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        사무직 근로자들의 직무 스트레스와 피로

        차경태,김일희,고상백,현숙정,박준호,박종구,차봉석,장세진 大韓産業醫學會 2008 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        목적: 이 연구는 전국 규모의 조사 연구에서 수집된 자료 중 사무직 근로자들을 대상으로,사회인구학적 특성,직업 특성,건강행태,직무 스트레스와 피로수준 간의 관련성을 분석하는 데 있다. 방법:‘한국인 직무스트레스 측정도구의 표준화 전국 조사연구National Study for Development and Standardization of Occupational Stress (NSDSOS Project: 2002∼2004)’를 위해 2002년 5월 1일부터 2003년 5윌 30일 까지 수행되었으며,전국의 사업장에 근무하는 근로자 30,146명(남자: 84%,여자: 16%) 중 사무직 근로자 4,457명(남자: 68.9%,여자 31.1%)을 연구 대상으로 하였다. 자료수집방법은 사업장을 방문하여 보건 및 안전관리자 등에게 연구의 취지를 알린 후 설문조사에 대한 협조를 구하고 응답자 직접 기입법을 이용 하였으며,사회인구학적 특성,직업적 특성,건강관련 요인,KOSS-SF를 이용한 7개의 직무 스트레스 요인,그리고 MFS를 이용하여 피로 수준에 영향을 주는 요인에 대해 분석하였다. 결과: 일반적 특성,작업관련 특성,건강행태관련 특성 및 직무 스트레스 요인이 근로자들의 피로와 강한 관련성이 있음이 입증되었으며,특히 직무 스트레스의 하부 요인 중에서도 피로와 관련성을 보이는 요인이 남녀별로 다소 상이 하게 관련된다는 것을 발견할 수 있었다. 남자의 경우는 직무 스트레스의 하부 영역 중 직무 요구도,직무 불안정성,보상부적절 등이 영향력이 높은 주요 직무 스트레스 요인이었던 반면,여자는 직무 요구도,보상부적절,직장문화가 주요한 직무 스트레스 요인이었다. 결론: 직장인 피로가 갖는 보건학적 의학적 경제학적 중요성을 감안할 때,조직의 생산성 향상과 근로자 개개인의 삶의 질 향상 및 건강증진을 위해선 직무 스트레스 관리 프로그램이 절실히 요청된다고 볼 수 있다. Background & Objectives: A growing body of research has documented that occupational stress is closely associated with increased risk of fatigue. This study was conducted in an effort to assess the relationship of occupational stress to self-perceived fatigue among Korean white collar employees. Methods: Data were obtained from the National Study for Development and Standardization of Occupational Stress (NSDSOS Project, 2002-2004). Among them, a total of 4,502 white collar employees were recruited. A structured questionnaire was employed to evaluate the participants' sociodemographics, job-related factors, health-related behaviors, occupational stress, and self-perceived fatigue. Occupational stress and self-perceived fatigue were assessed using the Korean Occupational Stress ScaleShort form (KOSS-SF) and the Multidimensional Fatigue Scale (MFS), respectively. Results: In logistic regression analyses, occupational stress was associated with an increased risk of fatigue, and some domains of occupational stress had different effects on fatigue by gender (job demand, job insecurity, and lack of reward for men, job demand, lack of reward, and discomfort in occupational climate for women), which indicates that occupational stress may perform a slightly different role in increasing the risk of fatigue by gender. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that occupational stress is a determinant predictor of self-perceived fatigue. Thus, a stress management program for the reduction of occupational stress, and the promotion of white collar worker's health and quality of life is strongly recommended. Some limitations of this study and considerations for future studies were also discussed.

      • Pocine Adenovirus-3의 E1B Region의 鹽基序列 分析

        朴鍾賢,宋載永,李重馥,玄芳勳,安東濬,車相昊,裵用泰,姜永源,Reddy, P S,全茂炯,安壽煥 충남대학교 생물공학연구소 1999 생물공학연구지 Vol.7 No.-

