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      • KCI등재

        복수과 진료 환자의 중복 처방에 대한 분석 및 평가

        이지은,장혜경,오지영,유윤경,김현지,임숙인,연숙희,강진숙,최귀령 한국병원약사회 2003 병원약사회지 Vol.20 No.1

        In an aging society, there is an increasing possibility of the duplication of the drugs given to patients because they take many kinds of drugs. Among the prescriptions given to the patients who was treated at multiple ambulatory clinics in St. Mary's hospital for one month of September, 2002, in which drugs that has identical or similar effects are prescribed, we analysed and evaluated them by patients' characteristics, kinds of medication, severity of side effects on a case by case basis. More, we assessed the potential additional costs. As a result of this study, the duplication rate turned out to be 6.69% and it was shown that the proportion of the elderly patients over 60 was high. The gastro-intestinal medications took up a large part and most of the cases showed that the danger caused by double taking of medicine was slight, but there were some examples in which the serious side effects were predicted. Expected additional costs were the average 11.349 won and it ranges from the minimum of 56 won to the maximum of 135,720 won. In conclusion, the management of drug histories of the patients who need the plural treatments is very important and the necessity of the individual and professional guidance of taking medicines for the elderly patients is emerged, too.

      • 금강하구 해양퇴적에 관한 연구

        이길영,지윤식,한천규 대전대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.11 No.1

        In this study, we discussed littroal movement and sedimentation of Keum-river estuary and estmated of deposition capacity. Keum-river estuary sea wall was constructed in 1988 Jan. and the sluice gate was completely closed in 1995 May. At the present, Kun-Jang new port. South and North jetty, Semankume sea wall and Kun-Jang industry estate are developing the Kume-river estuary around. At this developing and construction of Keum-river estaury, in many element of hydrauli - ocean waves, tide, tidal prism and depth of water - have changed. Tide analysis used statistics-analysis and harmonic-analysis from 1984 to 1997. Depth of water analysis used bathymetric chart from 1985 to 1997. Therefore we must correctly decise hydraulic element that is use simulation numerical test and hydraulic model. We analyze ocean waves, tide, tidal prism and depth of water change and modeling bed-load movement simulation; K-Cytengel, suspending-load deposition simulation; DIMOS-IV. Through the K-Cytengel and DIMOS-IV simulation estemated the sedimentation capacity and propose suitable answering such as dredging, water injection and remove of estuary sea wall.

