimen is deposited at the Joo-Pil Spider Museum, Namyangju-Si, Kyunggi-Do.

      • 안산시화호 갈대습지공원(경기도 안산시)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),최한석(Han Seak Choi),예용택(Yong Taek Ye),예성훈(Seong Hun Ye),김태우(Tae Woo Kim),김대희(Dae Hee Kim),지승환(Seung Hwan Ji),지성현(Sung Hyun Ji),이형민(Hyung Min Lee),변진관(Jin Kwan Byun),조주완(Joo Whan Jo),박솔 한국거미연구소 2017 한국거미 Vol.33 No.2

        한국거미연구회 회원들은 2017년 8월 3일부터 4일까지 경기도 안산시 소재 시화호 갈대습지공원을 김주필, 최한석, 예용택, 예성훈, 김태우, 김대희, 지승환, 지성현, 변진관, 이형민, 조주완, 박솔민, 이형진, 이태후, 이승후, 조윤규, 조원규, 이준이, 신정애, 이영경, 최라미, 이윤정, 이용호, 한주연, 윤혜원, 김형주 등 26명이 주야로 채집한 결과 18과 49속 71종을 발표 보고하는 바이다. From August 3 to 4 in 2017. Koran Arachnological Study members investigated the Spiders in the whole area Gyeonggi-do Ansan-si, and reported 18 Families, 49 Genus 71 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

      • 강유전 박막에서의 분극역전과정 예측

        김상주(Sang-Joo Kim),신준호(Joonho Shin),김윤재(Yun-Jae Kim) 대한기계학회 2002 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2002 No.3

        A two-dimensional finite element model for polarization switching in ferroelectric materials developed by Kim and Jiang<SUP>(1)</SUP> and Sang-Joo Kim<SUP>(2)</SUP> is used to predict the formation of domains in a ferroelectric thin film. Initially the ferroelectric film is poled upward and the bottom electrode is grounded. A strong downward de field is imposed on a point of the top surface of the film. A region of switched domains with downward polarization is nucleated and is grown with time. It is found that initially the shape of the nucleated domains is that of a bulgy dagger, but later it turns into the shape of a reversed cup with the lower part wider than the upper part. It can also be concluded that the size of nucleated domains increases with the period of applied electric potential. The present results are qualitatively consistent with experimental observations.

      • 소래습지생태공원(인천시 남동구)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),최한석(Han Seak Choi),예용택(Yong Taek Ye),예성훈(Seong Hun Ye),김태우(Tae Woo Kim),김대희(Dae Hee Kim),지승환(Seung Hwan Ji),지성현(Sung Hyun Ji),이형민(Hyung Min Lee),변진관(Jin Kwan Byun),조주완(Joo Whan Jo),박솔 한국거미연구소 2017 한국거미 Vol.33 No.2

        한국거미연구회 회원들은 2017 년 8월 2일부터 3일까지 인천광역시 남동구 소재 소래습지생태공원을 김주필, 최한석, 예용택, 예성훈, 김태우, 김대희, 지승환, 지성현, 변진관, 이형민, 조주완, 박솔민, 이형진, 이태후, 이승후, 조윤규, 조원규, 이준이, 신정애, 이영경, 최라미, 이윤정, 이용화, 한주연, 윤혜원, 김형주 등 26명이 주야로 채집한 결과 14과 38속 50종을 발표 보고하는 바이다. From August 2 to 3 in 2017. Koran Arachnological Study members investigated the Spiders in the whole area Incheon Namdong-gu, and reported 14 Families, 38 Genus 50 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

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