        돼지 아데노바이러스(PAV-3). 6618주의 EIB region이 包含되어 있는 map unit 4.0에서 9.7까지의 유전자에 대한 1,984 bp의 염기서열을 決定하였으며, 이 結果를 알려진 여러 아데노바이러스 유전자와 비교하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. PAV-3의 EIB유전자는 10개의 ORF로 구성되어 있으며, 그 중 아데노바이러스의 단백질과 유사성이 있는 것은 ORF1, ORF2 및 ORF3이었다. ORF1은 Ad41의 19kd 와 BAV-2에서의 EIB ORF2에서의 아미노산의 一致率은 각각 32%와 31%이었다. 2. ORF2는 Ad2 55kd protein과 tupaia adenovirus 44kd protein가 각각 34%로 아미노산 一致率이 가장 높았으며, Ad41의 52kd protein. BAV-3의 EIB ORF3에서도 33%의 一致率을 보였다. 3. ORF1은 61-666 uncleotide (606 bp), ORF 2에서는 429-1,850 uncleotide (1,422 bp)의 부위로 각각 202, 474 a.a로 構成되었으며, 예상되는 분자량은 20 kd와 52 kd이었다. 4. ORF3는 hexon-associated pIX유전자로 추정되며 내부에 1개의 polyadenylation signal(ATAAA)이 1938-1942 uncleotide에 위치하였으며, 이 부위는 TATA box (1937-1942 uncleotide)와 중복되어 존재하였다. Porcine adenovirus type 3 (PAV-3) does not cause severe infection in pigs. Adenovirus has been suggestive of live vaccine vector carrying foreign gene. One of insertion regions is delayed early (EIB) region. However, EIB region of PAV-3 has not been molecularly characterized to date. Nucleotide sequence of EIB of PAV-3 was determined. The EIB region was composed of 1,984 bp and located between 4.0 and 9.7 map units. Three potential open reading frames(ORFs) with low level of homology to other adenoviruses and a polyadenylation signal were identified in the rightward direction of genome. The nucleotide and the predicted amino acid sequences of EIB were compared to those of human and animal adenoviruses. One of the three potential ORFs. ORF1 encoded a polypeptide homologous to bovine adenovirus type 2(BAV-2) ORF2 and human adenovirus type 41(Ad41) 19 kd protein. ORF2 encoded a polypeptide homologous to human adenovirus type 2(Ad2) 55 kd protein, bovine adenovirus type 3(BAV-3) ORF3 and porcine adenovirus type 4(PAV-4) ORF2. The predicted protein of ORF1 had homology to those of Ad41 and BAV-2 with 32 and 31% respectively, whereas the deduced protein of ORF2 had homology to those of Ad2. BAV-3 and PAV-4 with 34, 33 and 29%, respectively.

      • 메타데이터 관리를 위한 RDF 저작도구

        최호찬,김차종 한밭대학교 정보통신전문대학원 2004 정보통신전문대학원 논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        오늘날 차세대 웹으로 부각되고 있는 시맨틱 웹을 실현하기 위해서는 모든 웹 문서들이 메타데이터 (metadata) 형식에서 정의하고 있는 시맨틱(semantic), 구문(syntax), 구조(structure)를 모두 수용할 수 있는 통합론 구조가 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 이를 위한 방법으로써 W3C에서 메타데이터의 기술과 교환을 위한 프레임워크로 개발한 시맨틱 웹의 핵심 기술 중의 하나인 RDF문서로 변환하여 상이한 메타데이터들을 효율적으로 관리하고 이용할 수 있는 RDF 저작도구 설계에 대하여 연구하였다. 본 RDF 저작도구에서는 Dublin Core 메타데이터를 이용한 RDF 생성, XML 문서를 RDF로의 변환, RDF를 NTriple형테로 표현, 웹 서비스 메타데이터인 WSDL과 RDF와 통합에 관하여 설계하였다. 본 논문에서 설계한 RDF 저작도구를 이용하여 사용자는 세부적인 내용을 몰라도 메타데이터를 쉽게 통합하고 관리할 수 있다. Recently, the semantic web stands out in the next generation web. Toe realize the semantic web, the metadata integration is required between different metadatas on the web for metadata management. Otherwise, the integrated structure is needed to accommodate all of semantic, syntax and structure. RDF is noe of the core technology and is more efficient framework for technology and interchange of metadata in the web. In this paper, for metadata management, we designed and implemented the RDF authoring system which converts each of metadata into RDF and makes it easy to manipulate and manage the differenct metadatas. For this, we research about the RDF creation using Dublin Core metadata, the conversion of XML document into RDF, the RDF expression by N-Triple form and the integration of WSDL and RDF. Basically, users using RDF Authoring Tool can integrate and manage metadatas easily even if they are not expert.