      • KCI등재

        혈중 감마지티피 상승의 임상적 의의

        신주연,김용규,박신구,이지나,김환철,임종한,홍윤철 大韓産業醫學會 2005 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        목적: 혈중 감마지티피는 주로 알코올 섭취와 간세포 손상의 지표로서 이용되어져 왔으나 최근에는 혈중 감마지티피가 체내의 산소성 스트레스를 민감하게 반영하는 지표이며, 혈중 감미지티피를 이용하여 만성질환의 발생을 조기에 예측할 수 있다는 주장들이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 일반 인구 집단을 대상으로 한 건강검진 자료를 분석하여 혈중 감마지티피의 상승에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 분석하고 혈중 감마지티피와 산소성 스트레스와의 관련성 및 임상적인 이용 가능성을 알아보고자 한다. 방법: 2001년부터 2003년까지 한 대학병원 산업의학과에서 건강검진을 실시한 15,546명을 대상으로 하였고 신체계측, 혈액검사 그리고 설문지의 정보를 분석하였다. 총 15,546명 중 남성은 9,660명 이었고 여성은 5,886명 이었다. 연령, 성별, 체질량지수, 흡연, 음주, 운동량 비타민 복용 여부에 따른 혈중 감마지티피의 평균을 분석하였고, 성별에 따른 다변량 분석을 실시하였다. 다변량 분석에는 연령, 체질량지수, 음주빈도, 흡연량, 혈색소, 이완기혈압, 공복시혈당, 총콜레스테롤, ALT를 포함하였다. 결과: 연구 대상자들의 혈중 감마지티피의 평균은 남성에서 평균(±2SD)이 47.51(±111.62)이었고, 여성에서는 19.09(±42.02) 으로서, 대체적으로 정상 범위에 있다고 보여 지나 개인차가 상당히 크다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 다변량 분석의 결과에서는 혈중 감마지티피의 상승에 영향을 미치는 요인이 성별에 따라 다소 달랐으나 남녀 모두에게 연령, 음주빈도, 흡연량, 이완기혈압, 공복시혈당, 총콜레스테롤, ALT가 유의한 영향이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 다변량 로지스틱회귀분석의 결과에서 '임상적 비정상'을 예측함에 있어 혈중 감마지티피가 진단적 유용성이 있음을 확인하였다. 결론: 긴존에 일반적으로 알려져 있는 것처럼 혈중 감마지티피를 단순히 알코올 섭취와 간세포 손상의 지표로서만 볼 수 없으며, 성별, 연령, 흡연, 고지혈증, 당뇨, 고혈압 등 많은 다른 요인들에 의해서 영향을 받으며, 혈중 감마지티피를 산소성 스트레스를 반영하는 생물학적 지표로 해석할 수도 있다. 따라서 혈중 감마지티피의 상승을 임상적으로 해석할 때는 (비록 정상인 범위에 있다하더라도), 알코올 섭취나 간세포 손상 뿐 아니라 다른 여러 요인들을 함께 고려해야 한다. 더욱이 혈중 감미지티피의 상승을 만성질환 즉, 고혈압, 당뇨, 고지혈증 등의 발생을 조기에 발견할 수 있는 지표로서 임상영역이나 건강검진시 유용하게 활용할 수 있을 것이다. Objectives: Incresed gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) concentration has mainly been used as a biologic marker of alcohol drinking and liver diseases. However, some recent reports have suggested that serum GGT concentration may be an early biomarker of oxidative stress and associated with chronic diseases like hypertension, DM, hyperlipidemia, CHD, stroke etc. In this study, we analysed the factors associated with increased serum GGT level and evaluated the clinical application of serum GGT in predicting the risk of chronic diseases. Methods: The data were collected from 15,546 periodic health examinations, 9,660 males and 5,886 females, done at one university hospital from 2001 to 2003. We analysed self-questionnaire, physical examination and laboratory data. Statistical analyses(t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and logistic regression analysis) were done by SPSS for windows 10.0. Results: Mean serum GGT levels were quite different according to age, sex, BMI, smoking and alcohol drinking (all P-value <0.001), but were not different by regular vitamin intake or not (P-value = 0.117). There was significant correlation between serum GGT level and the variables (of age, BMI, blood pressure, Hb, fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, AST and ALT) (all P-value <0.001). In sex-specific multiple regression analysis, increased serum GGT level was significantly associated with age, alcohol drinking, smoking, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar and ALT in males (all P-value <0.001), and with age, alcohol drinking, smoking, Hb, blood pressure, total cholesterol and ALT in females (all P-value <0.05). In sex-specific logistic regression analysis, increased serum GGT level was significantly associated with risk of 'clinical abnormalities'. This risk increased about 13-fold in males and 4.6-fold in females for serum GGT level over the third quatile, compared with under the first quartile. Conclusions: Serum GGT level is increased not only by alcohol drinking or liver diseases, but also by many other factors associated with chronic diseases and behavioral factors. Thus many factors should be considered in evaluating an increase in GGT level, even when within the upper normal range. Serum GGT level may be a predictor for the early development of chronic diseases.