      • 체육 교육과정 영역별 구성에 관한 연구

        정종훈,김재호,정광복,차봉준 東亞大學校附設스포츠科學硏究所 1998 스포츠科學硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to create the living Sports for All boom which can participate everyone by using mass media for activation of the living Sports for All in Pusan, and owing to the city's negative policy for various problematics of the living Sports for All; such as the lack of public relation of the concerned authorities, a lack of an association of like-minded persons' support, shortage of P.R. Professional manpowers, owing to the negative policy against the city or district office's administrative, organizational, budgets etc, therefore, the P.R. of living Sports for All and the base enlargement were fall behinded than other cities, so that, the study aimed to establish various P.R. methods for the sake of citizen's health and to rise participation rate of the living Sports for All activity. Utilizing method of effective public relation of mass media for Pusan city's living Sports for All activations are as follows: If we publisize by considering the establishment of correct P.R. landmark through mass media and establishment of P.R. budget, choice of various mass media, drawing up P.R. draft, conclusion of P.R. program and the survey if P.R. effect then we will expect the utmost effect. Like this the conclusion of P.R. activation methods of the living Sports for All through mass media are as follows: First ; In other to spread the effect of living Sports for All P.R. we must consider the diversity of public relations, establishment of accurate goal of P.R.media, consideration of P.R. media's drawing up, consideration of daily program of P.R. media and consideration of continuous survey and analysis of the P.R. effect by using various mass media (such as : printing, broadcasting and the outdoors) Second : We must consider the support against the like minded person's activity, harmony of the elite physical education and the school Sports for All and the extension of the security and investment of the job site and the region and school Sports for All facilities. Third : In order to plan the activation of the living Sports for All through mass media, we must consider, there need establishment of exclusive public relation's post, establishment of system's organization, cultivate professional manpower and increase of P.R. budget and sustain the relation with the press continuously.

      • 짧은날개자루맵시벌속(벌목: 맵시벌과)의 분류학적 연구

        李鐘郁,咸印皓,車晉烈 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1987 基礎科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        본 연구에서는 여러 형질을 종합 분석하여 한국산 Agrypon속의 분류학적 위치를 재검토, 확인하고 하위 분류군에서 유연관계를 밝혀 현재까지 여러 분류체계를 정리하고자 하였으며 이를 위해 한국산 및 구북구계에 분포하는 외국산 표본과 미동정종 10종(한국산 6종, 외국산 4종)을 포함하여 전산처리한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 한국산 Agrypon속은 미기록 2종(A. anomela, A. longipropodeum)이 추가되어 총 8종이 분포하게 된다. 2. 한국산 Agrypon 속 7종과 외국산 7종을 포함하여 14종의 검색표를 작성하였다. 3. 유연관계 추정을 위한 형질 선정은 Agrypon속에 있어서 형질의 수를 증가할수록 그 결과는 안정됨을 확인하였고, 질적형질 또는 실측치만을 사용하였을 때에는 뚜렷한 종간의 구분이 어려우므로 질적, 양적형질을 포함하여 80개 이상을 사용하는 것이 적당하였다. 4. 종수의 변화에 있어서도 동일한 현상선에서 묶이는 군의 수나 각 군의 구성 종에는 변화가 없었으므로 Agrypon속의 현상적 분류체계가 유효한 것으로 판명되었다. 5. 유집분석 방법에 있어서 Agrypon속의 분류체계를 분석하는데는 average 방법보다 ward 방법이 적합함을 알았다. 6. 현상적 수리 분석의 결과 Trichonotus 속이 Agrypon 속에 통합되는 것이 타당하다. 7. 한국산 Agrypon 속 7종은 다음과 같이 크게 3개의 group으로 나눌 수 있다. flaveolatum group: A. flaveolatum debilis group: A. anomelas, A. longipropodem, A. oyeyamense anxium group: A. anxium, A. suzukii In this study, various characters were analyzed synthetically. Taxonomic position of korean genus Agrypon was reviewed and ascertained, relationship in low taxo-nomic groups was clarified, and thus current taxonomic system was tried tobe rearran-ged. To do these, the increase and decrease of the number of species, that of the characters, and the variation of clustering analysis method were computerized, by using korean and eastern palearctic specimens and unidentified ten species. The results are as follow. 1. Two speciese(A. anomelas, A. longipropodeum) were newely recorded, and so eight specirs in genus Agrypon are distributed in korea. Keys was made, including seven korean species and seven foreign species among genus Agrypon. 2. In order to ascertain the relationship of species in genus Agrypon, using more than eighty characters was adquate. And it was confirmed that the more increasing the number of characters is, the more stable the result is. 3. It was proved that the phenetic taxonomic system is effective because the numbers of groups constructed by the same phenetic line and those of species n each group were not changed. Ward method was more suitable than average method, when analyzing taxonomic system of genus Agrypon. 4. It was validated that genus Trichonltus must be nuified in genus Agrypon as the result of phentic numerical analysis. Seven species in korean genus Agrypon were classified as the follwing three groups: flaveolatum group: A. flavolatum G. debilis group: A. debilis (W.), A. anomelas (G.), A. longipropodeum U., A. oyeyamense (U.) anxium guoup: A. anxium (W.), A. suzukii (M.)