      • KCI등재

        볼리비아 로즈목에 의한 다형홍반 양상을 보인 직업성 알레르기 접촉피부염 증례

        신주연,홍윤철,임종한,박신구,이지나,김환철 大韓産業醫學會 2004 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        배경 : 로즈목(rosewoods) 중 볼리비아 로즈목(Machaerium Scleroxyon)은 강력한 감작물질을 함유하고 있어서 외국에서는 이로 인한 자극 또는 알레르기 접촉피부염의 발생이 증가하고 있음에도 불구하고 지금까지 우리나라에서는 볼리비아 로즈목을 비롯한 수입목재에 의한 직업성 피부질환의 보고가 부족하였고, 이에 저자들이 볼리비아 로즈목에 의한 다형홍반 양상을 보인 직업성 알레르기 접촉피부염의 증례를 경험하였기에 보고하고자 한다. 증례 : 49세 남자로서 여러 가지 수입목재를 절단하고, 다듬는 작업을 하다가 소양감을 동반한 홍반성의 피부 증상이 발현되었고, 전신으로 증상부위가 확대되어 2주 동안 병원 입원 치료를 하게 되었으며, 이후 본원 산업의학과에서 피부첩포 검사 후 최종적으로 볼리비아 로즈목에 의한 알레르기 접촉피부염으로 확진되었다. 결론 : 수입목재들로 인한 직업성 피부질환 발생에 대한 광범위한 실테 조사가 필요하며, 이를 토대로 작업장에서의 직업성 피부질환의 발생을 감소시키기 위한 다각적인 예방, 관리 대책의 수립이 필요하다. Background: Woods are capable of causing allergic or irritant contact dermatitis which typically occurs on exposed areas. Because Bolivian rosewood exclusively contains the strong sensitizer R-3,4-dimethoxdalbergione, an increasing number of cases of initant and allergic contact dermatitis has been reported. Case report: A 49-year-old, male, wood worker, who handled a variety of woods, developed allergic contact dermatitis. A patch test confirmed a positive reaction to one of the exotic woods, Bolivian rosewood. Allergens found in Bolivian rosewood caused this patient's dermatitis, which cleared when he avoided &is wood. Conclusion: Exotic woods such as Bolivian rosewood can induce occupaiional contact dermatitis. Measures to lower the incidence of work-related dermatitis are needed in the workplace. Especially, when cutting or sanding woods, workers should wear proper personal protection.

      • 바터 팽대부에 생긴 유암종 1예

        강명주,지삼룡,박석주,이재익,조영완,김준영,박성재,박은택,이연재,이상혁,설상영,배상균 인제대학교 2006 仁濟醫學 Vol.27 No.-

        Carcinoid tumors have been reported in a wide range of organs but most commonly involve the lungs, bronchi and gastrointestinal tract. Within the gastrointestinal tract, appendix is the most common location for carcinoid, followed by the distal small intestine, the rectum, and the stomach. Among these, primary involvement of the ampulla of Vater is extremely rare. We report a case of carcinoid tumor of ampulla of Vater. A 62-year-old man presented with epigastric soreness. Gastroduodenal endoscopy showed hyperemic bulging mass on ampulla of Vater and diagnosed as carcinoid tumor by histologic finding, with immunohistochemical study. In ^(111)In-octreoscan, tumor had regional lymph node metastasis, but no evidence of distant metastasis. Pancreatoduodenectomy with lymph node dissection was performed.

      • 수입각증후군에 의한 급성 복증 1례

        정은욱,지삼룡,이영태,박지훈,김동기,제인수,채두근,박성재,박은택,이연재,이상혁,설상영,정정명 白中央醫療院 2005 仁濟醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        Afferent loop syndrome is an uncommon complication of a gastrectomy and Billroth Ⅱ reconstruction. It may cause symtoms at any time from the first postoperative day to many years after the gastrectomy. Afferent loop syndrome is characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting and elevation of serum amylase. Thus, it is difficult to differentiate afferent loop syndrome from other cause of acute pancreatitis. However, the history of gastrectomy can be an important clue for diagnosing afferent loop syndrome. We experienced one case of chronic afferent loop syndrome with acute pancreatitis. After appropriate management, the abdominal pain disappeared and serum amylase level decreased. We report this case with a review of relevant literatures.

      • 뇌실외 배액술 관리에 대한 이해 및 업무수행 실태

        김정숙,윤미선,송소이,이지은,문경선,고지운,임분남,김경희,박경숙 중앙대학교 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.2

        The objective of this study was to investigate the managing realities of EVD and provide a descriptive survey with the attempt to obtain basic data needed for the standardization of EVD management. For that purpose, 220 questionnaire copies were distributed to those nurses who were working with intensive care units at university hospitals, general hospitals, semi-general hospitals in Seoul, Kyongki-de and local areas. Of 158 returned questionnaire copies, 139 were used for analysis. Data were collected during the term of academic seminars of Neurosurgery Nursing Committee and KICA (Korea Intensive Care Association), ranging from Oct. 26 through 27. 2000. The tools utilized a structured questionnaire form consisting of 21 questions on general characteristics, the level of understanding, the level of work performance, standard management guidelines, etc. The data collected were analysed with frequency, percentage, mean vague, chi -square test using the SPSS 10.0 program Findings were revealed, as follows: For managing the prevention of EVD infection, aseptic technique was found to be of the most importance (48.9%),'the technique should be carried out at an operation room'(92.8%), but it was actually performed at intensive care units (over 51.5%). 'The term of antibiotics use should be less than 7 days' (81.8%), while it was actually executed for less than 7 days (49.5%). 'The proper time of quittance from it should be within less than 7 days'(74.1%) but actual quittance was executed only by 51.1%. 'Set exchange is needed' by 54.0% but actual exchange was implemented merely by 28.1%. 'The subject of management should be nurses' was reflected by 40% but actually 52.0% were carried out. As a result of hating analysed the understanding of the management of EVD by general characteristics, a significant difference was found in the necessity for set exchange by hospitals, in the time of quittance of a catheter, and in ablution items by work experience. The result of hating analysed the work performance levels of EVD management by general characteristics revealed that a significant difference in administration facilities of medicine by the classification of hospitals, especially the use of antibiotics and the quitting time of a catheter by the classification of intensive care units, and in the use of antibiotics and ablution items by the standard management guidelines.

      • 대학생의 스포츠 활동 참가유형에 따른 자아존중감 및 건강통제소재의 관계

        박주영,김지연,이준우,백승옥 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between self esteem and health locus of control in sports participation type of university students. The subjects of the study was selected by stratified cluster random sampling method from the sports participation located in Seoul ' Kyung-Ki area in universty students. Among them 400 students are contacted as sampies to be studied. 29 of them are not reviewed because of untimely response and doubted sincerity of their answers. The author used questions from Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale SES (10 Questions, 1965, translated, edited and standardized by Kim, gui-bong, Kim, young-soo, Kang, sung-gu, Park, joo-young, Kim, young-ho, 1999) and Wallston, Wallston and DeVellis Multidimentional health Locus of Control Scale (18 Questions, 1978) to analyze the sample with statistical calculations including descriptive statistics analysis, one-way ANOVA, multiple correlation analysis for the study. The study conclusions from this study summarized as follow: First, there were differences in university students sports participation type depending on their characteristics such as sex, height, and weight. Second, the sports participation type among university students has a significant difference on the self-esteem. Third, the sports participation type among universty students has a significant difference on the health locus of control(internal health locus of control). Forth, there is some relationships between mental-health and body-consciousness in sports participation type of university students.

      • 간세포암의 고주파 열치료 후 천자침 경로를 통한 전이 1례

        조영완,박석주,진한영,김준영,이재익,강명주,박정하,윤정희,박성재,지삼룡,이연재,이상혁,설상영 인제대학교 2006 仁濟醫學 Vol.27 No.-

        Radiofrequency ablation(RFA), as a form of minimally invasive therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma, has become an important treatment modality. Because of limitation of surgery, RFA has become standard therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma in some situations. But there are some complications of RFA such as bleeding, infection, hematoma, adjacent organ thermal damage including intestinal perforation, needle track seeding, and so on. There are few reports in the literature that systematically evaluate the incidence of needle tract seeding and its associated risk factors. And only 2 cases of needle tract seeding of hepatocellular carcinoma after RFA were reported in Korea. We report a case of needle tract seeding of hepatocellular carcinoma after RFA.

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