      • 차량의 파워 트레인과 운전 조건이 차량의 냉각 성능에 미치는 영향

        박종남,김재호,차경옥 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2003 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        Abstract - With the ever increasing demanded on automatic transmission, improve performance, add air conditioning, meet noise and pollution legislation the need to evaluate and improve cooling system performance at the design stage is becoming increasingly important. ATB is the abbreviation for Ait-to-Boil. This is the extrapolated ambient temperature at which the coolant would boil. ATB is the measure of cooling system capability. Coolant temperature control insures durability and long engine life in vehicle users application. A numerical simulation is conducted to compare the various experimental results by the "e-NTU" method. The purpose of this paper is to suggest the matching technique of vehicle cooling system including automatic transmission by means of various experimental results and comparing with simulation results.

      • 競技力 水準別 테니스 競技內容 特性 比較

        이종철,김재호,임차훈 단국대학교 2000 論文集 Vol.35 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to compare the differencr performance levels of 2 big games ('98 US OPEN MEN'S FINAL, '98 KOREA GRANDPRIX VOCATIONAL FEDERATION MEN'S FINAL). We analyzed the important skills such as Service, Service return, Ground stroke, Volly, Passing shot and the results are as follow. 1. Total number of services are fewer in world class game than national class game, and winning percentage of service game, success for point ratio of first service, success ratio of first service, success for point ratio of second service are higher in world class game than national class game. 2. The number of services point happened more frequently in world class game than in national class game. Service point areas are distributed from left come to right corner properly in world class game, however, in national class game service point ar eas are concentrated only in the center or right corner. 3. Ground strokes were not almost tried in world class game, but ground stroke played an important roles in national class game. 4. The average rally by point was 1.94 times in world class game, and 7.6 times in national class game. 5. Volly was followed by service in world a class game, on the contraly, we couldn't see any patern in national class game. 6. There were much more of passing shot trial in world class game than in national class game, however, success for point is higher in world class game. 7. In general, they played offensively in order to get the point in a short time in world class game. Yet, they played defensively to get the point in a long time rally in a national class game.

      • B형 간염바이러스의 태아와 성인간세포에 대한 감염성 해명 연구

        정태호,김성국,서화정,윤영국,임종완,차상호 경북대학교 의학연구소 1999 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        사람의 태아와 성인의 간세포에 대한 B형 간염바이러스의 감염도를 비교 분석함으로써 HBV 와 간세포간의 친화도내지는 HBV 수용체에 관한 정보를 얻고자 함 대상 및 방법 : 성인이 외상을 입어 부득이 손상된 간조직을 절제하였을 경우와 모자보건법상 임신지속이 어려운 상태에서 부인과적 수술시 21주 전후의 태아 간조직을 얻어 DMEM 을 배지로 50% 용량으로 HBsAg 양성인 사람 혈청을 가하여 5일간 체외 배양하고 병리조직학적 처리후 효소 면역학적 방법으로 HBsAg 를 염색하여 바이러스의 존재 여부를 검색하였다. 결과 : 태아와 성인 간조직을 5일간 체외 배양하였을 때 그 조직상은 간조직임을 인지할 수 있었다. HBV 의 감염여부는 DAKO 사의 효소면역 법으로 조사한 결과 태아의 간조직에서는 HBsAg 양성부위를 발견하지 못하였으나, 성인 간조직에서는 HBsAg 양성부위가 발견되었다. 결론 : 태생 21주 전후의 태아의 간세포는 HBV 와 친화도는 아주 미약하거나 없고, 성인 간세포는 HBV에 대한 친화도가 높다. 따라서 태생 21주의 간세포에는 HBV 의 감염이 어렵다는 것을 인지하게 되었다. Considerable progress has been made in the immune prophylaxis of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection and in the understanding of its replication and pathogenecity at the molecular level. However, a convenient in vitro assay for HBV infectivity has been lacking and the early steps of viral life cycle are now yet well understood. Primary cultured human hepatocytes are reported to be susceptible to HBV 10-12, but these systems are not practical because they are short-lived and require primary explanted human liver. However, it is uncertain yet whether primary hepatocytes of human fetal liver are susceptible to HBV for infection or not. We have expanded the infectivity of HBV into a primary cultures of human fetal hepatocytes together with controversy of adult primary hepatocytes. To investigate the infectivity of HBV for, adult and fetal hepatocytes After 5 day culturing fetal(1) and adult(2) liver tissues, which obtained from a surgical operation on DMEM culture media with half HBV positive serum, separating liver cells and fixing them, the existence of HBsAg antigen was investigated through the immuno-enzymatic staining. HBsAg stained area was not found in the 21 weeks gestation liver cells until 5 days of invitro-culture, while it was found in the adult liver cells. This test result showed that the HBV infection is very hard to happen in the liver cells 21 weeks gestation or prior one.

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